1,ThinAPP 基本使用教程
2,cmd 环境变量设置方法详细解释
1、查看当前所有可用的环境变量:输入 set 即可查看。
2、查看某个环境变量:输入 "set 变量名"即可,比如想查看temp变量的值,即输入 set temp
当然也可以使用echo %temp%
3、修改环境变量 :输入 "set 变量名=变量内容"即可,比如将temp设置为"d:\tempfile",只要输入set temp="d:\tempfile"。注意,此修改环境变量是指用现在的内容去覆盖以前的内容,并不是追加。比如当我设置了上面的path路径之后,如果我再重新输入set temp="c",再次查看temp路径的时候,其值为"c",而不是"d:\tempfile";"c"。
4、设置为空:如果想将某一变量设置为空,输入"set 变量名="即可。如"set path=" 那么查看path的时候就为空。注意,上面已经说了,只在当前命令行窗口起作用。因此查看path的时候不要去右击"我的电脑"——"属性"........
5、给变量追加内容(不同于3,那个是覆盖):输入"set 变量名=%变量名%;变量内容"。如,为temp添加一个新的路径,输入" set path=%path%;d:\tempfile"即可将d:\tempfile添加到path中,再次执行"set path=%path%;c:",那么,使用set path语句来查看的时候,将会有:d:\tempfile;c:,而不是像第3步中的只有c:。
set PATH
set xxx=aa
set xxx=
set PATH=%PATH%;d:\xxx
1)JAVA_HOME指向的是JDK的安装路径,如x:\ j2sdk1.4.2,在这路径下你应该能够找到bin、lib等目录。设置方法:JAVA_HOME=c:\ j2sdk1.4.2
如j2sdk1.4在安装完成后,C:\WINDOWS\system32下的java.exe在运行时会在C:\Program File\java\目录下装载必需的一些文件。但安装j2sdk后一般会在PATH变量的最前面设置C:\ j2sdk1.4.2 \bin。
java -verbose
4、Windows OS下设置PATH的方法
〔系统〕->〔环境〕-> 〔高级〕,在PATH变量的文本框中的最前面输入C:\ j2sdk1.4.2\bin
或在命令行窗口中执行 set path=c:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin;%path%; 这样在命令行窗口的任一路径下都可以执行java.exe程序了。或设置PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
[T1]error:java不是一个可运行的程序? 由于没有设置环境变量path
[T2] error:不能打开某个目录? 可能是忽视了path环境变量中的目录的设置顺序。
[T3]Exception on thread "main" java.lang.DoClassDefFoundError:Test? 没有设置classpath的路径。
1、查看当前所有可用的环境变量:输入 set 即可查看。
2、查看某个环境变量:输入 "set 变量名"即可,比如想查看path变量的值,即输入 set path
3、修改环境变量 :输入 "set 变量名=变量内容"即可,比如将path设置为"d:\hacker.exe",只要输入set path="d:\nmake.exe"。注意,此修改环境变量是指用现在的内容去覆盖以前的内容,并不是追加。比如当我设置了上面的path路径之后,如果我再重新输入set path="c",再次查看path路径的时候,其值为"c:",而不是"d:\nmake.exe";"c"。
4、设置为空:如果想将某一变量设置为空,输入"set 变量名="即可。如"set path=" 那么查看path的时候就为空。注意,上面已经说了,只在当前命令行窗口起作用。因此查看path的时候不要去右击"我的电脑"——"属性"........
