第一次参加读书会,有什么做的不足的地方希望大家可以提出来,我会努力做到最好的。能遇到这么一个好的平台,觉得是自己的一种幸运。我现在大三在陆续的准备着明年年底的考研,正巧看到公众号举办了这个读书会,自己平时又喜爱读书,正巧能借着这个平台即提高英语,还能让自己读到好书(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 其实对于苏东坡,我对他除了在高中课本上背过的诗词外,几乎没有什么深入的了解。从林语堂先生笔下,让我觉得苏东坡是一个多种性格具为一体,是乐观的、积极的、向上的、活的如此洒脱的人。他乐观的心态值得我们所有人去学习,面对困难依旧热爱生活。
“He hated evil,but the evil-doers did not interest him.He merely disliked him.Since hatred is an expression of incompetence,he never knew personal hatred,because he did not know incompetence.”
1. the quality of pleasing, fascinating, or attracting people
2. a pleasing or attractive feature
3. a small object worn or kept for supposed magical powers of protection; amulet; talisman
4. a trinket worn on a bracelet
5. a magic spell; enchantment
6. a formula or action used in casting such a spell
7. (physics) an internal quantum number of certain elementary particles, used to explain some scattering experiments
8. like a charm perfectly; successfully
9. to attract or fascinate; delight greatly
10. to cast a magic spell on
11. to protect, influence, or heal, supposedly by magic
12. (tr) to influence or obtain by personal charm
1. (tr) to destroy completely; extinguish
2. (tr, informal) to defeat totally, as in debate or argument
3. (intr, physics) to undergo annihilation
1. the act of manifesting or state of being manifested in bodily form, esp human form
2. a bodily form assumed by a god, etc
3. a person or thing that typifies or represents some quality, idea, etc