* pick_and_place_scara_stationary_cam.hdev使用此信息。
CalibObjDescr := 'calibrate_hand_eye_scara_setup_01_calplate.cpd'
CalibrationPlateThickness := 0.003
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.0165251, -642.277, 4.65521e-006, 4.65e-006, 595.817, 521.75, 1280, 1024, CameraParam)
ObjectThickness := 0.001
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window_fit_size (0, 0, 1280, 1024, 640, -1, WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_update_off ()
* 1.获取校准图像和相应的机器人姿势
create_calib_data ('hand_eye_scara_stationary_cam', 1, 1, CalibDataID)
set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibDataID, 0, [], CameraParam)
set_calib_data_calib_object (CalibDataID, 0, CalibObjDescr)
for Index := 1 to 10 by 1
* Read the calibration image
read_image (CalibImage, '3d_machine_vision/hand_eye/scara_stationary_cam_setup_01_calib_' + Index$'02')
* Read the corresponding robot pose (pose of the tool in the
* robot base coordinate system)
read_pose ('scara_stationary_cam_setup_01_tool_in_base_pose_' + Index$'02' + '.dat', ToolInBasePose)
* Set the robot pose in the calibration model
set_calib_data (CalibDataID, 'tool', Index, 'tool_in_base_pose', ToolInBasePose)
* Determine the pose of the calibration plate in the camera
* coordinate system and set the pose in the calibration model
find_calib_object (CalibImage, CalibDataID, 0, 0, Index, [], [])
* Visualize
dev_display (CalibImage)
get_calib_data_observ_pose (CalibDataID, 0, 0, Index, ObjInCameraPose)
disp_caltab (WindowHandle, CalibObjDescr, CameraParam, ObjInCameraPose, 1)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Calibration image ' + Index + ' of 10', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
wait_seconds (0.2)
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* 2.检查输入姿势是否一致
check_hand_eye_calibration_input_poses (CalibDataID, 0.05, 0.005, Warnings)
if (|Warnings| != 0)
* There were problem detected in the input poses. Inspect Warnings and
* remove erroneous poses with remove_calib_data and remove_calib_data_observ.
dev_inspect_ctrl (Warnings)
stop ()
* 3.执行手眼校准
calibrate_hand_eye (CalibDataID, Errors)
* Get the result of the calibration, i.e., the pose of
* the robot base in the camera coordinate system
get_calib_data (CalibDataID, 'camera', 0, 'base_in_cam_pose', BaseInCamPosePre)
* Free the calibration model
clear_calib_data (CalibDataID)
* Visualize
disp_preliminary_result (WindowHandle, BaseInCamPosePre, Errors)
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* 3.修复姿势的不确定
*校准SCARA机器人时, 无法明确确定所有姿势参数。在摄像机静止的情况下,无法确定ObjInToolPose的Z方向平移。就是说,*位姿矩阵中的第三行第四列的这个元素在这之前的标定过程中是不能够明确的,需要其他辅助手段进行校正。
*因此,有必要通过在机器人坐标系中将机器人移动到已知高度的姿势来将未知平移固定在* Z. 为此,校准板(从机器人上拆下)*放置在任意位置,以便可以由相机观察到。然后必须在摄像机坐标系( - > ObjInCamPoseRef) 中确定校准板的姿势。之后,*机器人的工具是被手动地移动到校准板的原点( - > ToolInBasePoseRef)。这两个姿势可用于通过使用算子procedure fix_scara_ambiguity_stationary_cam 来修复矩阵中z方向平移量的偏差。下面是具体操作用到的算子。
read_image (ImageRef, '3d_machine_vision/hand_eye/scara_stationary_cam_setup_01_calib_ref')
get_calib_plate_pose (ImageRef, CameraParam, CalibObjDescr, ObjInCamPoseRef)
read_pose ('scara_stationary_cam_setup_01_tool_in_base_pose_ref.dat', ToolInBasePoseRef)
fix_scara_ambiguity_stationary_cam (BaseInCamPosePre, ToolInBasePoseRef, ObjInCamPoseRef, ZCorrection)
set_origin_pose (BaseInCamPosePre, 0, 0, ZCorrection, BaseInCamPose)
* BaseInCamPose可用于机器人抓取应用程序:
*使用图像处理确定*摄像机坐标系中对象的姿势( - > ObjInCamPose)。
抓取对象所必需的*( - > ObjInBasePose):
pose_invert (BaseInCamPose, CamInBasePose)
create_pose (0.0035, -0.0128, 0.7981, 1.345, 356.158, 180.194, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', ObjInCamPose)
pose_compose (CamInBasePose, ObjInCamPose, ObjInBasePose)
* 4.准备
set_origin_pose (ObjInCamPoseRef, 0, 0, CalibrationPlateThickness - ObjectThickness, MPInCamPose)
* 5.在拾放应用中写下使用它们的结果
* - 手眼校准的结果
write_pose (CamInBasePose, 'cam_in_base_pose.dat')
* -
write_cam_par (CameraParam, 'camera_parameters.dat')
write_pose (MPInCamPose, 'measurement_plane_in_cam_pose.dat')