

Ride-hailing(网约车) wars

America’s number two ride-hailing firm hasbenefited from(得益于) Uber’s struggles

ONE firm’s bad news is often another’s good fortune.(观点句) For years Lyft, an app that offers on-demand rides, wasoutdoneby its seemingly unstoppable rival, Uber, which[ zoomed ]into new markets and grabbed a near-$70bn valuation, the largest of any private American tech firm in history. Uber does not report a share price that would[register ]its recent troubles, which include one investigation into allegedintellectual-property(知识产权) theft and another into its workplace culture. But that Lyft’s market share in America has risen from 18% five months ago to 25% now (according to TXN Solutions, a data provider) is a[ gauge ]of the larger firm’s crisis.

一方的失利往往是另一方的机遇。打车app来福车(Lyft)多年来一直被竞争对手优步(Uber)力压一头。优步似乎势不可挡,将目光投入新市场,其市值接近700亿美元,成为有史以来市值最高的美国私营科技公司。优步并没有公开其上市股价,如果公开的话,股价会反映出该公司近来遭遇的一系列麻烦,比如因被控剽窃知识产权和不良企业文化而接受调查。据统计,来福车公司在美国本土的市场份额由五个月前的18%增长到现在的25%(数据来源于TXN Solutions),这从侧面证实了优步的危机。

Lyft is far from a typicalSilicon Valley(硅谷) company. Unlike Uber, it does notlust for(贪求) world domination and it operates only in America. Nor does it take itself especially seriously. For years it identified its drivers by pink, fuzzy moustaches fastened to the front of cars, and encouraged riders tofist-bump(碰拳) their drivers and sit in the front seat (though it has now relaxed thisetiquette(n. 礼仪) to attract more customers).



Its founders, Logan Green and John Zimmer, put an early emphasis on being nice to drivers, for example by allowing people to tip through the app. Many in Silicon Valleyviewedsuchcuddly(adj. 逗人喜爱的) behaviouras a sign thatUber wouldtrounce(v. 打败) it. The two do not just compete for passengers; each also tries to[ woo ]the other’s drivers. In 2014 Uber’s boss, Travis Kalanick, attempted to buy Lyft.

But Lyft’s culture hasturned out tobe an asset. Uber’s controversies, including Mr Kalanick being caught on videoberating(v. 严责) a driver, have helped its rival—particularly on America’sliberal-minded(adj. 思想开明的) west coast, where people are moresqueamish(adj. 易生气的,挑剔的) about using a brand associated withsexism(n. 性别歧视). Half of those who haveswitched toLyft in America say that company reputation wasthe chief reason(主因), says Survey Monkey, an online-polling firm.

On June 6th Uber said it had fired 20 employees after the conclusion of aninvestigation(n. 调查) intosexual harassment(性骚扰) (the result of a broaderprobe(n. 调查), led by a formerattorney-general(司法部长), is due soon). Oneventure capitalist(风险资本家) who has[backed](adj. 财力支持的) Uber says he is embarrassed to be seen getting into its cars.It seems nocoincidencethat(句型,并非偶然) in April Lyft said it had raised another $600m from investors, valuing the firm at $7.5bn, arounda third more than(分数表达) its previous mark.

That also reflects a change of mind among investors over the ride-hailing business. Having thought of it as awinner-takes-all(赢者通吃,胜者为王) market, in which one big company has a near-monopoly(n. 垄断) in each country, plenty now believepeople will spend enough on transport for more than one player to prosper(观点句). Mr Zimmer, Lyft’s co-founder, compares ride-hailing to thewireless-carrier(无线通讯) market, in which several companies boast high-quality coverage and plenty of customers.

Offering good “coverage” in ride-hailing so that rides can arrive within a few minutes, of course, requires resources. “We’re at the stage of building cell towers. That’s expensive,” says Brian Roberts, Lyft’s chief financial officer. But it may help the firm that it remains geographically and strategically focused. It has fewerdistractions(n. 分心,分散) than Uber, whichin addition to[除...之外(还有,也)] expanding globally ispushing into(推进,推动) new business lines, likefood delivery(送餐) and trucking.

Lyft’s strategy onself-driving(自驾) cars is alsodistinctive(adj. 与众不同的). Uber is investing heavily to build its ownautonomous(adj. 自主的) technology,guarding againstthe chance that(句型,以防) another service couldcome inwithout drivers andundercutit on price. But Lyft has opened up its network to other firms, including Waymo, a self-driving car unit that is Google’s sister company (and which has accused Uber of stealing trade secrets).

Collaborating withothers is better than buildingexpertisein-house(观点句), Lyftreckons(v. 认为), because so much uncertainty surrounds theevolution(n. 进化,发展,演变) of autonomous technology. In June Lyft announced another relationship, with an autonomous-driving startup called nuTonomy, which will start testing cars in Boston.There is a risk that(句型,有风险) Waymo and other partners may try to perfect their own self-driving technology with Lyft’s data and then launch a competing ride-hailing network, butthat seems a distant possibility(句型,可能性不大).

In theimmediate future(不远的将来) Lyft may find it harder to keepdifferentiatingitself.(观点句) Uber hasmimicked(v. 模仿) some of its successfultactics(n. 策略), such as tipping, and isoverhauling(v. 翻修,彻底检查) its culture. Many ride-hailing drivers now work for both services, which means travelling in a Lyft car is no longerunique(adj. 独特的).

The fact that Lyft has won a quarter of the American market could help both firms’ profits. In 2016 it lost around $600m and Uber $2.8bn. They formerly seemed likely to spend money fighting to the point of “mutually assureddestruction”, says Vincent Letteri of KKR, an investment firm that recently put cash into Lyft (afterdeclining tojoin in two previous funding rounds). Uber now accepts that Lyft is there to stay; it will have torein in(控制,约束,止住) promotional spending if it wants to achieve healthy profits in America to pay for expansion abroad and toreassurenervous investors, says Mr Letteri. Lyft will have less need to spend heavily onsubsidiesfor drivers and riders. It has stopped its practice of offering new customers $50 in free trips to sign up.Lyft still wants to be nice, but has no wish to betaken for a ride(被骗,当冤大头)(观点句).

















