计算机基础实验_lab1(CSAPP datalab)


  • 计算机系统基础实验_数据表示
    • 1. bitAnd
    • 2. upperBits
    • 3. anyEvenBit
    • 4. leastBitPos
    • 5. byteSwap
    • 6. isNotEqual
    • 7. float_neg
    • 8. implication
    • 9. bitMask
    • 10. conditional
    • 11. isLessOrEqual
    • 12. isPositive
    • 13. satMul3
    • 14. float_half
    • 15. float_i2f
    • 16. howManyBits
    • 17. tc2sm



1. bitAnd

 * bitAnd - x&y using only ~ and | 
 *   Example: bitAnd(6, 5) = 4
 *   Legal ops: ~ |
 *   Max ops: 8
 *   Rating: 1
int bitAnd(int x, int y) {
  int ans = ~((~x)|(~y));
  return ans;


2. upperBits

 * upperBits - pads n upper bits with 1's
 *  You may assume 0 <= n <= 32
 *  Example: upperBits(4) = 0xF0000000
 *  Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *  Max ops: 10
 *  Rating: 1
int upperBits(int n) {
  int a = 1 << 31;
  int b = n + (~0);
  int k = ((!!n) << 31) >> 31;
  return k & (a >> b);


3. anyEvenBit

 * anyEvenBit - return 1 if any even-numbered bit in word set to 1
 *   Examples anyEvenBit(0xA) = 0, anyEvenBit(0xE) = 1
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *   Max ops: 12
 *   Rating: 2
int anyEvenBit(int x) {
   return !!((x | (x >> 8) | (x >> 16) | (x >> 24)) & 0x55);

4. leastBitPos

 * leastBitPos - return a mask that marks the position of the
 *               least significant 1 bit. If x == 0, return 0
 *   Example: leastBitPos(96) = 0x20
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *   Max ops: 6
 *   Rating: 2 
int leastBitPos(int x) {
  return (~x + 1) & x;

如:96:0110 0000(int为32位,现为简写)
则返回:0010 0000

5. byteSwap

 * byteSwap - swaps the nth byte and the mth byte
 *  Examples: byteSwap(0x12345678, 1, 3) = 0x56341278
 *            byteSwap(0xDEADBEEF, 0, 2) = 0xDEEFBEAD
 *  You may assume that 0 <= n <= 3, 0 <= m <= 3
 *  Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *  Max ops: 25
 *  Rating: 2
int byteSwap(int x, int n, int m) {
  int xn = n << 3;
	int xm = m << 3;
	int x1 = (x >> xn) << xm;
	int x2 = (x >> xm) << xn;
  int ans = (x & (~(0xff << xn)) & (~(0xff << xm))) | (x1 & (0xff << xm)) | (x2 & (0xff << xn));
	return ans;


6. isNotEqual

 * isNotEqual - return 0 if x == y, and 1 otherwise 
 *   Examples: isNotEqual(5,5) = 0, isNotEqual(4,5) = 1
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *   Max ops: 6
 *   Rating: 2
int isNotEqual(int x, int y) {
  return !!(x^y);


7. float_neg

 * float_neg - Return bit-level equivalent of expression -f for
 *   floating point argument f.
 *   Both the argument and result are passed as unsigned int's, but
 *   they are to be interpreted as the bit-level representations of
 *   single-precision floating point values.
 *   When argument is NaN, return argument.
 *   Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
 *   Max ops: 10
 *   Rating: 2
unsigned float_neg(unsigned uf) {
unsigned result= uf ^ 0x80000000;//使用按位异或和掩码对符号位取反其余为不变

unsigned tmp = uf & 0x7fffffff;//为下一步看是不是NaN数准备
  if(tmp > 0x7f800000)//若满足条件则尾数非零,全1阶码
    result = uf;//是NaN数,返回原值,否则返回原数符号位取反对应的数
  return result;


8. implication

 * implication - return x -> y in propositional logic - 0 for false, 1
 * for true
 *   Example: implication(1,1) = 1
 *            implication(1,0) = 0
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ ^ |
 *   Max ops: 5
 *   Rating: 2
int implication(int x, int y) {

    return (!x) | (!!y);


9. bitMask

 * bitMask - Generate a mask consisting of all 1's 
 *   lowbit and highbit
 *   Examples: bitMask(5,3) = 0x38
 *   Assume 0 <= lowbit <= 31, and 0 <= highbit <= 31
 *   If lowbit > highbit, then mask should be all 0's
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *   Max ops: 16
 *   Rating: 3
int bitMask(int highbit, int lowbit) {
  int i = ~0;   
  return (((i << highbit) << 1) ^ (i << lowbit)) & (i << lowbit);  

即0x38 : 0011 1000

10. conditional

 * conditional - same as x ? y : z 
 *   Example: conditional(2,4,5) = 4
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *   Max ops: 16
 *   Rating: 3
int conditional(int x, int y, int z) {
  int m = ~!x + 1;
  return (y & ~m) | (z & m);


11. isLessOrEqual

 * isLessOrEqual - if x <= y  then return 1, else return 0 
 *   Example: isLessOrEqual(4,5) = 1.
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *   Max ops: 24
 *   Rating: 3
int isLessOrEqual(int x, int y) {
  int signx=x>>31;
  int signy=y>>31;

  int sameSign=(!(signx^signy));
  return (sameSign & ((x+(~y))>>31)) | ((!sameSign) & signx);


