
ai 用adobe illustrator
ape 用foorbar2000
cdr 用coreldraw
cda 用cd播放软件
ceb 用方正公司Apabi Reader
caj,kdh 用cajviewer
doc,wpd,rtf 用word
DCP 用DcpReader
dxf,dwg 用autoacd
GB 用ReadBook或电子小说阅读器
html,htm,asp mht,asp,php 用ie
iso,cue,vcd .ccd .img .sub 用winiso浏览,deamon运行,用刻录软件刻录
jpg,bmp,gif,tif,wmf 用acdsee
mov 用quicktime
mp123,au,aiff等等 用winamp
mpeg,avi,wmv,wma,mpa,asf 用windows media player9.0
ppt,wpt,pps 用powerpoint
pdg 用超星浏览器
rar,zip等 用winrar
rm,smi,smil,ra,rmvb等等 用realplayer g2
swf 用flash MX player
SRM 用电子书库
txt 用记事本
wps 用金山wps
wdl 用华康浏览器
wab 用联系簿
xls,cvs 用excel
vip 用维普浏览器
vdx,vsd 用visio
看vcd推荐 用豪杰超级解霸3000
看dvd推荐 用PowerDVDex 4.0
NAN Nanoscope文件(Raw Grayscale)
NCB Microsoft Developer Studio文件
NCD Norton改变目录
NCF NetWare命令文件;Lotus Notes内部剪切板
NDO 3D 低多边形建模器,Nendo
netCDF 网络公用数据表单
NFF 中性文件格式
NFT NetObject Fusion模板文件
NIL Norton光标库文件(EasyIcons-兼容)
NIST NIST Sphere声音
NLB Oracle 7数据
NLM NetWare可装载模块
NLS 用于本地化的国家语言支持文件(例如,Uniscape)
NLU Norton Live Update e-mail 触发器文件
NOD NetObject Fusion文件
NSF Lotus Notes数据库
NSO NetObject Fusion文档文件
NST Noise Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件
NS2 Lotus Notes数据库(第二版)
NTF Lotus Notes数据库模板
NTX CA-Clipper索引文件
NWC Noteworthy Composer歌曲文件
NWS Microsoft Outlook Express新闻消息(MIME RFC822)
O01 台风声音文件
OBD Microsoft Office活页夹
OBJ 对象文件
OBZ Microsoft Office活页夹向导
OCX Microsoft对象链接与嵌入定制控件
ODS Microsoft Outlook Express邮箱文件
OFF 3D 网状物对象文件格式
OFN Microsoft Office FileNew文件
OFT Microsoft Outlook模板
OKT Oktalyzer音乐模块(MOD)文件
OOGL 面向对象图形库
OPL 组织者编程语言源文件——Psion/Symbian
OPO OPL输出可执行文件
OPT Microsoft Developer Studio文件
OPX OPL扩展DLL(动态链接库)
ORA Oracle 7 配置文件
ORC Oracle 7脚本文件
ORG Lotus Organizer 文件
OR2 Lotus Organizer 2 文件
OR3 Lotus Organizer 97 文件
OSS Microsoft Office查找文件
OST Microsoft Exchange / Outlook 离线文件
OTL Super NoteTab 模板文件
OUT C语言输出文件
P3 Primavera Project Planner(工程设计器)文件
P10 Tektronix Plot 10 绘图文件
P65 PageMaker 6.5文件
P7C Digital ID 文件(MIME)
PAB Microsoft个人地址簿
PAC SB Studio Ⅱ 包
PAK Quake WAD文件
PAL 压缩文件
PART Go!Zilla部分下载文件
PAS Pascal源代码
PAT DataCAD Hatch模式文件;CorelDRAW模式;高级Gravis Ultrasound / Forte 技术;碎片文件
PBD PowerBuilder动态库,作为本地DLL的一个替代物
PBF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle 银行文件
PBK Microsoft PhoneBook(电话簿)
PBL 用于在PowerBuilder开发环境中的PowerBuilder动态库
PBM 可导出位图
PBR PowerBuilder资源
PCD Kodak Photo-CD映像;P-Code编译器测试脚本,由Microsoft测试与Microsoft Visual测试
PCE Maps Eudora邮箱名字的DOS文件名
PCL Hewlett-Packard 打印机控制语言文件(打印机备用位图)
PCM 声音文件格式;OKI MSM6376 合成芯片 PCM格式
PCP Symantec Live Update Pro文件
PCT Macintosh PICT绘画文件
PCX Zsoft PC画笔位图
PDB 3Com PalmPilot数据库文件
PDD 可以用Paint Shop Pro或其他图像处理软件打开的图形图像
PDF Adobe Acrobat 可导出文档格式文件(可用Web浏览器显示);Microsoft系统管理服务器包定义文件;NetWare打印机定义文件
PDP Broderbund的Print Shop Deluxe文件
PDQ Patton&Patton Flowercharting PDQ Lite 文件
PDS 摄影图像文件(该文件格式的来源不清楚)
PF Aladdin系统对私人文件进行加密的文件
PFA 类型1字体(ASCⅡ)
PFB 类型1字体(二进制)
PFM 打印机字体尺度
PGD 良好隐私(Pretty Good Privacy,PGP)虚拟磁盘文件
PGL HP绘图仪绘图文件
PGM 可输出灰度图(位图)
PGP 用良好隐私(PGP)算法加密文件
PH 由Microsoft帮助文件编译器产生的临时文件
PHTML 包含有PHP脚本的HTML网页;由Perl分析解释的HTML
PIC PC画图位图;Lotus图片;Macintosh PICT绘图
PICT Macintosh PICT图形文件
PIF 程序信息文件;IBM PIF绘图文件
PIG LucasArts的Dark Forces WAD文件
PIN Epic Pinball数据文件
PIX 内置系统位图
PJ MKS源完整性文件
PJX,PJT Microsoft Visual FoxPro工程文件
PKG Microsoft Developer Studio应用程序扩展(与DLL文件类似)
PKR PGP的公用钥匙环
PL Perl程序
PLG 由REND386/AVRIL使用的文件格式
PLI Oracle 7数据描述
PLM Discorder Tracker2模块
PLS Disorder Tracker2抽样文件;MPEG PlayList文件(由WinAmp使用)
PLT HPGL绘图仪绘图文件;AutoCAD plot绘图文件;Gerber标志制作软件
PM5 Pagemaker 5.0文件
PM6 Pagemaker 6.0文件
PNG 可移植的网络图形位图;Paint Shop Pro浏览器目录
PNT,PNTG MacPaint图形文件
POG Descent2 PIG文件扩展
POL Windows NT策略文件
POP Visual dBASE上托文件
POT Microsoft Powerpoint模块
POV 视频射线跟踪器暂留
PP4 Picture Publisher 4位图
PPA Microsoft Powerpoint内插器
PPF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle程序文件
PPM 可移植的象素映射位图
PPP Parson Power Publisher;Serif PagePlus桌面出版缺省输出
PPS Microsoft Powerpoint幻灯片放映
PPT Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿
PQI PowerQuest驱动器图像文件
PRC 3COM PalmPiltt资源(文本或程序)文件
PRE Lotus Freelance演示文稿
PRF Windows系统文件,Macromedia导演设置文件
PRG dBASE Clipper和FoxPro程序源文件;WAVmaker程序
PRJ 3D Studio(DOS)工程文件
PRN 打印表格(用空格分隔的文本);DataCAD Windows打印机文件
PRP Oberson的Prospero数据转换产品保存的工程文件
PRS Harvard Graphics for Windows演示文件
PRT 打印格式化文件;Pro/ENGINEER元件文件
PRV PsiMail Internet提供者模板文件
PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics 97文件
PS Postscript格式化文件(PostScript打印机可读文件)
PSB Pinnacle Sound Bank
PSD Adobe photoshop位图文件
PSI PSION a-Law声音文件
PSM Protracker Studio模型格式;Epic游戏的源数据文件
PSP Paint Shop Pro图像文件
PST Microsoft Outlook个人文件夹文件
PTM Polytracker音乐模块(MOD)文件
PUB Ventura Publisher出版物;Microsoft Publisher文档
PWD Microsoft Pocket Word文档
PWL Windows 95口令列表文件
PWP Photoworks图像文件(能被Photoworks浏览的一系列文件)
PWZ Microsoft Powerpoint向导
PXL Microsoft Pocket Excel电子表格
PY 来自Yahoo的电子消息;Python脚本文件
PYC Python脚本文件
QAD PF QuickArt文档
QBW QuickBooks for Windows文件
QDT 来自Quicken UK的QuickBooks数据文件,帐目/税/货单程序
QD3D Apple的QuickDraw 3D元文件格式
QIC Microsoft备份文件
QIF QuickTime相关图像(MIME);Quicken导入文件
QLB Quick库
QM Quality Motion文件
QRY Microsoft查询文件
QST Quake Spy Tab文件
QT,QTM QuickTime电影
QTI,QTIF QuickTime相关图像
QTP QuickTime优先文件
QTS Mac PICT图像文件;QuickTime相关图像
QTX QuickTime相关图像
QW Symantec Q&A Write程序文件
QXD Quark XPress文件
R Pegasus邮件资源文件
RA RealAudio声音文件
RAM RealAudio元文件
RAR RAR压缩档案(Eugene Roshall格式)
RAS Sun光栅图像位图
RAW RAW文件格式(位图);Raw标识的PCM数据
RBH 由RoboHELP维持的RBH文件,它加入到一个帮助工程文件的信息中
RDF 资源描述框架文件(涉及XML和元数据)
RDL Descent注册水平文件
REC 录音机宏;RapidComm声音文件
REG 注册表文件
REP Visual dBASE报表文件
RES Microsoft Visual C++资源文件
RFT 可修订的表单文本(IBM的DCA一部分或文档内容框架结构一部分)
RGB,SGI Silicon图形RGB文件
RLE Run-Length编码的位图
RL2 Descent2注册水平文件
RM RealAudio视频文件
RMD Microsoft RegMaid文档
RMF Rich Map格式(3D游戏编辑器使用它来保存图)
RMI M1D1音乐
ROM 基于盒式磁带的家庭游戏仿真器文件(来自Atari 2600、Colecovision、Sega、Nintendo等盒式磁带里的ROM完全拷贝,在两个仿真器之间不可互修改)
ROV Rescue Rover数据文件
RPM RedHat包管理器包(用于Linux)
RPT Microsoft Visual Basic Crystal报表文件
RRS Ace game Road Rash保存的文件
RSL Borland的Paradox 7报表
RSM WinWay Resume Writer恢复文件
RTF Rich Text格式文档
RTK RoboHELP使用的用来模拟Windows帮助的搜索功能
RTM Real Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件
RTS RealAudio的RTSL文档;RoboHELP对复杂操作进行加速
RUL InstallShield使用的扩展名
RVP Microsoft Scan配置文件(MIME)
Rxx 多卷档案上的RAR压缩文件(xx= 1~99间的一个数字)
S 汇编源代码文件
S3I Scream Tracker v3设备
S3M Scream Tracker v3的声音模块文件
SAM Ami专业文档;8位抽样数据
SAV 游戏保存文件
SB 原始带符号字节(8位)数据
SBK Creative Labs的Soundfont 1.0 Bank文件;(Soundblaster)/EMU SonndFont v1.x Bank文件
SBL Shockwave Flash对象文件
SC2 Microsoft Schedule+7文件格式;SAS目录(Windows 95/NT、OS/2、Mac)
SC3 SimCity 3000保存的游戏文件
