\begin{tikzpicture}[label distance = 2mm]
\draw[->] (-1,0) -- (5,0) node[below,circle,draw,label distance = 1cm,label=right:This is x] {x};
\draw[->] (0,-1) -- (0,4) node[left,rectangle,draw] {y};
\draw[color = green,line width = 3mm] (0,0) -- plot coordinates {(1,0) (1,1) (0,1)} -- cycle;
\draw[color = black,thick,rotate = 45] (3,3) circle (1cm and 2cm);
\draw[step=0.25cm,color = blue] (1,1) grid (3,3);
\tikzstyle{my style}=[yellow,dashed,thick];
\draw[style = my style] (2,0) parabola (3,3);
\draw[style = my style] (1,0) arc (0:90:1cm);
\draw (2,2) circle (2cm);
\draw (2,2) circle (1.5cm);
\draw (2,2) circle (1cm);
\draw (2,2) circle (0.5cm);
\draw (5,4) node [circle,fill=gray!20,label = right:3,label=above:12,label=below:6,label = left:9]{clock};
\draw [thick,dashed,domain=0:2] plot[id = x] function {x*x};
\draw [thick,domain=0:1.5] plot [id = x] function {2*x*x};
\frametitle{tikzpicture .cnt}
\draw[line width=0.2cm,red] (1,1) .. controls (3,3)
and (0,3) .. (2,1);
%\draw (1,0.5) node[draw,shape=circle,anchor=south west]{A} -- (0,0) node[draw,shape=circle,anchor=north east]{B};
\path (1,0.5) node[draw,shape=circle](v0){A};
\path (0,0) node[draw,shape=circle](v1){B};
\draw (v0) -- (v1);
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}
\filldraw[black] (\i,0) circle (1pt);
\foreach \j in {1,...,3}
\filldraw[black] (\j,-1) circle (1pt);
\draw (\i,0) -- (\j,-1);
% \foreach \i/\j in {60/red,120/green,180/blue}
% {
% \draw[\j] (1,1) arc (\i:240:1cm);
% }
\draw[red] (3,1) arc (60:240:1cm);
\draw[green] (3,1) arc (120:240:1cm);
\draw[blue] (3,1) arc (180:240:1cm);
\frametitle{tikzpicture .cnt}
%\draw [thin,red,smooth,domain=0:6.5] plot[id=x] function{sin(2*x)*exp(-x/4)};
%\draw[ycomb,gray,line width=0.3cm] plot coordinates {(1,1) (2,2) (3,3)};
\filldraw[black,thick] (5,1) circle (3);
\filldraw[white] (5,-0.5) circle(1.5);
\clip (5,1) circle (3);
\filldraw[white] (5,-2) rectangle (8,4);
\filldraw[black] (5,2.5) circle (1.5);
\filldraw[white] (5,2.5) circle (0.2cm);
\filldraw[black] (5,-0.5) circle (0.2cm);