


gops is a command to list and diagnose Go processes currently running on your system.




$ go get -u
$ gops
14047 14020 gops               go1.8.4 /home/liyiheng/projects/bin/gops
7596  3852  s-local  go1.8.1 /home/liyiheng/projects/bin/s-local



$ tree
├── agent
│   ├── agent.go
│   └── agent_test.go
├── cmd.go
├── examples
│   └── hello
│       └── main.go
├── Gopkg.lock
├── Gopkg.toml
├── goprocess
│   └── gp.go
├── internal
│   └── internal.go
├── main.go
├── main_test.go
├── signal
│   └── signal.go
└── vendor ...




// FindAll returns all the Go processes currently running on this host.
func FindAll() []P {
    var results []P

    pss, err := ps.Processes()
    if err != nil {
        return results

    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for _, pr := range pss {
        pr := pr
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()

            path, version, agent, ok, err := isGo(pr)
            if err != nil {
                // TODO(jbd): Return a list of errors.
            if !ok {
            results = append(results, P{
                PID:          pr.Pid(),
                PPID:         pr.PPid(),
                Exec:         pr.Executable(),
                Path:         path,
                BuildVersion: version,
                Agent:        agent,
    return results


pss, err := ps.Progresses()
// .... 
for _, pr := range pss {
    pr := pr
    go func(){
         // ...
         path, version, agent, ok, err := isGo(pr)
         // ...

此外,还有意外收获:pr := pr, 这很巧妙,比go func(a A){}(a)优雅。



func processes() ([]Process, error) {
    d, err := os.Open("/proc")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer d.Close()

    results := make([]Process, 0, 50)
    for {
        fis, err := d.Readdir(10)
        if err == io.EOF {
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        for _, fi := range fis {
            // We only care about directories, since all pids are dirs
            if !fi.IsDir() {

            // We only care if the name starts with a numeric
            name := fi.Name()
            if name[0] < '0' || name[0] > '9' {

            // From this point forward, any errors we just ignore, because
            // it might simply be that the process doesn't exist anymore.
            pid, err := strconv.ParseInt(name, 10, 0)
            if err != nil {

            p, err := newUnixProcess(int(pid))
            if err != nil {

            results = append(results, p)

    return results, nil


// Refresh reloads all the data associated with this process.
func (p *UnixProcess) Refresh() error {
    statPath := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/stat",
    dataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(statPath)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // First, parse out the image name
    data := string(dataBytes)
    binStart := strings.IndexRune(data, '(') + 1
    binEnd := strings.IndexRune(data[binStart:], ')')
    p.binary = data[binStart : binStart+binEnd]

    // Move past the image name and start parsing the rest
    // The name here might not be the full name
    data = data[binStart+binEnd+2:]
    _, err = fmt.Sscanf(data,
        "%c %d %d %d",

    return err



// isGo looks up the runtime.buildVersion symbol
// in the process' binary and determines if the process
// if a Go process or not. If the process is a Go process,
// it reports PID, binary name and full path of the binary.
func isGo(pr ps.Process) (path, version string, agent, ok bool, err error) {
    if pr.Pid() == 0 {
        // ignore system process
    path, err = pr.Path()
    if err != nil {
    var versionInfo goversion.Version
    versionInfo, err = goversion.ReadExe(path)
    if err != nil {
    ok = true
    version = versionInfo.Release
    pidfile, err := internal.PIDFile(pr.Pid())
    if err == nil {
        _, err := os.Stat(pidfile)
        agent = err == nil
    return path, version, agent, ok, nil


// ReadExe reports information about the Go version used to build
// the program executable named by file.
func ReadExe(file string) (Version, error) {
    var v Version
    f, err := openExe(file)
    if err != nil {
        return v, err
    defer f.Close()
    isGo := false
    for _, name := range f.SectionNames() {
        if name == ".note.go.buildid" {
            isGo = true
    syms, symsErr := f.Symbols()
    isGccgo := false
    for _, sym := range syms {
        name := sym.Name
        if name == "runtime.main" || name == "main.main" {
            isGo = true
        if strings.HasPrefix(name, "runtime.") && strings.HasSuffix(name, "$descriptor") {
            isGccgo = true
        if name == "runtime.buildVersion" {
            isGo = true
            release, err := readBuildVersion(f, sym.Addr, sym.Size)
            if err != nil {
                return v, err
            v.Release = release

