
流利说 D60 2018-08-26 日



  • Vocabulary-"Science"+1



  • Vocabulary-"Geometry[几何(学)]"

1、Pi is the ratio[比、比率] of a circle's circumference[圆周、周长、场] to its diameter[直径].

2、The volume[n.卷、体积、音量、册/adj.大规模的] of a sphere[领域、球面、范围] is 4/3 pi r cubed[-d/立方].-[球体的体积是4/3立方米]

  • 在数学中,sth cubed 表示...的立方

3、A rectangle is a two dimensional figure with 4 sides.

4、A triangle is a 2 dimensional figure with 3 sides.

5、To find its area, multiply the width and length.

6、The area of a circle is pi r squared.

7、The two lines on the right are parallel, which means they never cross[adj.平行的/n.纬线、对比].

8、The area of a rectangle is the length times the width.

9、The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal and parallel, which means they never cross.

  • Intersect v.相交
  • Radius n.桡骨;半径范围;半径(距离);用半径度量的圆形面积
  • Dimensional adj.维的;尺寸的;<物>量纲的;<数>因次的
  • Perpendicular adj.垂直的、成直角的;直立的、险陡的;///[建]垂直式的;///〈谑〉直站着的///n.垂直线、垂直面;直立、直立姿势、廉直;垂直测器、锤规;///[建]垂直式建筑、绝壁
  • Equate vt.等同;使相等;相当于
  • Adjecent adj.相邻的
  • 2 dimensional figure 2维(度)
  • ratio 比例
  • circumference n.圆周
  • diameter 直径
  • sphere n.球形、球体;领域,阶层;星球
  • equidistance 等距离

  • Vocabulary-"Geometry[几何(学)]"

The two lines on the left intersect each other at a right angle which is 90 degrees. The 2 lines on the right are parallel, which means they never cross.

The adjacent sides of rectangle are perpendicular, which means they meet at a 90-degree angle. The opposite sides of the rectangle are equal and parallel, which means they never cross. The area of a rectangle is the length times the width.

A circle is the 2 dimensional figures with radius and circumference which is the distance around the circle. The area of the circle is π R square, where r is the radius and Pi is the ratio of the circle’s circumference to its diameter.

A sphere is a 3 dimensional figure with the a ratio and volume, which is the three-fourth πR cube. All points on the surface of the sphere are equidistance from its center.

A right triangle is a 2 dimensional figure with 3 sides, 2 of which are perpendicular. To find its area, multiply the length of the 2 perpendicular sides, A and B and divided by 2, A equates one half A B.



  • Dialogue-"Dinner Conversation[会话、议论]"

1、I don't see how you can even taste it!

2、She allows him to get another glass of wine.

3、A relaxing evening is the opposite of a high-pressure evening.

4、His boss wants him to spend less.

5、I'd like to relax, but I have a lot on my mind.

6、He doesn't want to talk about his business.

7、To deal with something means to do something about it.

8、Have you eating

9、I'm sorry, but you are such a slow eater.

10、I thought we were going to have a relaxing evening.

11、I don't know what I would do without you.

  • Dialogue-"Dinner Conversation[会话、议论]"

M:Have you finished eating yet.

F:Not, I haven’t.Why are you in such a hurry.

M:I’m sorry, but you are such a slow eater.

F:A low eater? Well I try to enjoy my food. You just eat and swallow. I don’t see how you can even taste it.

M:Ok, I’m sorry. Do you mind if I get another glass of vine.

F:No, go ahead. I don’t want you to sit there putting pressure on me. I thought we were going to have a relaxing evening.

M:Yes, you are right. I’d like to relax, but I had a lot on my mind.

F:What created?

M:Yes. it is. I’ve been getting some strange emails from my boss. He wants me to cut down on my expenses. Maybe he wants to fire me.

F:Is business bad?

M:Yes, it is. But I don’t want to talk about it.

F:Ok, but I’m a good listener. You can tell me if you’d like to.

M:Thanks, maybe some other time. I’ll try to start thinking about it and deal with it tomorrow.

F:Good idea. You need to take a break from work. Your health is important and so am I.

M:Yes, you are. I don’t know what would I do without you.