12. isPositive

 * isPositive - return 1 if x > 0, return 0 otherwise 
 *   Example: isPositive(-1) = 0.
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *   Max ops: 8
 *   Rating: 3
int isPositive(int x) {
  return !((x>>31)|(!x));


13. satMul3

 * satMul3 - multiplies by 3, saturating to Tmin or Tmax if overflow
 *  Examples: satMul3(0x10000000) = 0x30000000
 *            satMul3(0x30000000) = 0x7FFFFFFF (Saturate to TMax)
 *            satMul3(0x70000000) = 0x7FFFFFFF (Saturate to TMax)
 *            satMul3(0xD0000000) = 0x80000000 (Saturate to TMin)
 *            satMul3(0xA0000000) = 0x80000000 (Saturate to TMin)
 *  Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *  Max ops: 25
 *  Rating: 3
int satMul3(int x) {
    int two = x << 1;
    int three = two + x;
    int xSign = x & (0x80 << 24);
    int twoSign = two & (0x80 << 24);
    int threeSign = three & (0x80 << 24);
    int mask = ((xSign ^ twoSign) | (xSign ^ threeSign)) >> 31;
    int smask = xSign >> 31;

    return (~mask & three) | (mask &((~smask & ~(0x1 << 31))|(smask & (0x80 << 24))));


14. float_half

 * float_half - Return bit-level equivalent of expression 0.5*f for
 *   floating point argument f.
 *   Both the argument and result are passed as unsigned int's, but
 *   they are to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of
 *   single-precision floating point values.
 *   When argument is NaN, return argument
 *   Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
 *   Max ops: 30
 *   Rating: 4
unsigned float_half(unsigned uf) {
int round, S, E, maskE, maskM, maskS, maskEM, maskSM, tmp;
  round = !((uf & 3) ^ 3);//处理精度问题,进行舍入时需要的参数
  maskS = 0x80000000;
  maskE = 0x7F800000;
  maskM = 0x007FFFFF;
  maskEM= 0x7FFFFFFF;
  maskSM= 0x807FFFFF;
  E = uf & maskE;//用于判断是否为NaN数
  S = uf & maskS;//去符号位

  if (E > 0x7F800000) return uf; //阶码全1,非0尾数,NaN数直接返回

  if (E == 0x00800000) {//阶码只有最后一位为1,除2之后要变为非规格化数,按非//规格化数处理,即处理阶码下溢情况
    return S | (round + ((uf & maskEM)>>1));
  if (E == 0x00000000) { //阶码全0,那要么是0,要么是非规格化数,直接右移一位同时保留符号位
    tmp = (uf & maskM)>>1;
    return S | (tmp + round);
  return (((E>>23)-1)<<23) | (uf & maskSM);//规格化数,正常处理,阶码减一


15. float_i2f

 * float_i2f - Return bit-level equivalent of expression (float) x
 *   Result is returned as unsigned int, but
 *   it is to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of a
 *   single-precision floating point values.
 *   Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
 *   Max ops: 30
 *   Rating: 4
 unsigned float_i2f(int x) {
   int sign = x>>31 & 1; // 取符号位
    int i;
    int e;  //阶码
    int f = 0; //尾数
    int d;
    int f_mask;
        return x; //为0的话,全零阶码,全零尾数,符号位取为0,便可直接返回x。
    else if(x==0x80000000)
        if (sign)
            x = -x;//负数,取其对应正数
        i = 30;
        while ( !(x >> i) )
            i--;      //计算机阶码,看权重最大的不为零的数是第几位
        e = i + 127; //加上偏置常数得到阶码
        x = x << (31 - i);//向左移位至最高
        f_mask = 0x7fffff;
        f = f_mask & (x >> 8);//向右算术移位8位
        x = x & 0xff;//准备判断如何舍入
        d = x > 128 || ((x == 128) && (f & 1));//大于256的一半,或者等于128
//同时差一位就被移出去的那一位为1的话(意为向偶数舍入),d = 1,
        f += d;  //按IEEE754标准对尾数f进行修正
        if(f >> 23) //如果因为修正(+1)导致f超过23位,应该是将最高的那一位//置0,然后阶码加1
            f &= f_mask;
            e += 1;
    return (sign<<31)|(e<<23)|f; //得到结果


16. howManyBits

/* howManyBits - return the minimum number of bits required to represent x in
 *             two's complement
 *  Examples: howManyBits(12) = 5
 *            howManyBits(298) = 10
 *            howManyBits(-5) = 4
 *            howManyBits(0)  = 1
 *            howManyBits(-1) = 1
 *            howManyBits(0x80000000) = 32
 *  Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *  Max ops: 90
 *  Rating: 4
int howManyBits(int x) {
    int t=x^(x>>31);
    int Zero=!t;
    int notZeroMask=(!(!t)<<31)>>31;
    int bit_16,bit_8,bit_4,bit_2,bit_1;
    return Zero|(t&notZeroMask);



17. tc2sm

 * tc2sm - Convert from two's complement to sign-magnitude 
 *   where the MSB is the sign bit
 *   You can assume that x > TMin
 *   Example: tc2sm(-5) = 0x80000005.
 *   Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
 *   Max ops: 15
 *   Rating: 4
int tc2sm(int x) {
  int sign = x & (0x80 << 24);
  int mask = ~(sign >> 31);

  return sign | ((~mask) & (~x + 1)) | (mask & x);


