
Have a "trusting mindset "-- trust your skills


Main idea


High performers don't question their basic ability to do what's required. Instead, they concentrate on the task at hand completely because they don't even have to think about the mechanics of what they're attempting to do well. This is the essence of the "trusting mindset".


Supporting Ideas


A trusting mindset is the cumulative result of many result of many years of education , training and experience. All of that background is ingrained into your instincts so that when it comes time to perform, you do the right thing without having to deliberately and consciously think about it .




At times, humans complicate things too much. Instead of simply doing the task at hand as well as possible ,we sometimes start thinking about the many background issues and flow-on results further down the road .We get to busy thinking about all the peripheral issues that we ignore the need to execute the task at hand as well as possible ,and end up choking because we worry too much.


In some ways the trusting mindset is what a person is in before they know any better. It's the opposite of the training mindset where people stop and evaluate deliberately what they're doing. The trusting mindset means to use all the expertise which you have instinctively rather than deliberately.


High performers don't get too bogged down in detail. Instead, they divide their time intelligently between working on their Game and actually playing it. A good analogy for performing in the trusting mindset is to think about how squirrels run across a wire or try to find food .Squirrels don 't sit there and think about what is the best thing to do. Instead , they react instinctively to the stimuli that comes through their senses. Overachievers do something similar in that they concentrate exclusively on performing well when it's time to get out and perform.


Key Thoughts


"How do great performers in every field switch on their trusting mode at will? Some do it intuitively, and that is why we call them 'natural talents' ,Others, however , have learned to trust their abilities and their experience by gradually spending more and more time at work in the Trusting Mindset .You can learn it ,too, but you have to be willing to be uncomfortable at first .If you're skilled at using your Training Mindset ,just letting yourself trust will feel quite foreign. Often when I describe the Trusting Mindset to my clients, they immediately ask ,'What do I have to do to make it happen?' I tell them to do nothing - and then repeat it again and again. They look at me as if I'm crazy. But that's exactly how the best perform; they practice thinking of nothing when the pressure is on. Success depends on emptying your head rather than filling it .You can do that too - if you're willing to retrain your mind. It will take some work. To join the ranks of overachievers will require you to make some perhaps uncomfortable and often misunderstood choices about how you think when you're performing."

--John Eliot



Welcome pressure and harness stress to perform


Main Idea


Contrary to popular opinion, butterfly is a good thing .The great performers and superstars welcome pressure because they know it will bring out the best from them .In many ways, pressure is the overachiever’s energy bar.


Supporting Ideas


Overachievers realize they only feel pressure when something significant is at stake ,and they feed off that stress to put an edge on their own performance .The last thing they want to do is relax .Instead ,they harness pressure as a catalyst or doorway to success, and make it work to their advantage .


The simple fact is humans are genetically hardwired to respond favorably and to the best of our ability when we feel anxiety .At those moments, our bodies actually take over and increase blood flow so that we have greater visual acuity, increased mental capacity and more oxygen and fuel for our muscles to use. These are good things to have going for you, so it makes good sense to harness anxiety deliberately and proactively.


This is why:


 Professional golfers play for money, even during their practice rounds.


 Campaign managers put their candidates through very tough practice press conferences before they face the real thing.


 Astronauts spend months in simulators practicing over and over the procedures they will be carrying out in space.


 The president of the United States practices his press conferences and major addresses in front of an audience of aides and other staffers.


In fact, if you’re smart, you’ll go to great lengths to not only generate that kind of pressures to perform for yourself but you’ll also ratchet things up as much as possible .NASA’s flight directors intentionally have malfunctions crop up in these stimulations .Tiger Wood’s father used to yell at his son just as he was about to swing to try and distract him. You should encourage audience members in mock-ups to heckle you and ask the toughest, meanest questions imaginable .Not only will this pressure you to perform but you can go into a situation knowing that real life can’t possibly be as bad as what you’ve already practiced responding to.


Key Thoughts


“The only time top performers get worried is when their heart is not racing .Unless you learn to love pressure –to perceive stress as an advantage –you are unlikely to enter the ranks of exceptional performers .”

____John Eliot


“In summary, practice, practice, practice .Learning to love pressure is essential to becoming the kind of exceptional thinker for whom overachievement is a way of life.”

____John Eliot


Create your own reality by ignoring the experts


Main Idea


To stand out from the crowd, you have to be prepared to think differently from everyone else .It’s impossible to be an overachiever with conventional thinking. You have to stand out by living in your own world and generating your own realities rather than accepting the realities dictated by society (and blindly followed by most people).Do your own thing.


Supporting Ideas


Exceptional thinkers view the world through their own lens. If they don’t like the lens they currently have, they get active about inventing another one better suited to the task at hand .They never get sidetracked by worrying about whether others think they have what it takes to succeed. Nor do they worry about the odd early failure along the way. Overachievers are busy doing their own thing to worry about such superficial issues.


For overachievers, being described as “weird, “arrogant”, or “a maverick” is a badge of honor. They realize that to do something noteworthy or even to solve a big problem, they won’t get there by thinking the way everyone else does. Instead, they have to be original, even if that involves upsetting a few apple carts and putting a few noses out of joint.


The paradox is most people give lip service to the idea of originality but then proceed to live a life chained to convention, popular opinion and following whatever is the trend of the moment. Overachievers are deaf to their critics. They focus on doing things that impress themselves, even if those ideas seem strange or outrageous to everyone else. And above all, exceptional performers ignore what the best performers in every field consistently force the experts to end up seeing the world their way rather than the other way around.


If you walk around constantly thinking about your strategy and ignore the immediate tasks in front of you, you’re falling into the trap of allowing external events to control how you think and feel .When you need to perform under pressure, you need to ignore your inner conversation or external circumstances and concentrate on performing well. Exceptional people get very good at switching off all the day-to-day annoyances and focusing on the business at hand. You need to do the same. This will mean the difference between being a victim of your thoughts and taking positive control over the fabric of your life.


Key Thoughts


“The top guns in every field do not leave how they think to chance. And neither should you.”

_____John Eliot



Embrace incredible dreams and talk about them all the time


Main Idea


You won’t achieve anything exceptional or do incredible things unless and until you embrace an incredible dream. This dream has to excite you, propel you forward and give meaning to your life if it is to have the power to drive exceptional performance. As long as the dream is possible in your own mind, and you’re willing to commit yourself to it, that’s all that counts.


Supporting Ideas


Overachievers are prepared to talk about their dreams. They break one of society’s taboos without embarrassment .The more people tell them to stop having their heads in the clouds and be “realistic” or “act responsibly” , the better they like it .And the more committed they become to working hard until dream becomes a reality.




The key points to remember about dreams are:


 Dreams are not goals-------they’re feelings.


 Dreams have stick ability------they will endure while you put in all the effort required to make them happen.


 Dreams are highly motivational------they’re the first thing you think about each morning and the last thought on your mind as you fall asleep at the end of the day.


 Dreams are resilient and enduring.


 Dreams are all embracing------so much so that people caught up in the pursuit of their dreams don’t even notice the stops and starts along the way.


 Dreams epitomize the way you want to live your life ------Goals, on the other hand, are simply a device to get you from Point A to Point B.


 Dreams are very personal------they only have to excite you and not anyone else on the planet. And one person’s dream can easily be another person’s worst nightmare.


 The best dreams are always unrealistic to the majority of people.


Exceptional performers dream big, and aren’t embarrassed about talking about their dreams in public.


Key Thoughts


“What idea is ratting around in your head that never seems to go away ?What do you really want to be when you grow up-or, better , what did you want to be before you grew up and learned to ‘know better’? If your dream strikes you as too improbable, don’t worry. If it’s possible in your head, it qualifies as a good dream.”

______John Eliot


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