

The new text by Levanon and Mozeson (2004)addresses the widening variety of radar waveforms in detail.


A recent text by Sullivan (2000) isinteresting especially for its introductory coverage of both SAR and space-timeadaptive processing (STAP), thus providing a bridge between basic signalprocessing and more advanced texts specializing in SAR and STAP.

1.6.3. 高级雷达信号处理

1.6.3. Advanced Radar Signal Processing


Two very active areas of advanced radarsignal processing research are SAR imaging and STAP.


SAR research extends back to 1951, but onlyin the 1990s did open literature textbooks begin to appear in the market.


There are now many good textbooks on SAR.


The first comprehensive text was byCurlander and McDonough (1991).


Based on experience gained at the NASA JetPropulsion Laboratory, it emphasizes space-based SAR and includes a strongcomponent of scattering theory as well.


Cumming and Wong (2005) is a newer textthat also emphasizes spaced-based SAR.


The spotlight SAR mode receivedconsiderable development in the 1990s, and two major groups published competingtexts in the mid-1990s.

Carrara、Goodman和Majewski(1995)代表了密歇根环境研究所(ERIM,现在是通用动力公司(General Dynamics, Inc.)的一部分;Jakowatz, Jr.等人(1996)代表了美国能源部下属的桑迪亚国家实验室研究团队的工作。

Carrara, Goodman, and Majewski (1995) represented the work of the group atthe Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM, now a part of GeneralDynamics, Inc.); Jakowatz, Jr., et al. (1996) represented the work of a groupat Sandia National Laboratories, a unit of the U.S. Department of Energy.

Franceschetti和Lanari (1999) 提供了对SAR成像的两种主要模式(即条带和聚束)的紧凑、统一的处理。

Franceschetti and Lanari (1999) provide acompact, unified treatment of both major modes of SAR imaging, namely stripmapand spotlight.


The book by Soumekh (1999) is the mostcomplete academic reference on synthetic aperture imaging and includes a numberof MATLAB simulation resources.


STAP, one of the most active radar signalprocessing research areas, began in earnest in 1973 and is correspondingly lessmature than SAR processing.


Klemm (1998) wrote the first significantopen literature text on the subject.


Just as with the Curlander and McDonough bookin the SAR community, this book was the first sign that a series of STAP textscan be expected as that research topic matures and reaches mainstream use.

Guerci(2003)是关于STAP主题的最新入门书籍,而Van Trees(2002)撰写了一本详细的书籍,那是关于检测和估计的经典系列。

The book by Guerci (2003) is the newestprimer on this subject at this writing, while Van Trees (2002) prepared adetailed text that continues his classic series on detection and estimation.


Additionally, there are other texts on morelimited forms of adaptive interference rejection.


A good example is the one by Nitzberg(1999), which discusses several forms of sidelobe cancellers.


An excellent new book covering a wide rangeof advanced radar signal processing techniques, including such new topics asmulti-input, multi-output radar, and compressive sensing, is the companionvolume to (Richards et al., 2010) by Melvin and Scheer (2013).

——本文译自Mark A. Richards所著的《Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing(Second edition)》