        if strings.Contains(name, "_Cfunc__goboringcrypto_") {
            v.BoringCrypto = true
        for _, s := range standardCryptoNames {
            if strings.Contains(name, s) {
                v.StandardCrypto = true

    if *debugMatch {
        v.Release = ""
    if v.Release == "" {
        g, release := readBuildVersionX86Asm(f)
        if g {
            isGo = true
            v.Release = release
    if isGccgo && v.Release == "" {
        isGo = true
        v.Release = "gccgo (version unknown)"
    if !isGo && symsErr != nil {
        return v, symsErr

    if !isGo {
        return v, errors.New("not a Go executable")
    if v.Release == "" {
        v.Release = "unknown Go version"
    return v, nil

整个函数都是围绕着f, err := openExe(file)中的f,先看看openExe函数。
func openExe(file string) (exe,error) {}
可见, f的类型是exe

type exe interface {
    AddrSize() int // bytes
    ReadData(addr, size uint64) ([]byte, error)
    Symbols() ([]sym, error)
    SectionNames() []string
    Close() error
    ByteOrder() binary.ByteOrder
    Entry() uint64


// 打开传入的文件目录对应的文件
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
    return nil, err
// 读取前16个字节
data := make([]byte, 16)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(f, data); err != nil {
    return nil, err
// 将文件指针移回开头(细节见APUE,APUE是本神书,强烈安利)
f.Seek(0, 0)
// 判断是否是ELF文件
// Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
// ELF文件的魔数第一个字节是7F,接下来三个分别是ELF
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("\x7FELF")) {
    // 创建一个elfExe结构体并返回其指针
    e, err := elf.NewFile(f)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &elfExe{f, e}, nil
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("MZ")) {
    e, err := pe.NewFile(f)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &peExe{f, e}, nil
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("\xFE\xED\xFA")) || bytes.HasPrefix(data[1:], []byte("\xFA\xED\xFE")) {
    e, err := macho.NewFile(f)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &machoExe{f, e}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized executable format")

因此,正常情况下openExe返回的f*elfExe, *peExe, *machoExe中的一种。



for _, sym := range syms {
    name := sym.Name
    if name == "runtime.main" || name == "main.main" {
        isGo = true
    if strings.HasPrefix(name, "runtime.") && strings.HasSuffix(name, "$descriptor") {
        isGccgo = true
    if name == "runtime.buildVersion" {
        isGo = true
        release, err := readBuildVersion(f, sym.Addr, sym.Size)
        if err != nil {
            return v, err
        v.Release = release
    if strings.Contains(name, "_Cfunc__goboringcrypto_") {
        v.BoringCrypto = true
    for _, s := range standardCryptoNames {
        if strings.Contains(name, s) {
            v.StandardCrypto = true





  • Executable and Linkable Format In computing, the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF, formerly named Extensible Linking Format), is a common standard file format for executable files, object code, shared libraries, and core dumps. First published in the specification for the application binary interface (ABI) of the Unix operating system version named System V Release 4 (SVR4), and later in the Tool Interface Standard, it was quickly accepted among different vendors of Unix systems. In 1999, it was chosen as the standard binary file format for Unix and Unix-like systems on x86 processors by the 86open project. By design, ELF is flexible, extensible, and cross-platform, not bound to any given central processing unit (CPU) or instruction set architecture. This has allowed it to be adopted by many different operating systems on many different hardware platforms.
  • Mach-O Mach-O, short for Mach object file format, is a file format for executables, object code, shared libraries, dynamically-loaded code, and core dumps. A replacement for the a.out format, Mach-O offers more extensibility and faster access to information in the symbol table. Mach-O is used by most systems based on the Mach kernel. NeXTSTEP, macOS, and iOS are examples of systems that have used this format for native executables, libraries and object code.
  • Portable Executable The Portable Executable (PE) format is a file format for executables, object code, DLLs, FON Font files, and others used in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems. The PE format is a data structure that encapsulates the information necessary for the Windows OS loader to manage the wrapped executable code. This includes dynamic library references for linking, API export and import tables, resource management data and thread-local storage (TLS) data. On NT operating systems, the PE format is used for EXE, DLL, SYS (device driver), and other file types. The Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) specification states that PE is the standard executable format in EFI environments.
