

    (1) 你对未来的工作生活是怎样憧憬的?为何选择我公司作为求职公司?
    (2 )请用不超过30 个字给出一个最能让我们录用你的理由。
    (4 )你个人的中长期的职业发展目标是怎样的?
    (2 )宋美龄女士于2003 年 10 月谢世,对这位著名人士在西安事变中的态度和作用,
你 是如何看待的?(不超过300 字)
    (3)北京***颁布的对拾金不昧者,失主要奖励相当于财产 20%奖金的公告,你是如
    (4 )如果给你50 万元人民币,你将会用这些钱做什么?
    (2 )在校期间进行过哪些社会活动?

    1. How do you code an infinite loop in C?
    2. Volatile:
    (1)What does the keyword volatile mean? Give an example
    (2 )Can a parameter be both const and volatile? Give an example
    (3)Can a pointer be volatile? Give an example
    3. What are the values of a, b, and c after the following instructions:
    int a=5, b=7, c;
    c = a+++b;
    4. What do the following declarations mean?
    (1)const int a;
    (2 )int const a;
    (3)const int *a;
    (4 )int * const a;
    (5)int const * a const;
    5. Which of the following statements describe the use of the keyword static?
    (1)Within the body of a function: A static variable maintains its value between function
    (2 )Within a module: A static variable is accessible by all functions within that module
    (3)Within a module: A static function can only be called by other functions within that
    6.   Embedded   systems   always   require   the   user   to   manipulate   bits   in   registers   or   variables.
Given an integer variable a, write two code fragments.      The first should set bit 5 of a. The
second shnuld clear bit 5 of a. In both cases, the remaining bits should be unmodified.
    7. What does the following function return?
    char foo(void)
        unsigned int a = 6;
        iht b = -20;
        char c;
        (a+b > 6) ? (c=1): (c=0);
        return c;
    8. What will be the output of the following C code?
        int k, num= 30;
        k =(num > 5 ? (num <=10 ? 100:200): 500);
        printf(  “%d”, k);
    9. What will the following C code do?
    int *ptr;
    ptr =(int *)Ox67a9;
    *ptr = Oxaa55;
    10. What will be the output of the follow C code?
    #define product(x) (x*x)
        int i = 3, j, k;
        j = product(i++);
        k = product(++i);
        printf(  “%d %d”,j,k);
    11. Simplify the following Boolean expression
    !((i ==12) || (j > 15))
    12. How many flip-flop circuits are needed to divide by 16?
    13. Provides 3 properties that make an OS, a RTOS?
    14. What is pre-emption?
    15. Assume the BC register value is 8538H, and the DE register value is 62 A5H.Find the
value of register BC after the following assembly operations:
    MOV A,C

    SUB E

    MOV C,A
    MOV A,B

    SBB D

    MOV B,A
    16. In the Assembly code shown below
    LOOP: MVI C,78H

        DCR C

        JNZ LOOP


    How many times is the DCR C Operation executed?
    17.   Describe   the   most   efficient   way   (in   term   of   execution   time   and   code   size)   to   divide   a
number by 4 in assembly language
    18. what value is stored in m in the following assembly language code fragment if n=7?

        LDAA #n

    LABEL1: CMPA #5
        BHI L3

        BEQ L2


        BRA L1


    LABEL3: STAA #m

    19. What is the state of a process if a resource is not available?
    #define a 365*24*60*60
    20. Using the #define statement, how would you declare a manifest constant that returns the
number of seconds in a year? Disregard leap years in your answer.
    21.   Interrupts   are   an   important   part   of   embedded   systems.   Consequently,   many   compiler
vendors    offer  an   extension   to  standard   C  to  support   interrupts.  Typically,   the  keyword    is
__interrupt. The following routine (ISR). Point out problems in the code.
    __interrupt double compute_area (double radius)
        double area = PI * radius * radius;
        printf(  “/nArea = %f ”, area);
        return area;

Hongkong Bank 笔试题

    1.   Please   state   why   you   chose   to   follow   these activities   and   how   they   have   contributed   to
your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role whether anyone else was
involved and any difficulties you encountered.
    2. Please state how you have benefited from your work experience.
    3. How much is your present monthly salary including allowances.
    4. Do you need to compensate your present employer if you resign? If so, please give details.
    5. Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date? What do
you see as your personal strength, why?
    6. Please state why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you; Why you have
selected HongKong Bank and what your career objectives are.

