C C++中ThreadLocal的实现方式

C C++中ThreadLocal的实现方式





如果我们创建线程时用_beginthreadex函数的话,这个函数内部会为我们创建一个 _tiddata结构,如果是我们可以将需要作为线程独立的变量放在这个区域,这就可以使用TlsGetValue来获取threadlocal变量。


uintptr_r __cdecl _beginthreadex
void *psa,
unsigned cbStackSize;
unsigned (__stdcall * pfnStartAddr)(void*),
void *pvParam,
unsigned dwCreateFlags,
unsigned *pwdThreadID
    _ptiddata ptd;  // pointer to thread's data block
    uintptr_r thdl; //Thread's HANDLE

    //Allocate data block for new thread
    if((ptd=(_ptiddata)_calloc_crt(1,sizeof(struct _tiddata))) == NULL) goto error_return;

    // Initilize the data block

    //Save the desired thread function and the parameter we want to get in the data block
    ptd->_initaddr = (void *)pfnStartAddr;
    ptd->_initarg = pvParam;
    ptd->_thandle = (uintptr_t)(-1);

    //Create the thread
    thdl = (uintptr_t)CreateThread((LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)pas,cbStackSize,
    if(thdl == 0){
        // thread can not be created 
        goto error_return;
        return (thdl); 

    // Error: data block or thread can not be created 

    return ((uintptr_t))L);

通过上面的伪代码,我们了解到调用_beginthreadex 函数为我们在堆区创建了一块数据区域,并且把我们的线程函数和参数放入了这块区域,然后调用CreateThread函数时,传入的并不是我们指定的线程函数,而是另一个函数 _threadstartex,而且参数是分配的data block,而不是我们传入的参数,接下来我们来 看看分配的数据区域相关的代码。这个结构体在mtdll.h文件中

struct _tiddata {
    unsigned long   _tid;       /* thread ID */

    uintptr_t _thandle;         /* thread handle */

    int     _terrno;            /* errno value */
    unsigned long   _tdoserrno; /* _doserrno value */
    unsigned int    _fpds;      /* Floating Point data segment */
    unsigned long   _holdrand;  /* rand() seed value */
    char *      _token;         /* ptr to strtok() token */
    wchar_t *   _wtoken;        /* ptr to wcstok() token */
    unsigned char * _mtoken;    /* ptr to _mbstok() token */

    /* following pointers get malloc'd at runtime */
    char *      _errmsg;        /* ptr to strerror()/_strerror() buff */
    wchar_t *   _werrmsg;       /* ptr to _wcserror()/__wcserror() buff */
    char *      _namebuf0;      /* ptr to tmpnam() buffer */
    wchar_t *   _wnamebuf0;     /* ptr to _wtmpnam() buffer */
    char *      _namebuf1;      /* ptr to tmpfile() buffer */
    wchar_t *   _wnamebuf1;     /* ptr to _wtmpfile() buffer */
    char *      _asctimebuf;    /* ptr to asctime() buffer */
    wchar_t *   _wasctimebuf;   /* ptr to _wasctime() buffer */
    void *      _gmtimebuf;     /* ptr to gmtime() structure */
    char *      _cvtbuf;        /* ptr to ecvt()/fcvt buffer */
    unsigned char _con_ch_buf[MB_LEN_MAX];
                                /* ptr to putch() buffer */
    unsigned short _ch_buf_used;   /* if the _con_ch_buf is used */

    /* following fields are needed by _beginthread code */
    void *      _initaddr;      /* initial user thread address */
    void *      _initarg;       /* initial user thread argument */

    /* following three fields are needed to support signal handling and
     * runtime errors */
    void *      _pxcptacttab;   /* ptr to exception-action table */
    void *      _tpxcptinfoptrs; /* ptr to exception info pointers */
    int         _tfpecode;      /* float point exception code */

    /* pointer to the copy of the multibyte character information used by
     * the thread */
    pthreadmbcinfo  ptmbcinfo;

    /* pointer to the copy of the locale informaton used by the thead */
    pthreadlocinfo  ptlocinfo;
    int         _ownlocale;     /* if 1, this thread owns its own locale */

    /* following field is needed by NLG routines */
    unsigned long   _NLG_dwCode;