SCC Microsoft Source Safe文件
SCD Matrix/Imapro SCODL幻灯片图像;Microsoft Schedule +7
SCF Windows Explorer命令文件
SCH Microsoft Schedule+1
SCI ScanVec Inspire本地文件格式
SCN True Space 2场景文件
SCP 拨号网络脚本文件
SCR Windows屏幕保护;传真图像;脚本文件
SCT SAS目录(DOS);Scitex CT位图;Microsoft FoxPro表单
SCV ScanVec CASmate本地文件格式
SCX Microsoft FoxPro表单文件
SD Sound Designer 1声音文件
SD2 Sound Designer 2展平文件/数据分叉指令;SAS数据库(Windows 95/NT、OS/2、Mac)
SDF 系统数据文件格式—Legacy Unisys(Sperry)格式
SDK Roland S—系列软盘映像
SDL Smart Draw库文件
SDR Smart Draw绘图文件
SDS 原始Midi抽样转储标准文件
SDT SmartDraw模板
SDV 分号分隔的值文件
SDW Lotus WordPro图形文件;原始带符号的DWORD(32位)数据
SDX 由SDX压缩的Midi抽样转储标准文件
SEA 自解压档案(Stufflt for Macintosh或其他软件使用的文件)
SEP 标签图像文件格式(TIFF)位图
SES Cool Edit Session文件(普通数据声音编辑器文件)
SF IRCAM声音文件格式
SF2 Emu Soundfont v2.0文件;Creative Labs的Soundfont 2.0 Bank文件(Sound Blaster)
SFD SoundStage声音文件数据
SFI Sound Stage声音文件信息
SFR Sonic Foundry Sample资源
SFW Seattle电影工程(损坏的JPEG)
SFX RAR自解压档案
SGML 标准通用标签语言
SHB Corel Show演示文稿;文档快捷文件
SHG 热点位图
SHP 3D Studio(DOS)形状文件;被一些应用程序用于多部分交互三角形模型的3D建模
SHS Shell scrap文件;据载用于发送“口令盗窃者”
SHTML 含有服务器端包括(SSI)的HTML文件
SHW Corel Show演示文稿
SIG 符号文件
SIT Mac的StuffIt档案文件
SIZ Oracle 7配置文件
SKL Macromedia导演者资源文件
SL PACT的保存布局扩展名
SLB Autodesk Slide库文件格式
SLD Autodesk Slide文件格式
SLK Symbolic Link(SYLK)电子表格
SM3 DataCAD标志文件
SMP Samplevision格式;Ad Lib Gold抽样文件
SND NeXT声音;Mac声音资源;原始的未符号化的PCM数据;AKAI MPC系列抽样文件
SNDR Sounder声音文件
SNDT Sndtool声音文件
SOU SB Studio Ⅱ声音
SPD Speech数据文件
SPL Shockwave Flash对象;DigiTrakker抽样
SPRITE Acorn的位图格式
SQC 结构化查询语言(SQR)普通代码文件
SQL Informix SQL查询;通常被数据库产品用于SQL查询(脚本、文本、二进制)的文件扩展名
SQR 结构化查询语言(SQR)程序文件
SSF 可用的电子表格文件
ST Atari ST磁盘映像
STL Sterolithography文件
STM .shtml的短后缀形式,含有一个服务端包括(SSI)的HTML文件;Scream Tracker V2音乐模块(MOD)文件
STR 屏幕保护文件
STY Ventura Publisher风格表
SVX Amiga 8SVX声音;互交换文件格式,8SVX/16SV
SW 原始带符号字(16位)数据
SWA 在Macromedia导演文件(MP3文件)中的Shockwave声音文件
SWF Shockwave Flash对象
SWP DataCAD交换文件
SYS 系统文件
SYW Yamaha SY系列波形文件
T64 Commodore 64仿真器磁带映像文件
TAB Guitar表文件
TAR 磁带档案
TAZ UNIX gzip/tape档案
TBK Asymetrix Toolbook交互多媒体文件
TCL 用TCL/TK语言编写的脚本
TDB Thumbs Plus数据库
TDDD Imagine 和 Turbo Silver射线跟踪器使用的文件格式
TEX 正文文件
TGA Targa位图
TGZ UNIX gzip/tap档案文件
THEME Windows 95桌面主题文件
THN Graphics WorkShop for Windows速写
TIF,TIFF 标签图像文件格式(TIFF)位图
TIG 虎形文件,美国政府用于分发地图
TLE 两线元素集合(NASA)
TMP Windows临时文件
TOC Eudora邮箱内容表
TOL Kodak照片增强器
TOS Atari 16/32和32/32计算机操作系统文件
TPL CakeWalk声音模板文件;DataCAD模板文件
TPP Teleport Pro工程
TRK Kermit脚本文件
TRM 终端文件
TRN MKS源完整性工程用法日志文件
TTF TrueType字体文件
TTK Corel Catalyst Translaton Tool Kit
TWF TabWorks文件
TWW Tagwrite模板
TXB Descent/D2编码概要文件
TXT ASCⅡ文本格式的声音数据
TXW Yamaha TX16W波形文件
TZ 老的压缩格式文件
T2T Sonate CAD建模软件文件
UB 原始未符号化的字节(8位)数据
UDF Windows NT/2000唯一性数据库文件
UDW 原始未符号化的双字(32位)数据
ULAW 美国电话格式(CCITT G.711)声音
ULT Ultra Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件
UNI MikMod UniMod格式化文件
URL Internet快捷方式文件
USE MKS源完整性文件
UW 原始未符号化字(16位)数据
UWF UltraTracker波形文件
V8 Covox 8位声音文件
VAP 加注讲演文件
VBA VBase文件
VBP Microsoft Visual Basic工程文件
VBW Microsoft Visual Basic工作区文件
VBX Microsoft Visual Basic用户定制控件
VCE Natural MicroSystems(NMS)未格式化声音文件(由Cool Edit使用)
VCF 虚拟卡文件(Netscape);Veri配置文件;为与Sense8的WordToolkit一起使用而定义对象
VCT,VCX Microsoft FoxPro类库
VDA Targa位图
VI National Instruments LABView产品的虚拟设备文件
VIFF Khoros Visualisation格式
VIR Norton Anti-Virus或其他杀毒产品用于标识被病毒感染的文件
VIV VivoActive Player流视频文件
VIZ Division的dVS/dVISE文件
VLB CorelVentura库
VMF FaxWorks声音文件
VOC Creative Labs的Sound Blaster声音文件
VOX 用ADPCM编码的对话声音文件;Natural MicroSystems(NMS)格式化声音文件,Talking Technology声音文件
VP Ventura Publisher出版物
VQE,VQL Yamaha Sound-VQ定位器文件
VQF Yamaha Sound-VQ文件(可能出现标准)
VRF Oracle 7配置文件
VRML 虚拟现实建模语言文件
VSD Visio绘画文件(流程图或图解)
VSL 下载列表文件(GetRight)
VSN Windows 9x/NT Virusafe版文件,用于保持有关目录中所有信息,当一个文件被访问,其中信息与VSN信息进行比较,以确保它们保持一致
VSS Visio模板文件
VST Targa位图
VSW Visio工作区文件
VXD Microsoft Windows虚拟设备驱动程序
W3L W3Launch文件
WAB Microsoft Outlook文件
WAD 包含有视频、玩家水平和其他信息的DOOM游戏的大文件
WAL Quake 2正文文件
WAV Windows波形声形
WB1,WB2 QuattoPro for Windows电子表格
WBK Microsoft Word备份文件
WBL Argo WebLoadⅡ上载文件
WBR Crick Software的WordBar文件
WBT Crick Software的WordBar模板
WCM WordPerfect宏
WDB Microsoft Works数据库
WDG War FTP远程守护者文件
WEB CorelXARA Web文档
WFB Turtle Beach的Wavefont Bank(Maui/Rio/Monterey)
WFD Turtle Beach的Wavefont Drum集合(Maui/Rio/Monterey)
WFM Visual dBASE Windows表单
WFN 在CorelDRAW中使用的符号
WFP Turtle Beach的Wavefont程序(Maui/Ri/Monterey)
WGP Wild Board游戏数据文件
WID Ventura宽度表
WIL WinImage文件
WIZ Microsoft Word向导
WK1 Lotus 1-2-3版第1、2版的电子表格
WK3 Lotus 1-2-3版第3版的电子表格
WK4 Lotus 1-2-3版第4版的电子表格
WKS Lotus 1-2-3电子表格;Microsoft Works文档
WLF Argo WebLoadⅠ上载文件
WLL Microsoft Word内插器
WMF Windows元文件
WOW Grave Composer音乐模块(MOD)文件
WP WordPerfect文档
WP4 WordPerfect 4文档
WP5 WordPerfect 5文档
WP6 WordPerfect 6文档
WPD WordPerfect文档或演示
WPF 可字处理文档
WPG WordPerfect图形
WPS Microsoft Works文档
WPT WordPerfect模板
WPW Novell PerfectWorks文档
WQ1 Quattro Pro/DOS电子表格
WQ2 Quattro Pro/DOS第5版电子表格
WR1 Lotus Symphony
WRG ReGet文档
WR1 书写器文档
WRK Cakewalk音乐声音工程文件
WRL 虚拟现实模型
WS1 WordStar for Windows 1文档
WS2 WordStar for Windows 2文档
WS3 WordStar for Windows 3文档
WS4 WordStar for Windows 4文档
WS5 WordStar for Windows 5文档
WS6 WordStar for Windows 6文档
WS7 WordStar for Windows 7文档
WSD WordStar 2000文档
WVL Wavelet压缩位图
WWL Microsoft Word内插器文件
X AVS图像格式
XBM MIME“xbitmap”图像
XI Scream Tracker设备抽样文件
XIF Wang映像文件(Windows 95带有的文件)
XLA Microsoft Excel内插器
XLB Microsoft Excel工具条
XLC Microsoft Excel图表
XLD Microsoft Excel对话框
XLK Microsoft Excel备份
XLL Microsoft Excel内插器文件
XLM Microsoft Excel宏
XLS Microsoft Excel工作单
XLT Microsoft Excel模板
XLV Microsoft Excel VBA模块
XLW Microsoft Excel工作簿/工作区
XM FastTracker 2,Digital Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件
XNK Microsoft Exchange快捷方式文件
XPM X位图格式
XR1 Epic MegaGames Xargon数据文件
XTP Xtree数据文件
XWD X Windows转储格式
XWF Yamaha XG Works文件(MIDI序列)
XY3 XYWrite Ⅲ文档
XY4 XYWrite Ⅳ文档
XYP XYWrite Ⅲ Plus文档
XYW XYWrite for Windows 4.0文档
X16 宏媒体扩展(程序扩展),16位
X32 宏媒体扩展(程序扩展),32位
YAL Arts& Letters剪贴艺术库
YBK Microsoft Encarta 年鉴
Z UNIX gzip文件
ZAP Windows软件安装配置文件
ZIP Zip文件
ZOO 早前版本的压缩文件
000-999 用于为老版本(或备份)文件编号(比如:被安装程序改变的CONFIG.SYS文件);又可用于为小范围的PC应用程序的多个用户相关数据文件编号
12M Lotus 1-2-3 97 SmartMaster文件
123 Lotus 1-2-3 97文件
2D VersaCAD的2维绘画文件
2GR,3GR 在Windows之下的VGA图形驱动程序/配置文件
3D VersaCAD的3维绘画文件
3DM 3D NURBS建模器,Rhino
3DS 3D Studio(DOS下)格式文件
386 在386或更高级处理器上使用的文件
4GE Informix 4GL编译后代码
4GL Informix 4GL源代码
669 Composer 669;UNIX Composer音乐模型文件;669磁道模块
#01 及更高的号 为计算机演示而扫描的一系列电影的图片文件编号方法
$$$ OS/2用来跟踪档案文件
@@@ 用于安装过程中的屏幕文件和用于Microsoft Codeview for C这样的应用程序的指导文件 。

【论坛开学季】安全开启新学期           360论坛各个版区版主招募中

Are you ready?



