

夏季的清晨游船安静懒散地停靠在岸边静候乘客上船。它们注定要驶离港口开始巡游。你可以眺望远处的海面感受到浪花向后飞溅。有时掀起惊涛骇浪向一堵巨大的墙。风平浪静时你有幸品味其优雅大度。然而转瞬间怒吼发威吞噬一切。所以你要审时度势,享受静雅,远离灾难,不让自己深陷藩篱之中。这体现了识时务者为俊杰的原则。On the summer morning the cruises rest peacefully and leisurely on the shore waiting patiently for the passengers to board to explore the sea scenes.They are bound to drift away from the port and tour their routine .You can overlook the distant surface and sense the waves pouring fiercely backwards.Occasionally the waves bump and flood like enormous walls sharply.When the sea lies in the stable state you can witness the elegance and generosity of its wide breast while it loses its temper,it will swallows everything in its stomach destructively.Hence you live harmoniously with it in accordance with your proper judgement when it is in peace while it is necessary to escape from its dangerous situation instead of being involved in passive environment.This reveals the principle that those who identify the condition belong to the intelligent individuals. The lamps on the street or from the buildings cast their shadows on the surface of the waving surface feeling the taste of man’s smoke and fire ,like a dream and fantasy as well as the fairy world.The whole world is surrounded by the quiet atmosphere including the sky ,the water,the cruises and the breeze,which will have sound sleep to nourish themselves to meet the newly rising sun and fresh salty wind.


夕阳西下,晚霞映照天空。一些酱紫涂抹天际。月亮羞羞达达反射着太阳给予的光明。街灯或者房子的灯将影子倒映在水中。既有人间烟花的味道,又如梦如幻,置身于仙境之中。天️空,海,微风,都要沉睡,滋养自己,迎接即将冉冉升起的太阳和咸涩的风。The evening clouds are painted purple similar to the fire covering the shining and sinking sun which is replaced by the bright and shy moon actually reflecting its light continuously.


大千世界的桥千姿百态。但是这坐手指支撑的桥是不是令你瞠目结舌,赞叹不已。它穿越于崇山峻岭之间 ,景色别致。游人如织,尽情拍摄这奇思妙景。它们宛如如来佛祖的五指山,你无论如何也逃脱不了,否则坠入万丈深渊,变成孤魂野鬼。The bridges present thousands of shapes and poses throughout the world but you are amazed to see the hand bridge and praise  it heartedly which supports the bridge over the sharp ranging  mountains which forms the unique scene attracting the numerous visitors to photograph the vast view below and remote devotedly .They resemble the fingers of Buddhist so you can not quit the control of it or you will drop into the deep valley beneath and transform into a ghost  without spirit.


绿箩身材魁梧高大,品质优异,吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,是室内宠儿。经常被置于客厅一隅,为室内装饰锦上添花。它们的椭圆形的叶子闪闪发光。源于透过玻璃照射的光和适度的水的灌溉。虽然不能开花 但是它们自身就光芒四射。Although they don’t bloom themselves but they are outstanding.Green trailing plants’ size is high and strong and its quality is sufficient enough to produce indoors to breathe the carbon dioxide and release oxygen.Hence it is admirable by the hosts and is located in the corner of the restroom to add attraction of the decorations.Their round leaves twitter due to the fact of absorbing the appropriate sunshine through the windows as well as being irrigated by the water.


暗黑的铁轨朝四面八方延伸而去。带着你内心深处的渴望。那新鲜的绿草,丛林,三三两两的羊,牛,马是你的青睐之物。电线纵横交错,为火车提供动力。乘客们在不同的车站上上下下。有的步履匆匆,有的轻盈。有的携着婴儿,为他们哼唱轻松的曲调,逗弄着。有的默读杂志或报纸,沉浸在他们喜爱的世界。Dark railways stretch the unknown distant directions so you expect in your inner heart to see the fresh grass,bushes,a bunch of sheep ,cows are horses. The wires cross to provide the power for the trams. The passengers board and get off at the different stations.They hurry or calm,some of whom carrying the babies in their arms singing gently to the lovely  babies to please them.Or else they read their magazines or newspapers to dip their own world to obtain what they require.
