Envoy proxy 源代码解读 - original_dst cluster

original_dst cluster 定义如下:

   - name: cluster1
      type: ORIGINAL_DST                                                                                                                                  
      lb_policy: ORIGINAL_DST_LB

type 设置成 ORIGINAL_DST,同时 lb_policy 需要设置为 ORIGINAL_DST_LB,否则配置解析的时候会报错:

[critical][main] [external/envoy/source/server/server.cc:92] error initializing configuration 'echo2_server.yaml': cluster: cluster type 'original_dst' may only be used with LB type 'original_dst_lb'

orignal_dst cluster 获取 upstream 的 ip 信息时来源有两个,一个是由设置了 use_original_dst: truelistener 所初始化 Envoy::Extensions::ListenerFilters::OriginalDst::OriginalDstFilter 解析请求的 original_dst(通常是 iptable redirect 而来):

// envoy/source/extensions/filters/listener/original_dst.cc
Network::FilterStatus OriginalDstFilter::onAccept(Network::ListenerFilterCallbacks& cb) {
  ENVOY_LOG(debug, "original_dst: New connection accepted");
  Network::ConnectionSocket& socket = cb.socket();
  const Network::Address::Instance& local_address = *socket.localAddress();

  if (local_address.type() == Network::Address::Type::Ip) {
    Network::Address::InstanceConstSharedPtr original_local_address =

    // A listener that has the use_original_dst flag set to true can still receive
    // connections that are NOT redirected using iptables. If a connection was not redirected,
    // the address returned by getOriginalDst() matches the local address of the new socket.
    // In this case the listener handles the connection directly and does not hand it off.
    if (original_local_address) {
      // Restore the local address to the original one.

  return Network::FilterStatus::Continue;

另外一个是,如果 cluster 设置了 use_http_header: true

   - name: cluster1
      type: ORIGINAL_DST                                                                                                                                  
      lb_policy: ORIGINAL_DST_LB
        use_http_header: true

则直接从 x-envoy-original-dst-host 头信息里面读取 ip 信息:

// envoy/source/common/upstream/original_dst_cluster.cc
HostConstSharedPtr OriginalDstCluster::LoadBalancer::chooseHost(LoadBalancerContext* context) {
  if (context) {

    // Check if override host header is present, if yes use it otherwise check local address.
    Network::Address::InstanceConstSharedPtr dst_host = nullptr;
    if (use_http_header_) {
      dst_host = requestOverrideHost(context);

⚠️注意:x-envoy-original-dst-host 只能设置 IP,否则会报错:

original_dst_load_balancer: invalid override header value.

listener 重定向

listener 如果设置了 use_original_dst: true,在接收到网络请求的时候,会根据原始的请求地址查找到匹配的 listener,然后重定向到过去,这是实现的代码:

// envoy/source/server/connection_handler_impl.cc
    // Check if the socket may need to be redirected to another listener.
    ActiveListenerBase* new_listener = nullptr;

    if (hand_off_restored_destination_connections_ && socket_->localAddressRestored()) {
      // Find a listener associated with the original destination address.
      new_listener = listener_.parent_.findActiveListenerByAddress(*socket_->localAddress());
    if (new_listener != nullptr) {
      // TODO(sumukhs): Try to avoid dynamic_cast by coming up with a better interface design
      ActiveTcpListener* tcp_listener = dynamic_cast(new_listener);
      ASSERT(tcp_listener != nullptr, "ActiveSocket listener is expected to be tcp");
      // Hands off connections redirected by iptables to the listener associated with the
      // original destination address. Pass 'hand_off_restored_destination_connections' as false to
      // prevent further redirection.
                             false /* hand_off_restored_destination_connections */);

为什么不能把 envoy 当作通用的 http proxy?

Envoy 需要明确知道 upstream 的 ip 信息,只能处理以下几种情况:

  • 在配置里面以 cluster 形式存在,由 Envoy 自己来解析 IP 地址
  • iptable forward,upstream 的 ip 可以通过 original_dst 拿到,因为下游发起请求时已经解析出来了 upstream 的 ip
  • 通过 x-envoy-original-dst 头设置 IP 和端口


    - name: cluster1                                                                                                                                     
      type: ORIGINAL_DST
      lb_policy: ORIGINAL_DST_LB
   - address:
          port_value: 15001
      use_original_dst: true
      - filters:
        - name: envoy.http_connection_manager
            deprecated_v1: true
              stat_prefix: ingress_http
                - routes:
                  - prefix: "/"
                    timeout_ms: 0
                    cluster: cluster1
                    auto_host_rewrite: true
                  - "*"
                  name: local_service
              - name: router
                config: {}
              codec_type: auto

下面的使用方式会被告知 no health upstream,因为 cluster1 没有配置任何 host:

# 假设 envoy 监听 15001 端口
curl -H "Host: www.baidu.com" http://localhost:15001

而以下方式则会被告知 404:

# 假设 envoy 监听 15001 端口
http_proxy=localhost:15001 curl -v http://www.baidu.com

因为 path 信息不是相对路径,这是 curl 发出的命令:

GET http://www.baidu.com/ HTTP/1.1
Host: www.baidu.com
User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
Accept: */*
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

而 Envoy 目前只支持 :path 设置为相对路径的情况,遇到 :path 不是以 / 开头的情况,则支持返回 404:

// envoy/source/common/http/conn_manager_impl.cc
void ConnectionManagerImpl::ActiveStream::decodeHeaders(HeaderMapPtr&& headers, bool end_stream) {
  // Currently we only support relative paths at the application layer. We expect the codec to have
  // broken the path into pieces if applicable. NOTE: Currently the HTTP/1.1 codec only does this
  // when the allow_absolute_url flag is enabled on the HCM.
  // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.3 We also need to check for the existence of
  // :path because CONNECT does not have a path, and we don't support that currently.
  if (!request_headers_->Path() || request_headers_->Path()->value().getStringView().empty() ||
      request_headers_->Path()->value().getStringView()[0] != '/') {
    const bool has_path =
        request_headers_->Path() && !request_headers_->Path()->value().getStringView().empty();
    sendLocalReply(Grpc::Common::hasGrpcContentType(*request_headers_), Code::NotFound, "", nullptr,
                   is_head_request_, absl::nullopt,
                   has_path ? StreamInfo::ResponseCodeDetails::get().AbsolutePath
                            : StreamInfo::ResponseCodeDetails::get().MissingPath);

你可能感兴趣的:(Envoy proxy 源代码解读 - original_dst cluster)