Unity基础之代码篇 —— 摄像机控制、物体控制、触发器、射线、导航代理等



public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour {

	// store a public reference to the Player game object, so we can refer to it's Transform
	public GameObject player;

	// Store a Vector3 offset from the player (a distance to place the camera from the player at all times)
	private Vector3 offset;

	// At the start of the game..
	void Start ()
		// Create an offset by subtracting the Camera's position from the player's position
		offset = transform.position - player.transform.position;

	// After the standard 'Update()' loop runs, and just before each frame is rendered..
	void LateUpdate ()
		// Set the position of the Camera (the game object this script is attached to)
		// to the player's position, plus the offset amount
		transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;


 public float smoothing = 5f;        // The speed with which the camera will be following.
        Vector3 offset;                     // The initial offset from the target.

        void Start ()
            // Calculate the initial offset.
            offset = transform.position - target.position;
        void FixedUpdate ()
            // Create a postion the camera is aiming for based on the offset from the target.
            Vector3 targetCamPos = target.position + offset;

            // Smoothly interpolate between the camera's current position and it's target position.
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (transform.position, targetCamPos, smoothing * Time.deltaTime);


if (rotateCenter) {		//当旋转中心对象设置时才进行物体公转
			transform.RotateAround (	
				rotateCenter.transform.position,	//旋转中心点
				rotateCenter.transform.up, 			//旋转轴:此处设置为为旋转中心的向上方向(正Y轴)
				Time.deltaTime * rotateSpeed		//旋转的角度,rotateSpeed表示旋转的速度,Time.deltaTime表示该帧执行的时间
			transform.LookAt(rotateCenter.transform);	//使游戏对象始终朝向旋转中心





transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (15, 30, 45) * Time.deltaTime);
public float tumble = 10.0f;
GetComponent().angularVelocity = Random.insideUnitSphere * tumble;


void FixedUpdate ()
		// Set some local float variables equal to the value of our Horizontal and Vertical Inputs
		float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
		float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");

		// Create a Vector3 variable, and assign X and Z to feature our horizontal and vertical float variables above
		Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);

		// Add a physical force to our Player rigidbody using our 'movement' Vector3 above, 
		// multiplying it by 'speed' - our public player speed that appears in the inspector
		rb.AddForce (movement * speed);


Vector3 movement;                   // The vector to store the direction of the player's movement.
void Move (float h, float v)
            // Set the movement vector based on the axis input.
            movement.Set (h, 0f, v);
            // Normalise the movement vector and make it proportional to the speed per second.
            movement = movement.normalized * speed * Time.deltaTime;

            // Move the player to it's current position plus the movement.
            playerRigidbody.MovePosition (transform.position + movement);


GetComponent().velocity = transform.forward * speed;


void SpawnWaves()
        spawnPosition.x = Random.Range(-spawnValues.x, spawnValues.x);
        spawnPosition.z = spawnValues.z;
        spawnRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        Instantiate(hazard, spawnPosition, spawnRotation);




void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    {   if (other.tag == "Boundary") return;
        Instantiate(explosion, transform.position, transform.rotation);
        if(other.tag == "player")
            Instantiate(playerExplosion, other.transform.position, other.transform.rotation);
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        if (other.attachedRigidbody)
            other.attachedRigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up * 10);


private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)



// Set the shootRay so that it starts at the end of the gun and points forward from the barrel.
            shootRay.origin = transform.position;
            shootRay.direction = transform.forward;

            // Perform the raycast against gameobjects on the shootable layer and if it hits something...
            if(Physics.Raycast (shootRay, out shootHit, range, shootableMask))
                // Try and find an EnemyHealth script on the gameobject hit.
                EnemyHealth enemyHealth = shootHit.collider.GetComponent  ();

                // If the EnemyHealth component exist...
                if(enemyHealth != null)
                    // ... the enemy should take damage.
                    enemyHealth.TakeDamage (damagePerShot, shootHit.point);

                // Set the second position of the line renderer to the point the raycast hit.
                gunLine.SetPosition (1, shootHit.point);
            // If the raycast didn't hit anything on the shootable layer...
                // ... set the second position of the line renderer to the fullest extent of the gun's range.
                gunLine.SetPosition (1, shootRay.origin + shootRay.direction * range);





       void Awake ()
            // Set up the references.
            player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").transform;
            playerHealth = player.GetComponent  ();
            enemyHealth = GetComponent  ();
            nav = GetComponent  ();

        void Update ()
            // If the enemy and the player have health left...
            if(enemyHealth.currentHealth > 0 && playerHealth.currentHealth > 0)
                // ... set the destination of the nav mesh agent to the player.
                nav.SetDestination (player.position);
            // Otherwise...
                // ... disable the nav mesh agent.
                nav.enabled = false;





public float lifetime;

	void Start ()
		Destroy (gameObject, lifetime);


 Animator anim;                      // Reference to the animator component.
        void Animating(float h, float v)
            // Create a boolean that is true if either of the input axes is non-zero.
            bool walking = h != 0f || v != 0f;

            // Tell the animator whether or not the player is walking.
            anim.SetBool("IsWalking", walking);


InvokeRepeating ("Spawn", spawnTime, spawnTime);







