苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week...

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第1张图片

Decode the Week音视频技术周刊 

01 苹果公司新软件帮你实现异地群组自拍

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第2张图片




苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第3张图片

02 QUIC和HTTP/3 即将定稿 以及Nginx支持QUIC和HTTP/3 

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第4张图片

经过三年半的时间和大量讨论,所有845项针对QUIC协议草案提出的设计问题已经达成共识或提出解决方案。Lars, LucasMark三位QUIC WG主席的公开信中,他们称:


据此,QUIC WG主席们认为QUIC已准备好进行标准化

Nginx也宣布了NGINX官方QUIC和HTTP / 3实现的初始版本,即http_v3_module。但这只是预览,是实验性的版本,当然也因为QUIC标准尚未最终确定。

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第5张图片

目前http_v3_module已准备好进行操作测试,现在可通过https://quic.nginx.org/获得一个启用了NGINX QUIC + HTTP / 3实现的演示站点。

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第6张图片



03 所有安卓手机都可以玩Google Stadia

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第7张图片

近日,Google实验性地开放了对任何能够安装Stadia应用程序的Android设备的支持,这意味着几乎所有Android设备(6.0或更新版本)都可以玩Google Stadia了


Stadia于去年11月推出时,仅支持Google Pixel,但再后来先后添加了Samsung,Asus和Razer。现在也支持OnePlus的大多数设备。

04 Snapchat上线小程序功能 还有更多游戏可以玩

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第8张图片


Snap Minis是位于聊天部分中的轻量级第三方程序,用户可以快速与好友共同分享相应程序的内容,而不必处理切换应用程序的问题。Minis与游戏并排放置在用户聊天屏幕的键盘标签中。当用户点击其中之一时,Minis会全屏显示,用户可以完成诸如订购电影票、比较课程表安排、冥想等任务。


像Snap Games一样,Snapchat的Minis迷你程序也是基于HTML5构建的,无需用户等待下载完成即可快速调用。




苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第9张图片




该公司称,自去年推出该功能以来,已有1亿名Snapchat用户玩过程序内置的游戏,且选择玩Bitmoji Party(一种可以让用户在迷你游戏中与朋友竞争的游戏)的用户平均每天会花20分钟在该游戏上。

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第10张图片


参与度与获利之间存在着直接关联,因为Snap不依赖于Snap Games的应用内购买,所以在Snap Game上,该公司主要是通过视频广告获利。

05 Adobe发布Photoshop Camera 用AI帮用户选择最佳效果

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第11张图片

Adobe本周发布了一个名为Photoshop Camera的新应用。这款智能相机应用程序使用户可以在拍照前添加滤镜和效果。此外,它还提供了一系列由艺术家和Influencer(包括Billie Eilish)创作的创意镜头。

Photoshop Camera由AI与机器学习技术支持,该应用程序可以提供实时效果、自动调色和内容感知建议等功能,这意味着该应用程序可以为自动为用户选择最佳效果。

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第12张图片



06 Google Play下架TikTok竞争者Zynn

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第13张图片

TikTok竞争对手Zynn本周从Google Play商店撤出。该应用程序的付费增长策略已经步履蹒跚,同时它也已成为排名第一的iOS免费应用程序。 

Google Play并未证实为何删除该应用,但Zynn当中充满了来自TikTok、Instagram和YouTube的剽窃内容。被剽窃的几位创作者表示,Zynn未经他们的许可就上传了他们创作的内容。


07 苹果公布WWDC20大会安排

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第14张图片


苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第15张图片

WWDC20将包括keynote、Platforms State of the Union、超过100次的工程会议、1000多名苹果工程师的一对一实验室以及““all-new”版本的苹果开发者论坛。



08 IBC2020线下大会取消 技术大会线上扎堆

苹果公布WWDC20大会安排、Snapchat上线小程序功能、QUIC和HTTP/3 将定稿|Decode the Week..._第16张图片



  • Adobe Summit (Mar. 29-Apr. 2 in Las Vegas) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Apple WWDC (June) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Aruba Networks Atmosphere 2020 (Mar. 23-26) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Atlassian Summit 2020 (Mar. 31-Apr. 2 in Las Vegas) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Black Hat Asia 2020 (Mar. 31-Apr. 3 in Singapore) - Postponed until Sep. 29-Oct. 2

  • CanSecWest (Mar. 18-20 in Vancouver) - Held as scheduled

  • Cisco Live (May 31- Jun. 4 in Las Vegas) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Cisco Live Melbourne (Mar. 3-6 in Melbourne) - Canceled

  • DEF CON China (Apr. 17-19 in Beijing) - Postponed TBD

  • Dell World (May 4-7 in Las Vegas) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • DocuSign Momentum (Mar. 4 in San Francisco) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Domopalooza (Mar. 18-19 in Salt Lake City, UT) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • DrupalCon (May 18-22 in in Minneapolis, MN) - Postponed TBD

  • E3 (Jun. 9-11 in Las Angeles) - Canceled

  • EmTech Asia (Mar. 24-26 in Singapore) - Postponed to Aug. 4-5

  • Enterprise Connect 2020 (Mar. 30-Apr. 2 in Orlando) - Postponed to Aug 3-6 in San Francisco

  • ESRI Developer Summit (Mar. 10) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • F5 Agility 2020 (Mar. 16-19 in Orlando, FL) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Facebook F8 (May 6-8 in San Jose, CA) - Canceled

  • Facebook Global Marketing Summit (Mar. 9-12 in San Francisco) - Canceled

  • Future Vision: DTG Summit 2020 (May 6 in London) - Postponed until Oct. 5

  • Game Developers Conference (GDC) (Mar. 16-20 in San Francisco) - Postponed to Summer 2020

