public ApplicationEventMulticaster applicationEventMulticaster(){
SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster eventMulticaster = new ClusterEventMulticaster();
eventMulticaster.setTaskExecutor(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor());
return eventMulticaster;
public class ClusterEventMulticaster extends SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster{
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();
private final Set endpoints = new HashSet<>(); //管理和维护各个websocket连接
@Inject ApplicationContext context; //作为在Root上下文中设置为bean,因此这里将获得的是root上下文
public void multicastEvent(ApplicationEvent event, ResolvableType eventType) {
super.multicastEvent(event, eventType);
if(event instanceof ClusterEvent && !((ClusterEvent)event).isRebroadcasted())
}catch(Exception e){
log.error("Failed to broadcast distributable event to cluster.",e);
private void publishClusteredEvent(ClusterEvent event){
for(ClusterMessagingEndpoint endpoint : this.endpoints){
protected final void handleReceivedClusteredEvent(ClusterEvent event){
this.multicastEvent(event,null); //相当于在本地发布
protected void registerEndpoint(ClusterMessagingEndpoint endpoint){
synchronized (endpoints) {
protected void deregisterEndpoint(ClusterMessagingEndpoint endpoint){
public void shutdown(){
for(ClusterMessagingEndpoint endpoint : this.endpoints){
protected void registerNode(String endpoint){
log.info("Connecting to cluster node {}.", endpoint);
/* A WebSocketContainer is an implementation provided object that provides applications a view
* on the container running it. The WebSocketContainer container various configuration parameters
* that control default session and buffer properties of the endpoints it contains. It also allows
* the developer to deploy websocket client endpoints by initiating a web socket handshake from
* the provided endpoint to a supplied URI where the peer endpoint is presumed to reside.
* A WebSocketContainer may be accessed by concurrent threads, so implementations must ensure the
* integrity of its mutable attributes in such circumstances.
* URI uri = new URI("ws","localhost:8080",path,null,null);
* Session session = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer().connectToServer(this, uri);
* */
WebSocketContainer container = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer();
/* ClusterMessagingEndpoint是websocket的cilent+server,websocket不是spring framework。如果要向bean那样可以自动注入等,我们需要使用org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable标注对于非Spring管理的bean。*/
ClusterMessagingEndpoint bean = this.context.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory()
try {
log.info("Connect to server {}", endpoint);
container.connectToServer(bean, new URI(endpoint));
} catch (DeploymentException | IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
log.error("Failed to connect to cluster node {}.", endpoint, e);
@ServerEndpoint(value = "/services/Messaging/{securityCode}",
encoders = { ClusterMessagingEndpoint.Codec.class },
decoders = { ClusterMessagingEndpoint.Codec.class },
configurator = SpringConfigurator.class)
encoders = { ClusterMessagingEndpoint.Codec.class },
decoders = { ClusterMessagingEndpoint.Codec.class })
public class ClusterMessagingEndpoint {
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();
private Session session;
@Inject ClusterEventMulticaster multicaster;
public void open(Session session){
Map parameters = session.getPathParameters();
if(parameters.containsKey("securityCode") && !"a83teo83hou9883hha9".equals(parameters.get("securityCode"))){
try {
log.error("Received connection with illegal code {}.", parameters.get("securityCode"));
session.close(new CloseReason(CloseReason.CloseCodes.VIOLATED_POLICY, "Illegal Code"));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Failed to close illegal connection.", e);
log.info("Successful connection onOpen.");
this.session = session;
this.multicaster.registerEndpoint(this); //websocket连接成功建立
public void receive(ClusterEvent message){
this.multicaster.handleReceivedClusteredEvent(message); //收到集群中的消息
public void close(){
log.info("Cluster node connection closed.");
this.multicaster.deregisterEndpoint(this); //对方关闭连接
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Error while closing cluster node connection.", e);
public void send(ClusterEvent message){
try {
session.getBasicRemote().sendObject(message); //通过websocket连接发布事件(消息)
} catch (IOException | EncodeException e) {
log.error("Failed to send message to adjacent node.", e);
public static class Codec implements Encoder.BinaryStream,Decoder.BinaryStream {
public void init(EndpointConfig config) {
public void destroy() {
public ClusterEvent decode(InputStream is) throws DecodeException, IOException {
try(ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);){
try {
return (ClusterEvent)ois.readObject();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new DecodeException((String)null, "Failed to decode.", e);
public void encode(ClusterEvent object, OutputStream os) throws EncodeException, IOException {
try(ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);){
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