
关于帧内亮度预测的过程在之前 H.266/VVC代码学习1:帧内预测框架 中已简要讲述.


void IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner, const double bestCostSoFar )
void IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner )
  CodingStructure       &cs            = *cu.cs;
  const SPS             &sps           = *cs.sps;
  const uint32_t             uiWidthBit    = g_aucLog2[partitioner.currArea().lwidth() ];
  const uint32_t             uiHeightBit   =                   g_aucLog2[partitioner.currArea().lheight()];

  // Lambda calculation at equivalent Qp of 4 is recommended because at that Qp, the quantization divisor is 1.
  const double sqrtLambdaForFirstPass = m_pcRdCost->getMotionLambda(cu.transQuantBypass) / double(1 << SCALE_BITS);

  //===== loop over partitions =====

  const TempCtx ctxStart          ( m_CtxCache, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() );
  const TempCtx ctxStartIntraMode(m_CtxCache, SubCtx(Ctx::IntraLumaMpmFlag, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx()));
  const TempCtx ctxStartMHIntraMode ( m_CtxCache, SubCtx( Ctx::MHIntraPredMode,        m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() ) );
  const TempCtx ctxStartMrlIdx      ( m_CtxCache, SubCtx( Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx,        m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() ) );

  CHECK( !cu.firstPU, "CU has no PUs" );
  const bool keepResi   = cs.pps->getPpsRangeExtension().getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() || KEEP_PRED_AND_RESI_SIGNALS;

  uint32_t extraModes = 0; // add two extra modes, which would be used after uiMode <= DC_IDX is removed for cu.nsstIdx == 3

#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
  const int width   = partitioner.currArea().lwidth();
  const int height  = partitioner.currArea().lheight();

  // Marking EMT usage for faster EMT
  // 0: EMT is either not applicable for current CU (cuWidth > EMT_INTRA_MAX_CU or cuHeight > EMT_INTRA_MAX_CU), not active in the config file or the fast decision algorithm is not used in this case
  // 1: EMT fast algorithm can be applied for the current CU, and the DCT2 is being checked
  // 2: EMT is being checked for current CU. Stored results of DCT2 can be utilized for speedup
  uint8_t emtUsageFlag = 0;
  const int maxSizeEMT = EMT_INTRA_MAX_CU_WITH_QTBT;
  if( width <= maxSizeEMT && height <= maxSizeEMT && sps.getUseIntraEMT() )
    emtUsageFlag = cu.emtFlag == 1 ? 2 : 1;

  bool isAllIntra = m_pcEncCfg->getIntraPeriod() == 1;

  if( width * height < 64 && !isAllIntra )
    emtUsageFlag = 0; //this forces the recalculation of the candidates list. Why is this necessary? (to be checked)
#if JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
  const int width   = partitioner.currArea().lwidth();
  const int height  = partitioner.currArea().lheight();
  int nOptionsForISP = NUM_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS_MODES;//默认为3,后面如果没划分改为1
  int nOptionsForISP = cu.emtFlag == 0 ? NUM_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS_MODES : 1;
  double bestCurrentCost = bestCostSoFar;//至今最好的代价

  int ispOptions[NUM_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS_MODES] = { 0 };//3个值,使用何种ISP
  if( nOptionsForISP > 1 )
    auto splitsThatCanBeUsedForISP = CU::canUseISPSplit( width, height, cu.cs->sps->getMaxTrSize() );//ISP的类型,0是4*4不划分,1是4*8或8*4水平划,2是垂直划,4是划成四份
    if( splitsThatCanBeUsedForISP == CAN_USE_VER_AND_HORL_SPLITS )//如果为4,即分成四份
      const CodingUnit* cuLeft  = cu.ispMode != NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? cs.getCU( cs.area.blocks[partitioner.chType].pos().offset( -1, 0 ), partitioner.chType ) : nullptr;
      const CodingUnit* cuAbove = cu.ispMode != NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? cs.getCU( cs.area.blocks[partitioner.chType].pos().offset( 0, -1 ), partitioner.chType ) : nullptr;
      bool ispHorIsFirstTest = CU::firstTestISPHorSplit( width, height, COMPONENT_Y, cuLeft, cuAbove );
      if( ispHorIsFirstTest )
        ispOptions[1] = HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;
        ispOptions[2] = VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;
        ispOptions[1] = VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;
        ispOptions[2] = HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;
    else if( splitsThatCanBeUsedForISP == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS )//如果为1,即水平划分
      nOptionsForISP = 2;
      ispOptions[1] = HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;
    else if( splitsThatCanBeUsedForISP == VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS )//如果为2,即垂直划分
      nOptionsForISP = 2;
      ispOptions[1] = VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;
      nOptionsForISP = 1;
  if( nOptionsForISP > 1 )//如果进行ISP划分了
    //variables for the full RD list without MRL modes 没有MRL模式的完整RD列表的变量
    m_rdModeListWithoutMrl      .clear();
    m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor   .clear();
    m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer   .clear();
    //variables with data from regular intra used to skip ISP splits  具有来自常规内部的数据的变量用于跳过ISP分裂
    m_intraModeDiagRatio        .clear();
    m_intraModeHorVerRatio      .clear();

