Learning teaching 学习笔记




1. Pairwork information gaps

Information gap是指信息差,"When one person knows something that another person doesn't, we can say that there is a 'gap' of information between them. Most real-life communication comes about because of such gaps of information. When someone knows something we don't, there is a reason for talking (or writing / reading). "


"By creating classroom activities that include such information gaps, we can provide activities that mimic this reason for communication, and this may be more motivating and useful to language learners than speaking without any real reason for doing so. "最重要的是,有了信息差,交流才是有效的,有意义的。所以我们现在提倡交际法教学的课堂要尽量使用"information gap"的pairwork。

接下来给出了一个关于Activity route map的具体的例子(46-47页)。我们在备课和准备活动时,都应该遵循这六个步骤:

Activity route map

1. Before the lesson: familiarise yourself with the material and activity;  

2. In class: lead-in / prepare for the activity;

3. Set up the activity; 

4. Run the activity: monitor your students; 

5. Close the activity and invite feedback from the students; 

6. Post-activity: follow-on work or error correction; 

每个活动都是为了达到某个目的的,而不是为了做活动而做活动,"When the activity has finished, what might the students have learned or be better able to do."这就是我们需要去思考的:活动解决了什么样的问题?

"It’s worth noting that the students are practising fluent speaking under some degree of pressure. "值得注意的是,适当的压力会让学生达到更高的口语水平。

"They have limited time to prepare what they are going to say and cannot worry about getting their grammar 100% accurate. "学生在有压力的情况下表述一些东西时,不能保证百分之百的语法正确,但是,这恰恰有一个好处,就是,"Students will becomemore focused on the message they wish to communicate and on getting that across successfully. This shift of values from 'getting the grammar right' to 'achieving successful communication' is an important one for many students to come to terms with. While a fair degree of good grammar is necessary to succeed in the task, successful communication is a more important real-world goal than simply being perfect. "

所以我们说,"information gap pairwork"更加注重的是去训练学生的"fluency",而不是"accuracy"。当然,如何去平衡两者之间的关系,后面的章节会有详细的讨论。

2. Pairwork grammar activities


"Learners can try using language that they already know—or half-know—and experimenting with it. "这是非常重要的。

所以我们常常会说,"Studying grammar only partially involves a need for teacher explanation; the essential heart of learning grammar seems to be that students have lots of opportunities to try things out themselves. This is a 'trying things out themselves' kind of lesson. "

在本书接下来的内容中,会有关于"pairwork grammar activities"的例子。表格中的route map,详细讲解了如何运用好时态。而最关键的是,要在运用中学习语言。


1. 上课过程中有没有很好地去给学生创造适合其难度的infromation gap?

2. 每一次pairwork是否真的有效?

3. 我是否每次都只关注了一个点?

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