在最底层的层次中,Direct3D并不使用网格模型,而只是使用多边形。D3DX增强了 Direct3D系统的功能性,添加了一系列负责处理网格模型的容器和进行渲染的对象。.X文件是微软公司所开发的,高度通用的三维模型存储格式。它是模板驱动并完全可扩展,这就意味着可以使用它来满足文件存储的所有需求。一个.X文件,正如它的文件扩展名所表明的,是非常通用的。它可以是基于文本的,以便更容易进行编辑;或者是基于二进制的,这样可以使文件更小,并且更容易地进行保护以便不被窥视。整个.X文件格式是基于模板的,非常类似于C语言结构。
.X文件格式的详细介绍请参阅 XFile网格的应用(1)。
使用框架模板(frame template)将一个或多个数据对象(通常为网格模型)进行分组,以便能够更容易地进行处理。也可以创建一个网格模型,并使用多个框架去包含网格模型引用,这样就能够对一个网格模型使用许多次。一个框架层次(frame hierarchy)定义了一个场景的结构,或者网格模型的分组,每当一个框架移动时,所有嵌入其中的框架也同样产生移动。根没有父框架,意味着他就是层次的顶端,且不属于任何别的框架。被连接到其他框架上的框架称之为子框架(child frames)(也可以称之为节点(node))。
当一个框架移动时,它的所有子框架也随之移动。例如如果移动上臂,前臂和手也跟着移动,而另一方面,如果移动人的手,只有手会改变位置,因为它没有子框架(前臂是手的父框架)。每个框架都有它自己的方位,在.X文件的术语中称之为框架变换(frame transformation)。将这种变换运用到较高层次的对象上,每个变换将被传递下去,从层次的顶端以各种方式到达每个子框架。
为了解析一个.X文件,需要使用 ID3DXFile对象,它的工作就是打开一个.X文件并枚举文件中的数据对象,再将他们以一种易于访问的方式展现给用户。为了使用ID3DXFile组件,应该包含dxfile.h,rmfxguid.h,rmfxtmpl.h,同时还必须将dxguid.lib和d3ddxof.lib库链接到工程中。解析一个.X文件并不像开始时所看到的那样困难,窍门就是搜索整个对象的层次,查找想要使用的数据对象,也就是网格模型和框架的对象。
// A Mesh definition structure
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct MESH
char * m_name; // name of mesh
ID3DXMesh * m_mesh; // mesh object
ID3DXMesh * m_skinmesh; // skin mesh object
ID3DXSkinInfo * m_skininfo; // skin information
DWORD m_num_materials; // number of materails in mesh
D3DMATERIAL9 * m_materials; // array of materials
IDirect3DTexture9 ** m_textures; // array of textures
// clear all structure data
m_name = NULL;
m_mesh = NULL;
m_skinmesh = NULL;
m_skininfo = NULL;
m_num_materials = 0 ;
m_materials = NULL;
m_textures = NULL;
// free all used resources
~ MESH()
delete[] m_name;
m_name = NULL;
delete[] m_materials;
m_materials = NULL;
// release all textures resource
if (m_textures != NULL)
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < m_num_materials; i ++ )
delete[] m_textures;
m_textures = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Structure to contain frame information
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct FRAME
char * m_name; // frame's name
MESH * m_mesh; // linked list of meshes
FRAME * m_child; // child frame
// clear all data
m_name = NULL;
m_mesh = NULL;
m_child = NULL;
// delete all used resources, including linked list of frames.
delete[] m_name; m_name = NULL;
delete m_mesh; m_mesh = NULL;
delete m_child; m_child = NULL;
// parent frame for .X file
FRAME * g_parent_frame = NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse specified xfiel data, recursive function.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Parse_XFile_Data(ID3DXFileData * xfile_data, FRAME * parent_frame)
ID3DXFileData * sub_xfile_data = NULL;
ID3DXBuffer * adjacency = NULL;
GUID type;
char * name = NULL;
DWORD size;
MESH * mesh = NULL;
ID3DXBuffer * material_buffer = NULL;
D3DXMATERIAL * materials = NULL;
// get the template type
// retrieves the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the object's template
if (FAILED(xfile_data -> GetType( & type)))
return ;
// get the template name (if any)
// retrieves a pointer to a microsoft directX file object's name
if (FAILED(xfile_data -> GetName(NULL, & size)))
return ;
if (size != 0 )
if ((name = new char [size]) != NULL)
xfile_data -> GetName(name, & size);
// give template a default name if none found
if (name == NULL)
if ((name = new char [ 9 ]) == NULL)
return ;
strcpy(name, " Template " );
// set sub frame
FRAME * sub_frame = parent_frame;
// process the templates
FRAME * frame = NULL;
if (type == TID_D3DRMFrame) // it is a frame
// create a new frame structure
frame = new FRAME();
// store the name
frame -> m_name = name;
name = NULL;
// add to parent frame
parent_frame -> m_child = frame;
// set sub frame parent
sub_frame = frame;
else if (type == TID_D3DRMMesh) // it is a mesh
// create a new mesh structure
mesh = new MESH();
// store the name
mesh -> m_name = name;
name = NULL;
// load mesh data (as a skinned mesh)
// loads a skin mesh from microsoft directX .x file data object
if (FAILED(D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof(xfile_data, 0 , g_d3d_device, & adjacency, & material_buffer, NULL,
& mesh -> m_num_materials, & mesh -> m_skininfo, & mesh -> m_mesh)))
delete[] name;
delete mesh;
return ;
// clone skin mesh if bones exist
if (mesh -> m_skininfo != NULL && mesh -> m_skininfo -> GetNumBones() != 0 )
// clones a mesh using a flexible vertex format (FVF) code
if (FAILED(mesh -> m_mesh -> CloneMeshFVF( 0 , mesh -> m_mesh -> GetFVF(), g_d3d_device, & mesh -> m_skinmesh)))
mesh -> m_skininfo -> Release();
mesh -> m_skininfo = NULL;
// load materials or create a default one if none
if (mesh -> m_num_materials == 0 )
// create a default one
mesh -> m_materials = new D3DMATERIAL9[ 1 ];
mesh -> m_textures = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[ 1 ];
ZeroMemory(mesh -> m_materials, sizeof (D3DMATERIAL9));
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.r = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.g = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.b = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.a = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Ambient = mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Specular = mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse;
mesh -> m_textures[ 0 ] = NULL;
mesh -> m_num_materials = 1 ;
// load the materials
materials = (D3DXMATERIAL * ) material_buffer -> GetBufferPointer();
mesh -> m_materials = new D3DMATERIAL9[mesh -> m_num_materials];
mesh -> m_textures = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[mesh -> m_num_materials];
// set materials and textures for mesh
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < mesh -> m_num_materials; i ++ )
mesh -> m_materials[i] = materials[i].MatD3D;
mesh -> m_materials[i].Ambient = mesh -> m_materials[i].Diffuse;
// build a texture path and load it
if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(g_d3d_device, materials[i].pTextureFilename, & mesh -> m_textures[i])))
mesh -> m_textures[i] = NULL;
// set mesh to parent frame
parent_frame -> m_mesh = mesh;
} // end if(type == TID_D3DRMMesh)
else if (type == TID_D3DRMAnimationSet || type == TID_D3DRMAnimation || type == TID_D3DRMAnimationKey)
// skip animation sets and animations
delete[] name;
return ;
// release name buffer
delete[] name;
SIZE_T num_child;
xfile_data -> GetChildren( & num_child);
// scan for embedded templates
for (SIZE_T i = 0 ; i < num_child; i ++ )
xfile_data -> GetChild(i, & sub_xfile_data);
// process embedded xfile data, recursive call.
