NLP Topic 1 Word Embeddings and Sentence Embeddings

Topic 1 Word Embeddings and Sentence Embeddings


  • lecture 1: Introduction and Word Vectors
  • lecture 2: Word Vectors 2 and Word Senses
  • chapter 6: Vector Semantics
  • chapter 14: The Representation of Sentence Meaning



    • Topic 1 Word Embeddings and Sentence Embeddings
      • How to represent the meaning of a word?
        • Representing words by their context
      • Word2vec: Overview
      • objective and prediction function

How to represent the meaning of a word?

meaning: signifier(symbol) <=> signified(idea or thing)
common solution: WordNet, a thesaurus containing lists of synonym sets and hypernyms 同义词和上位词。
缺点:missing new meanings of words, can’t compute accurate word similarity.
solution: representing words as discrete symbols one-hot, but there is curse of dimensionality problem as well as on natural notion of similarity:

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Representing words by their context

It should learn to encode similarity in the vectors themselves
Distributional semantics: A word’s meaning is given by the words that frequently appear close-by.
You shall know a word by the company it keeps.
Word vectors/word embeddings: a dense vector for each word, chosen so that it is similar to vectors of words that appear in similar contexts.

Word2vec: Overview

Word2vec (Mikolov et al. 2013) is a framework for learning word vectors, main idea:

  • We have a large corpus of text
  • Every word in a fixed vocabulary is represented by a vector
  • Go through each position t t t in the text, which has a center word c c c and context (“outside”) words o o o
  • Use the similarity of the word vectors for c and o to calculate the probability of o o o given c c c (or vice versa)
  • Keep adjusting the word vectors to maximize this probability

Example windows and process for computing P ( w t + j ∣ w t ) P(w_{t+j}|w_t) P(wt+jwt):

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objective and prediction function

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NLP Topic 1 Word Embeddings and Sentence Embeddings_第5张图片

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