首先这是js的一种函数调用写法,叫立即执行函数表达式(IIFE,即immediately-invoked function expression)。顾名思义IIFE可以让你的函数立即得到执行(废话)。
1. 创建只使用一次的函数,并立即执行它。
2. 创建闭包,保存状态,隔离作用域。
3. 作为独立模块存在(例子如jQuery),防止命名冲突,命名空间注入(模块解耦)。
1. 创建只使用一次的函数,并立即执行它
1 (function(){ 2 var a = 1, b = 2; 3 console.log(a+b); // 3 4 })();
1 (function(c){ 2 var a = 1, b = 2; 3 console.log(a+b+c); // 6 4 })(3);
1 (function adder(a, b){ 2 console.log(a+b); // 7 3 })(3, 4);
2. 创建闭包,保存状态,隔离作用域
1 var myBomb = (function(){ 2 var bomb = "Atomic Bomb" 3 return { 4 get: function(){ 5 return bomb 6 }, 7 set: function(val){ 8 bomb = val 9 }, 10 } 11 })() 12 13 console.log(myBomb.get()) // Atomic Bomb 14 myBomb.set("h-bomb") 15 console.log(myBomb.get()) // h-bomb 16 17 console.log(bomb) // ReferenceError: bomb is not defined 18 bomb = "none" 19 console.log(bomb) // none
举一个IIFE保存变量的例子,我们要写入三个文件,先定义了一个内容数组,然后用for循环遍历这个数组写入文件,最后依次用for循环的下标打印出"File i is written.":
1 var fs = require('fs'); 2 3 var fileContents = ["text1", "text2", "text3"]; 4 for (var i = 0; i < fileContents.length; i++) { 5 fs.writeFile("file"+i+".txt", fileContents[i], function(err){ 6 if (err) { 7 console.log(err) 8 } 9 console.log("File " + i + " is written.") 10 }) 11 }
File 3 is written.
File 3 is written.
File 3 is written.
很明显和我们的意愿相违背,打印了3次"File 3 is written."。
1 var fs = require('fs'); 2 3 var fileContents = ["text1", "text2", "text3"]; 4 for (var i = 0; i < fileContents.length; i++) { 5 (function(index){ 6 var fileIndex = index; 7 fs.writeFile("file"+fileIndex+".txt", fileContents[fileIndex], function(err){ 8 if (err) { 9 console.log(err) 10 } 11 console.log("File " + fileIndex + " is written.") 12 }) 13 })(i) 14 }
File 1 is written.
File 2 is written.
File 0 is written.
3. 作为独立模块存在,防止命名冲突,命名空间注入(模块解耦)
1 var ns = ns || {}; 2 3 (function (ns){ 4 ns.name = 'Tom'; 5 ns.greet = function(){ 6 console.log('hello!'); 7 } 8 })(ns); 9 10 console.log(ns); // { name: 'Tom', greet: [Function] }
1 (function (ns, undefined){ 2 var salary = 5000; // 私有属性 3 ns.name = 'Tom'; // 公有属性 4 ns.greet = function(){ // 公有方法 5 console.log('hello!'); 6 } 7 8 ns.externalEcho = function(msg){ 9 console.log('external echo: ' + msg); 10 insideEcho(msg); 11 } 12 13 function insideEcho(msg){ // 私有方法 14 console.log('inside echo: ' + msg); 15 } 16 })(window.ns = window.ns || {}); 17 18 console.log(ns.name); // Tom 19 ns.greet(); // hello 20 ns.age = 25; 21 console.log(ns.age); // 25 22 console.log(ns.salary); // undefined 23 ns.externalEcho('JavaScript'); // external echo: JavaScript/inside echo: JavaScript 24 insideEcho('JavaScript'); // Uncaught ReferenceError: insideEcho is not defined 25 ns.insideEcho('JavaScript'); // Uncaught TypeError: ns.insideEcho is not a function
1 console.log(typeof a); // undefined 2 var a; 3 console.log(a); // undefined
在ECMAScript 3中undefined是可变的,这意味着你可以给undefined赋值,但在ECMAScript 5标准下,无法修改全局的undefined:
1 console.log(window.undefined); // undefined 2 window.undefined = 1; 3 console.log(window.undefined); // undefined
1 'use strict' 2 3 console.log(window.undefined); // undefined 4 window.undefined = 1; 5 console.log(window.undefined); // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'undefined' of object '#'
1 (function (window, document, undefined) { 2 // ... 3 })(window, document);
1 undefined = true; 2 (function (window, document, undefined) { 3 // undefined指向的还是一个本地的undefined变量 4 })(window, document);
不过随着ECMAScript 5的普及(现在几乎没有哪款浏览器不支持ECMAScript 5了),这种担忧基本没有必要了,jQuery也是为了最大程度的兼容性才这么做。
1 (function (ns, undefined){ 2 var salary = 5000; // 私有属性 3 ns.name = 'Tom'; // 公有属性 4 ns.greet = function(){ // 公有方法 5 console.log('hello!'); 6 } 7 8 ns.externalEcho = function(msg){ 9 console.log('external echo: ' + msg); 10 insideEcho(msg); 11 } 12 13 function insideEcho(msg){ 14 console.log('inside echo: ' + msg); 15 } 16 })(window.ns = window.ns || {}); 17 18 (function (ns, undefined){ 19 ns.talk = function(){ 20 console.log(ns.name + ' says hello.'); 21 console.log(ns.name + ' says goodbye.'); 22 // 注意这里不能调用私有函数insideEcho,否则会报错,因为talk和insideEcho不在同一个闭包中 23 } 24 })(window.ns = window.ns || {}); 25 26 ns.talk(); // Tom says hello. Tom says goodbye.
1 var app = app || {}; 2 app.view = {}; 3 4 (function (){ 5 var name = 'main'; 6 this.getName = function(){ 7 return name; 8 } 9 this.setName = function(newName){ 10 name = newName; 11 } 12 this.tabs = {}; 13 }).apply(app.view); 14 15 16 (function (){ 17 var selectedIndex = 0; 18 this.getSelectedIndex = function(){ 19 return selectedIndex; 20 } 21 this.setSelectedIndex = function(index){ 22 selectedIndex = index; 23 } 24 }).apply(app.view.tabs); 25 26 console.log(app.view.getName()); // main 27 console.log(app.view.tabs.getSelectedIndex()); // 0 28 app.view.tabs.setSelectedIndex(1); 29 console.log(app.view.tabs.getSelectedIndex()); // 1
1 var ns1 = ns1 || {}, ns2 = ns2 || {}; 2 3 var creator = function(val){ 4 var val = val || 0; 5 this.getVal = function(){ 6 return val; 7 } 8 this.increase = function(){ 9 val += 1; 10 } 11 this.reduce = function(){ 12 val -= 1; 13 } 14 this.reset = function(){ 15 val = 0; 16 } 17 } 18 19 creator.call(ns1); 20 creator.call(ns2, 100); 21 console.log(ns1.getVal()); // 0 22 ns1.increase(); 23 console.log(ns1.getVal()); // 1 24 console.log(ns2.getVal()); // 100