Introduction to JavaScript
Comment Your JavaScript Code
//This is a single-line comment /* This is a multiline comment */
Declare JavaScript Variables
var myName;
Storing Values with the Assignment Operator
a = 7; b = a;
Initializing Variables with the Assignment Operator
var a = 9;
Understanding Uninitialized Variables
var a = 5; var b = 10; var c = "I am a";
Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables
// Declarations var studlyCapVar; var properCamelCase; var titleCaseOver; // Assignments studlyCapVar = 10; properCamelCase = "A String"; titleCaseOver = 9000;
Add Two Numbers with JavaScript
var sum = 10 + 10;
Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript
var difference = 45 - 33;
Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript
var product = 8 * 10;
Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript
var quotient = 66 / 33;
Increment a Number with JavaScript
Decrement a Number with JavaScript
Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript
var myDecimal = 3.2;
Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScript
var product = 2.0 * 2.5;
Divide One Decimal by Another with JavaScript
var quotient = 4.4 / 2.0;
Finding a Remainder in JavaScript
var remainder = 11 % 3;
Compound Assignment With Augmented Addition
a += 12; b += 9; c += 7;
Compound Assignment With Augmented Subtraction
a -= 6; b -= 15; c -= 1;
Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication
a *= 5; b *= 3; c *= 10;
Compound Assignment With Augmented Division
a /= 12; b /= 4; c /= 11;
Declare String Variables
var myFirstName = "Nikkkki"; var myLastName = "Xu";
Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings
var myStr = "I am a \"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\".";
Quoting Strings with Single Quotes
var myStr = 'Link';
Escape Sequences in Strings
var myStr = "FirstLine\n\t\\SecondLine\nThirdLine";
Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator
var myStr = "This is the start. " + "This is the end.";
Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator
var myStr = "This is the first sentence. "; myStr += "This is the second sentence.";
Constructing Strings with Variables
var myName = "Nikkkki"; var myStr = "My name is " + myName + " and I am well!";
Appending Variables to Strings
var someAdjective = "interesting"; var myStr = "Learning to code is "; myStr += someAdjective;
Find the Length of a String
lastNameLength = lastName.length;
Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String
firstLetterOfLastName = lastName[0];
Understand String Immutability
myStr = "Hello World";
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String
var thirdLetterOfLastName = lastName[2];
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String
var lastLetterOfLastName = lastName[lastName.length - 1];
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a String
var secondToLastLetterOfLastName = lastName[lastName.length-2];
Word Blanks
function wordBlanks(myNoun, myAdjective, myVerb, myAdverb) { // Your code below this line var result = ""; result = myNoun + " " + myAdjective + " " + myVerb + " " + myAdverb; // Your code above this line return result; }
Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays
var myArray = ["kitty", 5];
Nest one Array within Another Array
var myArray = [["dog", 5], ["cat", 3]];
Access Array Data with Indexes
var myData = myArray[0];
Modify Array Data With Indexes
myArray[0] = 45;
Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes
var myData = myArray[2][1];
Manipulate Arrays With push()
myArray.push(["dog", 3]);
Manipulate Arrays With pop()
var removedFromMyArray = myArray.pop();
Manipulate Arrays With shift()
var removedFromMyArray = myArray.shift();
Manipulate Arrays With unshift()
myArray.unshift(["Paul", 35]);
Shopping List
var myList = [["milk", 4], ["biscuits", 22], ["chocolate", 6], ["honey", 2], ["ice cream", 9]];
Write Reusable JavaScript with Functions
function reusableFunction() { console.log("Hi World"); } reusableFunction();
Passing Values to Functions with Arguments
function functionWithArgs(param1, param2) { console.log(param1 + param2); } functionWithArgs(3, 2);
Global Scope and Functions
// Declare your variable here var myGlobal = 10; function fun1() { // Assign 5 to oopsGlobal Here oopsGlobal = 5; } // Only change code above this line function fun2() { var output = ""; if (typeof myGlobal != "undefined") { output += "myGlobal: " + myGlobal; } if (typeof oopsGlobal != "undefined") { output += " oopsGlobal: " + oopsGlobal; } console.log(output); }
Local Scope and Functions
function myLocalScope() { 'use strict'; // you shouldn't need to edit this line var myVar = "hello"; console.log(myVar); } myLocalScope(); // Run and check the console // myVar is not defined outside of myLocalScope // console.log(myVar);
Global vs. Local Scope in Functions
function myOutfit() { // Only change code below this line var outerWear = "sweater"; // Only change code above this line return outerWear; }
Return a Value from a Function with Return
function timesFive(num) { return num * 5; } console.log(timesFive(2));