5、给变量追加内容(不同于3,那个是覆盖):输入"set 变量名=%变量名%;变量内容"。如,为path添加一个新的路径,输入" set path=%path%;d:\hacker.exe"即可将d:\hacker.exe添加到path中,再次执行"set path=%path%;c:",那么,使用set path语句来查看的时候,将会有:d:\hacker.exe;c:,而不是像第3步中的只有c:。
%ALLUSERSPROFILE% 局部 返回所有"用户配置文件"的位置。
%APPDATA% 局部 返回默认情况下应用程序存储数据的位置。
%CD% 局部 返回当前目录字符串。
%CMDCMDLINE% 局部 返回用来启动当前的 Cmd.exe 的准确命令行。
%CMDEXTVERSION% 系统 返回当前的"命令处理程序扩展"的版本号。
%COMPUTERNAME% 系统 返回计算机的名称。
%COMSPEC% 系统 返回命令行解释器可执行程序的准确路径。
%DATE% 系统 返回当前日期。使用与 date /t 命令相同的格式。由 Cmd.exe 生成。有关 date 命令的详细信息,请参阅 Date。
%ERRORLEVEL% 系统 返回最近使用过的命令的错误代码。通常用非零值表示错误。
%HOMEDRIVE% 系统 返回连接到用户主目录的本地工作站驱动器号。基于主目录值的设置。用户主目录是在"本地用户和组"中指定的。
%HOMEPATH% 系统 返回用户主目录的完整路径。基于主目录值的设置。用户主目录是在"本地用户和组"中指定的。
%HOMESHARE% 系统 返回用户的共享主目录的网络路径。基于主目录值的设置。用户主目录是在"本地用户和组"中指定的。
%LOGONSEVER% 局部 返回验证当前登录会话的域控制器的名称。
%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% 系统 指定安装在计算机上的处理器的数目。
%OS% 系统 返回操作系统的名称。Windows 2000 将操作系统显示为 Windows_NT。
%PATH% 系统 指定可执行文件的搜索路径。
%PATHEXT% 系统 返回操作系统认为可执行的文件扩展名的列表。
%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% 系统 返回处理器的芯片体系结构。值: x86,IA64。
%PROCESSOR_LEVEL% 系统 返回计算机上安装的处理器的型号。
%PROCESSOR_REVISION% 系统 返回处理器修订号的系统变量。
%PROMPT% 局部 返回当前解释程序的命令提示符设置。由 Cmd.exe 生成。
%RANDOM% 系统 返回 0 到 32767 之间的任意十进制数字。由 Cmd.exe 生成。
%SYSTEMDRIVE% 系统 返回包含 Windows XP 根目录(即系统根目录)的驱动器。
%SYSTEMROOT% 系统 返回 Windows XP 根目录的位置。
%TEMP% and %TMP% 系统和用户 返回对当前登录用户可用的应用程序所使用的默认临时目录。有些应用程序需要 TEMP,而其它应用程序则需要 TMP。
%TIME% 系统 返回当前时间。使用与 time /t 命令相同的格式。由 Cmd.exe 生成。有关 time 命令的详细信息,请参阅 Time。
%USERDOMAIN% 局部 返回包含用户帐户的域的名称。
%USERNAME% 局部 返回当前登录的用户的名称。
%UserProfile% 局部 返回当前用户的配置文件的位置。
%WINDIR% 系统 返回操作系统目录的位置。
Setlocal 与 Endlocal 命令
开始与终止批处理文件中环境改动的本地化操作。在执行 Setlocal 之后所做的环境改动只限于批处理文件。要还原原先的设置,必须执行 Endlocal。达到批处理文件结尾时,对于该批处理文件的每个尚未执行的 Setlocal 命令,都会有一个隐含的 Endlocal 被执行。Endlocal结束批处理文件中环境改动的本地化操作。在执行Endlocal 之后所做的环境改动不再仅限于批处理文件。批处理文件结束后,原先的设置无法还原。
Setlocal {enableextension | disableextensions} {enabledelayedexpansion | disabledelayedexpansion}
如果命令扩展名被启用,SETLOCAL 可以接受{}中的可选参数,启动或停用命令处理器扩展名及延缓环境变量扩展名。详细信息,请参阅 CMD /? 和 SET /? 。
无论在 Setlocal 命令之前它们的设置是什么,这些修改会一直保留到匹配的 Endlocal 命令。
Echo Before Setlocal:
Rem reset environment var PATH
Echo after Setlocal and reset PATH
Echo Recovery PATH by Endlocal
从上例我们可以看到环境变量PATH第1次被显示得时候是系统默认路径。被设置成了"E:\TOOLS"后显示为"E:\TOOLS"。但当 Endlocal 后我们可以看到他又被还原成了系统的默认路径。但这个设置只在该批处理运行的时候有作用。当批处理运行完成后环境变量PATH将会还原。
如果有一个参数,SETLOCAL 命令将设置 ERRORLEVEL 的值。如果有两个有效参数中的一个,该值则为零。用下列技巧,您可以在批脚本中使用这个来决定扩展名是否可用:
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo Unable to enable extensions
这个方法之所以有效,是因为在 CMD.EXE 的旧版本上,SETLOCAL不设置 ERRORLEVEL 值。具有不正确参数的 VERIFY 命令将ERRORLEVEL 值初始化成非零值。
系统环境变量: |
4,vbscript Registry 注册表操作实现代码(读写删除)
VBScript Code:
' Create a WSH Shell object:
Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
' Create a new key:
wshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\TestKey\", ""
' Create a new DWORD value:
wshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\TestKey\DWordTestValue", 1, "REG_DWORD"
' Create a new subkey and a string value in that new subkey:
wshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\TestKey\SubKey\StringTestValue", "Test", "REG_SZ"
' Read the values we just created:
WScript.Echo "HKCU\TestKey\DWordTestValue = " _
& wshShell.RegRead( "HKCU\TestKey\DWordTestValue" )
WScript.Echo "HKCU\TestKey\SubKey\StringTestValue = """ _
& wshShell.RegRead( "HKCU\TestKey\SubKey\StringTestValue" ) & """"
' Delete the subkey and key and the values they contain:
wshShell.RegDelete "HKCU\TestKey\SubKey\"
wshShell.RegDelete "HKCU\TestKey\"
' Note: Since the WSH Shell has no Enumeration functionality, you cannot
' use the WSH Shell object to delete an entire "tree" unless you
' know the exact name of every subkey.
' If you don't, use the WMI StdRegProv instead.
' Release the object
Set wshShell = Nothing
用VBScript编写的WSH程序文件的扩展名为.vbs,该脚本程序在窗口界面是由wscript.exe文件解释执行的,在字符界面是由cscript.exe文件解释执行的,命令格式为:cscript filename.vbs
Dim OperationReGIStry
Set OperationRegistry=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
读操作RegRead主要是用来读取注册表中主键的默认值或键值的数据,我们可以将读得的数据送到相应的变量中,再利用VB中的MsgBox()函数将该数据显示出来,这就达到了读取注册表中数据的目的(也可以利用对象OperationRegistry的方法Popup()将读取的数据送至屏幕), 例如:
Dim OperationRegistry
Set OperationRegistry=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim Read_Data1,Read_Data2
MsgBox("Default="&Read_Data1&" value="&Read_Data2)
ii)用十六进制的数表示,如:0x12,0xff等. 看例:
Dim OperationReGIStry
Set OperationRegistry=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'获取一个空值 (null)
OperationRegistry.RegWrite "HKCR\.xxf\",Default
OperationRegistry.RegWrite "HKCR\.xxf\","xxffile"
OperationRegistry.RegWrite "HKCR\.xxf\value1","string"
OperationRegistry.RegWrite "HKCR\.xxf\value2",1,"REG_DWORD"
OperationRegistry.RegWrite "HKCR\.xxf\value3",0Xff,"REG_BINARY"
Dim OperationRegistry
Set OperationRegistry=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim ReadComputerName
Set ReadComputerName=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim ComputerName,RegPath
Dim HiddenArrowIcon
Set HiddenArrowIcon=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim RegPath1,RegPath2
Dim ChangeStartMenu
Set ChangeStartMenu=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Sub Change(Argument)
ChangeStartMenu.RegWrite RegPath&Argument,Key_Data,Type_Name
End Sub
Call Change(StartMenu_Run) '禁用"开始"菜单中的"运行"功能
Call Change(StartMenu_Find) '禁用"开始"菜单中的"查找"功能
Call Change(StartMenu_Close) '禁用"开始"菜单中的"关闭系统"功能
Dim AutoRunProgram
Set AutoRunProgram=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
