









1.Soldier 76(士兵:76):

I didn't start this war, but I'm damn well gonna finish it——这场战争不是我发动的,但我一定要结束它

I'm army of one.——我一个人就是一支军队

I'm the one who does his job, I'm thinking, you are the other one.——我尽忠职守,而你玩忽职守

I've still got it.——我还有点能耐

knock knock.——叮咚

Not on my watch.——我可没这计划

Old soldiers never die, and they don't fade away.——老兵永远不死,也不会悄然隐去

Smells like victory.——胜利的味道

Stay frosty.——保持冷静

That's “Sir” to you.——你这样可升不了职

The rooster crowds at midnight.——半夜鸡叫

What are you looking at?——你在看什么

You didn't make the cut.——你还不够格

You want a medal?——你想要奖章?

Young punks, get off my lawn.




Dead man walking.——死神很忙

Give me a break.——我只能杀个不停

Haven't I kill you somewhere before?——我以前是不是杀过你?

I work the graveyard shift.——我习惯在夜晚行动

If it lives, I can kill it.——活着就得死

I'm back in black.——我从阴影中降临

I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high functioning psychopath.——有时候疯子比正常人有用得多(直译:我不是普通精神病,而是高效率的精神病)

It's in the refrigerator.——胜负已定


Now those are some fireworks.——这才叫烟花

Too easy.——太简单了

Was that all?——就这点本事?

What are you looking at?——你在看什么?

Where is your holiday spirit?——来点节日气氛嘛

You look like you've seen a ghost?——你看上去像见鬼了一样



Aerial superiority achieved.——已夺取制空权

Fly like an Egyptian.——像埃及人一样飞翔

Flying the friendly skies.——正在我方空域飞行

I keep the peace.——我来守护和平

I've got you on my radar.——我在雷达上看到你了

Leave this to a professional.——交给安保专家来做吧

Not a chance.——门都没有

Play nice, play Pharah.——想要玩得好,法老之鹰不可少

Put your security my hands——就让我来保护你

Rocket jump? That sounds dangerous.——火箭跳?听上去很危险

Shot down.——下来吧

Sorry, but I need to jet.——抱歉,但我得走了

Want to know the forecast?——想知道天气预报吗

We are in this together.——我们同生共死

You're going to come with me, dead or alive.——不管是死是活,你都得跟我走



A steady blade balances the soul.——利刃随人

Come on.——放马过来

Damn!(日语: くそ! )——该死

I am prepared!(日语: 覚悟! )——我准备好了

I was hoping for a challenge.——我更期待一场挑战

Let's fight!(日语: いざ尋常に勝負! )——堂堂正正地决斗吧!

Measure twice, cut once.——三思而后斩

Merry christmas!——圣诞快乐

My halloween costume? Cyborg ninja.——万圣节要演什么呢?机械忍者吧

My soul seeks balance.(日语:我が魂は均衡を求める )——我的灵魂渴望平衡

Not good enough.(日语: まだまだ! )——还不够好


To know yourself is to be a peace.——寻得平静才能寻得自我

Yeah!(日语: 良し! )——耶!

You are only human.——你只不过是个人类



Aw, rubbish.——喔,真糟

Be right back!——马上回来!

Check me out.——看看我多厉害

Cheers love! The cavalry's here.——别担心,交给我吧

Eat my dust.——别想赶上我

Ever get that feeling of déjà vu? ——有没有似曾相识的感觉?

I have this under control.——一切都在掌控之中

It's in the bag.——十拿九稳

Keep calm and Tracer on.——保持冷静让我来

Looks you need a time out.——似乎你需要休息会儿

Ohh, scary!——唔,好吓人

Ready for some fireworks?——有人准备去看烟花表演吗?

