后端接口数据处理,对数组对象进行 去重(通过元素id去重),排序,转为树状结构
var data = [
id: '1',
staffName: '陈三三',
trueProRank: { id: "11", description: "交警", codeIndex: 11, category: "警务人员", categoryIndex: 1 }
id: '2',
staffName: '张三三',
trueProRank: { id: "22", description: "公安", codeIndex: 22, category: "警务人员", categoryIndex: 1 }
id: '2',
staffName: '李三三',
trueProRank: { id: "33", description: "特警", codeIndex: 33, category: "警务人员", categoryIndex: 1 }
id: '4',
staffName: '王三三',
trueProRank: { id: "33", description: "民警", codeIndex: 33, category: "警务人员", categoryIndex: 1 }
id: '5',
staffName: '赵三三',
trueProRank: { id: "44", description: "出纳", codeIndex: 44, category: "财务人员", categoryIndex: 2 }
id: '6',
staffName: '陈三三',
trueProRank: { id: "55", description: "税务", codeIndex: 55, category: "财务人员", categoryIndex: 2 }
// 对后端数据先进行去重
toHeavy(arr: any[]) {
const hash = [];
for (const item of arr) {
if (hash.indexOf(item) === -1) {
return hash;
// 根据不同职级id进行排序
compare(id) {
return (a, b) => {
const value1 = a[id];
const value2 = b[id];
return value1 - value2;
// 把后端接口数据转为树状结构
treeArr(arr, key) {
let result = [];
const obj = {};
for (const item of arr) { // 对arr通过key去重处理,得到一个result
if (!obj[item[key]]) {
obj[item[key]] = true;
result = result.map(item => { // 给result拓展一个children属性
item = { ...item, children: [] };
return item;
result.map(a => { // 获得result下children的数组集合
arr.map(b => {
if (a[key] === b[key]) {
a.children.sort(this.compare('id')); // children根据id排序
return a;
result.sort(this.compare('id')); // result根据id排序
return result;