Why Mozilla is committed to Gecko as WebKit popularity grows


Why Mozilla is committed to Gecko as WebKit popularity grows

After Google's recent release of the WebKit-based Chrome browser, some of our readers have been wondering if Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine is still relevant. Ars takes a close look at Gecko and WebKit and explains why Gecko will continue to put the fire in Firefox.

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Why Gecko gets love from third-party adopters

It's also worth noting that some of Gecko's unique and seemingly idiosyncratic features are becoming useful to third-party adopters. There are a growing number of applications being built on top of the Mozilla platform that leverage XUL with impressive results. A few examples are the Songbird music player, the Miro video player, and ActiveState's Komodo IDE. Firefox 3 itself can be used as a XUL application runtime, which means that third-party developers can build rich Internet applications with XUL and JavaScript and deploy them with ease on computers with Firefox 3. Similarly, we are beginning to see sophisticated XUL applications deployed entirely as Firefox extensions. One example is Pencil, a diagramming and GUI prototyping tool that recently won the Extend Firefox 3 contest.

Some of the most prominent WebKit adopters are also investing considerable resources into Gecko and Firefox. Nokia, for instance, is funding the development of a Firefox Qt port and Adobe is collaborating with Mozilla to develop Tamarin, a new JavaScript engine that uses code from Flash's ActionScript virtual machine.

Gecko is clearly capable of achieving parity with WebKit in power, performance, and low memory consumption, while still providing unique and highly advantageous features that can't be found in other rendering engines or easily added to WebKit. Despite the belief of some critics that WebKit is categorically better, there is no technical basis for arguing that Firefox should drop Gecko.

Mozilla explains why WebKit isn't the future of Firefox

We asked Mike Shaver, who is now Mozilla's VP of engineering, to comment on how he views the Gecko/WebKit dichotomy today and why he believes Gecko is still important.

"I have a lot of respect for the WebKit guys, and for the work they've done," he told us in an e-mail. "The web is better because they're around and pushing hard, and Mozilla itself is better from the competitive push as well as cooperation ranging from new web standards to plugin interfaces to the nerdiest of implementation discussions."

Although he respects the technical achievements of WebKit, he believes that the WebKit development model and fragmentation in the WebKit ecosystem would create serious challenges that make it unsuitable for Firefox.

"We're getting a ton of value out of a unified engine for all our projects, from desktop to device and xulrunner to Thunderbird. If you look at the WebKit landscape right now, you see a lot of different projects there and it's not clear how or if they'll converge," he wrote. "We'd obviously need to hack WebKit pretty hard to adapt it to our needs, and it's not likely that adding another fast-moving variant to that mix would be helpful to anyone, least of all WebKit! We learned about fork maintenance and integration the hard way (and had to learn it a couple of times, to be honest), so that's not trouble that we want to borrow."

The WebKit governance model and Apple's general lack of transparency are also issues that would negatively impact Mozilla if Firefox adopted WebKit.

"I think we would have a hard time maintaining our momentum and depth of community empowerment in the WebKit setting. The level of visibility around patches and review is a lot higher in our world, as one example, and we don't have bugs disappearing into an Apple-only bug system," he told us. "For us to come into WebKit's world and insist on that additional transparency would be unfair and counterproductive, but to live without it wouldn't be an option for Mozilla. Our system works for us, and their system works for them (and is in many ways less noisy), but I don't think that any one system could work very well for both of us."


My hope is that this detailed examination of Gecko's strengths, and the effort that Mozilla has invested in overcoming its weaknesses, will help illuminate the continuing relevance of Gecko in the Mozilla ecosystem and finally put to rest dubious speculation about the possibility of WebKit adoption for Firefox.

The technical advantages of Gecko are evident when viewed objectively, and the amount of effort that would be required to make WebKit fit into the Firefox stack would far outweigh the technical benefits. As we have noted in the past, there are also reasons why the choice and diversity inherent in having multiple competing implementations is valuable, too.

There are many things the Gecko and WebKit developer communities can learn from each other, but replacing Gecko would not serve any justifiable purpose. In closing, I'll leave you with one more thought from Mike Shaver:

"We follow WebKit as closely as anyone in the world, and we cast as critical an eye towards our technology stack as anyone in the world," he told us. "But a brain transplant is neither practical nor likely to be useful."


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