






obj.synchronized {
def func(): Unit = this.synchronized {



import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

object SynchronizedDemo {

  private var inc: Int = 0

  def addOne(): Unit = this.synchronized {
    inc  = 1

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    for (i <- 1 to 10) {
      new Thread {
        override def run(): Unit = {
          println(s"run thread with object method $i")
    val instance = new SynchronizedDemo
    for (i <- 1 to 10) {
      new Thread {
        override def run(): Unit = {
          println(s"run thread with class method $i")
    while (true) {
      println(s"object inc=$inc, class inc=${}")


class SynchronizedDemo {
  private var inc: Int = 0

  def addOne(): Unit = this.synchronized {
    inc  = 1


run thread with class method 7
run thread with class method 4
run thread with object method 8
run thread with object method 7
run thread with class method 10
run thread with class method 8
run thread with class method 9
run thread with object method 5
run thread with object method 3
run thread with object method 2
run thread with object method 4
run thread with object method 10
run thread with object method 9
run thread with class method 5
run thread with class method 3
object inc=0, class inc=0
run thread with object method 1
run thread with class method 6
run thread with class method 1
run thread with class method 2
run thread with object method 6
object inc=1, class inc=1
object inc=2, class inc=2
object inc=3, class inc=2
object inc=4, class inc=4
object inc=5, class inc=5
object inc=6, class inc=6
object inc=7, class inc=7
object inc=8, class inc=8
object inc=9, class inc=9
object inc=10, class inc=10


  • 在object SynchronizedDemo和class SynchronizedDemo中均定义了一个inc变量和一个addOne方法,addOne方法的作用就是将inc加1。
  • main方法中,分别创建10个线程调用addOne方法,对inc进行10次加1操作。
  • 因为inc变量不是线程安全的,所以对addOne方法加上synchronized关键字,使得修改操作是线程安全的。这样才能保证inc会从1加到10。
  • object和class中的this并不相同,object中的this指向的是名为SynchronizedDemo的object对象,class中的则是该class实例化后的对象。(Scala中没有静态类和静态方法,object SynchronizedDemo实际上是创建名为SynchronizedDemo的单例对象)


  def addOne(): Unit = SynchronizedDemo.synchronized {
    inc  = 1


run thread with object method 2
run thread with object method 1
run thread with object method 3
run thread with object method 4
run thread with object method 5
run thread with object method 6
run thread with object method 7
run thread with object method 8
run thread with object method 9
run thread with object method 10
run thread with class method 1
run thread with class method 2
run thread with class method 3
run thread with class method 4
run thread with class method 5
run thread with class method 6
run thread with class method 7
run thread with class method 8
run thread with class method 9
run thread with class method 10
object inc=0, class inc=0
object inc=1, class inc=0
object inc=1, class inc=1
object inc=1, class inc=2
object inc=1, class inc=3
object inc=1, class inc=4
object inc=1, class inc=5
object inc=1, class inc=6
object inc=1, class inc=7
object inc=1, class inc=8
object inc=1, class inc=9
object inc=1, class inc=10
object inc=2, class inc=10
object inc=3, class inc=10
object inc=4, class inc=10
object inc=5, class inc=10
object inc=6, class inc=10
object inc=7, class inc=10
object inc=8, class inc=10
object inc=9, class inc=10
object inc=10, class inc=10




