

Mom: get up! Debbie, today we will go to the Yoyo's class. we take bus to there.

Debbie: no, mommy, i want to take taxi.

Daddy: it is chilly and windy outside, u can take the taxi today.

Mom: ok



Mom: get on the taxi, Debbie


Mom: Hello, flowers, hello trees

Debbie: hello flowers hello trees, hello cars

Mom: are u cold? wow, today is windy day, today is windy day, can u see Mr. Sun?

Debbbie: no, i can't

Mom: look, debbie, there are three buttons on the taxi, what color are they?

Debbie: Red Yellow and green. look look mommy, there are many many flowers.

Mom: wow, a lot of flowers are just over there, what color are they?

Debbie: white, ......

Mom: purple?

Debbie: no, pink and red.

Mom: Right! give me five, look debbie there is a man printed on the bus, do u know who he is? he is 古天乐,he is a actor, a famours actor(旁边驶过的大巴上的广告)。we almost get there, let's get ready to get off, mommy need to set the bill first......


Reading: 海尼曼



wow, english 之 X'MAS

wow, english 之 fingers

Guess how much i.love u

今天因为临时有急事没能按计划给DEBBIE上Kinderpower, 所以一整天只能见缝插针的freetalk和睡前阅读, 暂且也打一下卡