     * Per-Thread data needed by C++ Exception Handling
    void *      _terminate;     /* terminate() routine */
    void *      _unexpected;    /* unexpected() routine */
    void *      _translator;    /* S.E. translator */
    void *      _purecall;      /* called when pure virtual happens */
    void *      _curexception;  /* current exception */
    void *      _curcontext;    /* current exception context */
    int         _ProcessingThrow; /* for uncaught_exception */
    void *      _curexcspec;    /* for handling exceptions thrown from std::unexpected */
#if defined (_M_X64) || defined (_M_ARM)
    void *      _pExitContext;
    void *      _pUnwindContext;
    void *      _pFrameInfoChain;
#if defined (_WIN64)
    unsigned __int64    _ImageBase;
    unsigned __int64    _ThrowImageBase;
#else  /* defined (_WIN64) */
    unsigned __int32    _ImageBase;
    unsigned __int32    _ThrowImageBase;
#endif  /* defined (_WIN64) */
    void *      _pForeignException;
#elif defined (_M_IX86)
    void *      _pFrameInfoChain;
#endif  /* defined (_M_IX86) */
    _setloc_struct _setloc_data;

    void *      _reserved1;     /* nothing */
    void *      _reserved2;     /* nothing */
    void *      _reserved3;     /* nothing */
#ifdef _M_IX86
    void *      _reserved4;     /* nothing */
    void *      _reserved5;     /* nothing */
#endif  /* _M_IX86 */

    int _cxxReThrow;        /* Set to True if it's a rethrown C++ Exception */

    unsigned long __initDomain;     /* initial domain used by _beginthread[ex] for managed function */
#if defined(_CRT_APP) && !defined(_KERNELX)
    HANDLE _winRTThreadHandle;     /* App CRT WinRT thread handle */
#else  /* _CRT_APP */
    int           _initapartment;   /* if 1, this thread has initialized apartment */
#endif  /* _CRT_APP */
    _psetloc_downlevel_struct _setloc_downlevel_data;

接下来我们来分析 调用CreateThread时的传入的函数 _threadstartex的伪代码

static unsigned long WINAPI _threadstartex(void *ptd)
// Note:ptd is the address of this thread’s tiddata block.
//Associate the tiddata block with this thread so _getptd() will be able to find it in _callthreadstartex.

// Save this thread ID in the _tiddata block.
((_ptiddata)ptd)->_tid = GetCurrentThreadId();


// We never get here ;  the thread dies in _callthreadstartex.
return (0L);


static void _callthreadstartex(void){
_ptiddata ptd;
//获取data block ,(用TlsSetValue设置的)
ptd = _getptd();

//Wrap desired thread function in SEH frame to handle run-time errors and signal support.

_endthreadex(ptd._initaddr( ptd._initarg ));



在这里我们看到了函数是如何使用data block和调用我们的线程函数的,我们也应该知道了,程序会将我们的线程函数以及参数放到datablock中去,并且调用操作系统的TlsSetValue将线程与datablock联系起来了,最后我们再来看一下_endthreadex的伪代码

void __cdecl _endthreadex (unsigned retcode)
_ptiddata ptd;// pointer to datablock
//Clean up floating-point support

// Get the address of this thread's tiddata block.
ptd = _getptd_noexti();

//Free the data block
if(ptd != NULL) _freeptd(ptd);

// Terminate thread 



_CRTIMP extern int * __cdecl _errno(void);
#define errno (*_errno());

int * __cdecl _errno(void){
    _ptiddata ptd = _getptd_noexti();
    if(!ptd)return &ErrnoNoMem;
    else return (&ptd->_terrno);

我们可以看到,VC中将errno定义成了一个方法(用宏来替换的),然后在上面讲的 data block中来获取的errno,所以是线程独立的。


经过上面的的分析我们在创建线程和结束线程时应该用 _beginthreadstartex和 _endthreadex,因为他会帮我们维护thread local的数据结构,假如有人就直接用CreateThread会怎么样呢?如果线程要用到threadlocal的数据结构,但是由于是使用CreateThread创建的线程,还没有那个data block ,这里C/C++运行库会帮我们创建一个_tiddata的数据结构,这样基本上是可以正常使用的,但是由于没有初始化SEH(异常处理)帧,当我们使用signal函数是,程序会退出整个进程,还有一个问题是,如果退出的时候没有用_endthreadex的话,由于没有释放_tiddata 数据结构,会导致内存泄露。
