记:Arcgis for JavaScript 4.5 点击图片事件

在Arcgis 3.X中,点击事件一般可放置于layer,graphic或地图上,当获取图片的点击事件时,就给该组图片添加点击事件即可。
但是在Arcgis 4.X中,点击事件只放置于地图上,即view,mapView,sceneView上,此时直接获取点击事件返回的属性并不能知晓该点击处是否是图片,好在4.X中提供了一个hitTest()函数,该函数可判断点击处是否有图片存在,从而返回图片信息。



// Get the screen point from the view's click event
view.on("click", function(event) {
 var screenPoint = {
  x: event.x,
  y: event.y
  // Search for graphics at the clicked location
  view.hitTest(screenPoint).then(function(response) {
    var result = response.results[0];

    if (result) {
      var lon = result.mapPoint.longitude;
      var lat = result.mapPoint.latitude;

      console.log("Hit surface at (" + lon + ", " + lat + "), graphic:", result.graphic || "none");

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