22008-09-11 12:06
.$$$ Temporary File
.$$A OS/2
.$$F OS/2 Database
.$$P OS/2 Notes
.$$S OS/2 Spreadsheet
.$D$ OS/2 Planner
.$DB DBase Temp File
.$ED Temp Editor File
.$VM Virtual Managers Temp File
._DD Norton Disk Doctor Recovered File
.000 (000-999) Sequentially Numbered Backup Files
.075 Ventura Publisher 75dpi Screen Characters
.085 Ventura Publisher 85dpi Screen Characters
.091 Ventura Publisher 91dpi Screen Characters
.096 Ventura Publisher 96dpi Screen Characters
.0B PageMaker Printer Font LineDraw Characters
.12M Lotus Smartmaster File
.123 Lotus File
.15U PageMaker Printer Font
.1ST Information (e.g., README.1ST)
.286 Windows Standard Mode Driver
.2GR Windows EGA/VGA Screen Grabber
.301 Fax Data
.303 Seq-303 Settings
.323 H.323 Internet Telephony
.386 Windows Enhanced Mode Driver or Swap File
.3DM 3D Modeler File
.3DP Serif 3D Plus
.3DS 3D Studio Graphic
.3FX Corel Chart 3D Effect
.3GR Windows SVGA/XVGA Screen Grabber
.3IN MSN Setup Information
.4GE Informix 4GL Compiled Code
.4GL Informix 4GL Source
.4SW 4DOS Swap File
.4TH FORTH Program
.669 669 Tracker Module or Unis Composer Music File
.8 A86 Assembler Program File
.8BA Adobe PhotoDeluxe Plugin (also ends in E, F, I, X, & Y)
.8M PageMaker Math 8 Printer Font
.8U PageMaker Roman 8 Printer Font
.906 Calcomp Plotter File
.q Squeeze
.A UNIX Library or ADA Program
.A01 ARJ Multi-volume Compressed Archive (can be 01 to 99)
.A11 Graphic
.A3K Yamaha A3000 Sampler File
.A3M Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh File
.A3W Unpackaged Authorware Windows File
.A4M Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh File
.A4P Authorware File without runtime)
.A4W Unpackaged Authorware Windows File
.A5W Unpackaged Authorware Windows File
.A_T A-Train
.AAM Authorware Shocked File
.AAS Authorware Shocked Packet
.AB6 AB Stat Data
.AB8 AB Stat Data
.ABC Flowchart
.ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font
.ABK Corel Draw AutoBackup or Any Automatic Backup
.ABR Photoshop Brush
.ABS Abstracts
.ACA MS Agent Character File
.ACE The Ace Archiver Compressed File
.ACF MS Agent Character File
.ACG MS Agent Preview File
.ACL Corel Draw 6 Keyboard Accelerator
.ACM Audio Compression Manager Driver or Windows System File
.ACP MS Office Assistant Preview File
.ACR American College of Radiology File
.ACS MS Agent Character File
.ACT MS Office Actor Program File or FoxPro Action Diagram
.ACV OS/2 Audio Drivers
.AD AfterDark Screen Saver
.ADA ADA Program File
.ADB Ada Package Body or HP Organizer Appointment Database
.ADD Adapter Device Driver
.ADE MS Access Project Extension
.ADF Adapter Description File or Admin Config File or Amiga Disk File
.ADI AutoCAD Plotter File
.ADL MCA Adapter Description Library
.ADM After Dark Screen Saver Module
.ADN Add In Utility or MS Access Blank Project Template
.ADP FaxWorks Modem Setup File or Astound Dynamite File or MS Access Project
.ADR After Dark Random Screen Saver Module
.ADS ADA Package Specification
.ADX Approach Index File
.AF2 ABC Flowchart
.AF3 ABC Flowchart
.AFL Lotus Font
.AFM Outline Font Metric
.AFP Flowchart Symbol Palette
.AFT Flowchart Template
.AFW Flowchart Work Area
.AG4 Access G4 File
.AI Illustrator Vector Graphic
.AIF Knowledgeware Setup Information or Audio Interchange File
.AIM AOL Instant Messenger File
.AIO APL File Transfer Format
.AIR Align It! Resource File
.AIS Array of Intensity Samples (Graphic) or Velvet Studio Instruments or ACDSee Image Sequence File
.AKF Acrobat Key File
.AKW RoboHELP Help Project Index File
.ALB JASC Image Commander Album
.ALL Arts & Letters Symbols and Characters or WP Printer Info
.ALT WP Menu File
.AMS Extremes Tracker Module Format or Velvet Studio Module
.ANC Canon Computer Pattern Maker File
.ANI Animated Cursor
.ANL Project Analyzer Saved Analysis
.ANM Animation
.ANN Help Annotation
.ANS ANSI Graphic or MS Word Text and Layout
.ANT SimAnt for Windows Saved Game File
.APC Lotus Printer Driver Characters or Centura Team Developer Compiled
Application File
.APD Lotus Printer Driver or Centura Team Developer Dynamic Application Library File
.APF Lotus Printer Driver Fonts or Acrobat Profile File
.API Lotus Printer Driver Info or Application Program Interface
.APL Centura Team Developer Application Library File
.APP R:Base, Symphony, DR-DOS, FoxPro (or other) Application or Centura Team Developer Normal Mode Application File
.APR Lotus Approach 97 File
.APS MS Visual C++ File
.APT Centura Team Developer Text Mode Application File
.ARC Archive File or Compressed File
.ARI Aristotle Audio File
.ARJ Compressed Archive
.ART Clip Art File or Xara Studio Drawing or
Canon Crayola Art File or Another Ray Tracer Format or AOL Johnson-Grace Compressed File
.ASA MS Visual InterDev File or Active Server Document
.ASC ASCII Text File or PGP Armored Encrypted File
.ASD MS Word Automatic Backup or Lotus Screen Driver or MS Advanced Streaming Format Description File
.ASE Velvet Studio Sample
.ASF MS Active Streaming File or Statgraphics Data or Lotus Screen Font or APL*Plus/PC APL Shared File
.ASH Assembler Header
.ASI Assembler Include
.ASK askSam Data
.ASM Assembler Source Language
.ASO Assembler Object or Astound Dynamite Objects
.ASP Active Server Page or Procomm Plus ASPECT Program or Astound Presentation File
.ASR Automap Route
.AST Astound Multimedia File or Claris Works Assistant File
.ASV DataCAD Autosave File
.ASX Active Streaming File or Cheyenne Backup Script or MS Advanced Streaming Redirector File or Video File
.ATT AT&T Group 4 Bitmap (fax)
.AU Music File (various)
.AVB Inculan Anti-Virus Virus Infected File
.AVI Audio Video Interleave File
.AVR Audio Visual Research Sound File
.AVS Animation File or Application Visualization System Format
.AWD Faxviewer Document
.AXR Telsis Digital Audio File
.B1J BookJones
.B1S BookSmith
.B3D 3D Builder File
.B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts File
.B64 Base 64 MIME-encoded File
.BAC Backup
.BAD Rime Mailer Address File
.BAK Backup
.BAS BASIC Language Source or Basic Module
.BAT Batch Processing
.BBM Image File
.BCK Backup
.BDF West Point Bridge Designer File
.BFC Briefcase File
.BG Backgammon for Windows Game
.BGI Borland Graphic Interface
.BGL Flight Simulator Scenery File
.BI Binary File
.BIB Bibliography
.BIF GroupWise Initialization File
.BIG Chinese (old version)
.BIN Binary File
.BIT Bitmap Image
.BK Backup
.BK! Backup
.BK$ Backup
.BK1 Backup (Can be 1 to 9)
.BKI Backup Index
.BKP Backup
.BKS Bookshelf Backup or IBM BookManager Read Bookshelf
.BLD BASIC Bload Graphics
.BLK WP Temp File
.BLT Wordperfect for DOS File
.BM Graphic (bitmap)
.BM1 Apogee BioMenace Data File
.BMF Image File
.BMI Buzz Instrument
.BMK Help Bookmark
.BMP Windows OS/2 Bitmap Graphics
.BMW Buzz Music File with Waves
.BMX Buzz Music File
.BNK Adlib Instrument Bank or SimCity Game File
.BOO Image File or Book or Compressed Archive File
.BOX Notes Mailbox
.BPL Delphi Library
.BPT Bitmap Master File
.BQY BrioQuery File
.BRX Multimedia Browsing Index
.BS_ MS Bookshelf Find Menu Shell Extension
.BS1 Apogee Blake Stone Data File
.BSC Boyan Script or MS Developer Studio Browser File
.BSP Quake Map
.BSV BASIC Bsave Graphics
.BTM 4DOS Batch To Memory Batch File
.BTN ButtonWare File
.BUD Quicken Backup
.BUN CakeWalk Audio Bundle File
.BUP Backup
.BV1 Backup (Can be 1 to 9)
.BW SGI Black and White Image
.BYU Movie File
.C C Program File
.C00 Ventura Print File
.C01 Typhoon Wave File
.C86 C86 C Program
.CA7 Beta 44 Job File
.CAB Cabinet File (Microsoft installation archive)
.CAD Softdesk Drafix CAD File
.CAL SuperCalc Worksheet or Calendar File or CALS compressed bitmap
.CAM Casio Camera Graphic
.CAP Ventura Caption or Telix Session Capture or
Compressed Music File
.CAS Comma-delimited ASCII File
.CAT Catalog or Quicken IntelliCharge Categorization File
.CB MS Clean Boot File
.CBI IBM Mainframe Column Binary Formatted File
.CBL COBOL Program
.CBT Computer Based Training
.CC C++ Program File
.CCA CC:Mail File
.CCB Visual Basic Animated Button Configuration
.CCC Chat
.CCF OS/2 Multimedia Viewer Configuration File
.CCH Corel Chart
.CCM Lotus CC:Mail Mailbox
.CCO CyberChat Data File
.CCR Chat Room Shortcut
.CCT Macromedia Director Shockwave Cast
.CDA CD Audio Track
.CDB Turbo C Database
.CDF Comma Delimited Format or Cyberspace Description Format or MS Channel Definition Format
.CDI Phillips Compact Disk Interactive Format
.CDR Corel Vector Graphic or Raw Audio-CD Data
.CDT Corel Draw Template
.CDX Compound Index or Corel Draw Compressed Drawing or MS Visual Foxpro Index or Active Server Document
.CEG Continuous Edge Graphic
.CEL Autodesk Animator Graphic or CIMFast Event Language File
.CER Certificate File
.CEX The Currency Exchanger Rate File
.CFB Comptons Multimedia File
.CFG Configuration (various)
.CFL Corel Flow File
.CFM Corel FontMaster or Cold Fusion Template File
.CGA Ventura CGA Screen Characters