Parse_XFile_Data(sub_xfile_data, sub_frame);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse x file, and return root frame.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FRAME * Parse_XFile( char * filename)
ID3DXFile * xfile = NULL;
ID3DXFileEnumObject * xfile_enum = NULL;
ID3DXFileData * xfile_data = NULL;
// create the file object
if (FAILED(D3DXFileCreate( & xfile)))
return NULL;
// register the templates
xfile -> Release();
return NULL;
// create an enumerator object that will read a .x file
if (FAILED(xfile -> CreateEnumObject((LPVOID) filename, DXFILELOAD_FROMFILE, & xfile_enum)))
xfile -> Release();
return NULL;
// allocate a frame that becomes root
FRAME * frame = new FRAME();
SIZE_T num_child;
// retrieve the number of children in this file data object
xfile_enum -> GetChildren( & num_child);
// loop through all objects looking for the frames and meshes
for (SIZE_T i = 0 ; i < num_child; i ++ )
// retrieves a child object in this file data object
if (FAILED(xfile_enum -> GetChild(i, & xfile_data)))
return NULL;
// parse xfile data
Parse_XFile_Data(xfile_data, frame);
// release xfile enumerator object and xfile object
// return root frame
return frame;
// A Mesh definition structure
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct MESH
char * m_name; // name of mesh
ID3DXMesh * m_mesh; // mesh object
ID3DXMesh * m_skinmesh; // skin mesh object
ID3DXSkinInfo * m_skininfo; // skin information
DWORD m_num_materials; // number of materails in mesh
D3DMATERIAL9 * m_materials; // array of materials
IDirect3DTexture9 ** m_textures; // array of textures
// clear all structure data
m_name = NULL;
m_mesh = NULL;
m_skinmesh = NULL;
m_skininfo = NULL;
m_num_materials = 0 ;
m_materials = NULL;
m_textures = NULL;
// free all used resources
~ MESH()
delete[] m_name;
m_name = NULL;
delete[] m_materials;
m_materials = NULL;
// release all textures resource
if (m_textures != NULL)
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < m_num_materials; i ++ )
delete[] m_textures;
m_textures = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Structure to contain frame information
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct FRAME
char * m_name; // frame's name
MESH * m_mesh; // linked list of meshes
FRAME * m_child; // child frame
// clear all data
m_name = NULL;
m_mesh = NULL;
m_child = NULL;
// delete all used resources, including linked list of frames.
delete[] m_name; m_name = NULL;
delete m_mesh; m_mesh = NULL;
delete m_child; m_child = NULL;
// parent frame for .X file
FRAME * g_parent_frame = NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse specified xfiel data, recursive function.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Parse_XFile_Data(ID3DXFileData * xfile_data, FRAME * parent_frame)
ID3DXFileData * sub_xfile_data = NULL;
ID3DXBuffer * adjacency = NULL;
GUID type;
char * name = NULL;
DWORD size;
MESH * mesh = NULL;
ID3DXBuffer * material_buffer = NULL;
D3DXMATERIAL * materials = NULL;
// get the template type
// retrieves the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the object's template
if (FAILED(xfile_data -> GetType( & type)))
return ;
// get the template name (if any)
// retrieves a pointer to a microsoft directX file object's name
if (FAILED(xfile_data -> GetName(NULL, & size)))
return ;
if (size != 0 )
if ((name = new char [size]) != NULL)
xfile_data -> GetName(name, & size);
// give template a default name if none found
if (name == NULL)
if ((name = new char [ 9 ]) == NULL)
return ;
strcpy(name, " Template " );
// set sub frame
FRAME * sub_frame = parent_frame;
// process the templates
FRAME * frame = NULL;
if (type == TID_D3DRMFrame) // it is a frame
// create a new frame structure
frame = new FRAME();
// store the name
frame -> m_name = name;
name = NULL;
// add to parent frame
parent_frame -> m_child = frame;
// set sub frame parent
sub_frame = frame;
else if (type == TID_D3DRMMesh) // it is a mesh
// create a new mesh structure
mesh = new MESH();
// store the name
mesh -> m_name = name;
name = NULL;
// load mesh data (as a skinned mesh)
// loads a skin mesh from microsoft directX .x file data object
if (FAILED(D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof(xfile_data, 0 , g_d3d_device, & adjacency, & material_buffer, NULL,
& mesh -> m_num_materials, & mesh -> m_skininfo, & mesh -> m_mesh)))
delete[] name;
delete mesh;
return ;
// clone skin mesh if bones exist
if (mesh -> m_skininfo != NULL && mesh -> m_skininfo -> GetNumBones() != 0 )
// clones a mesh using a flexible vertex format (FVF) code
if (FAILED(mesh -> m_mesh -> CloneMeshFVF( 0 , mesh -> m_mesh -> GetFVF(), g_d3d_device, & mesh -> m_skinmesh)))
mesh -> m_skininfo -> Release();
mesh -> m_skininfo = NULL;
// load materials or create a default one if none
if (mesh -> m_num_materials == 0 )
// create a default one
mesh -> m_materials = new D3DMATERIAL9[ 1 ];
mesh -> m_textures = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[ 1 ];
ZeroMemory(mesh -> m_materials, sizeof (D3DMATERIAL9));
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.r = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.g = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.b = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.a = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Ambient = mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Specular = mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse;
mesh -> m_textures[ 0 ] = NULL;
mesh -> m_num_materials = 1 ;
// load the materials
materials = (D3DXMATERIAL * ) material_buffer -> GetBufferPointer();
mesh -> m_materials = new D3DMATERIAL9[mesh -> m_num_materials];
mesh -> m_textures = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[mesh -> m_num_materials];
// set materials and textures for mesh
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < mesh -> m_num_materials; i ++ )
mesh -> m_materials[i] = materials[i].MatD3D;
mesh -> m_materials[i].Ambient = mesh -> m_materials[i].Diffuse;
// build a texture path and load it
if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(g_d3d_device, materials[i].pTextureFilename, & mesh -> m_textures[i])))
mesh -> m_textures[i] = NULL;
// set mesh to parent frame
parent_frame -> m_mesh = mesh;
} // end if(type == TID_D3DRMMesh)
else if (type == TID_D3DRMAnimationSet || type == TID_D3DRMAnimation || type == TID_D3DRMAnimationKey)
// skip animation sets and animations
delete[] name;
return ;
// release name buffer
delete[] name;
SIZE_T num_child;
xfile_data -> GetChildren( & num_child);
// scan for embedded templates
for (SIZE_T i = 0 ; i < num_child; i ++ )
xfile_data -> GetChild(i, & sub_xfile_data);
// process embedded xfile data, recursive call.
