import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs
(X,y) = make_blobs(n_samples=50,n_features=2,centers=2,cluster_std=1.05,random_state=40)
#we need to add 1 to X values (we can say its bias)
X1 = np.c_[np.ones((X.shape[0])),X]
for i,v in enumerate(y):
if v==0:
#our data dictionary
data_dict = {-1:np.array(negativeX), 1:np.array(postiveX)}
# all the required variables
w = [] # weights 2 dimensional vector
b = [] # bias
max_feature_value = float('-inf')
min_feature_value = float('+inf')
for yi in data_dict:
if np.amax(data_dict[yi]) > max_feature_value:
max_feature_value = np.amax(data_dict[yi])
if np.amin(data_dict[yi]) < min_feature_value:
min_feature_value = np.amin(data_dict[yi])
learning_rate = [max_feature_value * 0.1, max_feature_value * 0.01, max_feature_value * 0.001, ]
def SVM_Training(data_dict):
i = 1
global w
global b
# { ||w||: [w,b] }
length_Wvector = {}
transforms = [[1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
b_step_size = 2
b_multiple = 5
w_optimum = max_feature_value * 0.5
for lrate in learning_rate:
w = np.array([w_optimum, w_optimum])
optimized = False
while not optimized:
# b=[-maxvalue to maxvalue] we wanna maximize the b values so check for every b value
for b in np.arange(-1 * (max_feature_value * b_step_size), max_feature_value * b_step_size,
lrate * b_multiple):
for transformation in transforms: # transforms = [[1,1],[-1,1],[-1,-1],[1,-1]]
w_t = w * transformation
correctly_classified = True
# every data point should be correct
for yi in data_dict:
for xi in data_dict[yi]:
if yi * (,
xi) + b) < 1: # we want yi*(,xi)+b) >= 1 for correct classification
correctly_classified = False
if correctly_classified:
length_Wvector[np.linalg.norm(w_t)] = [w_t, b] # store w, b for minimum magnitude
if w[0] < 0:
optimized = True
w = w - lrate
norms = sorted([n for n in length_Wvector])
minimum_wlength = length_Wvector[norms[0]]
w = minimum_wlength[0]
b = minimum_wlength[1]
w_optimum = w[0] + lrate * 2
colors = {1:'r',-1:'b'}
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
def visualize(data_dict):
# [[ax.scatter(x[0],x[1],s=100,color=colors[i]) for x in data_dict[i]] for i in data_dict]
plt.scatter(X1[:, 1], X1[:, 2], marker='o', c=y)
# hyperplane = x.w+b
# v = x.w+b
# psv = 1
# nsv = -1
# dec = 0
def hyperplane_value(x, w, b, v):
return (-w[0] * x - b + v) / w[1]
datarange = (min_feature_value * 0.9, max_feature_value * 1.)
hyp_x_min = datarange[0]
hyp_x_max = datarange[1]
# (w.x+b) = 1
# positive support vector hyperplane
psv1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, w, b, 1)
psv2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, w, b, 1)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min, hyp_x_max], [psv1, psv2], 'k')
# (w.x+b) = -1
# negative support vector hyperplane
nsv1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, w, b, -1)
nsv2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, w, b, -1)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min, hyp_x_max], [nsv1, nsv2], 'k')
# (w.x+b) = 0
# positive support vector hyperplane
db1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, w, b, 0)
db2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, w, b, 0)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min, hyp_x_max], [db1, db2], 'y--')
plt.axis([-5, 10, -12, -1])
def predict(features):
# sign( x.w+b )
dot_result = np.sign(, w) + b)
return dot_result.astype(int)
for i in X[:5]:
print(predict(i), end=', ')
l = []
for xi in X:
l = np.array(l).astype(int)