  static_vector<uint32_t,   FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> uiHadModeList;
  static_vector<double, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> CandCostList;
  static_vector<double, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> CandHadList;

  static_vector<int, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> extendRefList;
  static_vector<int, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM>* nullList = NULL;

  auto &pu = *cu.firstPU;
#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
  int puIndex = 0;

    CHECK(pu.cu != &cu, "PU is not contained in the CU");

    //===== determine set of modes to be tested (using prediction signal only) =====
    int numModesAvailable = NUM_LUMA_MODE; // total number of Intra modes
    static_vector< uint32_t, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM > uiRdModeList;

    int numModesForFullRD = 3;
    numModesForFullRD = g_aucIntraModeNumFast_UseMPM_2D[uiWidthBit - MIN_CU_LOG2][uiHeightBit - MIN_CU_LOG2];

    numModesForFullRD = numModesAvailable;

#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
    if( emtUsageFlag != 2 )
      // this should always be true
      CHECK( !pu.Y().valid(), "PU is not valid" );
#if ENABLE_JVET_L0283_MRL//多参考行
      bool isFirstLineOfCtu = (((pu.block(COMPONENT_Y).y)&((pu.cs->sps)->getMaxCUWidth() - 1)) == 0);
      int numOfPassesExtendRef = (isFirstLineOfCtu ? 1 : MRL_NUM_REF_LINES);//多参考行
      pu.multiRefIdx = 0;

      //===== init pattern for luma prediction 亮度模式预测的初始化 =====
      initIntraPatternChType( cu, pu.Y(), IntraPrediction::useFilteredIntraRefSamples( COMPONENT_Y, pu, false, pu ) );//对参考像素进行滤波
      if( numModesForFullRD != numModesAvailable )
        CHECK( numModesForFullRD >= numModesAvailable, "Too many modes for full RD search" );

        const CompArea &area = pu.Y();//选取亮度

        PelBuf piOrg         = cs.getOrgBuf(area);
        PelBuf piPred        = cs.getPredBuf(area);

        DistParam distParam;

        const bool bUseHadamard = cu.transQuantBypass == 0;

        if (cu.slice->getReshapeInfo().getUseSliceReshaper() && m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag())
          CompArea      tmpArea(COMPONENT_Y, area.chromaFormat, Position(0, 0), area.size());
          PelBuf tmpOrg = m_tmpStorageLCU.getBuf(tmpArea);
          m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParam, tmpOrg, piPred, sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), COMPONENT_Y, bUseHadamard);
        m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParam, piOrg, piPred, sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), COMPONENT_Y, bUseHadamard);

        distParam.applyWeight = false;

        bool bSatdChecked[NUM_INTRA_MODE];
        memset( bSatdChecked, 0, sizeof( bSatdChecked ) );
          for( int modeIdx = 0; modeIdx < numModesAvailable; modeIdx++ )
            uint32_t       uiMode = modeIdx;
            Distortion uiSad  = 0;

            // Skip checking extended Angular modes in the first round of SATD 
            if( uiMode > DC_IDX && ( uiMode & 1 ) )//在第一轮SATD中跳过266新加的32种角度模式

            bSatdChecked[uiMode] = true;

            pu.intraDir[0] = modeIdx;

            if( useDPCMForFirstPassIntraEstimation( pu, uiMode ) )//DPCM模式??
              encPredIntraDPCM( COMPONENT_Y, piOrg, piPred, uiMode );
              predIntraAng( COMPONENT_Y, piPred, pu, IntraPrediction::useFilteredIntraRefSamples( COMPONENT_Y, pu, true, pu ) );
            // use Hadamard transform here
            uiSad += distParam.distFunc(distParam);//在这里使用Hadamard变换

            // NB xFracModeBitsIntra will not affect the mode for chroma that may have already been pre-estimated.
            m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx(Ctx::IntraLumaMpmFlag, ctxStartIntraMode);
            m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MHIntraPredMode, ctxStartMHIntraMode );
            m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx, ctxStartMrlIdx );

            uint64_t fracModeBits = xFracModeBitsIntra(pu, uiMode, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);

            double cost = ( double ) uiSad + ( double ) fracModeBits * sqrtLambdaForFirstPass;//计算代价

            DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_INTRA_COST, "IntraHAD: %u, %llu, %f (%d)\n", uiSad, fracModeBits, cost, uiMode );

            updateCandList( uiMode, cost,  uiRdModeList, CandCostList
              , extendRefList, 0
              , numModesForFullRD + extraModes );
            updateCandList(uiMode, (double) uiSad, uiHadModeList, CandHadList
              , *nullList, -1
              , 3 + extraModes);
        } // NSSTFlag

        // forget the extra modes
        uiRdModeList.resize( numModesForFullRD );
        static_vector<unsigned, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> parentCandList(FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM);
        std::copy_n(uiRdModeList.begin(), numModesForFullRD, parentCandList.begin());

        // Second round of SATD for extended Angular modes
        for (int modeIdx = 0; modeIdx < numModesForFullRD; modeIdx++)
          unsigned parentMode = parentCandList[modeIdx];
          if (parentMode > (DC_IDX + 1) && parentMode < (NUM_LUMA_MODE - 1))
            for (int subModeIdx = -1; subModeIdx <= 1; subModeIdx += 2)
              unsigned mode = parentMode + subModeIdx;

              if (!bSatdChecked[mode])
                pu.intraDir[0] = mode;

                if (useDPCMForFirstPassIntraEstimation(pu, mode))
                  encPredIntraDPCM(COMPONENT_Y, piOrg, piPred, mode);
                  predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Y, piPred, pu,
                               IntraPrediction::useFilteredIntraRefSamples(COMPONENT_Y, pu, true, pu));
                // use Hadamard transform here
                Distortion sad = distParam.distFunc(distParam);

                // NB xFracModeBitsIntra will not affect the mode for chroma that may have already been pre-estimated.
                m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx(Ctx::IntraLumaMpmFlag, ctxStartIntraMode);
                m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MHIntraPredMode, ctxStartMHIntraMode );
                m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx, ctxStartMrlIdx );

                uint64_t fracModeBits = xFracModeBitsIntra(pu, mode, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);

                double cost = (double) sad + (double) fracModeBits * sqrtLambdaForFirstPass;

                updateCandList(mode, cost, uiRdModeList, CandCostList
                  , extendRefList, 0
                  , numModesForFullRD);
                updateCandList(mode, (double)sad, uiHadModeList, CandHadList
                  , *nullList, -1
                  , 3);

                bSatdChecked[mode] = true;
        if( nOptionsForISP > 1 )//如果ISP划分了
          //we save the list with no mrl modes to keep only the Hadamard selected modes (no mpms)
          m_rdModeListWithoutMrl.resize( numModesForFullRD );
          std::copy_n( uiRdModeList.begin(), numModesForFullRD, m_rdModeListWithoutMrl.begin() );
		/********************************** 第三轮:进行MPMS的选择并更新列表 ************************************/
        pu.multiRefIdx = 1;
        const int  numMPMs = NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES;
        unsigned  multiRefMPM [numMPMs];
        PU::getIntraMPMs(pu, multiRefMPM);//获取6个MPM模式
        for (int mRefNum = 1; mRefNum < numOfPassesExtendRef; mRefNum++)//遍历选择第几行。(MPM的使用和参考行的数量有关)
          int multiRefIdx = MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[mRefNum];

          pu.multiRefIdx = multiRefIdx;
            initIntraPatternChType(cu, pu.Y(), IntraPrediction::useFilteredIntraRefSamples(COMPONENT_Y, pu, false, pu));
          for (int x = 0; x < numMPMs; x++)//遍历选择第几个模式(6种模式的哪一种)
            uint32_t mode = multiRefMPM[x];
              pu.intraDir[0] = mode;

              if (useDPCMForFirstPassIntraEstimation(pu, mode))
                encPredIntraDPCM(COMPONENT_Y, piOrg, piPred, mode);
                predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Y, piPred, pu, IntraPrediction::useFilteredIntraRefSamples(COMPONENT_Y, pu, true, pu));

              // use Hadamard transform here
              Distortion sad = distParam.distFunc(distParam);

              // NB xFracModeBitsIntra will not affect the mode for chroma that may have already been pre-estimated.
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx(Ctx::IntraLumaMpmFlag, ctxStartIntraMode);
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MHIntraPredMode, ctxStartMHIntraMode );
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx, ctxStartMrlIdx );

              uint64_t fracModeBits = xFracModeBitsIntra(pu, mode, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);

              double cost = (double)sad + (double)fracModeBits * sqrtLambdaForFirstPass;
              updateCandList(mode, cost, uiRdModeList, CandCostList, extendRefList, multiRefIdx, numModesForFullRD);//用MPM的模式更新RD列表
        if( m_pcEncCfg->getFastUDIUseMPMEnabled() )
          const int numMPMs = NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES;
          unsigned  uiPreds[numMPMs];

          pu.multiRefIdx = 0;

          const int numCand = PU::getIntraMPMs( pu, uiPreds );//使用MPM的数量

          for( int j = 0; j < numCand; j++ )
            bool mostProbableModeIncluded = false;
            int  mostProbableMode         = uiPreds[j];

            for( int i = 0; i < numModesForFullRD; i++ )//看MPM得到的模式,与之前列表中的numModesForFullRD个模式是否有一样的
              mostProbableModeIncluded |= (mostProbableMode == uiRdModeList[i] && extendRefList[i] == 0);
            if( !mostProbableModeIncluded )//如果都不一样
              uiRdModeList.push_back( mostProbableMode );//把这个MPM得到的放在后面
          if( nOptionsForISP > 1 )
            //we add the ISP MPMs to the list without mrl modes
            m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor = m_rdModeListWithoutMrl;
            m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer = m_rdModeListWithoutMrl;
            static_vector<uint32_t, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM>* listPointer;
            for( int k = 1; k < nOptionsForISP; k++ )//如果是水平或垂直划分,对每一块同上操作
              cu.ispMode = ispOptions[k];
              listPointer = &( cu.ispMode == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor : m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer );
              const int numCandISP = PU::getIntraMPMs( pu, uiPreds );
              for( int j = 0; j < numCandISP; j++ )
                bool mostProbableModeIncluded = false;
                int  mostProbableMode = uiPreds[j];

                for( int i = 0; i < listPointer->size(); i++ )
                  mostProbableModeIncluded |= ( mostProbableMode == listPointer->at( i ) );
                if( !mostProbableModeIncluded )
                  listPointer->push_back( mostProbableMode );
            cu.ispMode = NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;//停止划分
        for( int i = 0; i < numModesForFullRD; i++ )
          uiRdModeList.push_back( i );
#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
      if( emtUsageFlag == 1 )
        // Store the modes to be checked with RD
        m_savedNumRdModes[puIndex] = numModesForFullRD;
        std::copy_n( uiRdModeList.begin(), numModesForFullRD, m_savedRdModeList[puIndex] );
        std::copy_n(extendRefList.begin(), numModesForFullRD, m_savedExtendRefList[puIndex]);
#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
    else //emtUsage = 2 (here we potentially reduce the number of modes that will be full-RD checked)
      if( isAllIntra && m_pcEncCfg->getFastIntraEMT() )
        double thresholdSkipMode = 1.0 + 1.4 / sqrt( ( double ) ( width*height ) );

        numModesForFullRD = 0;

        // Skip checking the modes with much larger R-D cost than the best mode
        for( int i = 0; i < m_savedNumRdModes[puIndex]; i++ )
          if( m_modeCostStore[puIndex][i] <= thresholdSkipMode * m_bestModeCostStore[puIndex] )
            uiRdModeList.push_back( m_savedRdModeList[puIndex][i] );
      else //this is necessary because we skip the candidates list calculation, since it was already obtained for the DCT-II. Now we load it
        // Restore the modes to be checked with RD
        numModesForFullRD = m_savedNumRdModes[puIndex];
        uiRdModeList.resize( numModesForFullRD );
        std::copy_n( m_savedRdModeList[puIndex], m_savedNumRdModes[puIndex], uiRdModeList.begin() );
        std::copy_n(m_savedExtendRefList[puIndex], m_savedNumRdModes[puIndex], extendRefList.begin());

    if( nOptionsForISP > 1 ) // we remove the non-MPMs from the ISP lists 我们从ISP列表中删除非MPM
      static_vector< uint32_t, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM > uiRdModeListCopyHor = m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor;
      static_vector< uint32_t, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM > uiRdModeListCopyVer = m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer;
      static_vector< uint32_t, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM > *listPointerCopy, *listPointer;
      for( int ispOptionIdx = 1; ispOptionIdx < nOptionsForISP; ispOptionIdx++ )//对ISP水平划分或垂直划分操作
        cu.ispMode = ispOptions[ispOptionIdx];
        //we get the mpm cand list 获得MPM列表
        const int numMPMs = NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES;
        unsigned  uiPreds[numMPMs];

        pu.multiRefIdx = 0;

        PU::getIntraMPMs( pu, uiPreds );

        //we copy only the ISP MPMs 复制ISP的MPM
        listPointerCopy = &( cu.ispMode == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? uiRdModeListCopyHor : uiRdModeListCopyVer );
        listPointer     = &( cu.ispMode == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor : m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer );
        for( int k = 0; k < listPointerCopy->size(); k++ )
          for( int q = 0; q < numMPMs; q++ )
            if( listPointerCopy->at( k ) == uiPreds[q] )
              listPointer->push_back( listPointerCopy->at( k ) );
      cu.ispMode = NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;//停止划分

    CHECK( numModesForFullRD != uiRdModeList.size(), "Inconsistent state!" );

    // after this point, don't use numModesForFullRD

    // PBINTRA fast
#if JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
    if( m_pcEncCfg->getUsePbIntraFast() && !cs.slice->isIntra() && uiRdModeList.size() < numModesAvailable )
    if( m_pcEncCfg->getUsePbIntraFast() && !cs.slice->isIntra() && uiRdModeList.size() < numModesAvailable && emtUsageFlag != 2 )
      if( CandHadList.size() < 3 || CandHadList[2] > cs.interHad * PBINTRA_RATIO )
        uiRdModeList.resize( std::min<size_t>( uiRdModeList.size(), 2 ) );
        extendRefList.resize( std::min<size_t>( extendRefList.size(), 2 ) ); 
        if( nOptionsForISP > 1 )//如果划分了,对HOR和VER进行操作
          m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor.resize( std::min<size_t>( m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor.size(), 2 ) );
          m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer.resize( std::min<size_t>( m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer.size(), 2 ) );
      if( CandHadList.size() < 2 || CandHadList[1] > cs.interHad * PBINTRA_RATIO )
        uiRdModeList.resize( std::min<size_t>( uiRdModeList.size(), 1 ) );
        extendRefList.resize( std::min<size_t>( extendRefList.size(), 1 ) );
        if( nOptionsForISP > 1 )//如果划分了,对HOR和VER进行操作
          m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor.resize( std::min<size_t>( m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor.size(), 1 ) );
          m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer.resize( std::min<size_t>( m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer.size(), 1 ) );
      if( CandHadList.size() < 1 || CandHadList[0] > cs.interHad * PBINTRA_RATIO )
        cs.dist = std::numeric_limits<Distortion>::max();
        cs.interHad = 0;

        //===== reset context models =====
        m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx(Ctx::IntraLumaMpmFlag, ctxStartIntraMode);
        m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MHIntraPredMode, ctxStartMHIntraMode );
        m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx, ctxStartMrlIdx );


    //===== check modes (using r-d costs) =====
    uint32_t       uiBestPUMode  = 0;
    int            bestExtendRef = 0;

    CodingStructure *csTemp = m_pTempCS[gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( cu.lwidth() )][gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( cu.lheight() )];
    CodingStructure *csBest = m_pBestCS[gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( cu.lwidth() )][gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( cu.lheight() )];

    csTemp->slice = cs.slice;
    csBest->slice = cs.slice;

    // just to be sure
    numModesForFullRD = ( int ) uiRdModeList.size();
    PartSplit intraSubPartitionsProcOrder = TU_NO_ISP;
    int       bestNormalIntraModeIndex    = -1;
    uint8_t   bestIspOption               = NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS;
    TUIntraSubPartitioner subTuPartitioner( partitioner );
#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
    if ( !cu.ispMode && !cu.emtFlag )
      m_modeCtrl->setEmtFirstPassNoIspCost( MAX_DOUBLE );
    for( uint32_t ispOptionIdx = 0; ispOptionIdx < nOptionsForISP; ispOptionIdx++ )
      cu.ispMode = ispOptions[ispOptionIdx];
      int numModesForFullRDispOption = cu.ispMode == NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? numModesForFullRD : cu.ispMode == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? (int)m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor.size() : (int)m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer.size();
      for( uint32_t uiMode = 0; uiMode < numModesForFullRDispOption; uiMode++ )
        // set luma prediction mode
        uint32_t uiOrgMode = cu.ispMode == NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? uiRdModeList[uiMode] : cu.ispMode == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? m_rdModeListWithoutMrlHor[uiMode] : m_rdModeListWithoutMrlVer[uiMode];