Parse_XFile_Data(sub_xfile_data, sub_frame);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse x file, and return root frame.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FRAME * Parse_XFile( char * filename)
ID3DXFile * xfile = NULL;
ID3DXFileEnumObject * xfile_enum = NULL;
ID3DXFileData * xfile_data = NULL;
// create the file object
if (FAILED(D3DXFileCreate( & xfile)))
return NULL;
// register the templates
xfile -> Release();
return NULL;
// create an enumerator object that will read a .x file
if (FAILED(xfile -> CreateEnumObject((LPVOID) filename, DXFILELOAD_FROMFILE, & xfile_enum)))
xfile -> Release();
return NULL;
// allocate a frame that becomes root
FRAME * frame = new FRAME();
SIZE_T num_child;
// retrieve the number of children in this file data object
xfile_enum -> GetChildren( & num_child);
// loop through all objects looking for the frames and meshes
for (SIZE_T i = 0 ; i < num_child; i ++ )
// retrieves a child object in this file data object
if (FAILED(xfile_enum -> GetChild(i, & xfile_data)))
return NULL;
// parse xfile data
Parse_XFile_Data(xfile_data, frame);
// release xfile enumerator object and xfile object
// return root frame
return frame;
Parse_XFile和Parse_XFile_Data协同工作以解析.X文件里的每个数据对象,Parse_XFile功能函数打开.X文件并枚举它,以查找层次结构中最顶层的对象,每个被找到的对象都将被传递给Parse_XFile_Data功能函数。 Parse_XFile_Data功能函数负责处理数据对象,它从获取对象的类型以及对象的实例名(如果有的话)开始进行处理。从那里,可以处理对象数据,然后递归地调用功能函数以便枚举所有的子对象,这个处理过程持续不断,直到所有的数据对象都被处理。
基本上,在Direct3D中使用到两种类型的网格模型,标准网格模型(standard mesh)和蒙皮网格模型(skinned mesh)。所谓的标准网格模型,除了可以使用纹理映射以增强外观外,它没有什么花哨的功能。蒙皮网格模型的独特之处在于它们是可变形的 (deformable),也就是说,网格模型可以在运行当中动态地改变它的形状。为网格模型的变形做准备,必须在三维建模程序中将网格模型的顶点附属到一个虚构的骨骼集中,在任何骨骼移动的时候,附属其上的顶点也将跟着移动。
ID3DXBuffer对象用于存储并检索数据的缓冲区,D3DX使用ID3DXBuffer对象去存储网格模型所涉及的信息,例如材质和纹理映射的列表。ID3DXBuffer仅有两个功能函数。第1个功能函数是ID3DXBuffer::GetBufferPointer,可以使用它去获取一个只想包含在对象缓冲区里的数据的指针。 GetBufferPointer功能函数的调用将返回一个可以强制转换成任何数据类型的指针:
Retrieves a pointer to the data in the buffer.
LPVOID GetBufferPointer(VOID);
第2个功能函数是ID3DXBuffer:: GetBufferSize,它返回存储数据所需的字节数。
Retrieves the total size of the data in the buffer.
DWORD GetBufferSize(VOID);
一个标准的网格模型十分简单,它仅包含一个单一网格模型的定义,使用D3DX来处理标准网格模型尤其容易,因为D3DX仅要求使用一个简短的代码序列去装载并显示标准网格模型,标准网格模型有一个 ID3DXMESH对象表示,它的任务就是存储并绘制一个单一的网格模型。
DWORD Options,
LPD3DXBUFFER *ppAdjacency,
LPD3DXBUFFER *ppMaterials,
LPD3DXBUFFER *ppEffectInstances,
DWORD *pNumMaterials,
[in] Pointer to an ID3DXFileData interface, representing the file data object to load.
[out] Combination of one or more flags from the D3DXMESH enumeration, specifying creation options for the mesh.
[in] Pointer to an IDirect3DDevice9 interface, the device object associated with the mesh.
[out] Pointer to a buffer that contains adjacency data. The adjacency data contains an array of three DWORDs per face that specify the three neighbors for each face in the mesh. For more information about accessing the buffer, see ID3DXBuffer.
[in, out] Address of a pointer to an ID3DXBuffer interface. When the method returns, this parameter is filled with an array of D3DXMATERIAL structures.
[out] Pointer to a buffer containing an array of effect instances, one per attribute group in the returned mesh. An effect instance is a particular instance of state information used to initialize an effect. See D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE. For more information about accessing the buffer, see ID3DXBuffer.
[in, out] Pointer to the number of D3DXMATERIAL structures in the ppMaterials array, when the method returns.
[out, retval] Address of a pointer to an ID3DXMesh interface, representing the loaded mesh.