She shoots, she scores.——她射击了,她得分了

The world could always use more heroes.——这个世界需要更多的英雄

You got it.——没问题



Happens to the best of us.——你遇到了我们当中最厉害的一个

I don't much like losing.——我不太喜欢输

I tried being reasonable, didn't take to it.——我不想再讲道理了,实在受不了

I'm not good, not bad, but I sure as hell ain't ugly.——我也许不是好人,也不是坏人,但肯定不是小人

I'm the quick, you're the dead.——致命的快感

I'm your huckleberry.——我才是你要的那个人

It's your funeral.——棺材都替你准备好了

I've got a bullet with your name on it.——我的一颗子弹上刻着你的名字

Reach for the sky.——哪里躲

Someone had to break the ice.——总得有人热热场

This calls for a celebration.——该庆祝一下了

Wanted:dead or alive.——我是不是要变成通缉犯了

Watch and learn.——好好学着点

You done?——结束了

You seem familiar, ain't I killed you before?——你看上去很眼熟,我杀过你吗?




Cool(西班牙语: De pelos )

Did you mean to do that?——你是故意的吗?

Good one.——不错

Hack the planet.——入侵全世界

I know who's been naughty.——我知道谁才是坏宝宝

I think you're in over your head.——我觉得这对你来说太难了

Just squishing a bug.——就像处理掉一个bug

Mess with the best and die like the rest.——惹毛黑客就等着被黑吧

Show me what you got.(西班牙语: ¡Asústame, Panteón! )——让我看看你有什么能耐

Where's fun in playing fair?——公平比赛有什么意思?

You just a glitch in the system.——你只不过是系统出的一个小故障而已

You're easily impressed.——你们也太容易被打动了

You're taking this very seriously.——你也太严肃了



A gift for you.——这是给你的礼物

Expect nothing less.——只有更强

Flow like water.——如流水一般

From one thing know ten thousand things.——见其一,便知其二

I choose you, spirit dragon.——就是你了,巨竜之魂

I do what I must.——为家族尽职尽责

Ignore all distractions.——专心致志

Never second best.——我最强

Remember this moment.——记住这一刻


Step into the DOJO.——步入道场

The outcome was never in doubt.——我从不怀疑

When the moon is full it begins to wane.——月盈则亏,水满则溢

You are already dead.——你已经死了







Completion date? Then it's done.——你问我啥时候做完?等我做完的时候

Don't get caught with your beard in the letter box.——可别让邮筒夹住你的胡子

For the last time, I'm Swedish!——再说最后一次,我是瑞典人!

Hard work pays off.——努力工作,总有回报

If you build it, they will die.——造完炮台,有人就得吃苦头了

I'm giving it all I've got!——我已经拼尽全力了

Leave this to an expert.——把这事儿交给专业的来

Let's not buy the pig while it's still in the bag.——先别着急,想想清楚

Made to order.——仅限定做

People always underestimate the engineers.——人们总是小看工程师

Some assembly required.——需要组装得结识一点

There's more where that came from.——我还有几招没用呐

Too hot for you?——对你来说太难了吗?

Working as intended.——按计划进行中

You're making a chicken out of a feather.——你这是异想天开



Anyone want some BBQ? Heheh——有谁想吃烧烤吗?


Everything's coming up explodey.——所有东西马上都要被炸掉了

Gong Xi Fa Cai——恭喜发财

Happy birthday.——生日快乐

Happy halloween.——万圣节快乐

Have a nice day!——祝你心情愉快!

I give it a ten!——我给10分!

If at first you don't succeed, blow it up again.——如果第一次没成功,那就再炸一次

It's the little things.——小意思


Merry christmas.——圣诞节快乐

Ohh, shiny.——真漂亮






Hang in there.——在那儿躺着吧

Hey, chill out!——嘿,冷静点!

I got you something.——我有东西要给你

I hope you learned your lesson.——希望你能吸取教训


Ouch, are you okay?——噢!你没事吧?