.CGI Common Gateway Interface Script
.CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
.CH Clipper Header or OS/2 Configuration File
.CH3 Harvard Chart
.CHI Chiwriter Document
.CHJ Help Composer Project
.CHM Compiled HTML Help
.CHP Ventura Publisher Chapter
.CHR Character or Font File
.CHT Cheat Machine Data File or ChartViewer File or Harvard Graphics Vector File
.CIF Ventura Chapter Information
.CIL Clip Gallery Download Package
.CIM Sim City 200 File
.CIN OS/2 Change Control File
.CIT Intergraph Scanned Image
.CK1 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 Data File
.CK2 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 Data File
.CK3 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 Data File
.CK4 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4 Data File
.CK5 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5 Data File
.CK6 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6 Data File
.CLL Crick Software Clicker File
.CLP Windows Clipboard or Picture
.CLR WinEdit Colorization Word List
.CLS Visual Basic Class Module
.CMD OS/2, WinNT Command File or COS CP/M Command File or dBase II Program File
.CMF Creative Music File or Corel Metafile
.CML Cheat Machine Library File (Windows) or PADGen Company Info File
.CMP Leadview Bitmap or Open Access File or Address Document
.CMV Corel Move Animation
.CMX Corel PhotoPaint Image or Corel Presentation Exchange Image or Apple Viewer File
.CNF Configuration (various) or SpeedDial
.CNM Windows Application Menu Options and Setup File
.CNQ Compuworks Design Shop File
.CNT Help File Contents (and other contents needs)
.CNV Data Conversion File or WP Temporary File
.COB COBOL Program File or Caligari Truespace Format or TrueSpace2 Object
.COD Code List or Compiler Program Code
.COD Multiplan Data File or dBase Template Source File
.COL Autodesk Color Palette or Multiplan Spreadsheet
.COM Command (Executable file)
.CON Knowledgeware Consolidation File
.CPD Fax Coversheet or Corel PrintOffice File
.CPE Fax Coversheet
.CPI Code Page Information or ColorLab Image
.CPL Control Panel Extension or Corel Color Palette
.CPO Corel Print House File
.CPP C++ Program
.CPR Corel Presents Presentation or Knowledge Access Graphics
.CPS Antivirus Checksum File
.CPT Macintosh Compressed File or Corel Photo-Paint Image
.CPX Control Panel Applet or CryptaPix Encrypted Image or Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed Drawing
.CRD Cardfile
.CRF Zortech C++ Cross-Reference File
.CRL Certificate Revocation List
.CRP Database or Corel Presents Run-Time Presentation
.CRT Certificate File
.CSC Corel Script
.CSK Claris Works
.CSM Borland C++ Symbol File
.CSP PC Emcee On-Screen Image
.CSQ Foxpro Queries
.CSS Hypertext Cascading Style Sheet
.CST Macromedia Director Cast File
.CSV Comma-Separated Variables
.CT Scitex CT Bitmap or Paint Shop Pro File
.CTF TIFF Compressed File or Symphony Character Code Translation
.CTL Setup Information or User Control
.CTX Compressed Text or User Control Binary File
.CTY SimCity City File
.CUE MS Cue Cards Data
.CUF Turbo C Utilities Form Definition
.CUL IconForge Cursor Library
.CUR Cursor
.CUT Dr. Halo Bitmap Graphic
.CV Corel Versions Archive or MS CodeView Information
.CV4 Codeview Colors
.CVP WinFax Cover Page
.CVT dBase Converted Database
.CVW Codeview Colors
.CWE Crossword Express
.CWK Claris Works Data
.CWS Claris Works Template
.CXT Macromedia Director Protected Cast File
.CXX Zortech C++ Program
.D Dialect Source Code File
.D3D CorelDream 3D File
.D8A AmBiz Productivity Pak Catalog
.DAT Data (multiple programs)
.DB Paradox Database
.DB2 dBase II File
.DBC MS Visual Foxpro Database Container
.DBF Database (multiple programs) [started as dBASE]
.DBT Database Text File [dBASE]
.DBX Database (multiple programs) or DataBeam Image or MS Visual Foxpro Table
.DC5 DataCAD Drawing File
.DCA Active Designer Cache or IBM Text File
.DCM DCM Module Format
.DCP Delphi Compiled Packages
.DCR Shockwave File
.DCS Quark Desktop Color Separation Specification
.DCT Dictionary (various) or MS Visual Foxpro Database Container
.DCU Delphi Compiled Unit
.DCX FAX Image or Bitmap Graphics or Macros or MS Visual Foxpro Database Container
.DD Macintosh Compressed Archive or Disk Doubler
.DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
.DDI DiskDupe Image or Disk Doubler Image
.DDP OS/2 Device Driver Profile File
.DEF Definitions or Defaults or SGML Tag Definition or SmartWare II Data File or C++ Definition
.DEL Data
.DEM Demonstration or USGS Map
.DEP Setup Wizard Dependency
.DER Certificate File
.DES Description or Text
.DEV Device Driver or Device Independent TeX or LaTeX File
.DFD File Flow Diagram Graphic
.DFM Delphi Forms or File Flow Diagram Model
.DFV Word Print Format Template
.DG Autotrol Graphics
.DGN Microstation95 CAD Drawing File or Intergraph Graphics
.DHP Dr. Halo PIC
.DIB Device-Independent Bitmap Graphic
.DIC Dictionary (various)
.DIF Data Interchange Format
.DIG Text Document or Digilink Format or Sound Designer Audio File
.DIR Procomm Plus Dialing Directory or Macromedia Director File
.DIS Corel Draw Thesaurus
.DIZ Data In Zip File (a text description file)
.DL Animations file
.DLD Lotus File
.DLG Dialog Resource Script or C++ Dialogue Script
.DLL Dynamic Link Library
.DLS Downloadable Sounds
.DMF Delusion/XTracker Digital Music File
.DMO Demo
.DMP Dump
.DMS Compressed Archive
.DNE Darn v5+ (Windows) Events List
.DOB User Document Form File
.DOC Document or Documentation (many programs/formats)
.DOS Text File or DOS Specification Info
.DOT Word Document Template or Corel Lines-Definition
.DOX Text File or MultiMate Document or User Document Binary Form File
.DPK Delphi Package File
.DPL Borland Delphi 3 Packed Library
.DPP Serif DrawPlus Drawing
.DPR Borland C++ (or Delphi) Default Project
.DPX Digital Moving Picture Exchange
.DQY MS Excel ODBC Query File
.DRN Darn for DOS
.DRS WordPerfect Driver Resource
.DRV Device Driver
.DRW Draw or Drawing or Micrografix Vector Graphic
.DS4 Designer Graphics (ver 4)
.DSF Micrografx Designer or Delusion/XTracker Digital Sample
.DSG Doom Saved Game
.DSK Delphi Desktop
.DSM Delphi Symbol File or Digital Sound Module Tracker Format or Dynamic Studio Music Module
.DSN ODBC Data Source
.DSP Dr. Halo Graphic Screen Driver or MS Developer Studio Project
.DSQ Corel QUERY File
.DSR WP Driver or Active Designer File
.DST Embroidery Machines Graphics File
.DSW MS Developer Studio Workspace
.DSX Active Designer Binary File
.DTA Data (Several programs may use this one)
.DTD SGML Document Definition File
.DTF Q&A Database
.DTM DigiTrekker Module
.DTP SecurDesk! Desktop
.DUN Dial-Up Network
.DV DESQview Script or Digital Video File
.DVC Lotus File
.DVI Device Independent Document
.DVP DESQview Program Information or AutoCAD Device Parameter
.DVR Device Driver
.DWC Compressed Archive
.DWD DiamondWare Digitized File
.DWG Auto
.#24 printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer (LocoScript)
.#ib printer data file (LocoScript)
.#sc printer data file (LocoScript)
.#st standard mode printer definitions (LocoScript)
.$$$ temporary file
.ฐ pipe file (DOS)
.$db temporary file (dBASE IV)
.$ed editor temporary file (MS C)
.$o1 pipe file (DOS)
.$vm virtual manager temporary file (Windows 3.x)
.000 compressed harddisk data (DoubleSpace)
.001 fax (many)
.075 75x75 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.085 85x85 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.091 91x91 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.096 96x96 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.0b printer font with lineDraw extended character set (PageMaker)
.1 roff/nroff/troff/groff source for manual page (cawf2.zip)
.15u printer font with PI font set (PageMaker)
.1st usually README.1ST text
.301 fax (Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96))
.386 Intel 80386 processor driver (Windows 3.x)
.3ds graphics (3D Studio)
.3fx effect (CorelChart)
.3gr ----- data file (Windows Video Grabber)
.4c$ datafile (4Cast/2)
.4sw 4DOS Swap File
.4th FORTH source code file (ForthCMP - LMI Forth)
.669 music (8 channels) (The 669 Composer)
.6cm music (6 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker)
.8 A86 assembler source code file
.8cm music (8 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker)
.8m printer font with Math 8 extended character set (PageMaker)
.8u printer font with Roman 8 extended character set (PageMaker)
.a ADA source code file
.a library (unix)
.a11 graphics AIIM image file
.ab6 datafile (ABStat)
.ab8 datafile (ABStat)
.abk automatic backup file (CorelDRAW)
.abs abstracts (info file)
.abs data file (Abscissa)
.aca project (Project Manager Workbench)
.acb graphics (ACM
.acc program (DR-DOS - ViewMax) (GEM / resident)
.act ACTOR source code file
.act FoxDoc Action Diagrams (FoxPro)
.act presentation (Action!)
