iOS 添加内阴影

CAShapeLayer* shadowLayer = [CAShapeLayerlayer];


// Standard shadow stuff




// Causes the inner region in this example to NOT be filled.


// Create the larger rectangle path.

CGMutablePathRefpath =CGPathCreateMutable();

CGPathAddRect(path,NULL,CGRectInset(_imageView.bounds, -42, -42));

// Add the inner path so it's subtracted from the outer path.

// someInnerPath could be a simple bounds rect, or maybe

// a rounded one for some extra fanciness.

CGPathRefsomeInnerPath = [UIBezierPathbezierPathWithRoundedRect:_imageView.boundscornerRadius:10.0f].CGPath;

CGPathAddPath(path,NULL, someInnerPath);





CAShapeLayer* maskLayer = [CAShapeLayerlayer];



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