#口语粉碎机# L1 Day32

#口语粉碎机# L1 Day32【打卡序列01】


1. 今年冬天我打算买一件貂皮外套。

翻译:I am going to buy a mink coat this winter.

答案:I am going to buy a mink jacket this winter.


*coat: an outer piece of clothing with sleeves which is worn over other clothes, usually for warmth(通常指保暖的)外套,外衣,大衣

*jacket: a short coat短上衣;夹克


2. 看那云,估计要下雨了。

翻译:Look at the cloud.  it is going to rain.

答案:Look at the cloud! It’s going to rain.

3. 车要翻了!

翻译:The car is going to turn over.

答案:The car is going to turn over.

解析:翻车turn over

4. 我会在 10 分钟后回来。

翻译:I will be back in 10 minutes.

答案:I will be back in ten minutes.

5. 我们打算在这支帐篷。

翻译:We are going to make camp here.

答案:We are going to put up the tent here.

解析:pitch/make camp (= set up a tent or shelter)搭帐篷;扎营

6. 你今年在哪过年?

翻译:Where will you celebrate the new year this year?

答案:Where are you going to/ will you celebrate the Spring Festival?

解析:过年,庆祝春节,the Spring Festival

7. 今天下午有一场球赛。

翻译:There is going to have a football/basketball/… match this afternoon.

答案:There is going to be a football match this afternoon.

解析:应该用be ,我用了have,中式思维。在这里用there be 句型表示有,我翻译的时候混杂在一起了。

8. 今晚有空吗?

翻译:Will you be available tonight?

答案:Will you be free/ available tonight?

解析:free/available 都能表示有没有空

9. 他会来吗?

翻译:Will he come?

答案:Will he come?


翻译:Never forget, there will be echoes.

答案:Something that stays in your mind will someday spring up in your life.



Something that stays in your mind


someday spring up in your life.

*spring V.

to appear or start to exist suddenly突然出现;涌现

Thousands of new businesses have sprung up in the past couple of years.

INFORMAL Where did you spring from  - I didn't see you come in





1. Will vs be going to

a) 预测方面

Ø will偏重意愿,侧重说话人主观认为或相信会发生,不含任何具体时间时可以指遥远的将来

It will rain

Ø Be going to


It is going to rain


Look at your watch, we’re going to be late.

b) 计划,打算方面

Ø will重意愿,说话是瞬间的临时决定

-There aren’t any eggs left

-I’ll buy some

Ø Be going to重计划,说话时心里已经有数

  He’s going to buy a car.

2. Be about to(很快即将,5分钟内)

  The beverage you are about to enjoy is extremely hot.

B. 在将来的某一时段正在发生的动作

Don’t call me tomorrow morning, I will be having a meeting.

will be doing vs will do

Ø will be doing表示对客观的一种陈述

Ø will do 表示意愿

He won’t be coming to the party

He won’t come to the party

Ø will be doing 表示委婉的询问

When will you pay back the money?

When will you be paying back the money?

How long will you be staying?

本次翻译侧重will/be going to 的比较,这个知识点掌握的还可以,不过翻译时还是要留心,多注意,多分析。

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