The Gay Genius 苏东坡传 CH3 童年与青年

1. Vocabulary

1.1 Courting death for themselves, the good scholars time and again impeached the ruling clique.

Court 做名词有法庭、球场、王宫之意,作动词有讨好、求爱、招致之意,这里应该是招致。

If you court something unpleasant such as disaster or unpopularity, you act in a way that makes it likely to happen. 招致


He is courting disaster.

impeach /ɪmˈpiːtʃ/ 

If a court or a group in authority impeaches a president or other senior official, it charges them with committing a crime that makes them unfit for office. 弹劾; 控告


It is not a good idea to impeach the president.

1.2 The birds knew that they would not be molested in this garden

molest /məˈlɛst/ 

A person who molests someone, especially a woman or a child, interferes with them in a sexual way against their will. 对…性骚扰 (尤指妇女或孩子)


He was accused of sexually molesting a female colleague.

1.3 This pedantic style may be described as a continual piling up of abstruse phrases and obscure allusions in order to "beautify" one's composition.

abstruse /əbˈstruːs/

not easy to understand; recondite; esoteric 深奥

obscure /əbˈskjʊə/ 

Something that is obscure is difficult to understand or deal with, usually because it involves so many parts or details. 复杂难懂的

abstruse, obscure意思相近

allusion /əˈluːʒən/ 

An allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something. 暗指

2. Guiding Questions

2.1 The central question that the author answered in this chapter is the childhood and youth of Su Tungpo. When Su Tungpo was between eight and ten years, his father went to the capital to take the imperial examinations, so his mother taught him. Su Tungpo entered school at the age of six. The brilliant young man distinguished himself quickly among a hundred pupils. He is supposed to have penned some extraordinary lines at the age of ten. At the age of eleven he entered the secondary school in serious preparation for the official examinations. The really hard thing was to copy the whole of the classics and histories, but this labor served Su Tungpo well in the future, for when pleading with the emperor or drafting an edict, he was never at a loss to quote examples.

2.2 Sentences

Corruption and graft and extortion, and arbitrary arrests, were the order of the day, for the local magistrates were all underlings and proteges of the eunuchs.


Repeated waves of reform and protest followed repeated inquisitions.

改革与抗议之声,此起彼落;调查与审讯之事,层出不穷。Inquisition 特指官方的调查和审讯。

They comforted each other in sorrow, helped each other in distress, and dreamed about each other and wrote poems to each other as a form of communication.


3. Reflection


They were names great in China's history, for in Su Tungpo's childhood China was ruled by perhaps the best emperor of the dynasty, who was a patron of literature and the arts.


The use of a famous phrase or of an allusion without indicating the source aroused an aristocratic and egoistic pleasure in the learned reader. It was a kind of coterie language; the reader conceived a respect for the writer for writing it and for himself for understanding it.











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