

按照他的意思是把Json数据转换为矢量图,我之前并没有听过好这么转换的,上网站看了一下,发现芝加哥真的把城市规划的数据放在了github上面,具体见这里 :http://thechangelog.com/the-city-of-chicago-is-on-github/

routes in Chicago,就能看到github上面的项目,包括数据和例子这些。在ReadME.md中惊奇的发现居然也可以用R语言来绘制,正好要学R语言,于是小试了一下。值得一提的是,作者在文档中已经详细写了操作步骤,按照步骤一步一步来做即可。

# TITLE: Importing GeoJSON Example in R
# AUTHOR: Tom Schenk Jr., City of Chicago
# CREATED: 2013-01-23
# UPDATED: 2013-01-31
# LIBRARIES: rgdal, ggplot2

# Set working directory (e.g., "C:\\Users\\username\\downloads" or "~/downloads")

# Install and load libraries
## If you need to install the RGDAL and GGPLOT2 libraries, complete this step first, otherwise, skip:
install.packages(c("rgdal", "ggplot2"))

library(rgdal)	# Import data into a Spatial Data Frame in R
library(ggplot2)	# Transform data from Shapefile to Data Frame

# Import data to Spatial Dataframe	
ogrInfo("data\\Bikeroutes.json", layer="OGRGeoJSON")

bikeroutes.shapefile <- readOGR(dsn="data\\Bikeroutes.json", layer="OGRGeoJSON", p4s="+proj=tmerc +ellps=WGS84") # Imports data. Replace PATH\\TO with actual file path (e.g., C:\\Users\\username\\downloads)

head(bikeroutes.shapefile) # Inspect the data structure.

plot(bikeroutes.shapefile) # Test plot of spatial data frame.

# Fortify data to translate to Data Frame
bikeroutes.df <- fortify(bikeroutes.shapefile) # Caution, this is very memory intensive and may take several hours to complete

head(bikeroutes.df) # Inspect the data structure

ggplot(bikeroutes.df, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group)) + geom_path() # Test plot of data frame.

数据在github项目的 data文件夹下,csv数据下载下来即可,最终得到的效果如下:

