编译时出现错误 Could not find the required component 'manipulation_msgs'. The following CMake error indicat

编译时出现错误 Could not find the required component 'manipulation_msgs'. The following CMake error indicat_第1张图片 

Could not find the required component 'manipulation_msgs'. The following CMake error indicates that you either need to install the package with the same name or change your environment so that it can be found.


出现这个情况,是因为缺少 manipulation_msgs

编译时出现错误 Could not find the required component 'manipulation_msgs'. The following CMake error indicat_第2张图片

安装的时候 请注意 : 不是安装manipulation_msgs 

而是 manipulation-msgs  否则就会出现上图第一种情况,无法定位软件包  

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-manipulation-msgs   

如果装的是indigo 版本的ros   , 则是sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-manipulation-msgs

如果还有其他错误继续下载安装即可 同理。安装好 就编译完成。

编译时出现错误 Could not find the required component 'manipulation_msgs'. The following CMake error indicat_第3张图片