  • Forrester CX Sydney (Apr. 29-30 in Sydney) - In-person canceled; online-only event Apr. 20

  • Forrester CX North America (Jun. 16-18 in New York) - In-person canceled; online-only event Jun. 16-18

  • Forrester SiriusDecisions Summit (May 3-6 in Austin, TX) - In-person canceled; online-only event May 4

  • Gartner CIO Symposium/ITxPo (Oct. 18-22 in Orlando) - Being held as scheduled

  • Gartner Data & Analytics Summit (Mar. 9-11 in London - Postponed

  • Gartner Data & Analytics Summit (Mar. 23-26 in Grapevine, TX) - Postponed

  • Google Cloud Next (Apr. 6-8 in San Francisco) - In-person canceled; online-only event 

  • Google I/O (May 12-14 in Mountain View, CA) - Canceled

  • Google News Initiative Summit (Late Apr. in Sunnyvale, CA) - Canceled

  • HPE Discover (Jun. 23-25 in Las Vegas) - In-person canceled; online-only event June 22

  • Infor Inforum 2020 (Sep. 14-16 in Las Vegas) - Being held as scheduled

  • Ingram Micro Cloud Cloud Summit 2020 (May 12-14 in Miami Beach, FL) - Postponed until early 2021

  • IoT World Developer Conference (Apr. 6-9, 2020 in San Jose, CA) - Postponed until Aug. 10-13

  • Kaspersky's Security Analyst Summit (April 6 - 9 in Barcelona) - Postponed until Fall 2020 

  • Microsoft Build (May 19-21 in Seattle) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Microsoft Ignite (Sep. 21-25 in New Orleans) - in-person canceled; online-only event Sep.

  • Microsoft WSLConf (March 10-11 in Redmond, WA) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Microsoft MVP Global Summit (Mar. 15-20 in Bellevue & Redmond, WA) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Mobile World Congress MWC Barcelona (GSMA) (Feb. 24-27 in Barcelona) - Canceled

  • MSPWorld (Mar. 15-17 in New Orleans) - Rescheduled for June 2020

  • Mobile World Congress MWC Los Angeles (GSMA) (Oct. 28-30 in Los Angeles) - Being held as scheduled

  • Mobile World Congress MWC Shanghai (GSMA) (Jun. 30 - Jul. 2 in Shanghai) - Being held as scheduled

  • NAB Show - National Association of Broadcasters (Apr. 18-22 in Las Vegas) - Canceled; possible rescheduled for Fall

  • Nvidia GTC - GPU Technology Conference (Mar. 22-26 in San Jose, CA) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • O'Reilly Strata Data & AI Conference (Mar. 15-18, San Jose, CA) - Postponed; Merged with Strata Data & AI (Sep. 14–17); online-only

  • ODSC East 2020 - Open Data Science Conference (Apr. 13-17 in Boston) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • OFC 2020 (Mar. 8-12 in San Diego, CA) - Held as scheduled

  • Oktane Live - (Mar. 30-Apr. 2) Online-only event

  • Oracle Code One (Sep. 21-24 in Las Vegas) - Being held as scheduled

  • Oracle Modern Business Experience (Mar. 23-26 in Chicago) - Postponed until Sep. 21-24 to coincide with OpenWorld

  • Oracle OpenWorld (Sep. 21-24 in Las Vegas) - Being held as scheduled

  • OSCON (Jul. 13-16 in Portland) - In-person cancelled; online-only TBD

  • Paris Blockchain Week Summit (Mar. 31-Apr. 1 in Paris) - Postponed until Dec. 9-10

  • Percona Live Open Source Database Conference (May 18-20 in Austin, TX) - Postponed; new date TBD

  • Pwn2Own (March 12 in Vancouver) - In-person canceled, online-only event

  • Qualtrics X4 Summit (Mar. 10-13 in Salt Lake City, UT) - Postponed to early Fall 2020

  • Recode Code Conference 2020 (May 26-28 in Beverly Hills, CA) - Rescheduled; Sep. 8-10

  • Red Hat Summit 2020 (Apr. 27-29 in San Francisco) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • RSA Conference (Feb. 24-28 in San Francisco) - Held as planned (IBM, AT&T, Verizon, and other vendors withdrew)

  • SaaS Connect - Cloud Software Association (Apr. 15-16 in San Francisco) - Postponed until Oct. 5-6

  • SaaStr Annual 2020 - (Mar. 10-12 in San Jose, CA) - Canceled; rescheduled Sep. 2020, SF Bay Area

  • Salesforce Dreamforce (Nov. 9-12 in San Francisco) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Salesforce Tableau Conference - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Salesforce TrailheaDX (Jun. 9-10 in San Francisco) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Salesforce TrailheaDX India - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Salesforce World Tour Sydney (Mar. 4 in Sydney) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • SAP Ariba LIVE (Mar. 16-18 in Las Vegas) - Canceled

  • SAP Concur Fusion (Mar. 9-12 in Orlando) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • SAP NOW (Mar.) - Canceled

  • SAP SAPPHIRE NOW (May 12-14 in Orlando) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • SAS Global Forum (Mar. 29-Apr. 1 in Washington, DC) - In-person canceled; online-only event

  • Shopify Unite 2020 developers conference (May 6-8 in Toronto) - In-person canceled; online-only event 

  • SXSW (Mar. 12-22 in Austin, Texas) - Canceled

  • TNW Conference (Jun, 18-19 in Amsterdam) - Postponed until Oct. 1-2

  • VMworld (Aug. 31-Sep. 3 in San Francisco) - In-person canceled; online-only event

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