        pu.intraDir[0] = uiOrgMode;

        int multiRefIdx = 0;
        pu.multiRefIdx = multiRefIdx;
        if( cu.ispMode )
          intraSubPartitionsProcOrder = CU::getISPType( cu, COMPONENT_Y );
          bool tuIsDividedInRows = CU::divideTuInRows( cu );
          if( m_intraModeDiagRatio.at( bestNormalIntraModeIndex ) > 1.25 )
          if( ( m_intraModeHorVerRatio.at( bestNormalIntraModeIndex ) > 1.25 && tuIsDividedInRows ) || ( m_intraModeHorVerRatio.at( bestNormalIntraModeIndex ) < 0.8 && !tuIsDividedInRows ) )
          multiRefIdx = extendRefList[uiMode];
          pu.multiRefIdx = multiRefIdx;
          CHECK( pu.multiRefIdx && ( pu.intraDir[0] == DC_IDX || pu.intraDir[0] == PLANAR_IDX ), "ERL" );
    for (uint32_t uiMode = 0; uiMode < numModesForFullRD; uiMode++)
      // set luma prediction mode
      uint32_t uiOrgMode = uiRdModeList[uiMode];

      pu.intraDir[0] = uiOrgMode;
      int multiRefIdx = extendRefList[uiMode];
      pu.multiRefIdx  = multiRefIdx;
      CHECK(pu.multiRefIdx && (pu.intraDir[0] == DC_IDX || pu.intraDir[0] == PLANAR_IDX), "ERL");

      // set context models 设置上下文模型
      m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;

      // determine residual for partition 确定划分的残差
      cs.initSubStructure( *csTemp, partitioner.chType, cs.area, true );

      if( cu.ispMode )
        xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT( *csTemp, subTuPartitioner, bestCurrentCost, 0, intraSubPartitionsProcOrder );
        xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT( *csTemp, partitioner, MAX_DOUBLE, -1 );

      if( cu.ispMode && !csTemp->cus[0]->firstTU->cbf[COMPONENT_Y] )
        csTemp->cost = MAX_DOUBLE;
      xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT( *csTemp, partitioner );

#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
      if (emtUsageFlag == 1 && m_pcEncCfg->getFastIntraEMT() && !cu.ispMode)
      if( emtUsageFlag == 1 && m_pcEncCfg->getFastIntraEMT() )
        m_modeCostStore[puIndex][uiMode] = csTemp->cost; //cs.cost;

      DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_INTRA_COST, "IntraCost T %f (%d) \n", csTemp->cost, uiOrgMode );

      // check r-d cost
      if( csTemp->cost < csBest->cost )
        std::swap( csTemp, csBest );

        uiBestPUMode  = uiOrgMode;
        bestExtendRef = multiRefIdx;
        bestIspOption = cu.ispMode;
#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
        if (emtUsageFlag == 1 && m_pcEncCfg->getFastIntraEMT() && !cu.ispMode)
        if( ( emtUsageFlag == 1 ) && m_pcEncCfg->getFastIntraEMT() )
          m_bestModeCostStore[puIndex] = csBest->cost; //cs.cost;
        if( csBest->cost < bestCurrentCost )
          bestCurrentCost = csBest->cost;
        if( !cu.ispMode )
          bestNormalIntraModeIndex = uiMode;

    } // Mode loop
#if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
    if (!cu.ispMode && !cu.emtFlag)
    cu.ispMode = bestIspOption;

    cs.useSubStructure(*csBest, partitioner.chType, pu.singleChan(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), true, true, keepResi, keepResi);
    cs.useSubStructure( *csBest, partitioner.chType, pu.singleChan( CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ), KEEP_PRED_AND_RESI_SIGNALS, true, keepResi, keepResi );
    //=== update PU data 更新PU数据 ====
    pu.intraDir[0] = uiBestPUMode;
    pu.multiRefIdx = bestExtendRef;

  //===== reset context models 重建上下文模型=====
  m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
