Thrust快速入门教程(三)——算法 2



int sum = thrust :: reduce (D. begin () , D. end () , ( int ) 0, thrust :: plus ()); 


int sum = thrust :: reduce (D. begin () , D. end () , ( int ) 0, thrust :: plus ()); int sum = thrust :: reduce (D. begin () , D. end () , ( int ) 0); int sum = thrust :: reduce (D. begin () , D. end ()) 


# include # include ... // put three 1s in a device_vector thrust :: device_vector vec (5 ,0); vec [1] = 1; vec [3] = 1; vec [4] = 1; // count the 1s int result = thrust :: count ( vec . begin () , vec .end () , 1); // result is three 



# include # include # include # include # include // square computes the square of a number f(x) -> x*x template struct square { __host__ __device__ T operator ()( const T& x) const { return x * x; } }; int main ( void ) { // initialize host array float x [4] = {1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0}; // transfer to device thrust :: device_vector d_x (x, x + 4); // setup arguments square unary_op ; thrust :: plus binary_op ; float init = 0; // compute norm float norm = std :: sqrt ( thrust :: transform_reduce ( d_x . begin () , d_x . end () , - unary_op , init , binary_op ) ); std :: cout << norm << std :: endl ; return 0; } 

这里有一个叫平方的一元操作,将输入序列的每个元素平方。然后,平方的和由标准的加法规约操作得到。类似较慢版本的SAXPY transformation,我们可以这样实现:首先将原数列同伙乘法转换成平方存储在一个临时数组,然后使用加法规约。但是显然这样做会带来不必要的浪费,速度降低。通过在规约内核中融合平方操作,我们就可以获得与自己编写内核一样的高性能。



并行的前追求和,也叫scan操作,与压实流、基数排序等都是并行算法的重要模块。下面的源码将举例说明使用默认加法的inclusive scan

# include int data [6] = {1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 3}; thrust :: inclusive_scan (data , data + 6, data ); // in - place scan // data is now {1, 1, 3, 5, 6, 9} 

Inclusive scan的每个输出元素为输入数列的相应部分和。例如,data[2] = data[0] + data[1] + data[2]Exclusive scan类似,但是右移一个位置:

# include int data [6] = {1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 3}; thrust :: exclusive_scan (data , data + 6, data ); // in - place scan // data is now {0, 1, 1, 3, 5, 6} 

现在为data[2] = data[0] + data[1]。由例子可见,inclusive_sacnexclusive_scan允许原址操作。Thrust也提供了函数transform_inclusive_scantransform_exclusive_scan可以实现在scan操作前对输入数列进行一元操作。完整的scan变体说明请参见documentation