A.T. Keaney 笔试题

    1. Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?
    2. What are your short-term and long-term career objectives? What do you think is the most
ideal job for you?
    3.   Why   do   you   want   to   join   A.T   kearney?   What   do   you   think   you   can   contribute   to   A.T
    4. Why are you applying for a position at Arthur Anderson?
    5. What are your expectations of our firm.
    6. Describe your hobbies and interests.

Shell company 笔试题

    1.   How   wold   your   colleagues/classmates   describe   you   in   five   words?   On   what   evidence
would they base this assessment.
    2. If you are asked to recruit the best graduates for shell, what would you do to attract them?
What would you do to select them?
    3. Please describe a new activity that you have initiated and implemented. Please highlight
your role out.
    4. Please describe your outstanding non-academic achievements.
    5.    Please   describe  any  other  significant  activities  you  have   been  involved   in  including
organizing people.
    6. Imagine that Shell has found oil in an inland province of China, near a large river. You are
responsible for planning how to transport the oil to the coast thousands of miles away. What are
the main issue you would consider, and what would you do?

KPMG 笔试题

    “The   big   economic   difference   between   nuclear  and   fossil-fuelled   power   stations   is   that
nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes
over the relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not just around prices of coal and uranium
today and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with
current income.”
    1. The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one.




    2.   The   price   of   coal   is   not   relevant   to   discussions   about   the   relative   efficiency   of   nuclear





    3.   If   nuclear   reactors   were   cheaper   to   build   and   decommission   than   fossil-fuelled   power
stations, they would definitely have the economic advantage.




    “At   any   given   moment   we   are   being   bombarded   by   physical   and   psychological   stimuli
competing for our attention. Although our eyes are capable of handling more than 5 million bits of
data per second, our brain are capable of interpreting only about 500 bits per second. With similar
disparities between each of the other senses and the brain, it is easy to see that we must
select the visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli that we wish to compute at any specific time.”
    4. Physical stimuli usually win in the competition for our attention.




    5. The capacity of the human brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all the stimuli the senses
can register under optimum conditions.




    6. Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information than ears.




    (2 )B UNTRUE
    (3)A TRUE
    (4 )C CANNOT SAY
    (5)B UNTRUE
      (6)C CANNOT SAY


    1.Which country had the highest number of people aged 60 or over at the start of 1985?

    A. UK

    B. France

    C. Italy
    D. W.Germany
    E. Spain
    2.What   percentage   of   the   total   15mm   button   production   was   classed   as   sub-standard   in
    AA 10.5% BB 13% CC 15% DD 17.5% EE 20% AB 23.5% AC 25%
    AD 27.5% AE 28% BC 30.5%
    3. How many live births occurred in 1985 in Spain and Italy together (to the nearest 1000)?

    A. 104 000

    B. 840 000

    C. 1 044 000

    D. 8 400 000

    E. 10 440 000

    4. What was the net effect on the UK population of the live birthand death rates in 1985?
    A. Decrease of 66 700
    B. Increase of 752 780
    C. Increase of 84 900
    D. Cannot Say
    E. Increase of 85 270
    5.   By   how   much   did   the   total   sales   value   of   November ‘s   button   production   vary   from
    A. 8.50 (Decrease)
    B. 42.50 (Decrease)
    C. 85.00 (Increase)
    D. 27.50 (Decrease)
    E. No change
    6. What was the loss in potential sales revenue attributable to the production of sub-standard
(as opposed to standard) buttons over the 6 month period?

    A. 13.75

    B. 27.50

    C. 137.50

    D. 280.00

    E. 275.00


    1. Based on your understanding of the following java related technologies:
servlets, JavaServerPage, JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans, how do you think these technologies
are work together or are applied in the development of an in ternet-based application (25marks).
    2.     In  your   opinion   ,what   do   you   think  are  the  advantages     or  benefits  of  using   an
object-oriented    approach    to  software   development?     how   do  you   think  those   benefits  can  be
achieved or realized? (15marks).
    3. In designing your classes, given the choice between inheritance and aggregation which do
you choose (15marks).
    4. How would you work around the lack of multiple inheritance feature in Java (15marks).
    5.   What   would   you   consider   to   be   the   hardest   part   of   OO   analysis   and   design   and   why
    6. How do you keep yourself up to date with the latest in software techonogy, especially in
the field of software development (10marks).
    7. What si your career aspiration? Why do you think this E-Commerce Development Center
can help you in achieving your career goals (10marks) (1hr, answer in English).



