你要的 Spark AI Summit 2020 PPT 我已经给你整理好了

为期五天的 Spark Summit North America 2020在美国时间 2020-06-22 ~ 06-26 举行。由于今年新冠肺炎的影响,本次会议第一次以线上的形式进行。这次会议虽然是五天,但是前两天是培训,后面三天才是正式会议。本次会议一共有超过210个议题,一如既往,主题也主要是 Spark + AI,在 AI 方面会议还深入讨论一些流行的软件框架,如 Delta Lake、MLflow、TensorFlow、SciKit-Learn、Keras、PyTorch、DeepLearning4J、BigDL 和 deep learning pipeline等。会议的全部日程请参见:https://databricks.com/sparkaisummit/north-america-2020/agenda

这次会议带来了几点比较重要消息:数砖收购 Redash 公司,发布 Delta Engine等,不过目前 KeyNote 会议的 PPT 还没有发布,感兴趣的可以看下相关视频。过往记忆大数据也在前几天发了几篇这次会议 KeyNote 的介绍,感兴趣的同学可以看 《马铁大神的 Apache Spark 十年回顾》、Spark 背后的商业公司收购的 Redash 是个啥?以及 全方位解读数砖的 Delta Engine

下面是马铁的 Spark 十年回顾和 Delta Engine 的视频:


你要的 Spark AI Summit 2020 PPT 我已经给你整理好了_第1张图片如果想及时了解Spark、Hadoop或者Hbase相关的文章,欢迎关注微信公共帐号:iteblog_hadoop


Apache Spark™, Delta Lake, MLflow 以及 Koalas 未来规划;管理机器学习生命周期的最佳实践构建大规模可靠数据管道的技巧流行的深度学习和机器学习框架的最新发展真实的 AI 用户案例


关注微信公众号 过往记忆大数据 或者 Java技术范 并回复 spark-9832 获取。


下面议题提供 PPT 下载

Data Science Across Data Sources with Apache ArrowPortable Scalable Data Visualization Techniques for Apache Spark and Python Notebook-based AnalyticsNative Support of Prometheus Monitoring in Apache Spark 3.0Performant Streaming in Production: Preventing Common Pitfalls when Productionizing Streaming JobsScaling Security Threat Detection with Apache Spark and DatabricksUser Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love StoryPowering Interactive BI Analytics with Presto and Delta LakeUsing AI to Support Proliferating Merchant ChangesTuning ML Models: Scaling, Workflows, and ArchitectureBattling Model Decay with Deep Learning and GamificationAn Approach to Data Quality for Netflix Personalization SystemsHigh-Performance Analytics with Probabilistic Data Structures: the Power of HyperLogLogPreventing Abuse Using Unsupervised LearningGeospatial Analytics at Scale: Analyzing Human Movement Patterns During a PandemicLeveraging Apache Spark for Scalable Data Prep and Inference in Deep LearningFiltering vs Enriching Data in Apache SparkScalable Acceleration of XGBoost Training on Apache Spark GPU ClustersDeep Dive into GPU Support in Apache Spark 3.xSputnik: Airbnb’s Apache Spark Framework for Data EngineeringPatterns and Anti-Patterns for Memorializing Data Science Project ArtifactsAutomated and Explainable Deep Learning for Clinical Language Understanding at RocheBuilding Understanding Out of Incomplete and Biased Datasets using Machine Learning and DatabricksEncryption and Masking for Sensitive Apache Spark Analytics Addressing CCPA and GovernanceManaging ADLS gen2 using Apache SparkUsing Apache Spark and Differential Privacy for Protecting the Privacy of the 2020 Census RespondentsThe 2020 Census and Innovation in Surveysscaling-data-and-ml-with-apache-spark-and-feastThe Apache Spark File Format EcosystemBuilding the Petcare Data Platform using Delta Lake and 'Kyte': Our Spark ETL PipelineA Production Quality Sketching Library for the Analysis of Big DataChildren Safety Retrieval (CENSER) System for Retrieval of Kidnapped Children from Brothels in IndiaBenchmark Tests and How-Tos of Convolutional Neural Network on HorovodRunner Enabled Apache Spark ClustersScalable AutoML for Time Series Forecasting using RayUsing Machine Learning to Evolve Sports EntertainmentUsing Bayesian Generative Models with Apache Spark to Solve Entity Resolution Problems (DeDup, Merging, Uniqueness) at ScaleFine Tuning and Enhancing Performance of Apache Spark JobsAll In - Migrating a Genomics Pipeline from BASH/Hive to Spark (Azure Databricks) - A Real World Case StudyRunning Apache Spark on Kubernetes: Best Practices and PitfallsLessons Learned from Modernizing USCIS Data Analytics PlatformOn Improving Broadcast Joins in Apache Spark SQLUsing Databricks as an Analysis PlatformIs This Thing On? A Well State Model for the PeopleAdvanced Natural Language Processing with Apache Spark NLPBuilding a Streaming Microservice Architecture: with Apache Spark Structured Streaming and FriendsSimplify and Boost Spark 3 Deployments with Hypervisor-Native KubernetesDeploying Apache Spark Jobs on Kubernetes with Helm and Spark OperatorResource-Efficient Deep Learning Model Selection on Apache SparkBring Satellite and Drone Imagery into your Data Science WorkflowsScoring at Scale: Generating Follow Recommendations for Over 690 Million LinkedIn MembersFrom HDFS to S3: Migrate Pinterest Apache Spark ClustersSparkCruise: Automatic Computation Reuse in Apache SparkChromatic Sparse LearningDeploy and Serve Model from Azure Databricks onto Azure Machine LearningCloud-Native Apache Spark Scheduling with YuniKorn SchedulerThe Revolution Will be StreamedDemocratizing PySpark for Mobile Game PublishingRay: Enterprise-Grade, Distributed PythonFugue: Unifying Spark and Non-Spark Ecosystems for Big Data AnalyticsEnabling Scalable Data Science Pipeline with Mlflow at Thermo Fisher ScientificScaling Up AI Research to Production with PyTorch and MLFlowBest Practices for Building Robust Data Platform with Apache Spark and DeltaBuilding a Pipeline for State-of-the-Art Natural Language Processing Using Hugging Face ToolsDesigning the Next Generation of Data Pipelines at Zillow with Apache SparkLessons from Building Large-Scale, Multi-Cloud, SaaS Software at DatabricksFlash for Apache Spark Shuffle with CoscoBuilding a Real-Time Feature Store at iFood


1、Spark 背后的商业公司收购的 Redash 是个啥?

2、马铁大神的 Apache Spark 十年回顾

3、YARN 在字节跳动的优化与实践

4、Apache Spark 3.0.0 正式版终于发布了,重要特性全面解析


你可能感兴趣的:(你要的 Spark AI Summit 2020 PPT 我已经给你整理好了)