ID3DXMesh对象的核心是一个称之为 DrawSubset的渲染功能函数,它的工作是渲染网格模型的一个子集。一个子集(subset)就是一个网格模型的一个部分,它根据渲染的不同情况被分隔开来,例如不同材质或纹理的子集。可以将一个网格模型分割成许多子集,程序员的工作就是去领会每个子集所代表的是什么,并渲染它。
render the mesh
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < mesh -> m_num_materials; i ++ )
// set the materials properties for the device
g_d3d_device -> SetMaterial( & mesh -> m_materials[i]);
// assigns a texture to a stage for a device
g_d3d_device -> SetTexture( 0 , mesh -> m_textures[i]);
// draw a subset of a mesh
mesh_to_draw -> DrawSubset(i);
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < mesh -> m_num_materials; i ++ )
// set the materials properties for the device
g_d3d_device -> SetMaterial( & mesh -> m_materials[i]);
// assigns a texture to a stage for a device
g_d3d_device -> SetTexture( 0 , mesh -> m_textures[i]);
// draw a subset of a mesh
mesh_to_draw -> DrawSubset(i);
要加载并使用一个蒙皮网格模型,可以直接处理.X文件的数据对象。枚举包含在一个.X文件里的网格模型的数据对象时,需要调用各种不同的D3DX网格模型加载功能函数去处理那些对象数据。当加载蒙皮网格模型时,要用到的一个功能函数就是 D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof。这个功能函数的作用就是从.X文件里读取网格模型的数据对象,创建一个包含网格模型的 ID3DXMesh对象,同时创建一个ID3DXSkinInfo对象,该对象描述了网格模型变形所需要的骨骼到顶点的连接数据。
Clones a mesh using a flexible vertex format (FVF) code.
LPD3DXMESH *ppCloneMesh
[in] A combination of one or more D3DXMESH flags specifying creation options for the mesh.
[in] Combination of FVF codes, which specifies the vertex format for the vertices in the output mesh. For the values of the codes, see D3DFVF.
[in] Pointer to an IDirect3DDevice9 interface representing the device object associated with the mesh.
[out, retval] Address of a pointer to an ID3DXMesh interface, representing the cloned mesh.
clone skin mesh if bones exist
if (mesh -> m_skininfo != NULL && mesh -> m_skininfo -> GetNumBones() != 0 )
// clones a mesh using a flexible vertex format (FVF) code
if (FAILED(mesh -> m_mesh -> CloneMeshFVF( 0 , mesh -> m_mesh -> GetFVF(), g_d3d_device, & mesh -> m_skinmesh)))
mesh -> m_skininfo -> Release();
mesh -> m_skininfo = NULL;
if (mesh -> m_skininfo != NULL && mesh -> m_skininfo -> GetNumBones() != 0 )
// clones a mesh using a flexible vertex format (FVF) code
if (FAILED(mesh -> m_mesh -> CloneMeshFVF( 0 , mesh -> m_mesh -> GetFVF(), g_d3d_device, & mesh -> m_skinmesh)))
mesh -> m_skininfo -> Release();
mesh -> m_skininfo = NULL;
void * dest = NULL;
// locks a vertex buffer and obtains a pointer to the vertex buffer memory
mesh -> m_mesh -> LockVertexBuffer( 0 , & source);
mesh -> m_skinmesh -> LockVertexBuffer( 0 , & dest);
void * dest = NULL;
// locks a vertex buffer and obtains a pointer to the vertex buffer memory
mesh -> m_mesh -> LockVertexBuffer( 0 , & source);
mesh -> m_skinmesh -> LockVertexBuffer( 0 , & dest);
update skinned mesh, applies software skinning to the target vertices based on the current matrices.
mesh -> m_skininfo -> UpdateSkinnedMesh(matrices, NULL, source, dest);
mesh -> m_skininfo -> UpdateSkinnedMesh(matrices, NULL, source, dest);
unlock buffers
mesh -> m_skinmesh -> UnlockVertexBuffer();
mesh -> m_mesh -> UnlockVertexBuffer();
mesh -> m_skinmesh -> UnlockVertexBuffer();
mesh -> m_mesh -> UnlockVertexBuffer();
XFile/Skinned Mesh Demo
************************************************************************************** */
#include < windows.h >
#include < stdio.h >
#include " d3d9.h "
#include " d3dx9.h "
#include " DxFile.h "
#include " RmxfGuid.h "
#include " RmxfTmpl.h "
#pragma comment(lib, " dxguid.lib " )
#pragma comment(lib, " winmm.lib " )
#pragma comment(lib, " d3d9.lib " )
#pragma comment(lib, " d3dx9.lib " )
#pragma comment(lib, " d3dxof.lib " )
#pragma warning(disable : 4305 4996 )
#define WINDOW_WIDTH 400
#define WINDOW_HEIGHT 400
#define Safe_Release(p) if(p) (p)->Release();
#define Release_Com(p) if(p) { (p)->Release(); (p) = NULL; }
// window handles, class and caption text.
HWND g_hwnd;
static char g_class_name[] = " XFileClass " ;
static char g_caption[] = " XFile Demo " ;
// the Direct3D and device object
IDirect3D9 * g_d3d = NULL;
IDirect3DDevice9 * g_d3d_device = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Mesh definition structure
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct MESH
char * m_name; // name of mesh
ID3DXMesh * m_mesh; // mesh object
ID3DXMesh * m_skinmesh; // skin mesh object
ID3DXSkinInfo * m_skininfo; // skin information
DWORD m_num_materials; // number of materails in mesh
D3DMATERIAL9 * m_materials; // array of materials
IDirect3DTexture9 ** m_textures; // array of textures
// clear all structure data
m_name = NULL;
m_mesh = NULL;
m_skinmesh = NULL;
m_skininfo = NULL;
m_num_materials = 0 ;
m_materials = NULL;
m_textures = NULL;
// free all used resources
~ MESH()
delete[] m_name;
m_name = NULL;
delete[] m_materials;
m_materials = NULL;
// release all textures resource
if (m_textures != NULL)
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < m_num_materials; i ++ )
delete[] m_textures;
m_textures = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Structure to contain frame information
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct FRAME
char * m_name; // frame's name
MESH * m_mesh; // linked list of meshes
FRAME * m_child; // child frame
// clear all data
m_name = NULL;
m_mesh = NULL;
m_child = NULL;
// delete all used resources, including linked list of frames.