.ad screen saver data (AfterDark)
.ada ADA source code file
.adb Ada Package Body
.adc bitmap graphics (16 colors) (Scanstudio)
.adi graphics (AutoCAD)
.adl MCA adapter description library (QEMM)
.adn add-in (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ads Ada Package Specification
.adt datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
.adt fax (AdTech)
.adx document (Archetype Designer)
.af2 flowchart (ABC FlowCharter 2.0)
.afi Truevision bitmap graphics
.afl font file (for Allways) (Lotus 1-2-3)
.afm Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer (ATM - many)
.afm datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
.ai vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator)
.aio APL file transfer format file
.ais Array of Intensity Samples graphics (Xerox)
.aix datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
.all ----- (Arts & Letters) symbol and font files
.all format file for working pages (Always)
.all general printer information (WordPerfect for Win)
.alt menu file (WordPerfect Library)
.amf music (Advanced Module Format)
.amg system image file (Actor)
.ani animation (Presidio - many)
.anm animation (Deluxe Paint Animator)
.ann Help Annotations (Windows 3.x)
.ans ANSI graphics (character animation)
.ans ASCII text ANSI character set (NewWave Write)
.ap compressed Amiga file archive created by WHAP
.ap datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)
.apc ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver
.apd ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver
.apf ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver
.api ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver
.api passed parameter file (1st Reader)
.apl APL work space format file
.app add-in application file (Symphony)
.app application object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.app executable application file (DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari)
.app generated application (FoxPro)
.apr employee performance review (Employee Appraiser)
.arc compressed file archive created by ARC (arc602.exe/pk361.exe)
.arc compressed file archive created by SQUASH (squash.arc)
.arf Automatic Response File
.arj compressed file archive created by ARJ (arj241.exe)
.ark ARC file archive created by CP/M port of ARC file archiver
.arr Arrangement (Atari Cubase)
.art graphics (scrapbook) (Art Import)
.art raster graphics (First Publisher)
.asc ASCII text file
.asd ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) screen driver
.asd autosave file (Word for Windows)
.asd presentation (Astound)
.asf ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) screen font
.asf datafile (STATGRAPHICS)
.ash assembly language header file (TASM 3.0)
.asi assembler include file (Turbo C - Borland C++)
.asm ASSEMBLY source code file
.aso assembler object (object orientated) file (Turbo Assembler)
.asp ASPECT source code file (Procomm Plus)
.asp Association of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice
.at2 auto template (Aldus Persuasion 2.0)
.atm Adobe Type Manager data/info
.au sound (audio) file (SUN Microsystems)
.aux Auxillary references (TeX/LaTeX)
.aux auxiliary dictionary (ChiWriter)
.ava publication (Avagio)
.avi Audio Video Interleaved animation file (Video for Windows)
.aw text file (HP AdvanceWrite)
.awk AWK script/program
.awm movie (Animation Works)
.aws ----- (STATGRAPHICS)
.b batch list (APPLAUSE)
.b&w black and white graphics (atari - mac)
.b&w mono binary screen image (1st Reader)
.b1n both mono and color binary screen image (1st Reader)
.b30 printer font (JLaser - Cordata) (Ventura Publisher)
.b8 raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane two (PicLab)
.b_w black and white graphics (atari - mac)
.bak backup file
.bal music score (Ballade)
.bar horizontal bar menu object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.bas BASIC source code file
.bat batch file (DOS)
.bb database backup (Papyrus)
.bbl Bibliographic reference (TeX/BibTeX)
.bbm brush (Deluxe Paint)
.bbs Bulletin Board System announce or text info file
.bch batch process object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.bch datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)
.bco outline font description (Bitstream)
.bcp Borland C++ makefile
.bdf Bitmap Distribution Format font file (X11)
.bdf datafile (Egret)
.bdr border (MS Publisher)
.bez outline font description (Bitstream)
.bf2 Bradford 2 font
.bfm font metrics (unix/Frame)
.bfx fax (BitFax)
.bga bitmap graphics
.bgi Borland Graphics Interface device driver (Turbo C - Turbo Pascal)
.bib bibliography (ASCII)
.bib database - not compatible with TeX format (Papyrus)
.bib literature database (TeX/BibTeX)
.bif Binary Image Format b&w graphics (Image Capture board)
.bin binary file
.bio OS2 BIOS
.bit bitmap X11
.bk faxbook (JetFax)
.bk! document backup (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk1 timed backup file for document window 1 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk2 timed backup file for document window 2 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk3 timed backup file for document window 3 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk4 timed backup file for document window 4 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk5 timed backup file for document window 5 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk6 timed backup file for document window 6 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk7 timed backup file for document window 7 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk8 timed backup file for document window 8 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk9 timed backup file for document window 9 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bkp backup file (Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner)
.bkw mirror image of font set (FontEdit)
.bld BLoaDable picture (BASIC)
.blk temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
.bm BitMap graphics
.bmk Help Bookmarks (Windows 3.x)
.bmp BitMaP graphics (PC Paintbrush - many)
.bnk Adlib instrument bank file
.boo compressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc)
.bpc chart (Business Plan Toolkit)
.bpt bitmap fills file (CorelDRAW)
.br script (Bridge)
.brd Eagle Layout File
.brk fax (Brooktrout Fax-Mail)
.bsc compressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCII
.bsc database (Source Browser)
.bsc pwbrmake object file (MS Fortran)
.btm Batch To Memory batch file (4DOS)
.bup backup file
.but button definitions (Buttons!)
.buy datafile format (movie)
.bv1 overflow file below insert point in Doc 1 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv2 overflow file below insert point in Doc 2 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv3 overflow file below insert point in Doc 3 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv4 overflow file below inset point in Doc 4 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv5 overflow file below insert point in Doc 5 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv6 overflow file below insert point in Doc 6 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv7 overflow file below insert point in Doc 7 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv8 overflow file below insert point in Doc 8 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bv9 overflow file below insert point in Doc 9 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bwb spreadsheet application (Visual Baler)
.bwr beware (buglist) (Kermit)
.c C source code file
.c compressed unix file archive created by COMPACT
.c++ C++ source code file
.c-- source code (Sphinx C--)
.c00 print file (Ventura Publisher)
.c86 C source code file (Computer Innovation C86)
.ca initial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet)
.cac dBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat)
.cad document (Drafix Windows CAD)
.cal calendar file (Windows 3.x)
.cal spreatsheet (SuperCalc)
.can fax (Navigator Fax)
.cap caption (Ventura Publisher)
.cap session capture file (Telix)
.cat catalog (dBASE IV)
.cbc fuzzy logic system (CubiCalc)
.cbl COBOL source code file
.cbm compiled bitmap graphics (XLib)
.cbt Computer Based Training (many)
.cc C++ source code file
.ccc bitmap graphics (native format) (Curtain Call)
.ccf communications configuration file (Symphony)
.cch chart (CorelChart)
.ccl Communication Command Language file (Intalk)
.cco BTX Graphics file (XBTX)
.cdb card database (CardScan)
.cdb main database (TCU Turbo C Utilities)
.cdf graphics (netcdf)
.cdk document (Atari Calamus)
.cdr vector graphics (CorelDRAW native format)
.cdt ----- (CorelDraw 4.0)
.cdx compound index (FoxPro)
.ce main.ce (The FarSide Computer Calendar)
.ceg bitmap graphics (Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics)
.cel graphics (Autodesk Animator - Lumena)
.cf configuration file (imake)
.cfg configuration
.cfl chart (CorelFLOW)
.cfn font data (Atari Calamus)
.cfo C Form Object internal format object file (TCU Turbo C Utilities)
.cfp fax (The Complete Fax Portable)
.cga CGA display font (Ventura Publisher)
.cgm Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphics (A&L - HG - many)
.ch header file (Clipper 5)
.ch3 chart (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.ch4 presentation (Charisma 4.0)
.chd font descriptor (FontChameleon)
.chi document (ChiWriter)
.chk recovered data (DOS CHKDSK)
.chk temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
.chn ----- (Ethnograph 3)
.chp chapter file (Ventura Publisher)
.chr character set (Turbo C - Turbo Pascal)
.cht chart (Harvard Graphics 2.0 - SoftCraft Presenter)
.cht interface file for ChartMaster (dBASE)
.cif Caltech Intermediate Format graphics
.cif chapter information (Ventura Publisher)
.cix database index (TCU Turbo C Utilities)
.cl COMMON LISP source code file
.clp clip art graphics (Quattro Pro)
.clp clipboard file (Windows 3.x)
.clp compiler script file (clip list) (Clipper 5)
.clr color binary screen image (1st Reader)
.clr color definitions (Photostyler)
.cls C++ class definition file
.cm data file (CraftMan)
.cmd batch file (OS/2)
.cmd command (dBASE - Waffle)
.cmd external command menu (1st Reader)
.cmf FM-music file (Creative Music File)
.cmk card (Card Shop Plus)
.cmm CMM script (batch) file (CEnvi)
.cmp header file for PostScript printer files (CorelDRAW)
.cmp user dictionary (MS Word for DOS)
.cmv animation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0)
.cnc CNC general program data
.cnf configuration (program - printer setup)
.cnv data conversion support file (Word for Windows)
.cnv temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
.cob COBOL source code file
.cod datafile (Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold)
.cod program compiled code (FORTRAN)
.cod template source file (dBASE Application Generator)
.cod videotext file
.col color palette (Autodesk Animator - many)
.col spreadsheet (MS Multiplan)
.com command (memory image of executable program) (DOS)
.con configuration file (Simdir)
.cpd script (Complaints Desk)
.cpf fax (The Complete Fax)
.cpi Code Page Information file (DOS)
.cpi ColorLab Processed Image bitmap graphics
.cpl control panel file (Windows 3.x)
.cpl presentation (Compel)
.cpp C++ source code file
.cpp presentation (CA-Cricket Presents)
.cps ----- backup of startup files by QEMM () autoexec.cps
.cpt compressed Mac file archive created by COMPACT PRO (ext-pc.zip)
.cpt encrypted memo file (dBASE)
.cpt template (CA-Cricket Presents)
.cpz music text file (COMPOZ)
.crd cardfile (Windows 3.x - YourWay)
.crf cross-reference (MS MASM - Zortech C++)
.crp encrypted database (dBASE IV)
.crs file Conversion Resource (WordPerfect 5.1)
.csg graph (Statistica/w)
.csp PC Emcee Screen Image file (Computer Support Corporation)
.css datafile (CSS - Stats+)
.css datasheet (Statistica/w)
.csv Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII)
.csv adjusted EGA/VGA palette (CompuShow)
.ctc control file (PC Installer)
.ctf character code translation file (Symphony)
.ctl control file (dBASE IV - Aldus Setup)
.ctx Course TeXt file (Microsoft online guides)
.ctx ciphertext file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)
.cuf C Utilities Form definition (TCU Turbo C Utilities)
.cur cursor image file (Windows 3.x)
.cut bitmap graphics (Dr. Halo)
.cv4 color file (CodeView)
.cvp cover page (WinFax)
.cvs graphics (Canvas)
.cvt backup file for CONVERTed database file (dBASE IV)
.cvw color file (CodeView)
.cxx C++ source code file (Zortech C++)
.dat data file in special format or ASCII
.db configuration (dBASE IV - dBFast)
.db database (Paradox - Smartware)
.db$ temperature debug info (Clarion Modula-2)
.db$ temporary file (dBASE)
.db2 database (dBASE II)
.db3 database (dBASE III)
.dba datafile (DataEase)
.dbd business data (Business Insight)
.dbd debug info (Clarion Modula-2)
.dbf database file (dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss)
.dbg symbolic debugging information (MS C/C++)
.dbk database backup (dBASE IV)
.dbm datafile (DataEase)
.dbm menu template (DataBoss)
.dbo compiled program (dBASE IV)
.dbs database in SQL Windows format
.dbs datafile (PRODAS)
.dbs printer description file (Word - Works)
.dbt FoxBASE+ style memo (FoxPro)
.dbt memo file for database w/same name (dBASE IV - dBFast)
.dbw windows file (DataBoss)
.dca Document Content Architecture text file (IBM DisplayWrite)
.dcf disk image file
.dcp Data CodePage (OS/2)
.dcs bitmap graphics (CYMK format) (QuarkXPress)
.dcs datafile (ACT! Activity Files)
.dct database dictionary (Clarion Database Developer)
.dct spell checking dictionary (Harvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony)
.dcx multi-page PCX graphics (common fax format - Intel - SpectraFAX)
.dd compressed Macintosh file archive created by DISKDOUBLER
.ddi DiskDupe Image file (ddupe322.zip)
.ddp Device Driver Profile file (OS/2)
.deb DEBUG script (DOS Debug)
.def defaults - definitions
.dem demonstration
.dem graphics (VistaPro)
.dev device driver
.dfd Data Flow Diagram graphic (Prosa)
.dfi outline font description (Digifont)
.dfl default program settings (Signature)
.dfm Data Flow Diagram model file (Prosa)
.dfs Delight Sound File
.dfv printing form (Word)
.dgn graphics (MicroStation)
.dgs diagnostics
.dhp Dr. Halo PIC Format graphics (Dr. Halo II - III)
.dht datafile (Gauss)
.dia Diagraph graphics (Computer Support Corporation)
.dib Device-Independent Bitmap graphics
.dic dictionary
.dif database (VisiCalc)
.dif output from Diff command - script for Patch command
.dif text file (Data Interchange Format)
.dip graphics
.dir dialing directory file (Procomm Plus)
.dir directory file (VAX)
.dir movie (MacroMind Director 4.x)
.dis distribution file (VAX Mail)
.dis thesaurus (CorelDraw)
.diz description file (Description In Zip)
.dkb raytraced graphics (DKBTrace)
.dl animation (Italian origin)
.dld ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)
.dlg dialog resource script file (MS Windows SDK)
.dll Dynamic Link Library (Windows 3.x - OS/2)
.dll export/import filter (CorelDRAW)
.dls setup (Norton Disklock)
.dmo ----- demo - (Derive)
.dmp dump file (eg. screen or memory)
.dms compressed Amiga file archive created by DISKMASHER
.doc document text file
.dog screen file (Laughing Dog Screen Maker)
.dos external ommand file (1st Reader)
.dos network driver (eg. pkt_dis.dos)
.dos text file containing DOS specific info
.dot line-type definition file (CorelDRAW)
.dot template (Word for Windows)
.dox text file (MultiMate 4.0)
.dp calendar file (Daily Planner)
.dp data file (DataPhile)
.dpr default project- and state-related information (Borland C++)
.drs Display Resource (WordPerfect for Win)
.drv device driver eg. for printer
.drw vector graphics (Micrografx Designer)
.ds4 vector graphics (Micrografx Designer 4.0)
.dsd database (DataShaper)
.dsk project desktop file (Borland C++ - Turbo Pascal)
.dsm digital sound module (DSI)
.dsn design (Object System Designer)
.dsp display parameters (Signature)
.dsp graphics display driver (Dr.Halo)
.dsr Driver Resource (WordPerfect for Win)
.dss screensaver file (DCC)
.dss sound (Digital Soup)
.dt_ data fork of a Macintosh file (Mac-ette)
.dta data file (Turbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata)
.dtf database file (PFS - Q&A)
.dtp document (Timeworks Publisher3)
.dtp publication (Publish-It!)