Understanding Undefined Value returned from a Function
function addFive() { sum = sum + 5; }
Assignment with a Returned Value
processed = processArg(7);
Stand in Line
function nextInLine(arr, item) { // Your code here arr.push(item); var result = arr.shift(); return result; // Change this line }
Understanding Boolean Values
function welcomeToBooleans() { // Only change code below this line. return true; // Change this line // Only change code above this line. }
Use Conditional Logic with If Statements
function trueOrFalse(wasThatTrue) { // Only change code below this line. if(wasThatTrue) { return "Yes, that was true" } return "No, that was false"; // Only change code above this line. }
Comparison with the Equality Operator
function testEqual(val) { if (val == 12) { // Change this line return "Equal"; } return "Not Equal"; }
Comparison with the Strict Equality Operator
function compareEquality(a, b) { if (a === b) { // Change this line return "Equal"; } return "Not Equal"; }
Practice comparing different values
function testNotEqual(val) { if (val!=99) { // Change this line return "Not Equal"; } return "Equal"; }
Comparison with the Inequality Operator
function testStrictNotEqual(val) { // Only Change Code Below this Line if (val !== 17) { // Only Change Code Above this Line return "Not Equal"; } return "Equal"; }
Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator
function testGreaterThan(val) { if (val > 100) { // Change this line return "Over 100"; } if (val > 10) { // Change this line return "Over 10"; } return "10 or Under"; }
Comparison with the Greater Than Operator
function testGreaterOrEqual(val) { if (val >= 20) { // Change this line return "20 or Over"; } if (val >= 10) { // Change this line return "10 or Over"; } return "Less than 10"; }
Comparison with the Greater Than Or Equal To Operator
function testLessThan(val) { if (val < 25) { // Change this line return "Under 25"; } if (val < 55) { // Change this line return "Under 55"; } return "55 or Over"; }
Comparison with the Less Than Operator
function testLessOrEqual(val) { if (val <= 12) { // Change this line return "Smaller Than or Equal to 12"; } if (val <= 24) { // Change this line return "Smaller Than or Equal to 24"; } return "More Than 24"; }
Comparison with the Less Than Or Equal To Operator
function testLogicalAnd(val) { // Only change code below this line if (val <= 50 && val >= 25) { return "Yes"; } // Only change code above this line return "No"; }
Comparisons with the Logical And Operator
function testLogicalOr(val) { // Only change code below this line if (val > 20 || val < 10) { return "Outside"; } // Only change code above this line return "Inside"; }
Comparisons with the Logical Or Operator
function testElse(val) { var result = ""; // Only change code below this line if (val > 5) { result = "Bigger than 5"; }else { result = "5 or Smaller"; } // Only change code above this line return result; }
Introducing Else Statements
function testElseIf(val) { if (val > 10) { return "Greater than 10"; } else if (val < 5) { return "Smaller than 5"; } else { return "Between 5 and 10"; } }
Logical Order in If Else Statements
function orderMyLogic(val) { if (val < 5) { return "Less than 5"; } else if (val < 10) { return "Less than 10"; } else { return "Greater than or equal to 10"; } }
Chaining If Else Statements
function testSize(num) { // Only change code below this line if(num < 5) { return "Tiny"; } else if (num < 10) { return "Small"; } else if (num < 15) { return "Medium"; } else if (num < 20) { return "Large"; } else { return "Huge"; } // Only change code above this line }
Golf Code
function golfScore(par, strokes) { // Only change code below this line if(strokes === 1) { return names[0]; } else if (strokes <= par - 2) { return names[1]; } else if (strokes === par - 1) { return names[2]; } else if (strokes === par) { return names[3]; } else if (strokes === par + 1) { return names[4]; } else if (strokes === par + 2) { return names[5]; } else { return names[6]; } // Only change code above this line }
Selecting from Many Options with Switch Statements
function caseInSwitch(val) { var answer = ""; // Only change code below this line switch(val) { case 1: answer = "alpha"; break; case 2: answer = "beta"; break; case 3: answer = "gamma"; break; case 4: answer = "delta"; break; } // Only change code above this line return answer; }
Adding a Default Option in Switch Statements
function switchOfStuff(val) { var answer = ""; // Only change code below this line switch(val) { case "a": answer = "apple"; break; case "b": answer = "bird"; break; case "c": answer = "cat"; break; default: answer = "stuff"; break; } // Only change code above this line return answer; }
Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements
function sequentialSizes(val) { var answer = ""; // Only change code below this line switch(val) { case 1: case 2: case 3: answer = "Low"; break; case 4: case 5: case 6: answer = "Mid"; break; case 7: case 8: case 9: answer = "High"; break; } // Only change code above this line return answer; }
Replacing If Else Chains with Switch