delete[] m_name; m_name = NULL;
delete m_mesh; m_mesh = NULL;
delete m_child; m_child = NULL;
// parent frame for .X file
FRAME * g_parent_frame = NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window procedure.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
long WINAPI Window_Proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (msg)
PostQuitMessage( 0 );
return 0 ;
return ( long ) DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse specified xfiel data, recursive function.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Parse_XFile_Data(ID3DXFileData * xfile_data, FRAME * parent_frame)
ID3DXFileData * sub_xfile_data = NULL;
ID3DXBuffer * adjacency = NULL;
GUID type;
char * name = NULL;
DWORD size;
MESH * mesh = NULL;
ID3DXBuffer * material_buffer = NULL;
D3DXMATERIAL * materials = NULL;
// get the template type
// retrieves the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the object's template
if (FAILED(xfile_data -> GetType( & type)))
return ;
// get the template name (if any)
// retrieves a pointer to a microsoft directX file object's name
if (FAILED(xfile_data -> GetName(NULL, & size)))
return ;
if (size != 0 )
if ((name = new char [size]) != NULL)
xfile_data -> GetName(name, & size);
// give template a default name if none found
if (name == NULL)
if ((name = new char [ 9 ]) == NULL)
return ;
strcpy(name, " Template " );
// set sub frame
FRAME * sub_frame = parent_frame;
// process the templates
FRAME * frame = NULL;
if (type == TID_D3DRMFrame) // it is a frame
// create a new frame structure
frame = new FRAME();
// store the name
frame -> m_name = name;
name = NULL;
// add to parent frame
parent_frame -> m_child = frame;
// set sub frame parent
sub_frame = frame;
else if (type == TID_D3DRMMesh) // it is a mesh
// create a new mesh structure
mesh = new MESH();
// store the name
mesh -> m_name = name;
name = NULL;
// load mesh data (as a skinned mesh)
// loads a skin mesh from microsoft directX .x file data object
if (FAILED(D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof(xfile_data, 0 , g_d3d_device, & adjacency, & material_buffer, NULL,
& mesh -> m_num_materials, & mesh -> m_skininfo, & mesh -> m_mesh)))
delete[] name;
delete mesh;
return ;
// clone skin mesh if bones exist
if (mesh -> m_skininfo != NULL && mesh -> m_skininfo -> GetNumBones() != 0 )
// clones a mesh using a flexible vertex format (FVF) code
if (FAILED(mesh -> m_mesh -> CloneMeshFVF( 0 , mesh -> m_mesh -> GetFVF(), g_d3d_device, & mesh -> m_skinmesh)))
mesh -> m_skininfo -> Release();
mesh -> m_skininfo = NULL;
// load materials or create a default one if none
if (mesh -> m_num_materials == 0 )
// create a default one
mesh -> m_materials = new D3DMATERIAL9[ 1 ];
mesh -> m_textures = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[ 1 ];
ZeroMemory(mesh -> m_materials, sizeof (D3DMATERIAL9));
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.r = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.g = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.b = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.a = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Ambient = mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Specular = mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse;
mesh -> m_textures[ 0 ] = NULL;
mesh -> m_num_materials = 1 ;
// load the materials
materials = (D3DXMATERIAL * ) material_buffer -> GetBufferPointer();
mesh -> m_materials = new D3DMATERIAL9[mesh -> m_num_materials];
mesh -> m_textures = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[mesh -> m_num_materials];
// set materials and textures for mesh
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < mesh -> m_num_materials; i ++ )
mesh -> m_materials[i] = materials[i].MatD3D;
mesh -> m_materials[i].Ambient = mesh -> m_materials[i].Diffuse;
// build a texture path and load it
if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(g_d3d_device, materials[i].pTextureFilename, & mesh -> m_textures[i])))
mesh -> m_textures[i] = NULL;
// set mesh to parent frame
parent_frame -> m_mesh = mesh;
} // end if(type == TID_D3DRMMesh)
else if (type == TID_D3DRMAnimationSet || type == TID_D3DRMAnimation || type == TID_D3DRMAnimationKey)
// skip animation sets and animations
delete[] name;
return ;
// release name buffer
delete[] name;
SIZE_T num_child;
xfile_data -> GetChildren( & num_child);
// scan for embedded templates
for (SIZE_T i = 0 ; i < num_child; i ++ )
xfile_data -> GetChild(i, & sub_xfile_data);
// process embedded xfile data, recursive call.
