// Java code usage example
// The @around @CheckPoint (long x) aspect does a high level (distributed)
// logging of the checkpoint
// The @CheckPointParameter annotated method parameters are logged
// as properties with the log
public void annotatedCheckPointMethod(@CheckPointParameter String user) {
// -> results in @Before checkpoint logging
....code ...
}// -> results in @After checkpoint logging
// C# code usage example
// The [CheckPoint (long x)] dynamic proxy interceptor
// aspect does a high level (distributed) logging of the checkpoint
// The [CheckPointParameter] annotated method parameters are logged
// as properties with the log
public void AnnotatedCheckPointMethod([CheckPointParameter] String user)
{// -> results in @Before checkpoint logging
....code ...
}// -> results in @After checkpoint logging
在这篇文章中的实现,我们使用CTW(Compile Time Weaving)和LTW(Load Time Weaving)。
备注3:加载时间编织使用“普通” Spring AOP。“按设计的功能”(您可以称其为错误,约束或其他任何一种)之一是,切面仅适用于接口调用,因为这样您便有了com.sun代理。它不适用于实现类。结果,您需要在接口上定义切面。而且,如果您随后在纵横比高的方法内部调用另一个实现方法,则该纵横比不会执行。
注1:当您执行LTW Spring AOP时,切面类是由Spring Boot的容器加载和管理的,因此自动为您完成了布线。CTW没有这样的事情。Aspect编译器以及您的切面和Spring Boot IOC在开箱即用时效果不佳。您必须手动连接各个切面。否则,您@Autowiring将失败。
* This is plumbing code to connect the CTW aspect to the Spring Boot IOC container
* of your app context.
* Otherwise, the CheckPointAspect is factored by the aspectj compiler,
* and then, your autowiring fails, resulting in nulls for all your @Autowired props.
* So, you need to include this method in all your CTW aspects.
* I suppose the aspectjrt checks if this method is available,
* and then uses it to factor your objects via Spring Boot?
* @return CheckPointAspect
public static CheckPointAspect aspectOf() {
return SpringApplicationContextHolder.getApplicationContext().
//Helper class for your CTW/Spring Boot container wiring stuff
public class SpringApplicationContextHolder implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext = null;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public class AOPTestImpl : AOPTest
// -> invocation point
// @Before is done in the interceptor below, 1. and 2.
public void DoSomething()
// invocation.Proceed() : Method block code goes below here
Debug.Print("3. DoSomething\n");
// 4. @After invocation is done in the interceptor below,
// after the invocation.Proceed(); call
public void DoAction()
public class CheckPointInterceptor : Castle.DynamicProxy.IInterceptor
// As we use PropertiesAutowired() with AutoFac,
// this object is set by the IOC container
public CheckPointClient checkPointClient { get; set; }
public void Intercept(Castle.DynamicProxy.IInvocation invocation)
Debug.Print($"1. @Before Method called {invocation.Method.Name}");
var methodAttributes = invocation.Method.GetCustomAttributes(false);
CheckPointAttribute theCheckPoint =(CheckPointAttribute)methodAttributes.Where
(a => a.GetType() == typeof(CheckPointAttribute)).SingleOrDefault();
if (theCheckPoint == null)
//@before intercepting code goes here
Debug.Print($"2. CheckPointAttribute on method found with cp id =
// This is the actual "implementation method code block".
// @Before code goes above this call
// Any @After method block code goes below here
Debug.Print($"4. @After method: {invocation.Method.Name}");
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
// Create the registered AOPTest object, with the interceptor in between
AOPTest aOPTest = scope.Resolve();
// Call the method, with the [CheckPoint(Id = 10)] on it
public class CheckPointActionAtrribute : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute
// Your custom checkpoint Id for this CheckPoint attribute
public long Id { get; set; }
// @Before
public override void OnActionExecuting
(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters.ActionExecutingContext context)
ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor =
Debug.Print($"1. @Before Method called
var controllerName = actionDescriptor.ControllerName;
var actionName = actionDescriptor.ActionName;
var parameters = actionDescriptor.Parameters;
var fullName = actionDescriptor.DisplayName;
// CheckPointActionAtrribute are not factored by the IOC
CheckPointClient checkPointClient = BootStapper.Resolve();
// @After
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor =
Debug.Print($"3. @After method:
public class ExchangeDefinition {
public static final String CHECKPOINT_EXCHANGE = "ricta.checkpoint.exchange";
public static final String KEY_CHECKPOINT_REQUEST = "checkpoint.check.request";
public class CheckPointExchangeConfig implements RabbitListenerConfigurer {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
public Exchange checkPointEventExchange() {
return new TopicExchange(CHECKPOINT_EXCHANGE);
public void configureRabbitListeners(final RabbitListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
public Jackson2JsonMessageConverter producerJackson2MessageConverter() {
return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
public MappingJackson2MessageConverter consumerJackson2MessageConverter() {
return new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
public DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory messageHandlerMethodFactory() {
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory factory = new DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory();
return factory;
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
final RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory);
return rabbitTemplate;
public class QueueDefinition {
public class CheckPointQueueConfig implements RabbitListenerConfigurer {
public Queue queueCheckpointRequest() {
return new Queue(QueueDefinition.QUEUE_CHECKPOINT_REQUEST);
public Binding checkPointRequestBinding
(Queue queueCheckpointRequest, Exchange checkPointEventExchange) {
return BindingBuilder
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory messageHandlerMethodFactory;
public void configureRabbitListeners(final RabbitListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
using (var connection = ConnectionFactory.CreateConnection())
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
// At one place in time, you have to declare the exchange and topic queues, and bind them
var queue = channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "checkpoint.check.request",
durable: true,
exclusive: false,
autoDelete: false,
arguments: null);
string message = Id.ToString();
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
IBasicProperties props = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
props.AppId = "DEMO-APP";
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
long unixTime = ((DateTimeOffset)now).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
props.Timestamp = new AmqpTimestamp(unixTime);
props.Type = "application/json";
props.Headers = new Dictionary
{ "__TypeId__", "java.lang.String" }
channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "ricta.checkpoint.exchange",
routingKey: "checkpoint.check.request",
basicProperties: props,
body: body);
Console.WriteLine(" [x] Sent {0}", message);
var factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = "localhost" };
// create connection
_connection = factory.CreateConnection();
// create channel
_channel = _connection.CreateModel();
_channel.ExchangeDeclare("ricta.checkpoint.exchange", ExchangeType.Topic, true);
_channel.QueueDeclare("ricta.check.request", true, false, false, null);
_channel.QueueBind("ricta.check.request", "ricta.checkpoint.exchange",
"checkpoint.check.*", null);
_channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
// Create Consumer of messages
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(_channel);
consumer.Received += (ch, ea) =>
// handle the received message
_channel.BasicAck(ea.DeliveryTag, false);
private void HandleMessage(BasicDeliverEventArgs args)
// received message, app id and time
var content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(args.Body);
var appId = args.BasicProperties.AppId;
var checkTime = System.DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds
Given a sorted linked list, delete all duplicates such that each element appear only once.
For example,Given 1->1->2, return 1->2.Given 1->1->2->3->3, return&
package singleton;
public class Singleton {
public final static Singleton INSTANCE = new S