AutoRunProgram.Write RegPath&Key_Name,Key_Data,Type_Name
chr(9) tab空格 chr(10) 换行 chr(13) 回车 Chr(13)&chr(10) 回车换行 chr(32) 空格符 chr(34) 双引号 chr(39) 单引号
chr(33) ! chr(34) " chr(35) # chr(36) $ chr(37) % chr(38) & chr(39) ' chr(40) ( chr(41) ) chr(42) * chr(43) + chr(44) , chr(45) - chr(46) . chr(47) /
Chr(48) 0 Chr(49) 1 Chr(50) 2 Chr(51) 3 Chr(52) 4 Chr(53) 5 Chr(54) 6 Chr(55) 7 Chr(56) 8 Chr(57) 9
chr(58) chr(59) ; chr(60) < chr(61) = chr(62) > chr(63) ? chr(64) @
chr(65) A chr(66) B chr(67) C chr(68) D chr(69) E chr(70) F chr(71) G chr(72) H chr(73) I chr(74) J chr(75) K chr(76) L chr(77) M chr(78) N chr(79) O chr(80) P chr(81) Q chr(82) R chr(83) S chr(84) T chr(85) U chr(86) V chr(87) W chr(88) X chr(89) Y chr(90) Z
chr(91) [ chr(92) \ chr(93) ] chr(94) ^ chr(95) _ chr(96) `
chr(97) a chr(98) b chr(99) c chr(100) d chr(101) e chr(102) f chr(103) g chr(104) h chr(105) i chr(106) j chr(107) k chr(108) l chr(109) m chr(110) n chr(111) o chr(112) p chr(113) q chr(114) r chr(115) s chr(116) t chr(117) u chr(118) v chr(119) w chr(120) x chr(121) y chr(122) z
chr(123) { chr(124) | chr(125) } chr(126) ~ chr(127) chr(128) chr(153)™ chr(169) © chr(174) ® |
格式1:Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.0第一行必须是"REGEDIT4"。而到了Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista等windows操作系统则必须要是"Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"。 2:第一行后必须空一行。条与条之间最好也空一行。每行前不能留空格。 3:注册表信息头尾用"["与"]"包起来; 4:" "内就是字符串内容;"DWORD"为"0"就是用"dword:00000000"表示,反之是"1"则用dword:00000001来表示。 5:如果有两个以上的注册表信息,信息与信息之间就需要有空行隔开。 6:如果要删除某个注册表信息该怎么办?很简单,在注册表信息前面加上"-"(减)号 |
如何添加、 修改或删除注册表子项和值,通过使用.reg 文件
概要重要:此部分、 方法或任务包含一些介绍如何修改注册表的步骤。但是,如果不正确地修改了注册表,可能会出现严重的问题。因此,请确保仔细按照下列步骤操作。为增加保护,对其进行修改之前备份注册表。然后,您可以在出现问题时还原注册表。有关如何备份和还原注册表的详细信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章: 本分步指南介绍如何添加、 修改或删除注册表子项和值,通过使用注册项 (.reg) 文件。Regedit.exe 使用.reg 文件来导入和导出注册表子项和值。这些.reg 文件可用于远程分发到多台基于 Windows 的计算机的注册表更改。当您运行.reg 文件时,该文件的内容合并到本地注册表中。因此,分发.reg 文件时必须谨慎。 .Reg 文件的语法如下 ︰ [HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System] .Reg 文件可以包含多个注册表路径。如果注册表中不存在路径语句中的层次结构的底部,将创建一个新子项。注册表文件的内容发送到注册表中输入它们的顺序。因此,如果您想要创建一个新子项与它下面的其他子项,则必须按正确的顺序输入行。
有关注册表数据类型的详细信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章: DataValuex立即跟随冒号 (或等号后 REG_SZ),并且必须是以适当的格式 (例如,字符串或十六进制)。对二进制数据项使用十六进制格式。 |
Add a Value to the System Registry
Add a Value to the System Registry This script procedure adds a value to the physical system registry. Add a value to the system registry
Function OnFirstParentStart
RegFileName = ExpandPath("%Personal%\thin.reg") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemObject") Set RegFile = fso.CreateTextFile(RegFileName, true) The %Personal% directory is a directory that has Merged isolation mode by default.
