1、Bug 18757 - Problem when importing only items in MARC records
The bug is that when MARC Flavour is UNIMARC the XML serialization fails because its is looking in field 100$a which does not exist. You see in logs the error :
Unsupported UNIMARC character encoding [] for XML output for UNIMARC; 100$a
code change:
sub _unimarc_encoding {
my $f = shift;
my $r = shift;
my $pos = 26;
$pos = 13 if (lc($f) eq 'unimarcauth');
my $enc = substr( $r->subfield(100 => 'a'), $pos, 2 );
if ($enc eq '01' || $enc eq '03') {
return 'ISO-8859-1';
} elsif ($enc eq '50') {
return 'UTF-8';
} else {
return 'GBK';
#die "Unsupported UNIMARC character encoding [$enc] for XML output for $f; 100\$a -> " . $r->subfield(100 => 'a');