
































The Man and his soul and their connection

to the universe


In the structure of the Principal mafs centres or the Principal star or what is so called the Principal stars in the centre of galaxies and mafs and matters in the centre of stars and in giant planets and even in the centre of some planets, the Magravs of these objects seems to possess a stronger or larger than the mass ratio for such an object, that the object possess and covers a stronger Magravs forces than usually a matter in these regions by the present in the world of science knowledge become apparent. The reason for the stronger Magravs of these objects comes from the multiplicity in the Nano magnetic mafs’ and matters’ and layers in the inner structure layers in the sanctum of these objects.



In understanding the operation of different mafs of matters in the universe and the process of the reduction in strength of these mafs to reach the lower levels light, visible light and tangible structure’s like atoms, then one should understand that the structure of the man’s body will not change as the physical structure of the man goes through and from matter to transition matter or from transition matter to principle mafs and matters strength’s environments.


The reality about this, is that the plasmas of the atom of the structure of the man, like the individual atoms, which are active in the structure of fundamental amino-acid molecule of the human body, these are all made of plasma of mafs of universe and for the proton or the electron of let say carbon atom in the amino-acid, this plasma of the proton has in its centre principal mafs and maters as well the transition mafs and matters and finally the matter mafs, which is its tangibility state which make matter visible to for example the eye of the human.


But once these plasmas of the tangible matter structure of let say proton and electrons of the carbon atom cross the barrier from the light mafs strength and matter fields to transition mafs and matters field strength, or even the body of the man crosses the principal mafs and matter strength, then at each point of field strength crossing, that part and components transition or principal mafs and matters of the plasma of the proton of the carbon will come to operate and interact in that entered field strength zone, and hence the integrity of the structure of the human being physical body will be maintained, but indifferent mafs strength level.


This meaning that the man will be still intelligent and will have the use of all its faculties, but the body will operate through the principal mafs of its plasma rather than present matters mafs strength of it material world strength.


Thus the man is not restricted to life in matter world only, but life in all dimension of strength of the mafs of the universe.


The reason for the plasma of the human body having the ability to operate in any mafs strength, is due to the fact that the atoms of each cell of the human body operate in the gans state of matter and not solid state of matter, which this gives the plasma of all the elements of the human body to cross mafs strength barriers by calling up on their mafs components of their environment.


That is to say the gans of the carbon in the amino-acid of the human beings’ will bring forth and operate through it transition mafs strength in the transition mafs environment. Then the same gans of atom will operate with its principal mafs components in the principal mafs strength environment.


Thus the body of human will not be destroyed or evaporate in different plasmatic magnetic fields strength environments as it orderly crosses them.


But the body of the man will be destroyed if the mafs of principal mafs strength is applied to it in the matter strength environment, where in this case the mafs and the matters of the atoms of the man become diluted as a minor part in the mafs and matters of the applied fields.


Therefore man is part of an inclusive pattern of field’s in motions in the universe and nothing more or less can be attached to the existence of the man.


The man in physical term is an entity and in and through his soul the connection of the field between himself and the other fields in the universe.


The physical body of the man is the like of the planet earth, where it has mass and its magnetosphere which expands beyond the physical body, but its total magnetic fields and gravitational fields determines its position and relation with other matters in its solar system and in a small way it determines the position of its star in its galaxy and, then the position of star determines in a small way the position of the milky-way in the universe and so forth.


Thus the soul of the man is the external connection of the operation of the physical body of the man in the universe, it is part of one and inclusive realty of interaction of the whole.


Therefore the soul is part of the operation of the universe and every creation which can extent the effects of its overall magnetic field to others which can affect their position and existence is in possession of a soul.


Thus soul which magnetic fields created and expand beyond the physical body of the man is not exclusivity of the creature but it is the common denominator and common link between the man and other creatures of the God and has direct effect on the operation of the rest of the universe.


Therefore the man’s body due to the interaction of its atoms protons and electron and neutrons magnetic fields, this object creates its own magnetosphere and its own mass and this body is and has to be in possession of magnetosphere which shows the working of the magnetic fields of its constituent matters and its subcomponents and fields.


Where, in the physical worlds as the same as the solar systems possessing magnetosphere as so do the star and planet, so does the body of the human through the same physical principle possess the magnetosphere, which is so called aurora of the human body, the field of the aurora is part of the soul of the man, but is fact the total effect of the internal interaction of all fields of the body which creates the Magnetic field and gravitational fields of the body and their interaction on each other which leads to the interaction with their fields in the universe, this overall output of the fields of the body of the man is the soul of the man.


Thus; all dynamic plasmatic matters in the universe possesses a soul. But the man has the intelligence to allow the interaction of its soul with others. Therefore through this principle the man is responsible for all his actions and he stands answerable to other souls in the universe. As he decides how these fields which partial and fully control through the Magravs of the matters of his brain how and what happens in its interaction with other souls during its physical existence.


Hence the man has to understand, that universe and others, whom this universe has been created from and the universes which will be created from the division of this universe in the future are all interconnected and operate through the same fundamental principle magnetic fields.


Therefore there are parallel universes to this universe, with the difference in the measure of their magnetic fields and their position in their given environment.


Thus as we have the same and similar electrons structure’s and protons structures in the same structure of an atom, this structure of positioning of electrons and protons is the same for all known atoms, then the same applies to the universe and the souls within them too. This meaning that there are similar universe as this universe in the greater universe and other universes which this universe has been created from or it shall create.


It has to be said that at the same time the matters in the universe have the same universal language of communication, where in the universe the common language is the basic plasmatic magnetic fields, based on the first plasmatic magnetic field strength of plasma or the simplest atom of matter of their environment.


This language is universal and once the man on earth understands this phenomenon and can fully measure the magnetic fields strength of the electron Magravs and uses this as the base strength, then man will be able to understand and communicate with rest of soul possessing creature of the universe. Until then, the search in the sound waves to look and try to communicate with other creatures of the universe is a primitive picture and shows the lack of mans understanding of the world of the Creation.


Therefore the gravitation, magnetic, radiation and other similar properties and interactions of the field(s) on each other in this and other universe(s) decides on how and the way the creatures in the different universes and in the man’s universe would look and behave.


But in a essences they are all made of the same building block of Magnetic fileds and in its and their interaction of different strength and tightness of it in their environment; This determining how tall and short and if one has eye or uses the interaction of fields to interact and communicates with other creatures of its environment, universe(s) with or without physical tangible or visible so called body.


May be now it can be understood what has been said that in the universe,



I have made man in the image of myself

译者 无伤