RegFile.WriteLine("Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00") RegFile.WriteBlankLines(1) RegFile.WriteLine("[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Thinapp\demo]") RegFile.WriteLine(chr(34) & "InventoryName" & chr(34) & "=" & chr(34) & GetBuildOption("InventoryName") & chr(34)) RegFile.Close
RegEditPid = ExecuteExternalProcess("regedit /s " & chr(34) & RegFileName & chr(34)) WaitForProcess RegEditPid, 0 Wait until the process is complete.
fso.DeleteFile(RegFileName) End Function |
AddForcedVirtualLoadPath The AddForcedVirtualLoadPath(Path) function instructs ThinApp to load all DLLs from the specified path as virtual DLLs even if they are not located in the package. Use this function if the application needs to load external DLLs that depend on DLLs located inside the package. You can use the ForcedVirtualLoadPaths parameter in the Package.ini file to achieve the same result as this API function. For more information about "ForcedVirtualLoadPaths" see ThinApp Package.ini Parameters Reference Guide. Parameters Path [in] The filename or path for DLLs to load as virtual. Examples You can load any DLL located in the same directory as the executable file as a virtual DLL. Origin = GetEnvironmentVariable("TS_ORIGIN") TS_ORIGIN is the path from which the executable file is running. You can delete the filename from TS_ORIGIN by finding the last backslash and removing all of the characters that follow it. LastSlash = InStrRev(Origin, "\") SourcePath = Left(Origin, LastSlash) You can instruct ThinApp to load all DLLs in the same or lower directory from where the source executable file resides. AddForcedVirtualLoadPath(SourcePath) This process enables you to drop additional files in the SourcePath tree and have them resolve import operations against virtual DLLs. |
Checking ThinApp Installation Files
Checking ThinApp Installation Files The ThinApp installation generates the VMware ThinApp directory in C:\Program Files\VMware. You might check the files in this directory to perform operations such as starting the Log Monitor utility to view recent activity. The following key files in the VMware ThinApp directory affect ThinApp operations:
ThinApp starts this utility during the setup capture process.
The snapshot.exe file references the snapshot.ini file. Advanced users might modify the snapshot.ini file to ensure that ThinApp does not capture certain entries when creating an application package.
You can customize this template to ensure that the .msi files generated by ThinApp adhere to company deployment procedures and standards. For example, you can add registry settings that you want ThinApp to add to client computers as part of the installation.
This registration includes setting up shortcuts and the Start menu and setting up file type associations that allow you to open applications.
Build Virtual Applications
Build Virtual Applications You can adjust project files and build the application for deployment. Build virtual applications in the Setup Capture wizard
You can build the package at a later time with the build.bat file in the virtual application folder. For example, a Firefox path to the build.bat file might be C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Mozilla Firefox\build.bat.
You can rebuild the package at any time after you click Finish to make changes. |
Predefined Environment Variables
Predefined Environment Variables The values for PackageIniOverrideFile (global and per application), ProjectPostProcessingCommand (global and per application), and InstallationCommand can contain environment variables. ThinApp Converter expands the value before using it. ThinApp Converter adds these variables as predefined environment variables:
Example Following is an example of how predefined variables can be used in the PackageIniOverrideFile, ProjectPostProcessingCommand, and InstallationCommand parameters. [Settings] PackageIniOverrideFile=%AppInstallersRootDir%\AppSyncSettings.ini ;will resolve to \\AppInstallerServer\AppInstaller\AppSyncSettings.ini [AppSettings:Adobe] InstallationCommand=AdbeRdr920_en_US.exe /sAll PackageIniOverrideFile=%AppInstallerDir%\override.ini ;will resolve to \\AppInstallerServer\AppInstaller\Adobe\AppSyncSettings.ini |
Preparing the Configuration File for ThinApp Converter
Preparing the Configuration File for ThinApp Converter A sample configuration file, ThinAppConverter.ini, is included in the ThinApp installation. The file is generally located in C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp. Modify or create a copy of this file to suit your requirements. Use UTF-8 encoding when you specify parameter values. The ThinAppConverter.ini configuration file includes the following section headings:
HostEnvironment The HostEnvironment section of the configuration file contains the connection parameters for connecting to VMware ESX Server, VMware vCenter Server, or VMware Workstation on a local machine. [HostEnvironment] parameters are mandatory.
VirtualMachineHost The name of the virtual machine to which ThinApp Converter is to connect.
Examples The following example shows a virtual machine specified by ESX server hostname. [HostEnvironment] VirtualMachineHost=MyEsx.vmware.com The following example shows a virtual machine specified by IP address. [HostEnvironment] VirtualMachineHost= The following example shows a local machine specified as localhost. [HostEnvironment] VirtualMachineHost=localhost HostLoginUserName The login user name for the host machine. Use the same login user name for connecting to the server as you use for logging in to the VMware vSphere Client. You must have sufficient privileges to turn on and off virtual machines, take virtual machine snapshots, and so on. You can use UPN format when you specify a user name for vCenter. For example, [email protected]. HostLoginUserName is ignored when logging into VMware Workstation. HostLoginPassword or HostLoginPasswordBase64 The login password for the host machine. You have the following options when you specify passwords:
All passwords are handled in the same way. HostLoginPasswordPrompt Specifies that the user be prompted to enter a password. If you do not want to store the vSphere Server password in the configuration file, specify the value as true. When set to true, a prompt always appears, even if a HostLoginPassword is specified in the configuration file. Example The following example shows a typical host environment specification. The virtual machine name is specified as the ESX server hostname. A password has been specified, however the user will still be prompted to enter as password, as specified in HostLoginPasswordPrompt. [HostEnvironment] VirtualMachineHost=MyEsx.vmware.com HostLoginUserName=root HostLoginPassword=secret HostLoginPasswordPrompt=true VirtualMachineN The VirtualMachineN section of the configuration file contains a list of the Windows-based virtual machines that will be utilized in the conversion process. Create a VirtualMachineX section for each virtual machine that you want to include, and specify their parameters. X is 1, and subsequent virtual machine sections are numbered sequentially. [VirtualMachine N ] parameters are mandatory. VmxPath Specify the configuration path of the virtual machine. For ESX Server or vCenter Server, you can identify the virtual machine configuration file path using the vSphere Client. Identify the virtual machine configuration path using the vSphere Client
For Workstation, specify the entire file path on the host on which the VMX configuration file resides. For example, C:\MyVMs\Windows XP\WindowsXP.vmx. Do not place the path in quotation marks, even if the path contains a space. UserName A valid user name for the virtual machine guest operating system. The user must have administrator privileges for the virtual machine guest operating system. You can use UPN format when you specify a user name. For example, [email protected]. Password or PasswordBase64 A valid password for the virtual machine guest operating system. You have the following options when you specify passwords:
Specifying an encoded password does not increase security strength. You need to protect the actual INI file. All passwords are handled in the same way. If the Password setting is not used, the password for the guest is assumed to be blank. Most Windows virtual machines do not support automation with empty passwords, so you should specify a guest password. PasswordPrompt Specifies that the user be prompted to enter a password. If you do not want to store the virtual machine password in the configuration file, specify the value as true. When set to true, a prompt always appears, even if a password is specified in the configuration file. Examples Following is an example for an ESX server-based environment. A password has been specified and, as PasswordPrompt is set to false, the user will not be prompted to enter a password. [VirtualMachine1] VmxPath=[Storage] WinXP_Converter/WinXP_Converter.vmx UserName=administrator Password=secret PasswordPrompt=false Following is an example for a VMware Workstation-based virtual machine. On virtual machine 1, PasswordPrompt has been set to true. The user will be prompted for a password even though a password has been specified in the configuration. [VirtualMachine1] VmxPath=C:\MyVMs\Windows XP\Windows XP.vmx UserName=administrator Password=secret PasswordPrompt=true [VirtualMachine2] VmxPath=C:\MyVMs\Windows 7\Windows 7.vmx Password= PasswordPrompt=true