Parse_XFile_Data(sub_xfile_data, sub_frame);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse x file, and return root frame.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FRAME * Parse_XFile( char * filename)
ID3DXFile * xfile = NULL;
ID3DXFileEnumObject * xfile_enum = NULL;
ID3DXFileData * xfile_data = NULL;
// create the file object
if (FAILED(D3DXFileCreate( & xfile)))
return NULL;
// register the templates
xfile -> Release();
return NULL;
// create an enumerator object that will read a .x file
if (FAILED(xfile -> CreateEnumObject((LPVOID) filename, DXFILELOAD_FROMFILE, & xfile_enum)))
xfile -> Release();
return NULL;
// allocate a frame that becomes root
FRAME * frame = new FRAME();
SIZE_T num_child;
// retrieve the number of children in this file data object
xfile_enum -> GetChildren( & num_child);
// loop through all objects looking for the frames and meshes
for (SIZE_T i = 0 ; i < num_child; i ++ )
// retrieves a child object in this file data object
if (FAILED(xfile_enum -> GetChild(i, & xfile_data)))
return NULL;
// parse xfile data
Parse_XFile_Data(xfile_data, frame);
// release xfile enumerator object and xfile object
// return root frame
return frame;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize d3d, d3d device, vertex buffer; set render state for d3d;
// set perspective matrix and view matrix, load xfile.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL Do_Init()
D3DDISPLAYMODE display_mode;
D3DXMATRIX mat_proj, mat_view;
// do a windowed mode initialization of Direct3D
if ((g_d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION)) == NULL)
return FALSE;
// retrieves the current display mode of the adapter
if (FAILED(g_d3d -> GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, & display_mode)))
return FALSE;
ZeroMemory( & present_param, sizeof (present_param));
// initialize d3d presentation parameter
present_param.Windowed = TRUE;
present_param.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
present_param.BackBufferFormat = display_mode.Format;
present_param.EnableAutoDepthStencil = TRUE;
present_param.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16;
// creates a device to represent the display adapter
if (FAILED(g_d3d -> CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, g_hwnd,
D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, & present_param, & g_d3d_device)))
return FALSE;
// set render state
// disable d3d lighting
g_d3d_device -> SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
// enable z-buffer
g_d3d_device -> SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
// create and set the projection matrix
// builds a left-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( & mat_proj, D3DX_PI / 4.0 , 1.33333 , 1.0 , 1000.0 );
// sets a single device transformation-related state
g_d3d_device -> SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, & mat_proj);
// create and set the view matrix
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH( & mat_view,
& D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0 , 50.0 , - 150.0 ),
& D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0 , 50.0 , 0.0 ),
& D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ));
g_d3d_device -> SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, & mat_view);
// load a skinned mesh from an .X file
g_parent_frame = Parse_XFile( " warrior.x " );
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Release all d3d resource.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL Do_Shutdown()
delete g_parent_frame;
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw current frame, recursive function.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Draw_Frame(FRAME * frame)
MESH * mesh;
D3DXMATRIX * matrices = NULL;
ID3DXMesh * mesh_to_draw;
// return if no frame
if (frame == NULL)
return ;
// draw meshes if any in frame
if ((mesh = frame -> m_mesh) != NULL)
// setup pointer to mesh to draw
mesh_to_draw = mesh -> m_mesh;
// generate mesh from skinned mesh to draw with
if (mesh -> m_skinmesh != NULL && mesh -> m_skininfo != NULL)
DWORD num_bones = mesh -> m_skininfo -> GetNumBones();
// allocate an array of matrices to orient bones
matrices = new D3DXMATRIX[num_bones];
// set all bones orientation to identity
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < num_bones; i ++ )
D3DXMatrixIdentity( & matrices[i]);
// lock source and destination vertex buffers
void * source = NULL;
void * dest = NULL;
// locks a vertex buffer and obtains a pointer to the vertex buffer memory
mesh -> m_mesh -> LockVertexBuffer( 0 , & source);
mesh -> m_skinmesh -> LockVertexBuffer( 0 , & dest);
// update skinned mesh, applies software skinning to the target vertices based on the current matrices.
mesh -> m_skininfo -> UpdateSkinnedMesh(matrices, NULL, source, dest);
// unlock buffers
mesh -> m_skinmesh -> UnlockVertexBuffer();
mesh -> m_mesh -> UnlockVertexBuffer();
// point to skin mesh to draw
mesh_to_draw = mesh -> m_skinmesh;
// render the mesh
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < mesh -> m_num_materials; i ++ )
// set the materials properties for the device
g_d3d_device -> SetMaterial( & mesh -> m_materials[i]);
// assigns a texture to a stage for a device
g_d3d_device -> SetTexture( 0 , mesh -> m_textures[i]);
// draw a subset of a mesh
mesh_to_draw -> DrawSubset(i);
// free array of matrices
delete[] matrices;
matrices = NULL;
// draw child frames, recursively call.
Draw_Frame(frame -> m_child);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render a frame.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL Do_Frame()
D3DXMATRIX mat_world;
// clear device back buffer
g_d3d_device -> Clear( 0 , NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_RGBA( 0 , 64 , 128 , 255 ), 1.0f , 0 );
// Begin scene
if (SUCCEEDED(g_d3d_device -> BeginScene()))
// create and set the world transformation matrix
// rotate object along y-axis
D3DXMatrixRotationY( & mat_world, ( float ) (timeGetTime() / 1000.0 ));
g_d3d_device -> SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, & mat_world);
// draw frames
// end the scene
g_d3d_device -> EndScene();
// present the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device
g_d3d_device -> Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// release texture
g_d3d_device -> SetTexture( 0 , NULL);
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main function, routine entry.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR cmd_line, int cmd_show)
WNDCLASSEX win_class;
MSG msg;
g_inst = inst;
// create window class and register it
win_class.cbSize = sizeof (win_class);
win_class.style = CS_CLASSDC;
win_class.lpfnWndProc = Window_Proc;
win_class.cbClsExtra = 0 ;
win_class.cbWndExtra = 0 ;
win_class.hInstance = inst;
win_class.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
win_class.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
win_class.hbrBackground = NULL;
win_class.lpszMenuName = NULL;
win_class.lpszClassName = g_class_name;
win_class.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
if ( ! RegisterClassEx( & win_class))
return FALSE;
// create the main window
g_hwnd = CreateWindow(g_class_name, g_caption, WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU, 0 , 0 ,
if (g_hwnd == NULL)
return FALSE;
ShowWindow(g_hwnd, SW_NORMAL);
// initialize game
if (Do_Init() == FALSE)
return FALSE;
// start message pump, waiting for signal to quit.
ZeroMemory( & msg, sizeof (MSG));
while (msg.message != WM_QUIT)
if (PeekMessage( & msg, NULL, 0 , 0 , PM_REMOVE))
TranslateMessage( & msg);
DispatchMessage( & msg);
// draw a frame
if (Do_Frame() == FALSE)
break ;
// run shutdown function
UnregisterClass(g_class_name, inst);
return ( int ) msg.wParam;
XFile/Skinned Mesh Demo
************************************************************************************** */
#include < windows.h >
#include < stdio.h >
#include " d3d9.h "
#include " d3dx9.h "
#include " DxFile.h "
#include " RmxfGuid.h "
#include " RmxfTmpl.h "
#pragma comment(lib, " dxguid.lib " )
#pragma comment(lib, " winmm.lib " )
#pragma comment(lib, " d3d9.lib " )
#pragma comment(lib, " d3dx9.lib " )
#pragma comment(lib, " d3dxof.lib " )
#pragma warning(disable : 4305 4996 )
#define WINDOW_WIDTH 400
#define WINDOW_HEIGHT 400
#define Safe_Release(p) if(p) (p)->Release();
#define Release_Com(p) if(p) { (p)->Release(); (p) = NULL; }
// window handles, class and caption text.
