万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1901期13号Waylon Day 39 2019-06-18


(1)0Bunit3big bad bug  汉语:牙牙学语下第一/第二单元


(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-8单元

(4)重点句型:chase that big bad bug ,make it go away

(5)fhield trip:补上周生病,去前面小游乐场玩merry-go-round,延伸小火车,碰碰车,等游乐设施.户外观察蚂蚁的蜘蛛等4种虫子


2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw



3.1英语:0Bunit3 big bad bug ,OBunit10 firemen

3.2汉语:牙牙下第一单元滑滑梯,第四单元 切茄子,第五单元妖怪妖怪,第六单元小驴吃馍


万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1901期13号Waylon Day 39 2019-06-18_第1张图片

5、Game time

5.1Finger game

M :Look,what I got for you Babyl

W:Mum,what is this?

M This is a big bud bug.

Mum:Well done,I am the wiggly worm. wiggly  wiggly worm.Look where is the wiggle worm?


Mum:Where is the worm now.It's on your  arm.

W:shoo ,shoo, shoo

Murn:When my the worm now?It's on your  shoulders.I want to going to your nose .

W: 哎呀

M:And where is the worm now?it's want going to your bottom.

M/W:chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!

chase that big bad bug, make it go away ,shoo!shoo!

chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!shoo! shoo!

万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1901期13号Waylon Day 39 2019-06-18_第2张图片

5.2 pretend a big bad bug

M :Waylon,Look ,I 'm a big bad bug ,you comes here to  chase me !Do you want to play this game ?give you a fly swatter,Use this fly swatter to chase the big bad bug .


M:Ready set go !chase me

M/W:chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!

chase that big bad bug, make it go away ,shoo!shoo!

chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!shoo!shoo!会唱了,边游戏边玩效率真的很高。

M:It's my turn.you are the big bad bug ,I'll going to chase the bug bad bug .

好凶的big bad bug ,一直冲过来要赶我

玩了一次交换后,说我是bug ,让他来赶我,我不要赶妈妈,老母亲瞬间想流泪。

万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1901期13号Waylon Day 39 2019-06-18_第3张图片

5.3shoo shoo game

M :Waylon ,help help ,here comes a bug ,a big bad bug ,It's coming toward me ,help help !!!


W/M:chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!

chase that big bad bug, make it go away ,shoo!shoo!

chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!shoo!shoo!

M:Waylon ,Look ,the big bad bug ,it's on my leg ,I 'm so scared of it.help help


M:还是开始独角戏吧chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!

chase that big bad bug, make it go away ,shoo!shoo!

chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!shoo!shoo!

mom want throw the bug out our bedroom.,I need your help.use the fly swatter .where is the fly swatter ?


M:Ok ,make it go away,hurry hurry!

M:chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!

chase that big bad bug, make it go away ,shoo!shoo!

chase thM:Let's play a game!haha,Look what do I have ?

万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1901期13号Waylon Day 39 2019-06-18_第4张图片

5.4family time

M:Look A big bad bug!!!It's really scared me !but I know ,it is not really one.

M:Haha,right it is not really,Let's play a game .

W:chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!

chase that big bad bug, make it go away ,shoo!shoo!

chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!shoo!shoo!

M:It's your turn.

at big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!shoo!shoo!跟着一起唱。

5.5滑滑梯 非常喜欢动画片


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