Settings The Settings section of the configuration file contains the parameters for the application installation directory and ThinApp project output directory, in the form of UNC. It also contains several parameters controlling the conversion process behavior. ThinApp Converter only requires read-only permissions for the network share that contains the application installers. It requires read/write permissions for the network share that contains the ThinApp projects. If input and output directories are on the same file server, you must use the same user account to connect them. InputUncPath Specify the network share UNC path for the application installers. For example: \\fileserver\sharename, or \\fileserver\sharename\dirname. InputMountUserName Specify the user name used for connecting to that network share. UPN format can be used when you specify a domain user, for example [email protected] InputMountPassword or InputMountPasswordBase64 Specify the password for connecting to the network share. You have the following options when you specify passwords:
InputMountPasswordPrompt Specifies that the user be prompted to enter a password. If you do not want to store the network share password in the configuration file, specify the value as true. When set to true, a prompt always appears, even if a password is specified in the configuration file. OutputUncPath Specify the network share UNC path to the location of the generated ThinApp projects. For example: \\fileserver\sharename, or \\fileserver\sharename\dirname OutputMountUserName Specify the user name used for connecting to the OutputUncPath network share. UPN format can be used to specify a domain user, for example, [email protected]. OutputMountPassword or OutputMountPasswordBase64 Specify the password for connecting to the network share. You have the following options when you specify passwords:
OutputMountPasswordPrompt Specifies that the user be prompted to enter a password. If you do not want to store the network share password in the configuration file, specify the value as true. When set to true, a prompt always appears, even if a password is specified in the configuration file. Example Following is an example of network share specifications.The user for the application installation directory has only read permissions. For both the input and output network shares, a prompt will display, requiring a user to enter a password. [Settings] InputUncPath=\\AppInstallerServer\AppInstallers\ThinAppMigration InputMountUserName=readonlyUser InputMountPassword=secret InputMountPasswordPrompt=true OutputUncPath=\\DeploymentServer\ThinAppProj OutputMountUserName=readwriteUser OutputMountPassword=secret OutputMountPasswordPrompt=true ThinApp Converter Logic for Detecting the Application Installation Processes For the application installer's network share, ThinApp Converter examines all subdirectories under the specified UNC path recursively, including their subdirectories. For each subdirectory, it determines which command to run for silent application installation using the following logic:
If none of the steps enable ThinApp Converter to find a correct installation command, the subdirectory is skipped. A warning is logged in the log file. You must remove all network connections to the file server referenced in the INI file from the host on which you run ThinApp Converter, to prevent conflict between user credentials. PackageIniOverrideFile Specify the file path to the global Package.ini override file. This optional parameter enables you to specify a global override file for Package.ini that is generated for each ThinApp project. The values in the override file are merged into Package.ini in the ThinApp project that is generated for each application. Global overrides are useful when you have a global policy setting, for example, PermittedGroup in Package.ini. A Package.ini override file is formatted like a standard Windows INI file. You can add INI parameters and values that are relevant to the Package.ini file. The path is relative to the application installer's network share. Using the example for specifying the network shares for the application installers and ThinApp projects, if you specify PackageIniOverrideFile=override.ini, ThinApp Converter will try to find the file under \\AppInstallerServer\AppInstaller. You can provide a more explicit value by using predefined variables. For more information, see Predefined Environment Variables. You can specify a Package.ini file for each application. This process is described as part of the [AppSettings:AppName] section. ExclusionList Specify a comma- or semicolon-separated list of application directories that ThinApp will skip when searching for application installers. The list is case insensitive. You can specify wildcards for DOS-style file names. For example, Microsoft*. ? and * are supported. Example Following is an example of an exclusion specification using a wildcard. [Settings] ExclusionList=App?.old;FireFox1.0 ProjectPostProcessingCommand Specify the file path to the project post processing command. The file path is relative to the application installer's network share. Using the example for specifying the network shares for the application installers and ThinApp projects, if you specify ProjectPostProcessingCommand=addscript.bat, ThinApp Converter will try to find the file under \\AppInstallerServer\AppInstaller. You can provide a more explicit value by using predefined variables. For more information, see Predefined Environment Variables. StopOnError Specify