HWND g_hwnd;
static char g_class_name[] = " XFileClass " ;
static char g_caption[] = " XFile Demo " ;
// the Direct3D and device object
IDirect3D9 * g_d3d = NULL;
IDirect3DDevice9 * g_d3d_device = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Mesh definition structure
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct MESH
char * m_name; // name of mesh
ID3DXMesh * m_mesh; // mesh object
ID3DXMesh * m_skinmesh; // skin mesh object
ID3DXSkinInfo * m_skininfo; // skin information
DWORD m_num_materials; // number of materails in mesh
D3DMATERIAL9 * m_materials; // array of materials
IDirect3DTexture9 ** m_textures; // array of textures
// clear all structure data
m_name = NULL;
m_mesh = NULL;
m_skinmesh = NULL;
m_skininfo = NULL;
m_num_materials = 0 ;
m_materials = NULL;
m_textures = NULL;
// free all used resources
~ MESH()
delete[] m_name;
m_name = NULL;
delete[] m_materials;
m_materials = NULL;
// release all textures resource
if (m_textures != NULL)
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < m_num_materials; i ++ )
delete[] m_textures;
m_textures = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Structure to contain frame information
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct FRAME
char * m_name; // frame's name
MESH * m_mesh; // linked list of meshes
FRAME * m_child; // child frame
// clear all data
m_name = NULL;
m_mesh = NULL;
m_child = NULL;
// delete all used resources, including linked list of frames.
delete[] m_name; m_name = NULL;
delete m_mesh; m_mesh = NULL;
delete m_child; m_child = NULL;
// parent frame for .X file
FRAME * g_parent_frame = NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window procedure.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
long WINAPI Window_Proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (msg)
PostQuitMessage( 0 );
return 0 ;
return ( long ) DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse specified xfiel data, recursive function.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Parse_XFile_Data(ID3DXFileData * xfile_data, FRAME * parent_frame)
ID3DXFileData * sub_xfile_data = NULL;
ID3DXBuffer * adjacency = NULL;
GUID type;
char * name = NULL;
DWORD size;
MESH * mesh = NULL;
ID3DXBuffer * material_buffer = NULL;
D3DXMATERIAL * materials = NULL;
// get the template type
// retrieves the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the object's template
if (FAILED(xfile_data -> GetType( & type)))
return ;
// get the template name (if any)
// retrieves a pointer to a microsoft directX file object's name
if (FAILED(xfile_data -> GetName(NULL, & size)))
return ;
if (size != 0 )
if ((name = new char [size]) != NULL)
xfile_data -> GetName(name, & size);
// give template a default name if none found
if (name == NULL)
if ((name = new char [ 9 ]) == NULL)
return ;
strcpy(name, " Template " );
// set sub frame
FRAME * sub_frame = parent_frame;
// process the templates
FRAME * frame = NULL;
if (type == TID_D3DRMFrame) // it is a frame
// create a new frame structure
frame = new FRAME();
// store the name
frame -> m_name = name;
name = NULL;
// add to parent frame
parent_frame -> m_child = frame;
// set sub frame parent
sub_frame = frame;
else if (type == TID_D3DRMMesh) // it is a mesh
// create a new mesh structure
mesh = new MESH();
// store the name
mesh -> m_name = name;
name = NULL;
// load mesh data (as a skinned mesh)
// loads a skin mesh from microsoft directX .x file data object
if (FAILED(D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof(xfile_data, 0 , g_d3d_device, & adjacency, & material_buffer, NULL,
& mesh -> m_num_materials, & mesh -> m_skininfo, & mesh -> m_mesh)))
delete[] name;
delete mesh;
return ;
// clone skin mesh if bones exist
if (mesh -> m_skininfo != NULL && mesh -> m_skininfo -> GetNumBones() != 0 )
// clones a mesh using a flexible vertex format (FVF) code
if (FAILED(mesh -> m_mesh -> CloneMeshFVF( 0 , mesh -> m_mesh -> GetFVF(), g_d3d_device, & mesh -> m_skinmesh)))
mesh -> m_skininfo -> Release();
mesh -> m_skininfo = NULL;
// load materials or create a default one if none
if (mesh -> m_num_materials == 0 )
// create a default one
mesh -> m_materials = new D3DMATERIAL9[ 1 ];
mesh -> m_textures = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[ 1 ];
ZeroMemory(mesh -> m_materials, sizeof (D3DMATERIAL9));
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.r = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.g = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.b = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse.a = 1.0 ;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Ambient = mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse;
mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Specular = mesh -> m_materials[ 0 ].Diffuse;
mesh -> m_textures[ 0 ] = NULL;
mesh -> m_num_materials = 1 ;
// load the materials
materials = (D3DXMATERIAL * ) material_buffer -> GetBufferPointer();
mesh -> m_materials = new D3DMATERIAL9[mesh -> m_num_materials];
mesh -> m_textures = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[mesh -> m_num_materials];
// set materials and textures for mesh
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < mesh -> m_num_materials; i ++ )
mesh -> m_materials[i] = materials[i].MatD3D;
mesh -> m_materials[i].Ambient = mesh -> m_materials[i].Diffuse;
// build a texture path and load it
if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(g_d3d_device, materials[i].pTextureFilename, & mesh -> m_textures[i])))
mesh -> m_textures[i] = NULL;
// set mesh to parent frame
parent_frame -> m_mesh = mesh;
} // end if(type == TID_D3DRMMesh)
else if (type == TID_D3DRMAnimationSet || type == TID_D3DRMAnimation || type == TID_D3DRMAnimationKey)
// skip animation sets and animations
delete[] name;
return ;
// release name buffer
delete[] name;
SIZE_T num_child;
xfile_data -> GetChildren( & num_child);
// scan for embedded templates
for (SIZE_T i = 0 ; i < num_child; i ++ )
xfile_data -> GetChild(i, & sub_xfile_data);
// process embedded xfile data, recursive call.
