Geography is the science of our world, and GIS is a foundational technology for helping us to better understand that science. To further strengthen the link between GIS and science, today at the Esri Ocean GIS Forum we’re pleased to announce the integration of ArcGIS with SciPy, a Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
I recently caught up with Kevin Butler, a Product Engineer with the Geoprocessing and Analysis Team, to ask him a few questions about the integration between ArcGIS and SciPy.
地理学是一门科学,GIS技术可以帮助用户更好的理解这门科学,为了加强GIS和地理学的联系,Esri Ocean GIS Forum声明将集成ArcGIS与SciPy的集成,接下来是对Esri产品工程师 Kevin Butler的采访,Kevin主要负责GP和空间分析方面的。
Kevin Butler: SciPy is a software library that helps scientists, engineers, and GIS analysts perform custom scientific and technical computing. It is an open-source library built using Python—an easy to learn, highly scalable, stable scripting language. Python is both a programming language, and a collection of modules (small sections of code which perform some useful operations). For example, there is a Python module called ‘math’ which performs trigonometric functions and angular conversions. Python ships with a predefined set of modules which meet most of the needs for general scripting. SciPy extends the basic functionality of Python by adding modules which perform functions useful to the scientific and engineering communities.
- SciPy官网:http://www.scipy.org/
- SciPy是一个开源的Python算法库和数学工具包。
- SciPy包含的模块有最优化、线性代数、积分、插值、特殊函数、快速傅里叶变换、信号处理和图像处理、常微分方程求解和其他科学与工程中常用的计算。与其功能相类似的软件还有MATLAB、GNU Octave和Scilab。
- SciPy目前在BSD许可证下发布。它的开发由Enthought资助。
SciPy is not just one Python module but a collection of modules and is sometimes referred to as the SciPy Stack. The SciPy Stack consists of seven core packages:

NumPy for numerical computation using arrays:NumPy 是使用数组进行数据计算,这个在现在ArcPy中数据访问DA也有该函数的介绍
SciPy, a collection of numerical algorithms :SciPy是一组数值算法库
Matplotlib for 2D and 3D plotting:Matplotlib 是2D和3D绘图
Pandas for high-performance data structures:Pandas 是高性能的数据结构
SymPy for symbolic mathematics and computer algebra:SymPy方向是符号数学和计算机代数
IPython providing an interactive interface for quickly testing scripts and Nose which allows you to test your Python code.:IPython 提供交互式界面快速测试脚本,允许您测试您的 Python 代码
NumPy and Matplotlib have shipped with the ArcGIS platform for the last several releases. Adding the remaining core packages will fully integrate the SciPy Stack into the ArcGIS platform.
ArcGIS平台最近的版本已经集成了NumPython和Matplotlib。经过升级后的 ArcGIS 10.2.1 目前包括 Python 2.7.5。第三方 Python 库也已经过升级:NumPy 已升级到 1.7.1,matplotlib 也已升级到 1.3.0。