whether ThinApp Converter should stop converting an application if it encounters an error, or continue with the other applications. The default value is false. BuildAfterCapture Specify whether the ThinApp Converter should build the ThinApp Projects into packages following capture. The default value is true. DetectIdle Specify whether ThinApp Converter should try to detect if an application installer is stalled, for example when the application is waiting for user input on the guest virtual machine because incorrect silent installation switches were specified. The default value is true. ThinApp Converter might not be able to detect all situations in which the installer is idle. InstallerTimeout Specify how long ThinApp Converter should wait for an application installer to finish before it quits. By default, the value is 7200 seconds. AppSettings:AppName This optional section provides parameters that you can use to add settings that are specific to an application. AppName is the actual name of the subdirectory that contains the application installer. These parameters can be added to each AppSettings section. In most circumstances, you will not need to configure this section. InstallationCommand Specify how ThinApp Converter should start the application installer. If there is no value, ThinApp Converter attempts to select one installation command using the logic described in ThinApp Converter Logic for Detecting the Application Installation Processes. PackageIniOverrideFile The Package.ini override file that is applied to a single application installer. When this parameter has a value, the global override file is processed first, followed by this application-specific override file. The file path is relative to the application installer subdirectory. Using the example at the bottom of this section, if you specify PackageIniOverrideFile=override.ini, ThinApp Converter will try to find the file under \\AppInstallerServer\AppInstaller\Adobe. You can provide a more explicit value by using predefined variables. For more information, see Predefined Environment Variables. ProjectPostProcessingCommand Specify the project post processing command for the specific application. When this parameter has a value, the global override file is processed first, followed by this application-specific post processing command. Example Following is an example of how to apply an application-specific override during post processing. [AppSettings:Adobe] InstallationCommand=AdbeRdr920_en_US.exe /sAll PackageIniOverrideFile=override.ini [AppSettings:TextPad] InstallationCommand=silent_install.bat ProjectPostProcessingCommand=%AppInstallerDir%\addscript.bat |
Customizing the snapshot.ini File
Customizing the snapshot.ini File The snapshot.ini configuration file specifies what registry keys to exclude from a ThinApp project when you capture an application. For example, if you use Internet Explorer 7, you might need ThinApp to capture the following registry keys:
If the snapshot.ini file excludes the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections key by default, you can remove this key from the snapshot.ini file to ensure that ThinApp captures the key in the capture process. If you do not customize the snapshot.ini file, the snapshot process loads the file from one of these locations:
This location is the AppData directory of the user.
This is the location from which ThinApp runs the snapshot.exe utility. |
Implement Scripts in a ThinApp Environment
Implement Scripts in a ThinApp Environment Related topics .bat Example Timeout Example Modify the Virtual Registry .reg Example Stopping a Service Example Copying a File Example Add a Value to the System Registry You might implement a script in the following circumstances:
Implement a script
You can use any filename. ThinApp adds all .vbs files to the package at build time.
Add a Value to the System Registry
Add a Value to the System Registry This script procedure adds a value to the physical system registry. Add a value to the system registry
Function OnFirstParentStart
RegFileName = ExpandPath("%Personal%\thin.reg") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemObject") Set RegFile = fso.CreateTextFile(RegFileName, true) The %Personal% directory is a directory that has Merged isolation mode by default.
RegFile.WriteLine("Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00") RegFile.WriteBlankLines(1) RegFile.WriteLine("[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Thinapp\demo]") RegFile.WriteLine(chr(34) & "InventoryName" & chr(34) & "=" & chr(34) & GetBuildOption("InventoryName") & chr(34)) RegFile.Close
RegEditPid = ExecuteExternalProcess("regedit /s " & chr(34) & RegFileName & chr(34)) WaitForProcess RegEditPid, 0 Wait until the process is complete.
fso.DeleteFile(RegFileName) End Function |
6,Cadence 15.2安装问题记录
Cadence 15.2运行错误,提示缺少dll,但环境变量(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.txt文件)里是有路径配置的:
1、@ 2、%、%% 3、:、:: 4、~ 5、>、>> 6、| 7、^ 8、& 9、&&、|| 10、() 11、+、-、*、/ 12、equ、neq、lss、leq、gtr、geq |