Harry Day49


adv. 断然地;平平地;直截了当地

仿He flatly turned down the proposal.


n. (人)慢跑;马小跑的步态;小跑的马蹄声;刚学步的小孩;老太婆;腹泻;(学生作弊用的)译文对照本

vi. (马)小跑;(人)慢跑;快步走

vt. 使小跑;使快步走

仿The children trotted out the room.


Harry met Colin on his way to Quidditch. Colin kept pestering Harry to ask a lot of questions about Quidditch. Harry couldn't get rid of colin.So he answered Colin'questions. Finally Colin told Harry that he was going to watch the training of Harry.

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