    1. Would you please describe yourself in 3-4 lines? (limited in 500 words)
    2.   Could   you   tell   us   why   we   should   choose   you   as   a   Loreal   Person,   and   what   makes   you
unique? (limited in 500 words)
    3. What is your short-term and long-term career plan? (limited in 500 words)
    4. What kind of group activities are you interested in and what type of role do you often play?
(limited in 500 words)
    5. Please use one sentence to give a definition of          ‘Beauty’, and describe the most beautiful
thing in your life. (limited in 500 words)

维尔VERITAS 软件笔试题

    1.   A   class   B   network   on   the   internet   has   a   subnet   mask   of,   what   is   the
maximum number of hosts per subnet .
    a. 240 b. 255 c. 4094 d. 65534
    2.   What   is   the   difference:   between   o(log   n)   and   o(log   n^2),   where   both   log   arithems   have
base 2 .
    a. o(log n^2) is bigger b. o(log n) is bigger      c. no difference
    3. For a class what would happen if we call a class’s constructor from with the same class’s

constructor .

    a. compilation error b. linking error
    c. stack overflow d. none of the above
    4.    “new ”  in c++ is a: .
    a. library function like malloc in c
    b. key word c. operator
    d. none of the above
    5. Which of the following information is not contained in an inode .
    a. file owner b. file size
    c. file name d. disk address
    6. What’s the number of comparisons in the worst case to merge two sorted lists containing n
elements each .
    a. 2n b.2n-1 c.2n+1 d.2n-2
    7. Time complexity of n algorithm T(n), where n is the input size ,is T(n) =T(n-1)+1/n if n>1
otherwise 1 the order of this algorithm is .
    a. log (n) b. n c. n^2 d. n^n
    8. The number of 1’s in the binary representation of 3*4096+ 15*256+5*16+ 3 are .
    a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 12


    1. Select ONE of the following projects to discuss:
    a.   Signal   Filtering:   You   are   given   a   sampled  real   time   waveform   consisting   of   a   sensor
reading mixed with highly periodic impulses and high frequency noise. The desired output is the
real time filtered sensor signal with the impulses and noise removed, and a readout of the impulse
period. The FFT may not be used.
    b. Interrupt Processing. A headware register consisting of eight independent edge triggered
latches is used to record external asynchronous interrupt requests. When any of the request bits are
latched, a software interrupt is generated. The software may read the latch to see which interrupt(s)
occurred. Writing a one to any latch bit will clear the latch. How does that software assure that no
interrupt request is ever missed?
    c. User Interface: a prototype MP3 player interface consisting of a playlist display and a few
control buttons is given to you. How would you make the interface “skinnable”, with user selected
graphics, options, and control button placement?
    Each project description is incomplete. What questions would you ask to completely specify
the project? What development tools would you prefer to use?
What algorithm /data structures/design would you use?
    2. What program(s) have you coded for you own enjoyment (not part of a school project, not
for pay). What type of software project would you most enjoy working on?
    3.    Have   you  participated  in  a  team  programming    project?  What   is  the  hardest  part  of
programming as a team, as opposed to programming alone?


    1.一堆鸡蛋,3 个3 个数剩余2 个,5 个 5 个数剩余 1 个,7 个7 个数剩余 3 个,问这
堆鸡蛋 最少有多少个?并给出通解。
    4.按顺序默写24 节气。
    6.英语翻译约300 字。

普华永道 PWC 笔试题目(作文)

    1.最近10 年来中国媒体的变化。


    (2 )黄房子的主人来自香港,而且他的房子不在最左边。
    (4 )来自北京的人爱喝茅台,住在来自上海的人的隔壁。
    (9)来自天津的人的邻居(紧邻)一个爱吃牛肉,另一个来自 成都。
    (14)吸红塔山香烟的人既不住在吸健牌香烟的人的隔壁,也不与来自上海的人相邻 。


    1. Queue is a useful structure
    * What is a queue?
    * Write 5 operations or functions, without details, that can be done on a queue.
    2. Insert a sequence fo keys(24,49,13,20,59,23,90,35) into a data structure, which has no keys
initially. Depict the data structure after these insertions, if it is:
    * a heap tree
    * an AVL tree
    3. * What is a synchronous I/O bus?
    * What is an asnchronous I/O bus?
    * Compare the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and a synchronous I/O bus.
    4. Explain the following terminology:
    * Baud rate
    * Handshaking
    * Memory mapped I/O
    5. Explain the key issues in supporting a real-time operation system for embedded system.
    6. Explain the mapping of visual addresses to real addresses under paging by
    * direct mapping
    * associative mapping
    * combined direct/associated mapping
    7. Please explain what is   “write-back” and   “write-through ”, and discuss the advantage and
disadvantage about these two methods.
    8. Explain the concept and benefit of threads
    9. What is hardware interrupt? What is software interrupt? What is exception? Please tell me
all you know about interrupt.
    10. Write a recursive function that tests wether a string is a palindrome. A palindrome is s
string   such   as   “abcba”   or   “otto”   that   reads   the   same   in   both   directions.   If   you   can   write   this
function recursively,you can write an iterative version of this function instead.
    11.什么是进程(Process )和线程(Thread)?有何区别?
    12.MFC 和 SDK 有何区别?
    13.IRP 是什么?有何作用?
    14.Windows 2000 操作系统下用户模式和内核模式下编程有何区别?
    15.驱动程序的BUFFER 能swap 到磁盘上去吗?为什么?
    16.试编写3 个函数实现
    (2 )插入一个节点
    17.简述Hardware interrupt 和 software 中断的区别,简述其应用。
    18.试编写一个函数,计算一个字符串中A 的个数。