.dvc ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)
.dvi DeVice Independent document (TeX)
.dvp DESQview Program Information file (DESQview)
.dvp device parameter file (AutoCAD)
.dw2 drawing (DesignCAD for windows)
.dwc compressed file archive created by DWC (dwc-a501.exe)
.dwg drawing (Drafix)
.dwg drawing database (AutoCAD)
.dx text file (DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus)
.dxf Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics (AutoCAD)
.dxn fax (Fujitsu dexNET)
.dyn ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)
.edt default settings (VAX Edt editor)
.eeb button bar for Equation Editor (WordPerfect for Win)
.eft high resolution screen font (ChiWriter)
.efx fax (Everex EFax)
.ega EGA display font (Ventura Publisher)
.el ELISP source code file (Emacs lisp)
.elc compiled ELISP code (Emacs lisp)
.elt event list text file (Prosa)
.emf enchanced Metafile graphics
.emu terminal emulation data (BITCOM)
.enc encoded file - UUENCODEd file (Lotus 1-2-3 - uuexe515.exe)
.enc music (Encore)
.end arrow-head definition file (CorelDRAW)
.eng dictionary engine (Sprint)
.eng graphics (charting) (EnerGraphics)
.env Enveloper macro (WOPR)
.env environment file (WordPerfect for Win)
.epd publication (Express Publisher)
.epi document (Express Publisher)
.eps Encapsulated PostScript vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator)
.eps printer font (Epson - Xerox...) (Ventura Publisher)
.eqn equation (WordPerfect for Win)
.erd Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file (Prosa)
.erm Entity Relationship Diagram model file (Prosa)
.err error log
.err error messages for command line compilers
.esh Extended Shell batch file
.eth document (Ethnograph 3)
.etx Structure Enhanced (setext) text
.evy document (WordPerfect Envoy)
.ewd document (Express Publisher for Windows)
.ex3 device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.exc REXX source code file (VM/CMS)
.exc exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM)
.exe directly executable program (DOS)
.exm MSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator)
.ext extension file (Norton Commander)
.ezf fax (Calculus EZ-Fax)
.f FORTRAN source code file
.f compressed file archive created by FREEZE
.f01 fax (perfectfax)
.f06 DOS screen text font - height 6 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f07 DOS screen text font - height 7 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f08 DOS screen text font - height 8 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f09 DOS screen text font - height 9 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f10 DOS screen text font - height 10 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f11 DOS screen text font - height 11 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f12 DOS screen text font - height 12 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f13 DOS screen text font - height 13 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f14 DOS screen text font - height 14 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f16 DOS screen text font - height 16 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f2r linear module (music) (Farandole)
.f3r blocked module (music) (Farandole)
.f77 FORTRAN 77 source code file
.f96 fax (Frecom FAX96)
.fac FACE graphics
.faq Frequently Asked Questions text file
.far music
.fax fax (raster graphics) (most Fax programs)
.fc spell checking dictionary (Harvard Graphics 2.0)
.fd declaration file (MS Fortran)
.fd field offsets for compiler (DataFlex)
.fdw form (F3 Design and Mapping)
.feb button bar for Figure Editor (WordPerfect for Win)
.ff outline font description (Agfa Compugraphics)
.fff fax (defFax)
.fft DCA/FFT Final Form Text text file (DisplayWrite)
.fh3 vector graphics (Aldus FreeHand 3.x)
.fh4 vector graphics (Aldus FreeHand 4.x)
.fi interface file (MS Fortran)
.fif Fractal Image Format file
.fil file template (Application Generator)
.fil files list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.fil overlay (WordPerfect)
.fin print-formatted text file (Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE)
.fit FITS graphics
.fix patch file
.fky macro file (FoxPro)
.flb format library (Papyrus)
.flc animation (Autodesk Animator)
.fld folder (Charisma)
.fli TeX font library (EmTeX)
.fli animation (Autodesk Animator)
.flm Film Roll (AutoCAD/AutoShade)
.flt filter file (Micrografx Picture Publisher)
.flt support file (Asymetrix ToolBook) - graphics filter
.flx compiled binary (DataFlex)
.fm spreatsheet (FileMaker Pro)
.fm1 spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x)
.fm3 device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.fm3 spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x)
.fmb File Manager Button bar (WordPerfect for Win)
.fmk makefile (Fortran PowerStation)
.fmo compiled format file (dBASE IV)
.fmt format file (dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast)
.fmt style sheet (Sprint)
.fn3 font file (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.fnt font file (many)
.fnx inactive font (Exact)
.fo1 font file (Borland Turbo C)
.fo2 font file (Borland Turbo C)
.fol folder of saved messages (1st Reader)
.fon dialing directory file (Telix)
.fon font file (many - Windows 3.x font library)
.fon log of all calls (Procomm Plus)
.for FORTRAN source code file
.for form (WindowBase)
.fot installed Truetype font (Windows Font Installer)
.fp configuration file (FoxPro)
.fpc catalog (FoxPro)
.fpt memo (FoxPro)
.fpw floorplan drawing (FloorPLAN plus for Windows)
.fr3 renamed dBASE III+ form file (dBASE IV)
.frf font (FontMonger)
.frg uncompiled report file (dBASE IV)
.frm form (Visual Basic)
.frm report file (dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast)
.frm text (order form)
.fro compiled report file (dBASE IV)
.frp form (PerForm PRO Plus - FormFlow)
.frs Screen Font Resource (WordPerfect for Win)
.frt report memo (FoxPro)
.frx report (FoxPro)
.fsl form (Paradox for Windows)
.fsm Farandoyle Sample format music
.fst linkable program (dBFast)
.fsx ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ftm font file (Micrografx)
.ftp configuration (FTP Software PC/TCP)
.fw database (FrameWork)
.fw2 database (Framework II)
.fw3 database (Framework III)
.fx on-line guide (FastLynx)
.fxd phonebook (FAXit)
.fxp compiled format (FoxPro)
.fxs FAX Transmit Format graphics (WinFax)
.g data chart (APPLAUSE)
.g8 raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane three (PicLab)
.gam fax (GammaFax)
.gbl global definitions (VAXTPU editor)
.gc1 LISP source code (Golden Common Lisp 1.1)
.gc3 LISP source code (Golden Common Lisp 3.1)
.gcd graphics
.gdf dictionary file (GEOS)
.ged EDITORs native file format (Arts & Letters)
.ged graphics editor file (EnerGraphics)
.gem vector graphics (GEM - Ventura Publisher)
.gen compiled template (dBASE Application Generator)
.gen generated text (Ventura Publisher)
.geo GEOS specific file (application) (GeoWorks)
.gfb compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST (gifblast.exe)
.gft font (NeoPaint)
.gib chart (Graph-in-the-Box)
.gif Graphics Interchange Format bitmap graphics (CompuShow)
.giw presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows)
.gl animation (GRASP GRAphical System for Presentation)
.glm datafile (Glim)
.gls datafile (Across)
.gly glossary (MS Word)
.gmf CGM graphics (APPLAUSE)
.gmp geomorph tile map (SPX)
.gph graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
.gr2 screen driver (Windows 3.x)
.gra datafile (SigmaPlot)
.grb MS-DOS Shell Monitor file (MS-DOS 5)
.grf graph file (Graph Plus - Charisma)
.grp group file (Windows 3.x - Papyrus)
.grp pictures group (PixBase)
.gry raw GREY graphics
.gs1 presentation (GraphShow)
.gsd vector graphics (Professional Draw)
.gsw worksheet (GraphShow)
.gup ----- (PopMail)
.gxl GX library (Genus)
.gz compressed file archive created by GZIP (GNU zip)
.h header file
.h! on-line help file (Flambeaux Help! Display Engine)
.h++ header file (C++)
.h-- header file (Sphinx C--)
.ha compressed file archive created by HA (ha098.zip)
.hap compressed file archive created by HAP (hap_pah3.zip)
.hbk handbook (Mathcad)
.hdf Hierarchical Data File graphics (SDSC Image Tools)
.hdf help file (Help Development Kit)
.hdl alternate download file listing (Procomm Plus)
.hdr PC-File+ Database header
.hdr datafile (Egret)
.hdr message header text (Procomm Plus - 1st Reader)
.hdw vector graphics (Harvard Draw)
.hdx help index (AutoCAD - Zortech C++)
.hex hex dump
.hfi HP Font Info file (GEM)
.hgl HP Graphics Language graphics
.hh C++ header file
.hhh precompiled header file (Power C)
.hhp help information for remote users (Procomm Plus)
.hin molecule (HyperChem)
.hlb help library (VAX)
.hlp help information
.hmm alternate Mail Read option menu (Procomm Plus)
.hnc CNC program files Heidenhain () dialog
.hof Hall Of Fame (game scores)
.hp8 ASCII text HP Roman8 character set (NewWave Write)
.hpf HP LaserJet fonts (PageMaker)
.hpg HPGL plotter file vector graphics (AutoCad - Harvard Graphics)
.hpi font information file (GEM)
.hpj help project (MS Help Compiler for Windows)
.hpk compressed file archive created by HPACK (hpack75.zip)
.hpm EMM text (HP NewWave)
.hpm alternate Main menu for privileged users (Procomm Plus)
.hpp C++ header file (Zortech C++)
.hqx compressed Macintosh ASCII archive created by BINHEX (xbin23.zip)
.hrf graphics (Hitachi Raster Format)
.hrm alternate Main menu for limited/normal users (Procomm Plus)
.hs2 monochrome image (Postering)
.hsi Handmade Software Inc. graphics - almost JPEG (Image Alchemy)
.hst history file (Procomm Plus)
.htm HTML document (Mosaic)
.htx Hypertext file
.hwd presentation (Hollywood)
.hxm alternate Protocol Selection menu for all users (Procomm Plus)
.hxx C++ header file
.hy1 hyphenation algorithms (Ventura Publisher)
.hy2 hyphenation algorithms (Ventura Publisher)
.hyc ----- (WordPerfect)
.hyd hyphenation dictionary (WordPerfect for Win)
.hyp compressed file archive created by HYPER (hyper25.zip)
.iax bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive)
.ibm compressed file archive created by ARCHDOS (Internal IBM only)
.icn ICON source code file
.ico icon (Windows 3.x)
.id disk identification file
.idw vector graphics (IntelliDraw)
.idx index (many - FoxPro)
.ifd form (JetForm Design)
.iff Interchange File Format bitmap graphics/sound (Amiga)
.iff Sun TAAC Image File Format (SDSC Image Tool)
.ifp script (KnowledgeMan)
.ifs fractal image compressed file (Yuvpak)
.ifs system file (OS/2) hpfs.ifs
.ilb ----- (Scream Tracker)
.ilk outline of programs format (MS ILink incremental linker)
.im8 Sun raster graphics
.ima Mirage vector graphics (EGO, Chart, Autumn)
.img bitmap graphics (Ventura Publisher - GEM Paint)
.imp spreadsheet (Lotus Improv)
.imq image presentation (ImageQ)
.in$ installation file (HP NewWave)
.in3 input device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.inb test script (Vermont HighTest)
.inc include file (several programming languages)
.ind ----- index (dBASE IV)
.inf Type 1 LaserJet font information file (soft font installers)
.inf information text file (ASCII)
.inf install script
.ini initialization file
.ink Pantone reference fills file (CorelDRAW)
.ins ----- (WordPerfect) wp51.ins
.ins installation script (1st Reader)
.ins instrument music file (Adlib)
.int Borland Interface Units
.int program saved in Internal (semi-compiled) format (Signature)
.inx index (Foxbase)
.io compressed file archive created by CPIO
.iob 3D graphics database in TDDD format
.ioc organizational chart (Instant ORGcharting!)
