winpcap pcap_compile MAC 地址过滤



char filter =   "ether   dst   00:90:41:C0:C1:C3";


char filter[512]; 

sprintf(filter,"ether proto 0x1111 and ether dst %02X",m_macAddress[0]);
   for(int i=1;i<6;i++)

  if ( (m_pcapAdhandle= pcap_open_live(this->m_ifName,          // name of the device
                 65536,  // portion of the packet to      capture.  PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS,    // promiscuous mode
  10,             // read timeout
  errbuf            // error buffer
  ) ) == NULL)
   DEBUG_HELPER->log("netcomm",LM_ERROR,"Unable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n",m_ifName);
         return -1;
 if (filter != NULL)
  // We should loop through the adapters returned by the pcap_findalldevs_ex()
  // in order to locate the correct one.
  // Let's do things simpler: we suppose to be in a C class network ;-)

  //compile the filter
  if(pcap_compile(m_pcapAdhandle, &fcode, filter, 1, NetMask) < 0)
   char* reterror = pcap_geterr(m_pcapAdhandle);
   DEBUG_HELPER->log("netcomm",LM_ERROR,"Error compiling filter: wrong syntax.%s\n",reterror);
   return -3;

  //set the filter
  if(pcap_setfilter(m_pcapAdhandle, &fcode)<0)
   DEBUG_HELPER->log("netcomm",LM_ERROR,"Error setting the filter\n");
   return -4;