Overcome all obstacles.——没有什么能难倒我


Sorry sorry sorry sorry.——对不起对不起

That was great.——刚才真好玩儿

The world is worth fighting for.(汉语)——这个世界值得我们奋战

Wishing you prosperity.(汉语)——恭喜发财


You have to let it go.——就让它过去吧



A single death can change everything.——一个人的死会改变一切



I don't miss.——我从不失手

Let them eat cake.——让他们先尝点甜头

Look for the woman.(法语: Cherchez la femme )——红颜祸水


One shot, one kill.(法语: Une balle, un mort)——一枪,一个

Ouh là là .——唔啦啦

Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.——来我家做客吧,蜘蛛对着苍蝇说

That's how it is.(法语: Et c'est comme ça )——本该如此

The party is over.——我又来捣蛋了

To life, to death.(法语: À la vie, à la mort )——生即是死

What's an aimbot?——什么是自动瞄准?

You have my attention.——我注意到你了



;)( Winkyface )——嘿,小白脸


Aw, yeah!——哦耶!

Aw, you shouldn't have.——啊,你真客气

D.Va one, bad guy zero.——D.Va 1分,坏蛋0分


Happy halloween!——万圣节快乐!

Here comes a new challenger!——新挑战者登场!

I play to win.(韩语:게임을 하면 이겨야지)——玩游戏就是为了赢

I'm number one.——我是第一

Is this easy mode?——这不会是简单模式吧?


Love, D.Va!——D.Va爱你哦

No hacks required.——根本不用修改游戏

The best things in life come in small packages.——小小礼物,大大惊喜


Following  my programming.——我只是按程序执行任务

Current outlook.——当前形势预判

Do you need a hug?——我要抱抱你吗?

Efi will not be happy.——伊菲会不高兴的

Error:sarcasm module.——发生404错误

I can't do that.——我不能那么做

Medical assistance.——我已发送医护请求

My analysis.——你想听听我的形势分析吗?

No parking.——此处禁止停车

Shine your eyes.——擦亮你的眼睛

That does not compute.——那没有计算在内

Error:division by 0.——错误:除数为零

Functionallity still in beta.——某些功能仍在测试中。



Are you need a personal training?——你需要私人教练吗?

For the motherland.——为了祖国

Get on, give me twenty.——趴下,给我做20个俯卧撑

Get pumped.——热身完毕

I am mother Russia.——我代表俄罗斯

I can bench more than you.——我做仰卧起坐比你厉害

I want to hug you like a big fuzzy Siberian bear.——真想像抱一头毛绒绒的西伯利亚熊那样抱你

I will break you.——我会碾碎你

In Russia, game plays you.——在俄罗斯,你只有被玩的份

Never forget the fallen.——不要忘记那些死去的人们

No mercy.——毫不留情

No pain, no gain.——没有付出,就没有收获

Strong as the mountain.——像大山一样强壮

Together we are strong.(俄语: Вместе мы сила)——团结就是力量

Welcome to the gun show.——欢迎收看我的激光枪表演




Did someone say peanut butter?——刚才有人说花生酱了?

Don't get me angry.——千万不要惹我生气( 1S)

Ha ha ha...excuse me——哦哈哈哈哈……抱歉

Houston, we have a problem.——休斯顿,我们有麻烦了

How embarrassing!——真尴尬

I...got you something.——我……呃有东西要给你

Natural selection.——物竞天择

No I do not want a banana.——不我不要香蕉

No monkey business.——可别把我当猴子耍

Playtime's over.——游戏时间结束了

Sorry about that.——对此我很抱歉

That was awesome!——太棒了!

The power of science!——科学的力量!

This is not a costume.——我这不是道具服


100% German power.——百分百德国制造

Are you afraid to fight me?——你是怕了我吗?

Are you chicken?——你怕得跟只小鸡似的

Bring me another.——再来一个

Catch phrase!——发挥得不错!

Crusader online.——十字军启动

Hahahaha I'm the ultimate crushing machine.——哈哈哈我是一台终极碾压机器

Honour and glory.——荣誉和荣耀

I salute you.——向你致敬

Let me show you how it's done.——让我给你看看我是怎么干活的

Precision German engineering.——精准的德国工艺

Respect your elders.——请尊重你的长辈


This old dog still knows a few tricks.——我这条老狗还有几颗牙

You're on my naughty list.——你在坏宝宝名单上



Got something to say?——有什么要说的吗?