.ion 4DOS descript.ion file (file descriptions)
.ipl Pantone Spot reference palette file (CorelDRAW)
.irs ----- Resource (WordPerfect) standard.irs
.isd Spelling Checker dictionary (RapidFile)
.ish compressed file archive created by ISH
.iso ISO-9660 table
.it settings (intalk)
.itf interface file (JPI TopSpeed Pascal)
.iw presentation flowchart (IconAuthor - HSC InterActive)
.iwa text file (IBM Writing Assistant)
.iwp text file (Wang)
.jas graphics
.jbd datafile (SigmaScan)
.jbx project file (Project Scheduler 4)
.jet fax (Hybrid JetFax)
.jor journal file SQL
.jou journal backup (VAX Edt editor)
.jpc graphics (Japan PIC)
.jpg JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format bitmap graphics
.jtf fax (Hayes JT Fax)
.jtf graphics (TIFF file with JPEG compression)
.jw text document (JustWrite)
.jwl library (JustWrite)
.jzz spreatsheet (Jazz)
.kb program source (Knowledge Pro)
.kbd keyboard mapping (LocoScript - Signature - Procomm Plus)
.kbm keyboard mapping (Reflection 4.0)
.kcl LISP source code (Kyoto Common Lisp)
.kex macro (KEDIT)
.key datafile (Forecast Pro)
.key keyboard macros
.key security file eg. Shareware Registration info
.kpp toolpad (SmartPad)
.kps IBM KIPS bitmap graphics
.kyb keyboard mapping (FTP Software PC/TCP)
.l LEX source code file
.l LISP source code file
.l linker directive file (WATCOM wlink)
.lab datafile (NCSS - SOLO)
.lab mailing labels (Q+E for MS Excel)
.lay word chart layout (APPLAUSE)
.lbg label generator data (dBASE IV)
.lbl label (dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast)
.lbm bitmap graphics (DeluxePaint)
.lbm linear bitmap graphics (XLib)
.lbo compiled label (dBASE IV)
.lbr compressed file archive created by LU (lue220.arc)
.lbr display driver (Lotus 1-2-3)
.lbt label memo (FoxPro)
.lbx label (FoxPro)
.lcf Linker Control File (Norton Guides compiler)
.lck lockfile (Paradox)
.lcl ----- (FTP Software PC/TCP)
.lcn ----- (WordPerfect) wp{wp}su.lcn dictionary support file
.lcs datafile (ACT! History Files)
.lcw spreadsheet (Lucid 3-D)
.ld Long Distance codes file (Telix)
.ld1 overlay file (dBASE)
.ldb ----- (MS Access)
.les lesson (check *.cbt)
.lev level file (NetHack 3.x)
.lex lexicon (dictionary) (many)
.lft laser printer font (ChiWriter)
.lg Logo procedure definitions (LSRHS Logo)
.lgo logo for header and footer (SuperFax)
.lgo startup logo code (Windows 3.x)
.lha compressed file archive created by LHA/LHARC (lha255b.exe)
.lhw compressed Amiga file archive created by LHWARP
.lib library file (several programming languages)
.lif Logical Interchange Format data file (Hewlett-Packard)
.lif compressed file archive
.lin line types (AutoCAD)
.lis listing (VAX)
.lj text file for HP LJ II printer
.ll3 LapLink III related file (document) (LapLink III)
.lnk linker response file (.RTLink)
.lod load file
.log log file
.lpc printer driver (TEKO)
.lrf linker response file (MS C/C++)
.lrs Language Resource File (WordPerfect for Win)
.lsp LISP source code file (Xlisp)
.lss spreadsheet (Legato)
.lst keyboard macro (1st Reader)
.lst list file (archive index - compiler listfile)
.ltm form (Lotus Forms)
.lwd text document (LotusWorks)
.lzd difference file for binaries (Ldiff 1.20)
.lzh compressed file archive created by LHA/LHARC (lha255b.exe)
.lzs compressed file archive created by LARC (larc333.zip)
.lzw compressed Amiga file archive created by LHWARP
.m function (program) (Matlab)
.m macro module (Brief)
.m standard package (Mathematica)
.m11 text file (MASS11)
.m3 MODULA 3 source code file
.m3d 3D animation macro
.m4 m4 preprocessor file (unix)
.m_u backup of boot sector, FAT and boot dir (MazeGold)
.ma3 macro (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.mac bitmap graphics (Macintosh MacPaint)
.mac macro
.mag Woody Lynns MAG graphics format (MPS Magro Paint System)
.mai mail (VAX)
.mak makefile
.mak project file (Visual Basic)
.man command manual
.map color palette
.map format data (Micrografx Picture Publisher)
.map linker map file
.map map (Atlas MapMaker)
.map network map (AccView)
.mar assembly program (VAX Macro)
.mas SmartMaster set (Freelance Graphics)
.mat ----- (Matlab)
.max MAX source code file
.mb memo field values for database (Paraox)
.mbk multiple index file backup (dBASE IV)
.mbx mailbox data (ZERBERUS)
.mcc configuration file (Mathcad)
.mcd document (Mathcad)
.mcf font file (Mathcad)
.mci MCI command script (Media Control Interface)
.mcp application script (Capsule)
.mcp printer driver (Mathcad)
.mcw text file (MacWrite II)
.md compressed file archive created by MDCD (mdcd10.arc)
.mda ----- (MS Access)
.mdb database (MS Access)
.mdl model (3D Design Plus)
.mdl spreadsheet (CA-Compete!)
.mdm modem definition (TELIX)
.mdt data table (MS ILink incremental linker)
.mdx multiple index file (dBASE IV)
.me usually ASCII text file READ.ME
.meb Macro Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
.med Macro Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library)
.med music (OctaMED)
.mem Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)
.mem memory variable save file (dBASE IV - FoxPro)
.meq Macro Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library)
.mer Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) (vakioalue)
.mes Macro Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library)
.met Macro Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
.met document (Omnipage Pro)
.meu menu group (DOS Shell)
.mex MEX file (executable command) (Matlab)
.mex Macro Editor expound file (WordPerfect Library)
.mf MetaFont text file
.mgf font (Micrografx)
.mid standard MIDI file (music synthetizers)
.mii datafile (MicroStat-II)
.mix object file (Power C)
.mk usually makefile
.mke makefile (MS Windows SDK)
.mki japanese graphics MAKIchan format (MagView 0.5)
.mks ----- (TACT)
.ml3 project (Milestones 3.x)
.mlb macro library file (Symphony)
.mm text file (MultiMate Advantage II)
.mmm movie (RIFF RMMP format) (MacroMind Director 3.x)
.mmo memo writer file (RapidFile)
.mmp output video format from Bravado board
.mnd menu source (AutoCAD Menu Compiler)
.mng map (DeLorme MapnGo)
.mnt menu memo (FoxPro)
.mnu advanced macro (HP NewWave)
.mnu menu (AutoCAD Menu Compiler - Norton Commander - Signature)
.mnx compiled menu (AutoCAD)
.mnx menu (FoxPro)
.mny account book (MS Money)
.mob device definition (PEN Windows)
.mod MODULA-2 source code file (Clarion Modula-2)
.mod Windows kernel module
.mod music (FastTracker - many)
.mon monitor description (ReadMail)
.mov movie (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
.mp2 MPEG audio file (xing)
.mpc calender file (MS Project)
.mpg MPEG animation
.mpm MathPlan macro (WordPerfect Library)
.mpp project file (MS Project)
.mpr generated program (FoxPro)
.mpv view file (MS Project)
.mpx compiled menu program (FoxPro)
.mrb Multiple Resolution Bitmap graphics (MS C/C++)
.mrs Macro Resource file (WordPerfect for Win)
.msc Microsoft C makefile
.msg message
.msp bitmap graphics (Microsoft Paint)
.mss manuscript text file (Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE - Jove)
.mst Minispecification file (Prosa)
.mst setup script (MS Windows SDK)
.msw text file (MS Word)
.msx compressed CP/M file archive created by MSX
.mth math file (Derive)
.mtm MultiTracker Module music
.mtw datafile (Minitab)
.mu menu (Quattro Pro)
.mus sound file (MusicTime)
.mvf stop frame file (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
.mvi movie command file (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
.mvw log file (Saber LAN)
.mxt ----- (MS C)
.myp presentation (MM Make Your Point)
.nap naplps file (VideoShow) (EnerGraphics)
.nb text file (Nota Bene)
.nc graphics (netcdf)
.nc instructions for NC (Numerical Control) machine (CAMS)
.ncc CNC (Computer Numeric Control) control file (CamView 3D)
.ncd Norton Change Directory support file (Norton Commander)
.ndb network database (Intellicom - Compex)
.ndx index file (dBASE II - III - IV - dBFast)
.neo raster graphics (Atari Neochrome)
.net network configuration/info file
.new new info
.nfo info file
.ng online documentation database (Norton Guide)
.nlx form (FormWorx 3.0)
.np project schedule (Nokia Planner) (Visual Planner 3.x)
.npi source for DGEN.EXE intepreter (dBASE Application Generator)
.nst music (NoiseTracker)
.nts Tutorial (Norton)
.ntx index file (Clipper 5)
.nuf message for new users on their 1st call (Procomm Plus)
.nws info text file (latest news) (ASCII)
.nxt sound (NeXT format)
.o object file (unix - Atari - GCC)
.o$$ outfile (Sprint)
.oaz fax (NetFax Manager)
.obj object code (Intel Recolatable Object Module)
.obr object browser data file (Borland C++)
.obs script (ObjectScript)
.obv visual interface (ObjectScript)
.ocf Object Craft File (Object Craft)
.ocr incoming fax transcribed to text (FAXGrapper)
.ocx OLE custom control
.odl type library source (Visual C++)
.ofd form definition (ObjectView)
.off Object File Format vector graphics
.okt music (Oktalizer)
.olb object library (VAX)
.old backup file
.oli text file (Olivetti)
.oom swap file (Shroom)
.opn active options (Exact)
.opt Optimize support file (QEMM)
.opw organization chart (Org Plus for Windows)
.opx inactive options (Exact)
.org calendar file (Lotus Organizer)
.otl outline font description (Z-Soft Type Foundry)
.otx text file (Olivetti Olitext Plus)
.out output file
.ov1 overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)
.ov2 overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)
.ovd datafile (ObjectVision)
.ovl overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)
.ovr overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)
.p PASCAL source code file
.p Rea-C-Time application parameter file (ReaGeniX code generator)
.p picture file (APPLAUSE)
.p16 music (16 channels) (ProTracker Studio 16)
.p22 patch file (Patch22)
.pa1 worktable (PageAhead)
.pac STAD Image (graphics )
.pac package (SBStudio II)
.pad keypad definition (Telemate)
.pak compressed file archive created by PAK (pak251.exe)
.pal color palette
.pan printer-specific file (copy to coreldrw.ink) (CorelDRAW)
