Java Final关键字与HashMap


Why final is not applied for Map ?

Prabhat Ranjan 
Ranch Hand 

Joined: Oct 04, 2006
Posts: 374 

Map hm= new HashMap(); 


final Map hm= new HashMap(); 
hm.put("hash","test");// this should not allow here as Map i have declared as final. 


but Map hms = Collections.unmodifiable(hm) is working fine.
Matthew Brown 

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Prabhat Ranjan wrote:final Map hm= new  HashMap(); 
hm.put("hash","test");// this should not allow here as Map i have declared as final. 

But hm is still pointing at the same object. final means that the reference can't be altered, not the object itself.
Paul Sturrock 

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hm.put("hash","test");// this should not allow here as Map i have declared as final. [ 

Final does not imply unmodifiable, unless the object is immutable. If you want an unmodifiable map have a look at the Collections class, or alternatively wrap the map in your own custom immutable class.



如果要实现HashMap不可被修改,即如果不可变类的成员变量是可变的(譬如HashMap),我们需要使用深拷贝(deep copy)或者克隆来防止成员变量被更改:

     private final HashMap testMap;
      * 可变对象的访问方法
     public HashMap getTestMap() {
         //return testMap;
         return (HashMap) testMap.clone();

