MMC卡: MultiMedia card,有 7个触点(引脚),分为两种操作模式,分别为MMC模式与SPI模式,两种模式对引脚的定义是不同的。SPI模式只有 Host 具有SPI接口时才能使用。MMC只具有存储功能,不像SD卡还具有加密功能。
SD卡: Security Digtial card,共有9个触点(引脚),多余的 2 个引脚为数据线,但使用与MMC卡兼容的模式时,这两个多余的引脚没有起到作用。SD卡除了存储功能外,还有一种加密功能,但加密功能是收费的(所以开源的linux中只包含mmc的驱动目录),因为当初SD卡联盟中(索尼)就是发明这种卡就是用来存储音乐(淘汰卡带),并使用加密特性,防止拷贝。
2.0: 2
3.0: >32GB
1) SD卡模式下引脚介绍
2) SPI模式引脚介绍
1) CID:The Card IDentification (CID) register is 128 bits wide. It containsthe card identification information used during the card identification phase.Every individual Read/Write (RW) card shall have a unique identificationnumber. The structure of the CID register is defined in the followingparagraphs:
2) RCA:The writable 16-bit relative card address register carries the cardaddress that is published by the card during the card identification. Thisaddress is usedfor the addressed host-card communication after the cardidentification procedure. The default value of the RCA register is 0x0000. Thevalue 0x0000 is
reserved to set all cards into the Stand-by Statewith CMD7.
3) DSR:The 16-bit driver stage register is described in detail inChapter 6.5. It can be optionally used to improve the bus performance forextended operating conditions (depending on parameters like bus length,transfer rate or number of cards). The CSD register carries the informationabout the DSR register usage. The default value of the DSR register is 0x404.
4) CSD:Table hows Definition of the CSD for the High Capacity SD MemoryCard (CSD Version 2.0). The following sections describe the CSD fields and therelevant data types for the High Capacity SD Memory Card.
CSD Version 2.0 is applied to only the High Capacity SDMemory Card. The field name in parenthesis is set to fixed value and indicatesthat the host is not necessary to refer these fields. The fixed values enableshost, which refers to these fields, to keep compatibility to CSD Version 1.0.The Cell Type field is coded as follows: R = readable, W(1) = writable once, W= multiple writable.
5) SCR:In addition to the CSD register, there is another configurationregister named SD CARD Configuration Register (SCR). SCR provides informationon the SD Memory Card's special features that were configured into the givencard. The size of SCR register is 64 bits. This register shall be set in thefactory by the SD Memory Card manufacturer.
The following table describes the SCR register content.
6) OCR
The 32-bit operation conditions register stores theVDDvoltage profile of the card. Additionally, this register includes statusinformation bits. One status bit is set if the card power up procedure has beenfinished. This register includes another status bit indicating the cardcapacity status after set power up status bit. The OCR register shall beimplemented by the cards.
The 32-bit operation conditions register stores theVDDvoltage profile of the card. Bit 7 of OCR is newly defined for Dual VoltageCard and set to 0 in default. If a Dual Voltage Card does not receive CMD8, OCRbit 7 in the response indicates 0, and the Dual Voltage Card which receivedCMD8, sets this bit to 1.
Additionally, this register includes 2 more status information bits.
Bit 31 - Card power up status bit, this status bit is setif the card power up procedure has been finished.
Bit 30 - Card capacity status bit, this status bit is setto 1 if card is High Capacity SD Memory Card. 0
indicates that the card is Standard Capacity SD MemoryCard. The Card Capacity status bit is valid after the card power up procedureis completed and the card power up status bit is set to 1. The Host shall readthis status bit to identify a Standard or High Capacity SD Memory Card. The OCRregister shall be implemented by the cards.
7) SSR:The SD Status contains status bits that are related to the SDMemory Card proprietary features and may be used for futureapplication-specific usage
8) CSR:The response format R1 contains a 32-bit field named cardstatus. This field is intended to transmit the card’s status information (whichmay be stored in a local status register) to the host. If not specifiedotherwise, the status entries are always related to the previous issuedcommand.
All responses are sent via the command line CMD. Theresponse transmission always starts with the left bit of the bit stringcorresponding to the response codeword. The code length depends on the responsetype.
A response always starts with a start bit (always 0),followed by the bit indicating the direction of transmission (card = 0). Avalue denoted by ‘x’ in the tables below indicates a variable entry. Allresponses except for the type R3 (see below) are protected by a CRC (seeChapter 4.5 for the definition of CRC7). Every command codeword is terminatedby the end bit (always 1). There are five types of responses for the SD MemoryCard. The SDIO Card supports additional response types named R4 and R5. Referto SDIO Card Spec for detailed information on the SDIO commands and responses.Their formats are defined as follows: