# re: 最全,最强的软件测试资料汇总 (性能测试,性能调优,功能测试,自动化测试,测试管理,测试工具,测试用例设计,缺陷分析预防,前沿测试技术...) 回复 更多评论
2007-02-06 09:57 by Jackei
Scott Barber 是业内公认的性能测试专家,他的 User Experience, not Metrics 和 Beyond Performance Testing 两个系列文章已经让很多测试同行受益。也使得俺的性能测试知识体系变得更加丰满。强烈推荐!
User Experience, not Metrics —— 适合刚刚开始接触性能测试的同行
Beyond Performance Testing —— 在弄懂了上面一个系列之后再看吧
User Experience, not Metrics —— 适合刚刚开始接触性能测试的同行
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Modeling Individual User Delays
- Part 3: Modeling Individual User Patterns
- Part 4: Modeling Groups of Users
- Part 5: What should I time and where do I put my timers?
- Part 6: What is an outlier and how do I account for one?
- Part 7: Consolidating Test Results
- Part 8: Choosing Tests and Reporting Results to Meet Stakeholders Needs
- Part 9: Summarizing Across Multiple Tests
- Part 10: Creating a Degradation Curve
- Part 11: Handling Authentication and Session Tracking
- Part 12: Scripting Conditional User Path Navigation
- Part 13: Working with Unrecognized Protocols
Beyond Performance Testing —— 在弄懂了上面一个系列之后再看吧
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: A Performance Engineering Strategy
- Part 3: How Fast Is Fast Enough?
- Part 4: Accounting for User Abandonment
- Part 5: Determining the Root Cause of Script Failures
- Part 6: Interpreting Scatter Charts
- Part 7: Identifying the Critical Failure or Bottleneck
- Part 8: Modifying Tests to Focus on Failure or Bottleneck Resolution
- Part 9: Pinpointing the Architectural Tier of the Failure or Bottleneck
- Part 10: Creating a Test to Exploit the Failure or Bottleneck
- Part 11: Collaborative Tuning
- Part 12: Testing and Tuning Common Tiers
- Part 13: Testing and Tuning Load Balancers and Networks
- Part 14: Testing and Tuning Security