function chainToSwitch(val) { var answer = ""; // Only change code below this line switch(val) { case "bob": answer = "Marley"; break; case 42: answer = "The Answer"; break; case 1: answer = "There is no #1"; break; case 99: answer = "Missed me by this much!"; break; case 7: answer = "Ate Nine"; break; } // Only change code above this line return answer; }
Returning Boolean Values from Functions
function isLess(a, b) { // Fix this code return a < b; }
Return Early Pattern for Functions
function abTest(a, b) { // Only change code below this line if(a < 0 || b < 0) { return undefined; } // Only change code above this line return Math.round(Math.pow(Math.sqrt(a) + Math.sqrt(b), 2)); }
Counting Cards
function cc(card) { // Only change code below this line switch(card) { case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: count += 1; break; case 10: case 'J': case 'Q': case 'K': case 'A': count -= 1; break; } var str =''; if(count > 0) { str = "Bet"; } else { str = "Hold"; } return count + " " + str; // Only change code above this line }
Build JavaScript Objects
var myDog = { "name" : "Stone", "legs": 4, "tails": 1, "friends": ["Pepe"] };
Accessing Object Properties with Dot Notation
var hatValue = testObj.hat; // Change this line var shirtValue = testObj.shirt; // Change this line
Accessing Object Properties with Bracket Notation
var entreeValue = testObj["an entree"]; // Change this line var drinkValue = testObj["the drink"]; // Change this line
Accessing Object Properties with Variables
var playerNumber = 16; // Change this Line var player = testObj[playerNumber]; // Change this Line
Updating Object Properties = "Happy Coder";
Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object
myDog.bark = "woof";
Delete Properties from a JavaScript Object
delete myDog.tails;
Using Objects for Lookups
function phoneticLookup(val) { var result = ""; // Only change code below this line var lookup = { "alpha": "Adams", "bravo": "Boston", "charlie": "Chicago", "delta": "Denver", "echo": "Easy", "foxtrot": "Frank" } result = lookup[val]; // Only change code above this line return result; }
Testing Objects for Properties
function checkObj(checkProp) { // Your Code Here if(myObj.hasOwnProperty(checkProp)) { return myObj[checkProp]; } return "Not Found"; }
Manipulating Complex Objects
var myMusic = [ { "artist": "Billy Joel", "title": "Piano Man", "release_year": 1973, "formats": [ "CD", "8T", "LP" ], "gold": true }, // Add record here { "artist": "Alicia Keys", "title": "If I ain't got you", "release_year": 2000, "formats": [ "CD", "LP" ] } ];
Accessing Nested Objects
var gloveBoxContents =["glove box"];
Accessing Nested Arrays
var secondTree = myPlants[1].list[1];
Record Collection
function updateRecords(id, prop, value) { if(prop !== "tracks" && value !== "") { collection[id][prop] = value; } else if(prop === "tracks" && !collection[id].hasOwnProperty("tracks")) { collection[id].tracks = []; collection[id].tracks.push(value); } else if (prop === "tracks" && value !== "") { collection[id].tracks.push(value); } else if (value === "") { delete collection[id][prop]; } return collection; }
Iterate with JavaScript While Loops
var i = 0; while(i < 5) { myArray.push(i); i ++; }
Iterate with JavaScript For Loops
for(var i = 1; i < 6; i ++) { myArray.push(i); }
Iterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop
for(var i = 1; i < 10; i += 2) { myArray.push(i); }
Count Backwards With a For Loop
for(var i = 9; i > 0; i -= 2) { myArray.push(i); }
Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop
var total = 0; for(var i = 0; i < myArr.length; i ++) { total += myArr[i]; }
Nesting For Loops
function multiplyAll(arr) { var product = 1; // Only change code below this line for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i ++) { for(var j = 0; j
Iterate with JavaScript Do...While Loops
do { myArray.push(i); i++ } while(i<5);
Profile Lookup
function lookUpProfile(name, prop){ // Only change code below this line for(var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i ++) { if(contacts[i].firstName === name) { if(contacts[i].hasOwnProperty(prop)) { return contacts[i][prop]; } else { return "No such property"; } } } return "No such contact"; // Only change code above this line }
Generate Random Fractions with JavaScript
function randomFraction() { // Only change code below this line. return Math.random(); // Only change code above this line. }
Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript
function randomWholeNum() { // Only change code below this line. return Math.floor(Math.random()*10); }
Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range
function randomRange(myMin, myMax) { return Math.floor(Math.random()*(myMax-myMin+1)) + myMin; // Change this line }
Use the parseInt Function
function convertToInteger(str) { return parseInt(str); }
Use the parseInt Function with a Radix
function convertToInteger(str) { return parseInt(str, 2); }
Use the Conditional (Ternary) Operator
function checkEqual(a, b) { return a === b ? true : false; }
Use Multiple Conditional (Ternary) Operators
function checkSign(num) { return num > 0 ? "positive" : (num === 0) ? "zero" : "negative"; }