    (2 )编写一个非递归函数,删除一个目录。


    1. Can you describe the trend of wireless mobile communication industry? ( 2000 letters)
    2. Compare the major third generation technologies.(2000 letters)
    3. Describe the characteristics of Walsh function. Explain how to generate Walsh Function.
(2000 letters)
    4. List factors that will affect the capacity of forward and reverse links of a CDMA system.
(2000 letters)
    5. What are the differences between IS-95 A/B and cdma2000 1X? (2000 letters)


    2002 年软件笔试题
    (1)a.c long temp[255];
    b.c extern *temp;
    (2 )a.c long temp[255];
    b.c extern temp[256];
    (3)a.c long temp[255];
    b.c extern temp[];
    #include    “myfun1.h”
    #include    “myfun2.h”
    int myInt1;
    int myInt2;
    3.printf(  “0x%x”, (&0)[?1]);  请问打印了什么?
    4.汇编,用ax,bx,cx,dx,求 1000×1000/30  (四舍五入),结果放在ax 中。
    5.编最优化Bubble(int *pIntArray,int L),要求:交换元素不能用临时变量,如果 有序需

    2003 Software Engineer 笔试题
    1.    Describe   x86  PC’s   architecture  in  a  diagram  cpu,  core  chipset,  Cache,  DR   AM,
IO-subsystem, IO-Bus
    2. SWI instruction is often called a    “supervisor call”, describe the act ions in detail
    * Save the address of the instruction after the SWI in rl4_svc.
    * Save the CPSR in SPSR_svc.
    * Enter supervisor mode and disable IRQs.
    * Set the PC to 08 and begin executing the instruction there.


    * What is PIO operation? advantage and disadvantage?
    * DMA operation? advantage and disadvantage?
    * Scatter/Gather DMA engine? how does it operate?
    4. MP3 decoder related. (a flow chart of decoding is presented)
    * advantages of Huffman encoding?
    * why the aliasing reduction is necessary?
    * analytical expression in mathematics of the IMDCT?
    * which block in the flow chart is suitable for the software implementatio n and which for the
hardware? why?
    5. Assembly codes -> C language (about 15 lines).
    6. Graduation thesis description.

要回答 ,您可以只回答你所熟悉和能够回答的问题。允许参考任意的资料,但请独立完成
此试题 ,我们更欣赏您独立的思考和创新的精神。本试题并非我们录用或者不录用您的惟
一依据 。
或少地用到了数据库。试简要地谈谈数据库设计中应当注意哪些问题,以及如何解决?给 出
两种你所熟悉的DBMS,要求一种适用于小型应用,另一种适用于大型应用,给出你做出 选
    3.某公司的主要业务是提供 WWW  和 E-mail  服务,出于安全考虑,该公司要求我公
司提 供一套网络指纹登录系统,该系统要求能够利用指纹替代E-mail 中常用的密码,并对
所提 供的部分网页通过指纹认证后才能访问,请利用你所学过的知识对该系统进行分析设
计, 你可以指定网络的配置(包括协议),但必须保证邮件用户既可通过网页(http 方式)
收 取信件,也可通过 Outlook  收取信件。请分析该系统的可行性,可行时给出系统结构和
主要 的存储结构,指出系统中的难点和解决方法。(假设指纹识别的问题已经解决)


方;琼斯一年赚 2 万美金;有一个乘客和司闸员住在一个地方,每年的薪水是司闸员 的 3


    1. Translation (Mandatory)
    CDMA venders have worked hard to give CDMA roaming capabilities via the development
of RUIM-essentially, a SIM card for CDMA handsets currently being deployed in China for new
CDMA operator China Unicom. Korean cellco KTF demonstrated earlier this year the ability to
roam between GSM and CDMA using such cards. However, only the card containing the user’s
service data can roam-not the CDMA handset or the user’s number (except via call forwarding).
    2. Programming (Mandatory)
    Linked list
    a. Implement a linked list for integers, which supports the insert after (insert a node after a
specified node) and remove after (remove the node after a specified node) methods;
    b. Implement a method to sort the linked list to descending order.
    3. Debugging (Mandatory)
      a.   For   each   of   the   following   recursive   methods,   enter   Y   in   the   answer   box   if   the   method
terminaters (assume i=5), Otherwise enter N.

    static int f(int i){
        return f(i-1)*f(i-1);


    static int f(int i){
        if(i==0){return 1;}
        else {return f(i-1)*f(i-1);}


    static int f(int i){
        if(i==0){return 1;}
        else {return f(i-1)*f(i-2);}


    b. There are two errors in the following JAVA program:
    static void g(int i){
5,17,19,31,有一个美国人,各用了 14 美元买两种液体,剩下一个桶。问剩下哪个?
    6.篮球场,还剩6 秒,差对手4 分,没可能追得上,现在有一个暂停,你会怎么指导
球 员去做?


    1.自我介绍(2 分钟)。
    3.如果你明天去火星呆上300 年,今天晚上你最想做的一件事是什么?


    1、10 个人分成4 组 有几种分法?

            7 8 9 10

            6 1 2 11

            5 4 3 12

            16 15 14 13

        设“1”的坐标为(0,0) “7”的坐标为(-1,-1) 编写一个小程序,使程序
做到输入坐标(X,Y )之后显示出相应的数字。
        //example input and output
        //in 1 2 3 out 1 3 1
        //in 123456789 2 100 out 123456789 100 21
        long mex(long a,long b,long c)
        { long d;
            if(b==0) return 0;
            if(b==1) return a%c;
            d=mex(a,b/2,c);  d*=d;这里忘了;d*=mex(a,b%2,c);d%=c;
            return d;
        int main(void)
        { long x,y,z;
            { if(scanf(%d %d %d,&x,&y,&z)>3) return 0;
            if(x<0) { printf("too small/n");continue;}
            if(y<0) { printf("too small/n");continue;}
            if(z<1) { printf("too small/n");continue;}
            if(y>z) { printf("too big/n");continue;}

            if(z>1000000010) {printf("too big/n");continue}
            printf(%d %d %d,x,z,mex(x,y,z);
        根据这个程序,当已知一个输入,算出输出,如:输入  1 3 1               则输出  1 2 3  输 入
123456789 100 21  输出  123456789 2 100


    3、简答题就比较专业:一道是你参加一条高速公路的开通典礼,如何在记者会上发的 新
闻通稿之外写出会上没说的内容。一道是你去一个单位采访,但没有任何该单位的证件 、
邀请函之类东西,你如何骗过门卫混进去。第三道是有几家香水公司都想让你说好话, 就
是做软新闻了,你该如何处理。第四道是A 明星与B 明星不和,你如何报道A 骂B 的话而
又 不能让B 告你诽谤。
    5、五道智力测验:如何喝道啤酒杯底部的啤酒、汽车过隧道但高2 厘米该怎么办、你 吃
苹果时吃到几条虫最恶心之类,10 只点燃的蜡烛,让风吹灭了2 只,后来在关窗户前又吹 灭
1 只。问最后还有几支。


1、请用标准C 语言实现一个双向笔循环链表的查找与删除。
typedef struct doublecyclelink{
    int key;
    struct doublecyclelink *prev;
    struct doublecyclelink *next;
DoubleCycleLinkT *findKey(DoubleCycleLinkT *link,int key);
遍历整个双向循环链表,将第一个与key 值相同的结点移出链表,并返回。
若没有找到则返回NULL 。


    * *

   * * *

* * * *

* * * * *

void printTriangle(const unsigned char line);
3、请用标准C 语言实现下列标准库函数,设计中不得使用其他库函数。
char *strstr(char *str1,char *str2);
在字符串 str1 中,寻找字串str2,若找到返回找到的位置,否则返回NULL 。
char i=0;


5、用预处理指令#define 声明一个常数,用以表明 1 年中有多少秒(忽略闰年问题)
6、请问运行main 函数会有什么样的结果?
int x=10,y=3;
#define P 3
void F(int x)
8、若int  占2 个字节,char  占1 个字节,float  占4 个字节,则定义如下:

struct stu

   char bj[5];
   int bh[2];
char xm[8];
float cj;
9、请问traceroute 的工作原理  
