
  • AOMA东方医学院DAOM博士学位项目中国地区留学相关服务由中医萝卜会独家协助完成,包括文书制作、认证协助及签证协助等相关服务等。

  • 以下时间均为最终截止时间。

No later than April 1, 2017  (不迟于2017年4月1日)

– Applicant arranges for final transcripts for their Bachelor Degree of TCM certificate (Chinese and English) to be sent directly to AOMA from University(学生要求所毕业院校直接寄送包含中英文的中医学学士学位和完整的成绩单给AOMA)

– Applicant submits degree certificate and full transcript online to CDGDC (China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center), pay the credential evaluation fee online. (学生在线提交学位证书及完整的成绩单至中国学位与研究生教育信息网(学位网),并且在线支付认证费用。)

– Applicant applies for WES course by course credential evaluation and pays the credential evaluation fee online.(学生在线申请WES学位及课程认证认证,并且在线支付认证费用)

May 1, 2017 (2017年5月1日)

– CDGDC completes the credential evaluation and transfer report to WES (中国学位与研究生教育信息网完成认证并发送报告至WES)

May 15, 2017 (2017年5月15日)

– WES completes the credential evaluation and sends report to AOMA(WES完成认证并发送报告到AOMA)

June 1, 2017, International Application Deadline  (国际学生申请截止日期,截止2017年6月1日)

– All Application materials received by AOMA Admissions, including credential evaluation and English Language Proficiency test scores (所有申请材料提交到AOMA招生部)

Only the following scores can be considered for admission to AOMA: (完成英语能力测试并且将成绩提交到AOMA。AOMA录取最低标准为:)

TOEFL internet-based test (IBT) – score of at least 61 (26 speaking, 22 listening) (托福IBT考试至少61分,并且口语26分,听力22分)


TOEFL paper-based test – score of at least 500(或者托福纸质考试至少500分)


IELTS – score of at least 6.0(或者雅思考试至少6.0分)

June 1-June 9, 2017 

– Application materials will be processed, interviews will be conducted and Admissions Committee conducts final review of applicants and determines acceptance to Summer DAOM Programs.  Qualified applicants are notified of acceptance.     I-20 Forms created for accepted students and mailed from AOMA to respective students. (2017年6月1日至9日,招生委员会审查申请者材料并且决定是否录取博士项目,符合的申请者将被通知。学校将会签发I-20表并且寄给录取者)

June 10, 2017 - Accepted students make an appointment in China to obtain VISA to study in the U.S.(2017年6月24日,被录取的学生预约办理来美学习的签证)

July 17, 2017 – Student accommodation in Austin and Orientation at AOMA(2017年7月17日,学生抵美奥斯汀,负责接待与AOMA学前培训)

July 19, 2017 – First Day of class for doctoral (DAOM) students at AOMA(2017年7月19日,学生博士课程AOMA开学第一天)