Ho ho ho.——嚯嚯嚯

Hook, line, and sinker.——钩子、鱼线和铅锤

Life is pain, so is death.——活着是受罪,死了也是

Like taking candy from a baby.——就像抢走小孩的糖果

Piece of cake.——小菜一碟

Push off.——走开

Say “bacon” one more time.——有种你再说一遍“培根”

Violence is usually the answer.——暴力通常都能解决问题

Want some candy?——想吃糖吗?

Welcome to the apocalypse.——欢迎来到末日

We're all animals.——我们都是动物

What's mine is mine.——是我的就是我的

You chicken?——你是只弱鸡吗?



Be champions.——我们会拿冠军

Can't stop, won't stop.——停不下来也不想停下

Give yourself to the rhythm.——感受这节奏

Happy holidays!——节日快乐!

Hit me.——记得下次还找我

I could do this all day.——一整天都不会累

I make this look good, real good.——我要嗨翻天,嗨翻天

I'm not hearing that noise.——我可没听见掌声啊

I'm on top of the world.——我感觉好嗨


Killed it.——干掉了

Oh, yeah!——喔耶

That's how you get tinnitus.——你的耳鸣就是这么来的

Why are you so angry?——你为什么那么生气?( 1S)

You gotta believe!——你不得不信



A most impressive display.——真是令人印象深刻

Doctor's orders.——要听医生的话

How barbaric.——真是野蛮

I have my eye on you.——有我看着你呢

I send you my consultation fee.——我可以免费给你建议

I'm not a miracle worker, well, not always.——我只是个医生,偶尔创造奇迹而已

Need a second opinion?——需要二次诊断吗?

On a scale of one to ten, how was your pain?——从一到十,你的疼痛指数有多少?

Piece of cake.——小菜一碟



Take two and call me in the morning.——服用两片阿司匹林,第二天早上再来找我

The doctor is in.——医生姐姐来了

The doctor will see you.(德语:Sprechstunde bei der Frau Doktor.)——你现在可以去见医生了

Your guardian angel.——我是你的守护天使



Are you scared?——你害怕了吗?

Children, behave.——听话,孩子们

Everyone dies.——每个人都会死

I'm watching out for you.(阿拉伯语:أنا حاحميك)——你有我掩护

It takes a woman to know it.——只有女人才能了解

Justice delivered.——正义已得伸张

Justice rings from above.(阿拉伯语: العدالة نازلة من فوق )——天降正义

Learn from the pain.——痛苦是最好的老师

More lost than the moon in winter.——比冬夜的月亮更迷人

Mother knows best.——妈妈永远是对的

Needs someone to tuck to you in?——需要别人哄你睡觉吗?

No scope needed.——根本不需要开镜

What are you thinking?——你想多了

Witness me.——见证我的荣耀

You know nothing.——你什么都不懂



Always strive for improvement.——精益求精

Death is whimsical today.——生死无常

Do I think? Does a submarine swim?——我会不会思考?潜水艇会不会游泳?

Every rooster crows in its own pen.——雄鸡总在自家窝边鸣啼

Free your mind.——放飞你的心灵

Hello, world!——你好,世界!

I dreamt I was a butterfly.——我梦见自己化身为蝶

I think, therefore I am.——我思故我在

I will not juggle.——我不会杂技

Life is more than the series of ones and zeros.——生命不只是一连串的一和零

No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.——没有一片雪花会落在错误的地方

Peace and blessings be upon you all.——愿世人心境祥和

The iris embraces you.——智瞳接纳了你

Trick or treat?——不给糖果就捣蛋

We are in harmony.——我们意见一致



Everything by design.——一切都是设计好的


Good fortune.——万事大吉

Hard work and dedication pays off.——努力学习终有回报

How unsightly.——真是不堪入目

I don't think so.——我不这么认为

I made you something.——我有礼物给你

I will put you in your place.——我会让你知道自己有几斤几两


Perfect harmony——完美的和谐


Such a lack of imagination.——真是缺乏想象力

Welcome to my reality.——欢迎见证我的真相

What a frightening thought.——真是令人害怕的想法

Why do you struggle?——你为什么要挣扎?