Parse_XFile_Data(sub_xfile_data, sub_frame);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse x file, and return root frame.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FRAME * Parse_XFile( char * filename)
ID3DXFile * xfile = NULL;
ID3DXFileEnumObject * xfile_enum = NULL;
ID3DXFileData * xfile_data = NULL;
// create the file object
if (FAILED(D3DXFileCreate( & xfile)))
return NULL;
// register the templates
xfile -> Release();
return NULL;
// create an enumerator object that will read a .x file
if (FAILED(xfile -> CreateEnumObject((LPVOID) filename, DXFILELOAD_FROMFILE, & xfile_enum)))
xfile -> Release();
return NULL;
// allocate a frame that becomes root
FRAME * frame = new FRAME();
SIZE_T num_child;
// retrieve the number of children in this file data object
xfile_enum -> GetChildren( & num_child);
// loop through all objects looking for the frames and meshes
for (SIZE_T i = 0 ; i < num_child; i ++ )
// retrieves a child object in this file data object
if (FAILED(xfile_enum -> GetChild(i, & xfile_data)))
return NULL;
// parse xfile data
Parse_XFile_Data(xfile_data, frame);
// release xfile enumerator object and xfile object
// return root frame
return frame;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize d3d, d3d device, vertex buffer; set render state for d3d;
// set perspective matrix and view matrix, load xfile.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL Do_Init()
D3DDISPLAYMODE display_mode;
D3DXMATRIX mat_proj, mat_view;
// do a windowed mode initialization of Direct3D
if ((g_d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION)) == NULL)
return FALSE;
// retrieves the current display mode of the adapter
if (FAILED(g_d3d -> GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, & display_mode)))
return FALSE;
ZeroMemory( & present_param, sizeof (present_param));
// initialize d3d presentation parameter
present_param.Windowed = TRUE;
present_param.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
present_param.BackBufferFormat = display_mode.Format;
present_param.EnableAutoDepthStencil = TRUE;
present_param.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16;
// creates a device to represent the display adapter
if (FAILED(g_d3d -> CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, g_hwnd,
D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, & present_param, & g_d3d_device)))
return FALSE;
// set render state
// disable d3d lighting
g_d3d_device -> SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
// enable z-buffer
g_d3d_device -> SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
// create and set the projection matrix
// builds a left-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( & mat_proj, D3DX_PI / 4.0 , 1.33333 , 1.0 , 1000.0 );
// sets a single device transformation-related state
g_d3d_device -> SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, & mat_proj);
// create and set the view matrix
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH( & mat_view,
& D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0 , 50.0 , - 150.0 ),
& D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0 , 50.0 , 0.0 ),
& D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ));
g_d3d_device -> SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, & mat_view);
// load a skinned mesh from an .X file
g_parent_frame = Parse_XFile( " warrior.x " );
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Release all d3d resource.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL Do_Shutdown()
delete g_parent_frame;
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw current frame, recursive function.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Draw_Frame(FRAME * frame)
MESH * mesh;
D3DXMATRIX * matrices = NULL;
ID3DXMesh * mesh_to_draw;
// return if no frame
if (frame == NULL)
return ;
// draw meshes if any in frame
if ((mesh = frame -> m_mesh) != NULL)
// setup pointer to mesh to draw
mesh_to_draw = mesh -> m_mesh;
// generate mesh from skinned mesh to draw with
if (mesh -> m_skinmesh != NULL && mesh -> m_skininfo != NULL)
DWORD num_bones = mesh -> m_skininfo -> GetNumBones();
// allocate an array of matrices to orient bones
matrices = new D3DXMATRIX[num_bones];
// set all bones orientation to identity
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < num_bones; i ++ )
D3DXMatrixIdentity( & matrices[i]);
// lock source and destination vertex buffers
void * source = NULL;
void * dest = NULL;
// locks a vertex buffer and obtains a pointer to the vertex buffer memory
mesh -> m_mesh -> LockVertexBuffer( 0 , & source);
mesh -> m_skinmesh -> LockVertexBuffer( 0 , & dest);
// update skinned mesh, applies software skinning to the target vertices based on the current matrices.
mesh -> m_skininfo -> UpdateSkinnedMesh(matrices, NULL, source, dest);
// unlock buffers
mesh -> m_skinmesh -> UnlockVertexBuffer();
mesh -> m_mesh -> UnlockVertexBuffer();
// point to skin mesh to draw
mesh_to_draw = mesh -> m_skinmesh;
// render the mesh
for (DWORD i = 0 ; i < mesh -> m_num_materials; i ++ )
// set the materials properties for the device
g_d3d_device -> SetMaterial( & mesh -> m_materials[i]);
// assigns a texture to a stage for a device
g_d3d_device -> SetTexture( 0 , mesh -> m_textures[i]);
// draw a subset of a mesh
mesh_to_draw -> DrawSubset(i);
// free array of matrices
delete[] matrices;
matrices = NULL;
// draw child frames, recursively call.
Draw_Frame(frame -> m_child);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render a frame.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL Do_Frame()
D3DXMATRIX mat_world;
// clear device back buffer
g_d3d_device -> Clear( 0 , NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_RGBA( 0 , 64 , 128 , 255 ), 1.0f , 0 );
// Begin scene
if (SUCCEEDED(g_d3d_device -> BeginScene()))
// create and set the world transformation matrix
// rotate object along y-axis
D3DXMatrixRotationY( & mat_world, ( float ) (timeGetTime() / 1000.0 ));
g_d3d_device -> SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, & mat_world);
// draw frames
// end the scene
g_d3d_device -> EndScene();
// present the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device
g_d3d_device -> Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// release texture
g_d3d_device -> SetTexture( 0 , NULL);
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main function, routine entry.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR cmd_line, int cmd_show)
WNDCLASSEX win_class;
MSG msg;
g_inst = inst;
// create window class and register it
win_class.cbSize = sizeof (win_class);
win_class.style = CS_CLASSDC;
win_class.lpfnWndProc = Window_Proc;
win_class.cbClsExtra = 0 ;
win_class.cbWndExtra = 0 ;
win_class.hInstance = inst;
win_class.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
win_class.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
win_class.hbrBackground = NULL;
win_class.lpszMenuName = NULL;
win_class.lpszClassName = g_class_name;
win_class.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
if ( ! RegisterClassEx( & win_class))
return FALSE;
// create the main window
g_hwnd = CreateWindow(g_class_name, g_caption, WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU, 0 , 0 ,
if (g_hwnd == NULL)
return FALSE;
ShowWindow(g_hwnd, SW_NORMAL);
// initialize game
if (Do_Init() == FALSE)
return FALSE;
// start message pump, waiting for signal to quit.
ZeroMemory( & msg, sizeof (MSG));
while (msg.message != WM_QUIT)
if (PeekMessage( & msg, NULL, 0 , 0 , PM_REMOVE))
TranslateMessage( & msg);
DispatchMessage( & msg);
// draw a frame
if (Do_Frame() == FALSE)
break ;
// run shutdown function
UnregisterClass(g_class_name, inst);
return ( int ) msg.wParam;