.par PARTS application (Digitalk PARTS)
.par parameter file (Fractint)
.par permanent output file (Windows 3.x)
.pas PASCAL source code file
.pat hatch patterns (AutoCAD - Photostyler)
.pat vector fill files (CorelDRAW)
.pb fax (FAXability Plus)
.pb phonebook (WinFax Pro)
.pb setup file (PixBase)
.pb1 document (First Publisher for Windows)
.pba PowerBASIC BASIC source code (Genus)
.pbd phone book (FaxNOW! - Faxit)
.pbi PowerBASIC include file (Genus)
.pbi Profiler Binary Input (MS Source Profiler)
.pbl PowerBASIC library (Genus)
.pbm PBM Portable Bit Map graphics
.pbm planar bitmap graphics (XLib)
.pbo Profiler Binary Output (MS Source Profiler)
.pbt Profiler Binary Table (MS Source Profiler)
.pc text file containing IBM PC specific info
.pc3 custom palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.pc8 ASCII text IBM8 character set (NewWave Write)
.pcc cutout picture vector graphics (PC Paintbrush)
.pcd Kodak Photo-CD Image graphics (768x512) (hpcdtoppm)
.pcf Profiler Command File (MS Source Profiler)
.pch patch file
.pch precompiled header (MS C/C++)
.pcj multimedia authoring tool graphics (IBMs Linkaway-Live)
.pck pickfile (Turbo Pascal)
.pcl HP-PCL graphics data (HP Printer Control Language)
.pct bitmap graphics (Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2)
.pcw text file (PC Write)
.pcx bitmap graphics (PC Paintbrush)
.pda bitmap graphics
.pdb ----- (TACT)
.pdf graphics file (ED-SCAN 24bit format)
.pds PDS graphics
.pds PLDASM source code file (hardware assembly)
.pdv printer driver (Paintbrush)
.pdw document (Professional Draw)
.peb Program Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
.ped Program Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library)
.pem Program Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)
.peq Program Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library)
.per Program Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) (vakioalue)
.pes Program Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library)
.pet Program Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
.pfa Type 3 font file (unhinted PostScript font)
.pfb Type 1 font file
.pfc text file (First Choice)
.pfk programmable function keys (XTreePro)
.pfm Windows Type 1 font metric file
.pfs database (PFS:FILE) - text file (PFS:Write)
.pft printer font (ChiWriter)
.pgi Printer Graphics File device driver (PGRAPH library)
.pgm Portable Grayscale bitMap graphics
.pgm program (Signature)
.pgp suppot file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)
.pgs manual page (man4dos)
.ph PERL header file
.ph phrase-table (MS C/C++)
.phn phone list (UltraFax - QmodemPro)
.pho phone database (Metz Phone for Windows)
.phr phrases (LocoScript)
.pic PIXAR picture file (SDSC Image Tool)
.pic bitmap graphics (Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2)
.pic bitmap graphics (many eg. Lotus 1-2-3 - PC Paint)
.pif Program Information File (Windows 3.x)
.pif vector graphics GDF format (IBM mainframe computers)
.pit compressed Mac file archive created by PACKIT (unpackit.zoo)
.pix Alias image file (SDSC Image Tool)
.pj project (CA-SuperProject)
.pjt project memo (FoxPro)
.pjx project (FoxPro)
.pk PacKed bitmap font bitmap file (TeX DVI drivers)
.pka compressed file archive created by PKARC
.pkg installer script (Next)
.pkt FidoNet packet
.pl PERL source code file
.pl PROLOG source code file
.pl Property List font metric file (TeX)
.pl palette (Harvard Graphics)
.pl1 room plan (3D Home Architect)
.pl3 chart palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.plb library (FoxPro)
.plc add-in file (functions - macros - applications) (Lotus 1-2-3)
.pll pre-linked library (Clipper 5)
.pln spreadsheet (WordPerfect for Win)
.plt HPGL plotter file vector graphics (AutoCAD)
.plt palette
.plt pre-linked transfer file (Clipper 5)
.ply ----- (PopMail)
.ply presentation screen (Harvard Spotlight)
.pm bitmap graphics (Presentation Manager)
.pm3 document (PageMaker 3)
.pm4 document (PageMaker 4)
.pm5 document (PageMaker 5)
.pmc graphics (A4TECH Scanner)
.pmm program file (Amaris BTX/2)
.pn3 printer device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.png Portable Network Graphics (PNG) bitmap graphics
.pnm PBM Portable aNy Map (PNM) graphics
.pnt Macintosh painting
.pnt QWK reader pointer file (MarkMail 2.x)
.pop messages index (PopMail)
.pop pop-up menu object (dBASE Application Generator)
.pov raytraced graphics image (Persistence Of Vision)
.pow chord chart (PowerChords)
.pp compressed Amiga file archive created by POWERPACKER
.ppb button bar for Print Preview (WordPerfect for Win)
.ppl PolaroidPalettePlus ColorKey device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.ppm Portable Pixel Map graphics
.ppo pre-processor output (Clipper 5)
.ppp publication (PagePlus)
.pps storyboard (Personal Producer)
.ppt general file extension (PowerPoint)
.pr2 presentation (Aldus Persuasion 2.x)
.pr2 printer driver (dBASE IV)
.pr3 PostScript printer driver (dBASE IV)
.pr3 presentation (Aldus Persuasion 3.x)
.prd printer driver (many)
.pre presentation (Freelance Graphics)
.pre settings (Programmers WorkBench - MS C/C++)
.prf Pixel Run Format graphics (Improces - Fastgraph)
.prf printer driver (dBASE IV)
.prf profiler output
.prg program (Atari)
.prg program source (dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast)
.pri printer definitions (LocoScript)
.prj project
.prm parameters
.prn printer driver (Signature)
.prn text file (Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony)
.pro PROLOG source code file
.pro graphics profile file (DOS)
.prs Printer Resource eg. fonts (WordPerfect for Win)
.prs presentation (Harvard Graphics Win)
.prs procedure (dBASE IV)
.prt printer driver (Dr.Halo)
.prx compiled program (FoxPro)
.ps PostScript file (text/graphics) (ASCII)
.pse bitmap graphics (IBM printer Page SEgment)
.psf outline PostScript printer font (ChiWriter)
.psm music (MASI - ProTracker)
.psm symbol table of IDE (Turbo Pascal)
.psp procedure (Prodea Synergy)
.pt3 device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.pt3 template (PageMaker 3)
.pt4 template (PageMaker 4)
.ptb script (PubTech BatchWorks)
.ptm macro (PubTech BatchWorks)
.ptr QWK reader pointer file (QMail)
.pub page template (MS Publisher)
.pub public key ring file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)
.pub publication (Ventura Publisher - 1st Publisher)
.pvd script (Instalit)
.pvl library (Instalit)
.pvt local Fidonet pointlist
.pw text file (Professional Write)
.pwp text document (Professional WritePlus)
.px primary database index (Paradox)
.py PYTHON script file
.pyc compiled PYTHON script file
.pzd default settings (Pizazz Plus)
.pzo overlay file (Pizazz Plus)
.pzp palette (Pizazz Plus)
.pzs settings (Pizazz Plus)
.pzt transfer file (Pizazz Plus)
.pzx swap file (Pizazz Plus)
.qag Quick Access Group (Norton Desktop)
.qap application (Omnis Quartz)
.qbe saved query (Query By Example) (dBASE IV - Quattro Pro)
.qbo compiled query (dBASE IV)
.qbw spreadsheet (QuickBooks for Windows)
.qd0 data file - segment 10 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd1 data file - segment 1 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd2 data file - segment 2 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd3 data file - segment 3 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd4 data file - segment 4 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd5 data file - segment 5 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd6 data file - segment 6 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd7 data file - segment 7 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd8 data file - segment 8 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd9 data file - segment 9 (Omnis Quartz)
.qdk backup of startup files created by Optimize (QEMM)
.qdv graphics (Steve Blackstock Giffer)
.qef query file (Q+E for MS Excel)
.qfx fax (QuickLink)
.qlb quick library (MS C/C++)
.qlc ----- (PostScript help file) atmfonts.qlc
.qlp printer driver (QuickLink)
.qm4 options or services file (QMail 4.x Mail Door)
.qpr generated query program (FoxPro)
.qpr print queue device driver (OS/2)
.qpx compiled query program (FoxPro)
.qrs Equation Editor support file (WordPerfect for Win)
.qrt QRT ray tracing graphics
.qry query (dBASE IV)
.qt QuickTime movie (animation)
.qwk QWK reader message file
.qxd document (QuarkXPress)
.qxl element library (QuarkXPress)
.r RATFOR (FORTRAN preprosessor) file
.r8 raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane one (PicLab)
.r8p PCL 4 bitmap font file (Intellifont)
.rar compressed file archive created by RAR (rar1_402.exe)
.ras Sun Rasterfile graphics
.rat datafile (RATS)
.raw raw RGB 24-bit graphics
.rbf datafile (Rbase)
.rc Resource Compiler script (MS C/C++ - Borland C++)
.rc configuration (emacs)
.rdi device-independent bitmap file (RIFF RDIB format)
.rdx datafile (Reflex)
.rec datafile (EpiInfo)
.rec record file (Sprint)
.rec recorded macro file (Windows 3.x)
.red path info (Clarion Modula-2)
.ref cross-reference
.reg OLE Registration (Windows 3.x)
.reg registration (Corel programs)
.rem remarks
.rep QWK reader reply file
.rep report (Report Designer - CodeReporter - DataBoss)
.req request
.res compiled resource (MS C/C++ - Borland C++)
.res dBASE resources (dBASE IV)
.rex REXX source code file
.rez resource file
.rf Sun raster graphics
.rft DCA/RFT Revisable Format Text file (IBM DisplayWrite 4.0-5.1)
.rgb SGI RGB image file (SDSC Image Tool)
.rgx symbol tables etc. info (ReaGeniX code generator)
.ri ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)
.rib graphics in Renderman format (3DReality)
.ric fax (Ricoh)
.rif RIFF bitmap graphics (Fractal Design Painter)
.rip graphics (Remote Access)
.rix bitmap graphics (ColorRIX VGA Paint)
.rl4 bitmap graphics
.rl8 bitmap graphics
.rla Wavefront raster image file (SDSC Image Tool)
.rlb ----- (Harvard Graphics Win) hgw.rlb
.rlc graphics 1bit/pixel scanner output
.rle Utah Run Leng
