
本文为瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学(作者:Erik Henriksson)的硕士论文,共76页。


This thesis focuses on extended targettracking of dynamic objects using automotive radar sensors. The tracking is basedon data from a 360-degree environmental perception system comprising four radarsensors with overlapping fields-of-view. Two solutions are proposed to trackthe states of the objects, which include position, velocity, heading and size.The first algorithm forms clusters based on detections and creates rectanglesthat are used in the update step of an extended target tracker. The secondalgorithm uses a Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density (GMPHD)filter, clusters components of that filter and creates a rectangle around thefiltered components. Evaluation on logged data shows good results for bothsolutions in terms of position and velocity accuracy. However, thedetection-based tracking solution shows a slightly more stable result than thePHD-based solution. When it comes to estimation of the heading and the physicalextension of objects, the proposed solutions differ somewhat, but both producerather poor estimates. Especially at long ranges, the heading and sizeestimates are unstable.

1 引言
1.1 研究目的
1.2 研究目标
1.3 论文概要
2 问题描述
2.1 系统概览
2.2 雷达数据
2.3 问题建模
3 相关理论
3.1 跟踪理论回顾
3.2 滤波
3.3 数据融合
3.4 跟踪处理
3.5 有限集统计
3.6 扩展目标跟踪
3.7 集群
4 本文提出的解决方案
4.1 已有方法的缺点
4.2 本文提出的方法
5 建模与数据预处理
5.1 参考点
5.2 自我运动补偿
5.3 传感器模型
5.4 数据预处理
6 基于检测的方案
6.1 扩展目标初始化
6.2 扩展目标跟踪器
7 基于PHD的方案
7.1 高斯混合的PHD滤波器
7.2 扩展目标提取
8 结果
8.1 基于检测的结果
8.2 基于PHD的结果
9 讨论与结论
9.1 讨论
9.2 结论
9.3 未来工作展望

